
Corey留言 | 贡献
新页面: 我的一些设置保存,以后修改! plugin<br>---------------<br>taglist.vim<br>encode_japan.vim<br>readcsv.vim<br>NERD_commenter.vim<br>supertab.vim<br>util_corey.vim colors<br>...
Corey留言 | 贡献
第37行: 第37行:
func SetHighlightCurrentLine()<br> call CancleHighlightCurrentLine()<br> hi CurrentLine ctermbg=darkgrey guibg=darkgrey term=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE<br> au! Cursorhold * exe 'match CurrentLine /\%' . line('.') . 'l.*/'<br> au! InsertEnter * match none<br> set ut=60<br>endfun
func SetHighlightCurrentLine()<br> call CancleHighlightCurrentLine()<br> hi CurrentLine ctermbg=darkgrey guibg=darkgrey term=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE<br> au! Cursorhold * exe 'match CurrentLine /\%' . line('.') . 'l.*/'<br> au! InsertEnter * match none<br> set ut=60<br>endfun

" Section: Comment mapping setup {{{1<br>" ===========================================================================<br>" This is where the mappings calls are made that set up the commenting key<br>" mappings.<br>" set up the mappings to trim space at the line's end<br>execute 'nnoremap &lt;silent&gt;' . ',te' . ' :call TrimEndSpace()&lt;cr&gt;'<br>execute 'vnoremap &lt;silent&gt;' . ',te' . ' &lt;ESC&gt;:call TrimEndSpace()&lt;cr&gt;'
" Section: Comment mapping setup {{{1<br>" ===========================================================================<br>" This is where the mappings calls are made that set up the commenting key<br>" mappings.<br>" set up the mappings to trim space at the line's end<br>execute 'nnoremap &lt;silent&gt;' . ',te' . '&nbsp;:call TrimEndSpace()&lt;cr&gt;'<br>execute 'vnoremap &lt;silent&gt;' . ',te' . ' &lt;ESC&gt;:call TrimEndSpace()&lt;cr&gt;'

" set up the mappings to trim space line<br>execute 'nnoremap &lt;silent&gt;' . ',tl' . ' :call TrimSpaceLine()&lt;cr&gt;'<br>execute 'vnoremap &lt;silent&gt;' . ',tl' . ' &lt;ESC&gt;:call TrimSpaceLine()&lt;cr&gt;'
" set up the mappings to trim space line<br>execute 'nnoremap &lt;silent&gt;' . ',tl' . '&nbsp;:call TrimSpaceLine()&lt;cr&gt;'<br>execute 'vnoremap &lt;silent&gt;' . ',tl' . ' &lt;ESC&gt;:call TrimSpaceLine()&lt;cr&gt;'

" set up the mappings to Cancle and set Highlight Current Line<br>execute 'nnoremap &lt;silent&gt;' . 'mm' . ' :call CancleHighlightCurrentLine()&lt;cr&gt;'<br>execute 'vnoremap &lt;silent&gt;' . 'mm' . ' &lt;ESC&gt;:call CancleHighlightCurrentLine()&lt;cr&gt;'
" set up the mappings to Cancle and set Highlight Current Line<br>execute 'nnoremap &lt;silent&gt;' . 'mm' . '&nbsp;:call CancleHighlightCurrentLine()&lt;cr&gt;'<br>execute 'vnoremap &lt;silent&gt;' . 'mm' . ' &lt;ESC&gt;:call CancleHighlightCurrentLine()&lt;cr&gt;'

execute 'nnoremap &lt;silent&gt;' . 'mn' . ' :call SetHighlightCurrentLine()&lt;cr&gt;'<br>execute 'vnoremap &lt;silent&gt;' . 'mn' . ' &lt;ESC&gt;:call SetHighlightCurrentLine()&lt;cr&gt;'
execute 'nnoremap &lt;silent&gt;' . 'mn' . '&nbsp;:call SetHighlightCurrentLine()&lt;cr&gt;'<br>execute 'vnoremap &lt;silent&gt;' . 'mn' . ' &lt;ESC&gt;:call SetHighlightCurrentLine()&lt;cr&gt;'

execute 'nnoremap &lt;silent&gt;' . 'mv' . ' :call SetHighlightUnderLine()&lt;cr&gt;'<br>execute 'vnoremap &lt;silent&gt;' . 'mv' . ' &lt;ESC&gt;:call SetHighlightUnderLine()&lt;cr&gt;'
execute 'nnoremap &lt;silent&gt;' . 'mv' . '&nbsp;:call SetHighlightUnderLine()&lt;cr&gt;'<br>execute 'vnoremap &lt;silent&gt;' . 'mv' . ' &lt;ESC&gt;:call SetHighlightUnderLine()&lt;cr&gt;'

"NewTabpage<br>execute 'nnoremap &lt;silent&gt;' . 'tt' . ' :call NewTabpage()&lt;cr&gt;'<br>execute 'vnoremap &lt;silent&gt;' . 'tt' . ' &lt;ESC&gt;:call NewTabpage()&lt;cr&gt;'
"NewTabpage<br>execute 'nnoremap &lt;silent&gt;' . 'tt' . '&nbsp;:call NewTabpage()&lt;cr&gt;'<br>execute 'vnoremap &lt;silent&gt;' . 'tt' . ' &lt;ESC&gt;:call NewTabpage()&lt;cr&gt;'

