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第7行: 第7行:
(i) Enable "Console Redirection" in BIOS Setup. For example, COM2 /
    (i) Enable "Console Redirection" in BIOS Setup. For example, COM2 /
19.2Kbps / 8N1
        19.2Kbps / 8N1
(ii) Disable "Enable Console Redirection after POST" in BIOS setup.
    (ii) Disable "Enable Console Redirection after POST" in BIOS setup.
I recommend these settings in your /boot/grub/menu.lst
I recommend these settings in your /boot/grub/menu.lst
serial --unit=1 --speed=19200 --word=8 --parity=no --stop=1
serial --unit=1 --speed=19200 --word=8 --parity=no --stop=1
#This additional line was also suggested also, but I only found its behavior annoying.
#This additional line was also suggested also, but I only found its behavior annoying.
terminal --timeout=5 serial console
terminal --timeout=5 serial console
# defoptions=console=tty0 serial console=ttyS1,19200n8
# defoptions=console=tty0 serial console=ttyS1,19200n8
# altoptions=(recovery mode) single console=tty0 serial console=ttyS1,19200n8
# altoptions=(recovery mode) single console=tty0 serial console=ttyS1,19200n8
# xenkopt=console=tty0 serial console=ttyS1,19200n8
# xenkopt=console=tty0 serial console=ttyS1,19200n8
Be sure to run sudo update-grub
Be sure to run sudo update-grub

2007年12月6日 (四) 10:39的版本

This page is about setting up IPMI on ubuntu.

  1. apt-get install ipmitool
  2. /usr/share/ipmitool/ipmi.init.basic
  3. less /usr/share/doc/ipmitool/README.gz
     (i) Enable "Console Redirection" in BIOS Setup. For example, COM2 /
         19.2Kbps / 8N1
     (ii) Disable "Enable Console Redirection after POST" in BIOS setup.

I recommend these settings in your /boot/grub/menu.lst

serial --unit=1 --speed=19200 --word=8 --parity=no --stop=1

#This additional line was also suggested also, but I only found its behavior annoying.
terminal --timeout=5 serial console

# defoptions=console=tty0 serial console=ttyS1,19200n8

# altoptions=(recovery mode) single console=tty0 serial console=ttyS1,19200n8

# xenkopt=console=tty0 serial console=ttyS1,19200n8

Be sure to run sudo update-grub Next, go into your /etc/event.d/ directory. Create a ttyS0 file from one of the other tty files. Change this line: exec /sbin/getty 19200 ttyS0 Do the same thing for ttyS1 Last, edit /etc/securetty and add ttyS1


http://wiki.adamsweet.org/doku.php?id=ipmi_on_linux http://www.ecst.csuchico.edu/~dranch/LINUX/IPMI/ipmi-on-linux.html - Howto Supermicro