
Wl1336412留言 | 贡献2007年5月15日 (二) 22:07的版本

正在编辑如何获得 Ubuntu 系统

现在下载 - [Download the Ubuntu, Edubuntu or Kubuntu CD installer to your computer now.]

Please note: the CD Installer is nearly 700M. If you don't have a fast internet connection you may want to consider requesting a CD.

- Request a free Ubuntu, Edubuntu or Kubuntu CD from Canonical.[申请一个免费 CD]
   * Delivery typically takes 6 weeks
   * Each Ubuntu CD can be used thousands of times - it is free to use on as many computers as you wish and to pass on to others.
- Buy a CD or DVD with Ubuntu, Edubuntu or Kubuntu CD, or a large number of CDs from a distributor near you. 

If you are in North America you can get Ubuntu and Kubuntu on DVD from[购买 CD 或 DVD]