" Section: Menu item setup {{{1<br>" ===========================================================================<br>"check if the user wants the menu to be displayed <br>if 1 != 0
" Section: Menu item setup {{{1<br>" ===========================================================================<br>"check if the user wants the menu to be displayed <br>if 1&nbsp;!= 0

let menuRoot = '&amp;Plugin.&amp;util'<br> <br> execute 'menu &lt;silent&gt; '. menuRoot .'.-Sep- :'<br> execute 'nmenu &lt;silent&gt; '. menuRoot .'.Trim\ End\ Space&lt;TAB&gt;' .<br>escape(',te', '\') . ' :call TrimEndSpace()&lt;CR&gt;'<br> execute 'nmenu &lt;silent&gt; '. menuRoot .'.Trim\ Space\ Line&lt;TAB&gt;' . <br>escape(',tl', '\') . ' :call TrimSpaceLine()&lt;CR&gt;'
let menuRoot = '&amp;Plugin.&amp;util'<br> <br> execute 'menu &lt;silent&gt; '. menuRoot .'.-Sep-&nbsp;:'<br> execute 'nmenu &lt;silent&gt; '. menuRoot .'.Trim\ End\ Space&lt;TAB&gt;' .<br>escape(',te', '\') . '&nbsp;:call TrimEndSpace()&lt;CR&gt;'<br> execute 'nmenu &lt;silent&gt; '. menuRoot .'.Trim\ Space\ Line&lt;TAB&gt;' . <br>escape(',tl', '\') . '&nbsp;:call TrimSpaceLine()&lt;CR&gt;'

execute 'menu &lt;silent&gt; '. menuRoot .'.-Sep2- :'<br> execute 'nmenu &lt;silent&gt; '. menuRoot .'.Cancle\ Highlight\ CurrentLine&lt;TAB&gt;' .<br> escape('mm', '\') . ' :call CancleHighlightCurrentLine()&lt;CR&gt;'<br> execute 'nmenu &lt;silent&gt; '. menuRoot .'.Set\ Highlight\ CurrentLine&lt;TAB&gt;' .<br> escape('mn', '\') . ' :call SetHighlightCurrentLine()&lt;CR&gt;'<br> execute 'nmenu &lt;silent&gt; '. menuRoot .'.Set\ Underline\ CurrentLine&lt;TAB&gt;' .<br> escape('mv', '\') . ' :call SetHighlightUnderLine()&lt;CR&gt;'
execute 'menu &lt;silent&gt; '. menuRoot .'.-Sep2-&nbsp;:'<br> execute 'nmenu &lt;silent&gt; '. menuRoot .'.Cancle\ Highlight\ CurrentLine&lt;TAB&gt;' .<br> escape('mm', '\') . '&nbsp;:call CancleHighlightCurrentLine()&lt;CR&gt;'<br> execute 'nmenu &lt;silent&gt; '. menuRoot .'.Set\ Highlight\ CurrentLine&lt;TAB&gt;' .<br> escape('mn', '\') . '&nbsp;:call SetHighlightCurrentLine()&lt;CR&gt;'<br> execute 'nmenu &lt;silent&gt; '. menuRoot .'.Set\ Underline\ CurrentLine&lt;TAB&gt;' .<br> escape('mv', '\') . '&nbsp;:call SetHighlightUnderLine()&lt;CR&gt;'

execute 'menu &lt;silent&gt; '. menuRoot .'.-Sep3- :'<br> execute 'nmenu &lt;silent&gt; '. menuRoot .'.New\ Tabpage&lt;TAB&gt;' . escape('tt', '\') .<br> ' :call NewTabpage()&lt;CR&gt;'<br> execute 'nmenu &lt;silent&gt; '. menuRoot .'.Insert\ Number,\ 0\ Ahead&lt;TAB&gt;' .<br> escape(' ', '\') . ' :call Insert_0_Number()&lt;CR&gt;'<br> execute 'nmenu &lt;silent&gt; '. menuRoot .'.Insert\ Number,\ No\ 0&lt;TAB&gt;' .<br> escape(' ', '\') . ' :call Insert_Number()&lt;CR&gt;'
execute 'menu &lt;silent&gt; '. menuRoot .'.-Sep3-&nbsp;:'<br> execute 'nmenu &lt;silent&gt; '. menuRoot .'.New\ Tabpage&lt;TAB&gt;' . escape('tt', '\') .<br> '&nbsp;:call NewTabpage()&lt;CR&gt;'<br> execute 'nmenu &lt;silent&gt; '. menuRoot .'.Insert\ Number,\ 0\ Ahead&lt;TAB&gt;' .<br> escape(' ', '\') . '&nbsp;:call Insert_0_Number()&lt;CR&gt;'<br> execute 'nmenu &lt;silent&gt; '. menuRoot .'.Insert\ Number,\ No\ 0&lt;TAB&gt;' .<br> escape(' ', '\') . '&nbsp;:call Insert_Number()&lt;CR&gt;'

endif<br>" vim: set foldmethod=marker :
endif<br>" vim: set foldmethod=marker&nbsp;:

----------gvimrc---------------------<br>set nowrap<br>set expandtab<br>set noignorecase<br>set guioptions+=b
gvimrc---------------------<br>set nowrap<br>set expandtab<br>set noignorecase<br>set guioptions+=b

:call SetHighlightUnderLine()
:call SetHighlightUnderLine()
第65行: 第67行:
"au GUIEnter * simalt ~x "maximum the initial window
"au GUIEnter * simalt ~x "maximum the initial window

