


Oneleaf讨论 | 贡献2007年5月14日 (一) 12:16的版本

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Aaron Thul


Aaron Thul, co-Founder of eXo2 Networks, is new to Ubuntu and Kubuntu. He enjoys the challenges of bringing open source tools to bear on problems in industry. Apache, mod_perl, PostgreSQL and Slony-I are among his favorite problem-solving toys. His passion for promoting open source technology has led him to become Con Chair of UbuntuWiki:PenguiCon 4.0, which is the first convention ever to bring together two disparate communities that share a love of innovative thought: the open source community and science fiction fans. PenguiCon is currently one of the two largest science fiction conventions in Michigan. Open source community panelists at past PenguiCons have included Nat Torkington, Cory Doctorow and Eric Raymond.

For more information head over to my home page: http://www.mtu.net/~aaron