Blender2.5x-2.6完全教程 2.4.6


第 2.4.5 节 大纲列表编辑器 (outliner)

View 视图
Show Restriction Columns Show column
Show Active . (点号) Adjust the view so that the active object is show centered
Show/Hide One Level + (数字键盘) Expand/collapse all entries by one level
((Hide One Level) - (数字键盘)
Show Hierarchy Home Open all object entries and close all others
Duplicate Area into New Window duplicate selected area into new window
Toggle Full Screen Ctrl Up Arrow (Ctrl ↑ 向上键) Toggle display selected area as fullscreen
Library 目
Library 目

  • 3D View视图中默认已经选中Cube立方体 ⇒

请参考第 2.4.4 节

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