map &lt;C-tab&gt; :call SelectTabpage()&lt;CR&gt;<br>map &lt;F6&gt; :call SaveP()&lt;CR&gt;<br>map &lt;F5&gt; :call ReloadP()&lt;CR&gt;<br>" input the tab, need to comment out [set expandtab]<br>inoremap &lt;S-t&gt; &lt;tab&gt;
map &lt;C-tab&gt;&nbsp;:call SelectTabpage()&lt;CR&gt;<br>map &lt;F6&gt;&nbsp;:call SaveP()&lt;CR&gt;<br>map &lt;F5&gt;&nbsp;:call ReloadP()&lt;CR&gt;<br>" input the tab, need to comment out [set expandtab]<br>inoremap &lt;S-t&gt; &lt;tab&gt;
if has("statusline")<br> set statusline=%&lt;%f\ %h%m%r%=%{\"[\".<br> (&amp;fenc==\"\"?&amp;enc:&amp;fenc).\"]\ \"}%k\ %-14.(%l,%c%V%)\ %P<br>endif<br>" ==========================================================================<br>
# NSIS file to create a self-installing exe for Vim.<br># It requires NSIS version 2.0 or later.<br># Last change: 2004 May 02
# WARNING: if you make changes to this script, look out for $0 to be valid,<br># because uninstall deletes most files in $0.
# Location of gvim_ole.exe, vimd32.exe, GvimExt/*, etc.<br>!define VIMSRC "..\src"
# Location of runtime files<br>!define VIMRT ".."
# Location of extra tools: diff.exe<br> !define VIMTOOLS ..\..
# Comment the next line if you don't have UPX.<br># Get it at http://upx.sourceforge.net<br># !define HAVE_UPX
# comment the next line if you do not want to add Native Language Support<br>!define HAVE_NLS
!define VER_MAJOR 7<br>!define VER_MINOR 1
# ----------- No configurable settings below this line -----------
!include UpgradeDLL.nsh # for VisVim.dll
Name "Vim ${VER_MAJOR}.${VER_MINOR}"<br>OutFile gvim${VER_MAJOR}${VER_MINOR}.exe<br>CRCCheck force<br>SetCompressor lzma<br>SetDatablockOptimize on
ComponentText "This will install Vim ${VER_MAJOR}.${VER_MINOR} on your computer."<br>DirText "Choose a directory to install Vim (must end in 'vim')"<br>Icon icons\vim_16i.ico<br># NSIS2 uses a different strategy with six diferent images in a strip...<br>#EnabledBitmap icons\enabled.bmp<br>#DisabledBitmap icons\disabled.bmp<br>UninstallText "This will uninstall Vim ${VER_MAJOR}.${VER_MINOR} from your system."<br>UninstallIcon icons\vim_uninst_16c.ico
# On NSIS 2 using the BGGradient causes trouble on Windows 98, in combination<br># with the BringToFront.<br># BGGradient 004000 008200 FFFFFF<br>LicenseText "You should read the following before installing:"<br>LicenseData ${VIMRT}\doc\uganda.nsis.txt
!ifdef HAVE_UPX<br> !packhdr temp.dat "upx --best --compress-icons=1 temp.dat"<br>!endif
# This adds '\vim' to the user choice automagically. The actual value is<br># obtained below with ReadINIStr.<br>InstallDir "$PROGRAMFILES\Vim"
# Types of installs we can perform:<br>InstType Typical<br>InstType Minimal<br>InstType Full
SilentInstall normal
# These are the pages we use<br>Page license<br>Page components<br>Page directory "" "" CheckInstallDir<br>Page instfiles<br>UninstPage uninstConfirm<br>UninstPage instfiles
##########################################################<br># Functions
Function .onInit<br> MessageBox MB_YESNO|MB_ICONQUESTION \<br> "This will install Vim ${VER_MAJOR}.${VER_MINOR} on your computer.$\n Continue?" \<br> IDYES NoAbort<br> Abort ; causes installer to quit.<br> NoAbort:
# run the install program to check for already installed versions<br> SetOutPath $TEMP<br># File /oname=install.exe ${VIMSRC}\installw32.exe<br> File ${VIMRT}\install.exe<br> ExecWait "$TEMP\install.exe -uninstall-check"<br> Delete $TEMP\install.exe
# We may have been put to the background when uninstall did something.<br> BringToFront
# Install will have created a file for us that contains the directory where<br> # we should install. This is $VIM if it's set. This appears to be the only<br> # way to get the value of $VIM here!?<br> ReadINIStr $INSTDIR $TEMP\vimini.ini vimini dir<br> Delete $TEMP\vimini.ini
# If ReadINIStr failed or did not find a path: use the default dir.<br> StrCmp $INSTDIR "" 0 IniOK<br> StrCpy $INSTDIR "$PROGRAMFILES\Vim"<br> IniOK:
# Should check for the value of $VIM and use it. Unfortunately I don't know<br> # how to obtain the value of $VIM<br> # IfFileExists "$VIM" 0 No_Vim<br> # StrCpy $INSTDIR "$VIM"<br> # No_Vim:
# User variables:<br> # $0 - holds the directory the executables are installed to<br> # $1 - holds the parameters to be passed to install.exe. Starts with OLE<br> # registration (since a non-OLE gvim will not complain, and we want to<br> # always register an OLE gvim).<br> # $2 - holds the names to create batch files for<br> StrCpy $0 "$INSTDIR\vim${VER_MAJOR}${VER_MINOR}"<br> StrCpy $1 "-register-OLE"<br> StrCpy $2 "gvim evim gview gvimdiff vimtutor"
Function .onUserAbort<br> MessageBox MB_YESNO|MB_ICONQUESTION "Abort install?" IDYES NoCancelAbort<br> Abort ; causes installer to not quit.<br> NoCancelAbort:<br>FunctionEnd
# We only accept the directory if it ends in "vim". Using .onVerifyInstDir has<br># the disadvantage that the browse dialog is difficult to use.<br>Function CheckInstallDir<br> StrCpy $0 $INSTDIR 3 -3<br> StrCmp $0 "vim" PathGood<br> MessageBox MB_OK "The path must end in 'vim'."<br> Abort<br> PathGood:<br>FunctionEnd
Function .onInstSuccess<br> WriteUninstaller vim${VER_MAJOR}${VER_MINOR}\uninstall-gui.exe<br> MessageBox MB_YESNO|MB_ICONQUESTION \<br> "The installation process has been successfull. Happy Vimming! \<br> $\n$\n Do you want to see the README file now?" IDNO NoReadme<br> Exec '$0\gvim.exe -R "$0\README.txt"'<br> NoReadme:<br>FunctionEnd
Function .onInstFailed<br> MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION "Installation failed. Better luck next time."<br>FunctionEnd
Function un.onUnInstSuccess<br> MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION \<br> "Vim ${VER_MAJOR}.${VER_MINOR} has been (partly) removed from your system"<br>FunctionEnd
Function un.GetParent<br> Exch $0 ; old $0 is on top of stack<br> Push $1<br> Push $2<br> StrCpy $1 -1<br> loop:<br> StrCpy $2 $0 1 $1<br> StrCmp $2 "" exit<br> StrCmp $2 "\" exit<br> IntOp $1 $1 - 1<br> Goto loop<br> exit:<br> StrCpy $0 $0 $1<br> Pop $2<br> Pop $1<br> Exch $0 ; put $0 on top of stack, restore $0 to original value<br>FunctionEnd
##########################################################<br>Section "Vim executables and runtime files"<br> SectionIn 1 2 3
# we need also this here if the user changes the instdir<br> StrCpy $0 "$INSTDIR\vim${VER_MAJOR}${VER_MINOR}"
SetOutPath $0<br> File ${VIMRT}\gvim.exe<br> File ${VIMRT}\install.exe<br> File ${VIMRT}\uninstal.exe<br> File ${VIMRT}\vimrun.exe<br> File ${VIMRT}\xxd.exe<br> File ${VIMRT}\diff.exe<br> File ${VIMRT}\vimtutor.bat<br> File ${VIMRT}\README.txt<br> File ${VIMRT}\uninstal.txt<br> File ${VIMRT}\*.vim<br> File ${VIMRT}\rgb.txt<br> File ${VIMRT}\ctags.exe<br> File ${VIMRT}\iconv.dll<br> File ${VIMRT}\intl2.dll<br> File ${VIMRT}\msvcr71.dll
<br> SetOutPath $INSTDIR<br> File ${VIMRT}\gvimrc
SetOutPath $0\colors<br> File ${VIMRT}\colors\*.*
