


Oneleaf讨论 | 贡献2007年5月14日 (一) 14:12的版本

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Announcement letter of Network Manager 0.6 and KNetworkManager availability

Dear users, developers, contributors, and everyone else,

I would like to express my personal gratitude to everyone who helped this happen. In the last couple of days we were working hard to bring you the most recent packages on n-m 0.6 with WPA and 802.1x support, along with KNetworkManager for Kubuntu.

We are glad to have such a great community, and we are glad to to say that we have those packages ready for you.

Altought we have tested those packages, and we believe they do work, we were unable to test all usage cases, specific hardware and such, and therefore we need your help.

You can direct to us all of your criticsm, issues, compliments.

It'll help us go on, and make the packages work perfect for everyone. _

For instructions on how to get Network Manager 0.6 and/or KNetworkManager please visit, according to your needs:

Network-Manager 0.6


Credits for the work:

Maintainers of Dapper Network Manager 0.6: Johan Kiviniemi, Mario Danic

Contributions to Dapper Network Manager 0.6: Adam Conrad for building l-r-m packages

Maintainers of KNetworkManager: Luka Renko, Anthony Mercatante

Other contributions:

libnl, a dependency of n-m 0.6 (by TomParker)

wpasupplicant 0.4 with the required feature for n-m backported from 0.5 (by ReinhardTartler)

NOTE: This is for Dapper, so use this only on Dapper _

In behalf of everyone who worked hard to get you this in time,

Kind regards and happy testing,

Mario Danic

NOTE: New kernel builds are on the way, and once that happens our L-R-M package will be overwritten. Once the new kernel builds are out, we will work hard to rebuild the package, so that it works for new kernel build as well. When that happen, you can just upgrade the system.