


Oneleaf讨论 | 贡献2007年5月14日 (一) 14:51的版本

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Billy AM <aka> WickedPuppy

About Me

Name: Billy AM

Location: Singapore

Age: 22

Homepage: Coming Soon! :P

I am an IT Diploma student who has been using Linux since 98/99. I have been programming since 2000 when I started out with Java. Currently , I am into Python/PHP development. I am also a member of the local Linux User Group for some times and also active advocate in my school.

Ubuntu Participation

I have not started working on Ubuntu although I am currently involved in other FOSS projects. I am also active helper in #ubuntu on Freenode.

I am interested in developing and debugging Ubuntu and Ubuntu packages on part-time basis.

Contact Infomration

e-mail: [email protected]

IRC Nickname: wickedpuppy