SetOutPath $0\compiler<br> File ${VIMRT}\compiler\*.*
SetOutPath $0\doc<br> File ${VIMRT}\doc\*.txt<br> File ${VIMRT}\doc\tags
SetOutPath $0\ftplugin<br> File ${VIMRT}\ftplugin\*.*
SetOutPath $0\indent<br> File ${VIMRT}\indent\*.*
SetOutPath $0\macros<br> File ${VIMRT}\macros\*.*
SetOutPath $0\plugin<br> File ${VIMRT}\plugin\*.*
SetOutPath $0\autoload<br> File ${VIMRT}\autoload\*.*
SetOutPath $0\autoload\xml<br> File ${VIMRT}\autoload\xml\*.*
SetOutPath $0\syntax<br> File ${VIMRT}\syntax\*.*
SetOutPath $0\spell<br> File ${VIMRT}\spell\*.txt<br> File ${VIMRT}\spell\*.vim<br> File ${VIMRT}\spell\*.spl<br> File ${VIMRT}\spell\*.sug
SetOutPath $0\tools<br> File ${VIMRT}\tools\*.*
SetOutPath $0\tutor<br> File ${VIMRT}\tutor\*.*<br>SectionEnd
##########################################################<br>Section "Vim console program (vim.exe)"<br> SectionIn 1 3
SetOutPath $0<br> ReadRegStr $R0 HKLM \<br> "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" CurrentVersion<br> IfErrors 0 lbl_winnt<br> # Windows 95/98/ME<br> File ${VIMRT}\vim.exe<br> Goto lbl_done<br> lbl_winnt:<br> # Windows NT/2000/XT<br> File ${VIMRT}\vim.exe<br> lbl_done:<br> StrCpy $2 "$2 vim view vimdiff"<br>SectionEnd
##########################################################<br>Section "Create .bat files for command line use"<br> SectionIn 3
StrCpy $1 "$1 -create-batfiles $2"<br>SectionEnd
##########################################################<br>Section "Create icons on the Desktop"<br> SectionIn 1 3
StrCpy $1 "$1 -install-icons"<br>SectionEnd
##########################################################<br>Section "Add Vim to the Start Menu"<br> SectionIn 1 3
StrCpy $1 "$1 -add-start-menu"<br>SectionEnd
##########################################################<br>Section "Add an Edit-with-Vim context menu entry"<br> SectionIn 1 3
# Be aware of this sequence of events:<br> # - user uninstalls Vim, gvimext.dll can't be removed (it's in use) and<br> # is scheduled to be removed at next reboot.<br> # - user installs Vim in same directory, gvimext.dll still exists.<br> # If we now skip installing gvimext.dll, it will disappear at the next<br> # reboot. Thus when copying gvimext.dll fails always schedule it to be<br> # installed at the next reboot. Can't use UpgradeDLL!<br> # We don't ask the user to reboot, the old dll will keep on working.<br> SetOutPath $0<br> ClearErrors<br> SetOverwrite try<br> File ${VIMRT}\gvimext.dll<br> IfErrors 0 GvimExtDone
# Can't copy gvimext.dll, create it under another name and rename it on<br> # next reboot.<br> GetTempFileName $3 $0<br> File /oname=$3 ${VIMRT}\gvimext.dll<br> Rename /REBOOTOK $3 $0\gvimext.dll
GvimExtDone:<br> SetOverwrite lastused
# We don't have a separate entry for the "Open With..." menu, assume<br> # the user wants either both or none.<br> StrCpy $1 "$1 -install-popup -install-openwith"<br>SectionEnd
##########################################################<br>Section "Create a _vimrc if it doesn't exist"<br> SectionIn 1 3
StrCpy $1 "$1 -create-vimrc"<br>SectionEnd
##########################################################<br>Section "Create plugin directories in HOME or VIM"<br> SectionIn 1 3
StrCpy $1 "$1 -create-directories home"<br>SectionEnd
##########################################################<br>Section "Create plugin directories in VIM"<br> SectionIn 3
StrCpy $1 "$1 -create-directories vim"<br>SectionEnd
##########################################################<br>Section "VisVim Extension for MS Visual Studio"<br> SectionIn 3
SetOutPath $0<br> !insertmacro UpgradeDLL "${VIMSRC}\VisVim\VisVim.dll" "$0\VisVim.dll" "$0"<br> File ${VIMSRC}\VisVim\README_VisVim.txt<br>SectionEnd
##########################################################<br>!ifdef HAVE_NLS<br> Section "Native Language Support"<br> SectionIn 1 3
SetOutPath $0\lang<br> File /r ${VIMRT}\lang\*.*<br> SetOutPath $0\keymap<br> File ${VIMRT}\keymap\README.txt<br> File ${VIMRT}\keymap\*.vim<br> SetOutPath $0<br> File ${VIMRT}\libintl.dll<br> SectionEnd<br>!endif
##########################################################<br>Section -call_install_exe<br> SetOutPath $0<br> ExecWait "$0\install.exe $1"<br>SectionEnd
##########################################################<br>Section -post<br> BringToFront<br>SectionEnd
##########################################################<br>Section Uninstall<br> # Apparently $INSTDIR is set to the directory where the uninstaller is<br> # created. Thus the "vim61" directory is included in it.<br> StrCpy $0 "$INSTDIR"
# If VisVim was installed, unregister the DLL.<br> IfFileExists "$0\VisVim.dll" Has_VisVim No_VisVim<br> Has_VisVim:<br> ExecWait "regsvr32.exe /u /s $0\VisVim.dll"
# delete the context menu entry and batch files<br> ExecWait "$0\uninstal.exe -nsis"
# We may have been put to the background when uninstall did something.<br> BringToFront
# ask the user if the Vim version dir must be removed<br> MessageBox MB_YESNO|MB_ICONQUESTION \<br> "Would you like to delete $0?$\n \<br> $\nIt contains the Vim executables and runtime files." IDNO NoRemoveExes
Delete /REBOOTOK $0\*.dll<br> ClearErrors<br> # Remove everything but *.dll files. Avoids that<br> # a lot remains when gvimext.dll cannot be deleted.<br> RMDir /r $0\autoload<br> RMDir /r $0\colors<br> RMDir /r $0\compiler<br> RMDir /r $0\doc<br> RMDir /r $0\ftplugin<br> RMDir /r $0\indent<br> RMDir /r $0\macros<br> RMDir /r $0\plugin<br> RMDir /r $0\spell<br> RMDir /r $0\syntax<br> RMDir /r $0\tools<br> RMDir /r $0\tutor<br> RMDir /r $0\VisVim<br> RMDir /r $0\lang<br> RMDir /r $0\keymap<br> Delete $0\*.exe<br> Delete $0\*.bat<br> Delete $0\*.vim<br> Delete $0\*.txt
IfErrors ErrorMess NoErrorMess<br> ErrorMess:<br> MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION \<br> "Some files in $0 have not been deleted!$\nYou must do it manually."<br> NoErrorMess:
# No error message if the "vim62" directory can't be removed, the<br> # gvimext.dll may still be there.<br> RMDir $0
NoRemoveExes:<br> # get the parent dir of the installation<br> Push $INSTDIR<br> Call un.GetParent<br> Pop $0<br> StrCpy $1 $0
# if a plugin dir was created at installation ask the user to remove it<br> # first look in the root of the installation then in HOME<br> IfFileExists $1\vimfiles AskRemove 0<br> ReadEnvStr $1 "HOME"<br> StrCmp $1 "" NoRemove 0
IfFileExists $1\vimfiles 0 NoRemove
AskRemove:<br> MessageBox MB_YESNO|MB_ICONQUESTION \<br> "Remove all files in your $1\vimfiles directory? \<br> $\nIf you have created something there that you want to keep, click No" IDNO Fin<br> RMDir /r $1\vimfiles<br> NoRemove:
# ask the user if the Vim root dir must be removed<br> MessageBox MB_YESNO|MB_ICONQUESTION \<br> "Would you like to remove $0?$\n \<br> $\nIt contains your Vim configuration files!" IDNO NoDelete<br> RMDir /r $0 ; skipped if no<br> NoDelete:
Fin:<br> Call un.onUnInstSuccess

