

{{#ifexist: :ZabbixManual1.4/Glossary/zh/zh | | {{#ifexist: ZabbixManual1.4/Glossary/zh/zh | | {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:ZabbixManual1.4/Glossary/zh|1|-1|}} | zh | | }} }} }} {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:ZabbixManual1.4/Glossary/zh|1|-1|}} | zh | | }}


Active(主动模式)指的是 Zabbix 代理运行的一种模式。当进入该模式时,代理可以掌握在什么时间间隔向服务器发送了什么内容。代理可以在设定的时间间隔中询问服务器以掌握向服务器发送了什么内容。

Active checker(主动探测器)

Active checker(主动探测器) 可以从 Zabbix 代理所在的系统中收集操作信息,并将其数据报告给 Zabbix 以便进一步处理。


Action(动作)是当触发器被触发时所产生的回应。Action(动作)可以被配置为向在 Zabbix 中定义的特定用户组发送基于它们媒体类型设置的消息,或运行远程命令。


Agent(代理) 指的是运行在被监控主机上的程序。它作为一个服务运行并且可以同时处理主动和被动地检测。




Auto-registration(自动注册)指的是 Zabbix 的一个功能,它允许主机可以自动把自己注册到 Zabbix 服务器上。这需要管理员通过在 Web 界面上来进行配置,定义一个特殊的主机名如“*-Linux”并为基于项目模板的主机定义项目。


Zabbix 的自动发现模块可以自动发现主机和服务并为进一步处理生成事件。




Graphs can refer to the simple graphs that are available for each numerical Item that is monitored, or it can refer to custom graphs which can be used to show several numerical Items in one graph.


Host refers to the machine that is being monitored.


Housekeeper refers to the service within the ZABBIX server that cleans the ZABBIX database of old actions, events, history, and trend data as defined by the user. Housekeeping of Actions and Events is defined in General settings. History and trend data is defined per item.

IT Services

IT Services refers to a feature within ZABBIX that allows users to define an SLA and have ZABBIX keep track of the expected SLA and actual SLA. IT Services are defined as groups of triggers and can be configured to calculate the minimum of a group or maximum of a group.


Item refers to an individual item that is monitored on a host, such as load average or response time. Item can refer to an item obtained via the ZABBIX agent, SNMP, or other means. Items can be configured as float, 64-bit integers, character strings, or log values.


Environment monitored by a single Node.


Map refers to a feature of ZABBIX that allows users to create customized graphics via the web interface to create network maps and define links between Hosts on the map. Links can be configured to change color or style based on Triggers.

Master or Master Node

Master Node. Master Node may have one or several Slaves.Master Node can control configuration of the Slaves.

Media Type

Media Types are used to notify ZABBIX users when an Action has occurred. Media types can be via email or custom scripts. Media Types are configured globally to be made available to all Users, and then specified per User to allow certain Users to be notified via one media type, and other users to be notified via another media type.


ZABBIX Server in distributed setup monitoring number of hosts.

Node ID

Node ID is a unique number which identifies Node. Each Node must have its own unique Node ID.

Node Watcher

ZABBIX Server process which takes care of inter-node communications.


Queue refers to the internal queue of items the ZABBIX server is monitoring. Based on the specified intervals of items the ZABBIX server maintains a queue to keep track of the items and when it should poll them.


Passive refers to a mode that the ZABBIX Agent can run in. When running passively, the agent waits for requests for items from the server and sends them back as requested. It should be noted that typically the agent runs in both modes, and the modes are defined by the Item when it is configured.


ZABBIX Server process which processes ICMP pings.


ZABBIX Server process which is responsible for retrieval of data from ZABBIX and SNMP agents and processing remote (simple) checks.


Return on Investment.


Screen refers to another customizable feature of ZABBIX which allows users to create custom pages within ZABBIX for displaying information. A screen can consist of graphs (custom), simple graphs, maps, or plain text such as the last 5 values of a particular item.


ZABBIX utility which sends data to ZABBIX Server for further processing. It usually used in user scripts.


Server refers to the program that is run on a centralized machine that has been deemed the “monitoring station”. The server is run as a service and is in charge of keeping track of all the configured hosts, items, actions, alerts, etc.


SLA refers to Service Level Agreement. These are typically used in contracts between companies and clients in order to define a certain level of service such as 99.5% availability of a particular Host.

Slave or Slave Node

Slave Node is linked to a Master Node. Slave Nodes reports to Master Node.


A Template is a Host that has a defined set of Items, Triggers, etc. which Hosts can be linked to. This allows easier configuration of hosts and changes to hosts without having to change each individual host. Host Templates are no different from other hosts except that their status is set to ‘Template’ during configuration and as such no Host is actually monitored.


ZABBIX Server process responsible for processing of date and time related functions of trigger expressions.


ZABBIX Server process responsible for processing of ZABBIX Agent (active) checks, log files and data sent by sender.


A trigger is used to define constraints on items and provide notifications when these constraints are exceeded. For example, you could be monitoring load average on a specific host and want to know when load average exceeds 1.0. Triggers are very flexible and can allow for multiple constraints.


The ZABBIX web front-end can be configured to allow access to multiple users at varying levels of access. Users can be allowed anonymous access via the guest account and be allowed to view all available data but not modify any changes, or users can be given access to only view or modify specific sections of ZABBIX.

User parameter

User Parameter (UserParameter) refers to custom scripts defined in an agent’s configuration file. User parameters are defined by a key and command. The key refers to the item defined in the web interface and can be configured to accept arguments as sent by the server.


ZABBIX Software


Latvian company that develops and provides support for ZABBIX.