if has("statusline")<br> set statusline=%&lt;%f\ %h%m%r%=%{\"[\".<br> (&amp;fenc==\"\"?&amp;enc:&amp;fenc).\"]\ \"}%k\ %-14.(%l,%c%V%)\ %P<br>endif<br><br>

2008年3月7日 (五) 13:08的版本




exe & dll



"args **/*.jsp
"argdo %s/old/target/c | update

" Section: utillity tools {{{1
" ===================================================
func Search_Word()
let w = expand("<cword>")
"exe "vimgrep " w "*.java *.jsp *.php *.c *.h *.htm"
exe "vimgrep " w "**/*.*"
exe 'copen'

func TrimSpaceLine()
execute 'g/^\s*$/d'
func TrimEndSpace()
execute '%s/\s*$//'

func SelectTabpage()
execute 'tabn'

func NewTabpage()
execute 'tabnew'

func Insert_0_Number()
execute 'g/^/exec "s/^/".strpart("000000000000".line("."). " ",
len("000000000000".line("."). " ")-len(line("$"))-1 ) '

func Insert_Number()
execute 'g/^/exec "s/^/".strpart(line(".")." ", 0, len(line("$")) + 1)'

func SaveP()

call inputsave()
let Pname = input('Save Project name?')
call inputrestore()

execute 'mksession! ~\'.Pname.'.vim'
execute 'wviminfo! ~\'.Pname.'.viminfo'

func ReloadP()

call inputsave()
let Pbname = input('Load Project name?')
call inputrestore()

execute 'source ~\'.Pbname.'.vim'
execute 'rviminfo ~\'.Pbname.'.viminfo'

func CancleHighlightCurrentLine()
au! Cursorhold
match none

func SetHighlightUnderLine()
call CancleHighlightCurrentLine()
"highlight CurrentLine guibg=darkgrey guifg=white (or whatever colors you want)
hi CurrentLine term=underline cterm=underline gui=underline ctermbg=NONE guibg=NONE
au! Cursorhold * exe 'match CurrentLine /\%' . line('.') . 'l.*/'
au! InsertEnter * match none
set ut=60

func SetHighlightCurrentLine()
call CancleHighlightCurrentLine()
hi CurrentLine ctermbg=darkgrey guibg=darkgrey term=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE
au! Cursorhold * exe 'match CurrentLine /\%' . line('.') . 'l.*/'
au! InsertEnter * match none
set ut=60

" Section: Comment mapping setup {{{1
" ===========================================================================
" This is where the mappings calls are made that set up the commenting key
" mappings.
" set up the mappings to trim space at the line's end
execute 'nnoremap <silent>' . ',te' . ' :call TrimEndSpace()<cr>'
execute 'vnoremap <silent>' . ',te' . ' <ESC>:call TrimEndSpace()<cr>'

" set up the mappings to trim space line
execute 'nnoremap <silent>' . ',tl' . ' :call TrimSpaceLine()<cr>'
execute 'vnoremap <silent>' . ',tl' . ' <ESC>:call TrimSpaceLine()<cr>'

" set up the mappings to Cancle and set Highlight Current Line
execute 'nnoremap <silent>' . 'mm' . ' :call CancleHighlightCurrentLine()<cr>'
execute 'vnoremap <silent>' . 'mm' . ' <ESC>:call CancleHighlightCurrentLine()<cr>'

execute 'nnoremap <silent>' . 'mn' . ' :call SetHighlightCurrentLine()<cr>'
execute 'vnoremap <silent>' . 'mn' . ' <ESC>:call SetHighlightCurrentLine()<cr>'

execute 'nnoremap <silent>' . 'mv' . ' :call SetHighlightUnderLine()<cr>'
execute 'vnoremap <silent>' . 'mv' . ' <ESC>:call SetHighlightUnderLine()<cr>'

execute 'nnoremap <silent>' . 'tt' . ' :call NewTabpage()<cr>'
execute 'vnoremap <silent>' . 'tt' . ' <ESC>:call NewTabpage()<cr>'

" Section: Menu item setup {{{1
" ===========================================================================
"check if the user wants the menu to be displayed
if 1 != 0

let menuRoot = '&Plugin.&util'

execute 'menu <silent> '. menuRoot .'.-Sep- :'
execute 'nmenu <silent> '. menuRoot .'.Trim\ End\ Space<TAB>' .
escape(',te', '\') . ' :call TrimEndSpace()<CR>'
execute 'nmenu <silent> '. menuRoot .'.Trim\ Space\ Line<TAB>' .
escape(',tl', '\') . ' :call TrimSpaceLine()<CR>'

execute 'menu <silent> '. menuRoot .'.-Sep2- :'
execute 'nmenu <silent> '. menuRoot .'.Cancle\ Highlight\ CurrentLine<TAB>' .
escape('mm', '\') . ' :call CancleHighlightCurrentLine()<CR>'
execute 'nmenu <silent> '. menuRoot .'.Set\ Highlight\ CurrentLine<TAB>' .
escape('mn', '\') . ' :call SetHighlightCurrentLine()<CR>'
execute 'nmenu <silent> '. menuRoot .'.Set\ Underline\ CurrentLine<TAB>' .
escape('mv', '\') . ' :call SetHighlightUnderLine()<CR>'

execute 'menu <silent> '. menuRoot .'.-Sep3- :'
execute 'nmenu <silent> '. menuRoot .'.New\ Tabpage<TAB>' . escape('tt', '\') .
' :call NewTabpage()<CR>'
execute 'nmenu <silent> '. menuRoot .'.Insert\ Number,\ 0\ Ahead<TAB>' .
escape(' ', '\') . ' :call Insert_0_Number()<CR>'
execute 'nmenu <silent> '. menuRoot .'.Insert\ Number,\ No\ 0<TAB>' .
escape(' ', '\') . ' :call Insert_Number()<CR>'

" vim: set foldmethod=marker :

set nowrap
set expandtab
set noignorecase
set guioptions+=b

call SetHighlightUnderLine()

"au GUIEnter * simalt ~x "maximum the initial window

map <C-tab> :call SelectTabpage()<CR>
map <F6> :call SaveP()<CR>
map <F5> :call ReloadP()<CR>
" input the tab, need to comment out [set expandtab]
inoremap <S-t> <tab>

if has("statusline")
set statusline=%<%f\ %h%m%r%=%{\"[\".
(&fenc==\"\"?&enc:&fenc).\"]\ \"}%k\ %-14.(%l,%c%V%)\ %P
" ==========================================================================

  1. NSIS file to create a self-installing exe for Vim.
    # It requires NSIS version 2.0 or later.
    # Last change: 2004 May 02
  1. WARNING: if you make changes to this script, look out for $0 to be valid,
    # because uninstall deletes most files in $0.
  1. Location of gvim_ole.exe, vimd32.exe, GvimExt/*, etc.
    !define VIMSRC "..\src"
  1. Location of runtime files
    !define VIMRT ".."
  1. Location of extra tools: diff.exe
    !define VIMTOOLS ..\..
  1. Comment the next line if you don't have UPX.
    # Get it at http://upx.sourceforge.net
    # !define HAVE_UPX
  1. comment the next line if you do not want to add Native Language Support
    !define HAVE_NLS

!define VER_MAJOR 7
!define VER_MINOR 1

  1. ----------- No configurable settings below this line -----------

!include UpgradeDLL.nsh # for VisVim.dll

Name "Vim ${VER_MAJOR}.${VER_MINOR}"
OutFile gvim${VER_MAJOR}${VER_MINOR}.exe
CRCCheck force
SetCompressor lzma
SetDatablockOptimize on

ComponentText "This will install Vim ${VER_MAJOR}.${VER_MINOR} on your computer."
DirText "Choose a directory to install Vim (must end in 'vim')"
Icon icons\vim_16i.ico
# NSIS2 uses a different strategy with six diferent images in a strip...
#EnabledBitmap icons\enabled.bmp
#DisabledBitmap icons\disabled.bmp
UninstallText "This will uninstall Vim ${VER_MAJOR}.${VER_MINOR} from your system."
UninstallIcon icons\vim_uninst_16c.ico

  1. On NSIS 2 using the BGGradient causes trouble on Windows 98, in combination
    # with the BringToFront.
    # BGGradient 004000 008200 FFFFFF
    LicenseText "You should read the following before installing:"
    LicenseData ${VIMRT}\doc\uganda.nsis.txt

!ifdef HAVE_UPX
!packhdr temp.dat "upx --best --compress-icons=1 temp.dat"

  1. This adds '\vim' to the user choice automagically. The actual value is
    # obtained below with ReadINIStr.
    InstallDir "$PROGRAMFILES\Vim"
  1. Types of installs we can perform:
    InstType Typical
    InstType Minimal
    InstType Full

SilentInstall normal

  1. These are the pages we use
    Page license
    Page components
    Page directory "" "" CheckInstallDir
    Page instfiles
    UninstPage uninstConfirm
    UninstPage instfiles

                                                                                                                    1. # Functions

Function .onInit
"This will install Vim ${VER_MAJOR}.${VER_MINOR} on your computer.$\n Continue?" \
Abort ; causes installer to quit.

  1. run the install program to check for already installed versions
    SetOutPath $TEMP
    # File /oname=install.exe ${VIMSRC}\installw32.exe
    File ${VIMRT}\install.exe
    ExecWait "$TEMP\install.exe -uninstall-check"
    Delete $TEMP\install.exe
  1. We may have been put to the background when uninstall did something.
  1. Install will have created a file for us that contains the directory where
    # we should install. This is $VIM if it's set. This appears to be the only
    # way to get the value of $VIM here!?
    ReadINIStr $INSTDIR $TEMP\vimini.ini vimini dir
    Delete $TEMP\vimini.ini
  1. If ReadINIStr failed or did not find a path: use the default dir.
    StrCmp $INSTDIR "" 0 IniOK
  1. Should check for the value of $VIM and use it. Unfortunately I don't know
    # how to obtain the value of $VIM
    # IfFileExists "$VIM" 0 No_Vim
    # StrCpy $INSTDIR "$VIM"
    # No_Vim:
  1. User variables:
    # $0 - holds the directory the executables are installed to
    # $1 - holds the parameters to be passed to install.exe. Starts with OLE
    # registration (since a non-OLE gvim will not complain, and we want to
    # always register an OLE gvim).
    # $2 - holds the names to create batch files for
    StrCpy $0 "$INSTDIR\vim${VER_MAJOR}${VER_MINOR}"
    StrCpy $1 "-register-OLE"
    StrCpy $2 "gvim evim gview gvimdiff vimtutor"


Function .onUserAbort
MessageBox MB_YESNO|MB_ICONQUESTION "Abort install?" IDYES NoCancelAbort
Abort ; causes installer to not quit.

  1. We only accept the directory if it ends in "vim". Using .onVerifyInstDir has
    # the disadvantage that the browse dialog is difficult to use.
    Function CheckInstallDir
    StrCpy $0 $INSTDIR 3 -3
    StrCmp $0 "vim" PathGood
    MessageBox MB_OK "The path must end in 'vim'."

Function .onInstSuccess
WriteUninstaller vim${VER_MAJOR}${VER_MINOR}\uninstall-gui.exe
"The installation process has been successfull. Happy Vimming! \
$\n$\n Do you want to see the README file now?" IDNO NoReadme
Exec '$0\gvim.exe -R "$0\README.txt"'

Function .onInstFailed
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION "Installation failed. Better luck next time."

Function un.onUnInstSuccess
"Vim ${VER_MAJOR}.${VER_MINOR} has been (partly) removed from your system"

Function un.GetParent
Exch $0 ; old $0 is on top of stack
Push $1
Push $2
StrCpy $1 -1
StrCpy $2 $0 1 $1
StrCmp $2 "" exit
StrCmp $2 "\" exit
IntOp $1 $1 - 1
Goto loop
StrCpy $0 $0 $1
Pop $2
Pop $1
Exch $0 ; put $0 on top of stack, restore $0 to original value

                                                                                                                    1. Section "Vim executables and runtime files"
                                                                                                                      SectionIn 1 2 3
  1. we need also this here if the user changes the instdir
    StrCpy $0 "$INSTDIR\vim${VER_MAJOR}${VER_MINOR}"

SetOutPath $0
File ${VIMRT}\gvim.exe
File ${VIMRT}\install.exe
File ${VIMRT}\uninstal.exe
File ${VIMRT}\vimrun.exe
File ${VIMRT}\xxd.exe
File ${VIMRT}\diff.exe
File ${VIMRT}\vimtutor.bat
File ${VIMRT}\README.txt
File ${VIMRT}\uninstal.txt
File ${VIMRT}\*.vim
File ${VIMRT}\rgb.txt
File ${VIMRT}\ctags.exe
File ${VIMRT}\iconv.dll
File ${VIMRT}\intl2.dll
File ${VIMRT}\msvcr71.dll

File ${VIMRT}\gvimrc

SetOutPath $0\colors
File ${VIMRT}\colors\*.*

SetOutPath $0\compiler
File ${VIMRT}\compiler\*.*

SetOutPath $0\doc
File ${VIMRT}\doc\*.txt
File ${VIMRT}\doc\tags

SetOutPath $0\ftplugin
File ${VIMRT}\ftplugin\*.*

SetOutPath $0\indent
File ${VIMRT}\indent\*.*

SetOutPath $0\macros
File ${VIMRT}\macros\*.*

SetOutPath $0\plugin
File ${VIMRT}\plugin\*.*

SetOutPath $0\autoload
File ${VIMRT}\autoload\*.*

SetOutPath $0\autoload\xml
File ${VIMRT}\autoload\xml\*.*

SetOutPath $0\syntax
File ${VIMRT}\syntax\*.*

SetOutPath $0\spell
File ${VIMRT}\spell\*.txt
File ${VIMRT}\spell\*.vim
File ${VIMRT}\spell\*.spl
File ${VIMRT}\spell\*.sug

SetOutPath $0\tools
File ${VIMRT}\tools\*.*

SetOutPath $0\tutor
File ${VIMRT}\tutor\*.*

                                                                                                                    1. Section "Vim console program (vim.exe)"
                                                                                                                      SectionIn 1 3

SetOutPath $0
ReadRegStr $R0 HKLM \
"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" CurrentVersion
IfErrors 0 lbl_winnt
# Windows 95/98/ME
File ${VIMRT}\vim.exe
Goto lbl_done
# Windows NT/2000/XT
File ${VIMRT}\vim.exe
StrCpy $2 "$2 vim view vimdiff"

                                                                                                                    1. Section "Create .bat files for command line use"
                                                                                                                      SectionIn 3

StrCpy $1 "$1 -create-batfiles $2"

                                                                                                                    1. Section "Create icons on the Desktop"
                                                                                                                      SectionIn 1 3

StrCpy $1 "$1 -install-icons"

                                                                                                                    1. Section "Add Vim to the Start Menu"
                                                                                                                      SectionIn 1 3

StrCpy $1 "$1 -add-start-menu"

                                                                                                                    1. Section "Add an Edit-with-Vim context menu entry"
                                                                                                                      SectionIn 1 3
  1. Be aware of this sequence of events:
    # - user uninstalls Vim, gvimext.dll can't be removed (it's in use) and
    # is scheduled to be removed at next reboot.
    # - user installs Vim in same directory, gvimext.dll still exists.
    # If we now skip installing gvimext.dll, it will disappear at the next
    # reboot. Thus when copying gvimext.dll fails always schedule it to be
    # installed at the next reboot. Can't use UpgradeDLL!
    # We don't ask the user to reboot, the old dll will keep on working.
    SetOutPath $0
    SetOverwrite try
    File ${VIMRT}\gvimext.dll
    IfErrors 0 GvimExtDone
  1. Can't copy gvimext.dll, create it under another name and rename it on
    # next reboot.
    GetTempFileName $3 $0
    File /oname=$3 ${VIMRT}\gvimext.dll
    Rename /REBOOTOK $3 $0\gvimext.dll

SetOverwrite lastused

  1. We don't have a separate entry for the "Open With..." menu, assume
    # the user wants either both or none.
    StrCpy $1 "$1 -install-popup -install-openwith"

                                                                                                                    1. Section "Create a _vimrc if it doesn't exist"
                                                                                                                      SectionIn 1 3

StrCpy $1 "$1 -create-vimrc"

                                                                                                                    1. Section "Create plugin directories in HOME or VIM"
                                                                                                                      SectionIn 1 3

StrCpy $1 "$1 -create-directories home"

                                                                                                                    1. Section "Create plugin directories in VIM"
                                                                                                                      SectionIn 3

StrCpy $1 "$1 -create-directories vim"

                                                                                                                    1. Section "VisVim Extension for MS Visual Studio"
                                                                                                                      SectionIn 3

SetOutPath $0
!insertmacro UpgradeDLL "${VIMSRC}\VisVim\VisVim.dll" "$0\VisVim.dll" "$0"
File ${VIMSRC}\VisVim\README_VisVim.txt

                                                                                                                    1. !ifdef HAVE_NLS
                                                                                                                      Section "Native Language Support"
                                                                                                                      SectionIn 1 3

SetOutPath $0\lang
File /r ${VIMRT}\lang\*.*
SetOutPath $0\keymap
File ${VIMRT}\keymap\README.txt
File ${VIMRT}\keymap\*.vim
SetOutPath $0
File ${VIMRT}\libintl.dll

                                                                                                                    1. Section -call_install_exe
                                                                                                                      SetOutPath $0
                                                                                                                      ExecWait "$0\install.exe $1"

                                                                                                                    1. Section -post

                                                                                                                    1. Section Uninstall
                                                                                                                      # Apparently $INSTDIR is set to the directory where the uninstaller is
                                                                                                                      # created. Thus the "vim61" directory is included in it.
                                                                                                                      StrCpy $0 "$INSTDIR"
  1. If VisVim was installed, unregister the DLL.
    IfFileExists "$0\VisVim.dll" Has_VisVim No_VisVim
    ExecWait "regsvr32.exe /u /s $0\VisVim.dll"


  1. delete the context menu entry and batch files
    ExecWait "$0\uninstal.exe -nsis"
  1. We may have been put to the background when uninstall did something.
  1. ask the user if the Vim version dir must be removed
    "Would you like to delete $0?$\n \
    $\nIt contains the Vim executables and runtime files." IDNO NoRemoveExes

Delete /REBOOTOK $0\*.dll
# Remove everything but *.dll files. Avoids that
# a lot remains when gvimext.dll cannot be deleted.
RMDir /r $0\autoload
RMDir /r $0\colors
RMDir /r $0\compiler
RMDir /r $0\doc
RMDir /r $0\ftplugin
RMDir /r $0\indent
RMDir /r $0\macros
RMDir /r $0\plugin
RMDir /r $0\spell
RMDir /r $0\syntax
RMDir /r $0\tools
RMDir /r $0\tutor
RMDir /r $0\VisVim
RMDir /r $0\lang
RMDir /r $0\keymap
Delete $0\*.exe
Delete $0\*.bat
Delete $0\*.vim
Delete $0\*.txt

IfErrors ErrorMess NoErrorMess
"Some files in $0 have not been deleted!$\nYou must do it manually."

  1. No error message if the "vim62" directory can't be removed, the
    # gvimext.dll may still be there.
    RMDir $0

# get the parent dir of the installation
Call un.GetParent
Pop $0
StrCpy $1 $0

  1. if a plugin dir was created at installation ask the user to remove it
    # first look in the root of the installation then in HOME
    IfFileExists $1\vimfiles AskRemove 0
    ReadEnvStr $1 "HOME"
    StrCmp $1 "" NoRemove 0

IfFileExists $1\vimfiles 0 NoRemove

"Remove all files in your $1\vimfiles directory? \
$\nIf you have created something there that you want to keep, click No" IDNO Fin
RMDir /r $1\vimfiles

  1. ask the user if the Vim root dir must be removed
    "Would you like to remove $0?$\n \
    $\nIt contains your Vim configuration files!" IDNO NoDelete
    RMDir /r $0 ; skipped if no

Call un.onUnInstSuccess
