
Oneleaf留言 | 贡献
新页面: {{From|https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NokiaEvolutionBluetoothSyncing}} {{Languages|UbuntuHelp:NokiaEvolutionBluetoothSyncing}} === Introduction === This page is created to provide i...
Oneleaf留言 | 贡献
第54行: 第54行:

This packages unfortunately isn't working correctly out of the box and some additional steps are required. First you need to create your own pinwrapper script instead of the one supplied by the package. This file is needed to have pin based verification between phone an computer working.  
This packages unfortunately isn't working correctly out of the box and some additional steps are required. First you need to create your own pinwrapper script instead of the one supplied by the package. This file is needed to have PIN based verification between phone an computer working.  

Create /usr/bin/mypinwrapper file with following content:
Create /usr/bin/mypinwrapper file with following content:
第62行: 第62行:

The actual pin number can and obviously should be changed.
The actual PIN can and obviously should be changed.

Second step is to change /etc/bluetooth/hcid.conf file:
Second step is to change /etc/bluetooth/hcid.conf file:
第114行: 第114行:
<code><nowiki>gnokii --identify</nowiki></code>
<code><nowiki>gnokii --identify</nowiki></code>

If everything is ok you should be asked by your phone whether to connect to your computer then asked for a pin (the one you put in /usr/bin/mypinwrapper). After that gnokii should give you information about your phone, for example:
If everything is ok you should be asked by your phone whether to connect to your computer then asked for a PIN (the one you put in /usr/bin/mypinwrapper). After that gnokii should give you information about your phone, for example:
GNOKII wersja 0.6.12
GNOKII wersja 0.6.12

2007年11月21日 (三) 18:28的版本

{{#ifexist: :NokiaEvolutionBluetoothSyncing/zh | | {{#ifexist: NokiaEvolutionBluetoothSyncing/zh | | {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:NokiaEvolutionBluetoothSyncing|1|-1|}} | zh | | }} }} }} {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:NokiaEvolutionBluetoothSyncing|1|-1|}} | zh | | }}


This page is created to provide instructions, packages and configuration files for syncing Nokia phones with Evolution suite over bluetooth.

This guide assumes you're using Dapper Drake Ubuntu version and uses highly unstable experimental tools. No warranties that it will work. Use it as good start to help gnokii.org and opensync.org people to deliver software.

Phones known to work

So far this work has been tested on following phones:

Nokia 6310i

Phones potentially working

These models are supported (ie. reported to work) by gnokii itself and so have great chance to work with gnokii OpenSync plugin:

        • nk6100 driver:

Nokia 6110, 6130, 6150, 6190 Nokia 5110, 5130, 5190 Nokia 3210, 3310, 3330, 3360, 3390, 3410 Nokia 8210, 8250, 8290, 8850

        • Nokia RPM-1 nk7110 driver:

Nokia 7110, 6210, 6250, 7190

        • nk6510 driver:

Nokia 3510(i), 3510i 3595 Nokia 5100 Nokia 6020, 6100, 6170, 6230, 6310(i), 6360, 6510 Nokia 6610(i), 6650, 6800, 6810, 6820, 6820b, 6610i, 6230 Nokia 7210, 7250, 7250i, 7600 Nokia 8310

        • nk3110 driver:

Nokia 3110, 3810, 8110, 8110i

        • nk6160 driver:

Nokia 5160, 6160, 6185

        • atgen driver:

AT mode compatible phones (namely Nokia 62X0, Nokia 7110, Nokia 8210, Nokia 6310, Nokia 6510 (you should expect all newer Nokia phones to work), Ericsson T39, Sony-Ericsson T68i, Siemens S25/SL45i/C55/M55/S55, Motorola Timeport P7389i (L series), C350, Bosch 908/909 are known to work)

        • gnapplet driver:

Symbian series60 based phones (namely Nokia 3650, Nokia 3660, Nokia 6600, Nokia 7650, Siemens SX1 are known to work)

For exact instructions please refert to Gnokii's Wiki

Bluetooth configuration

First step is to install bluez-utils package if it is not already installed in your system.

apt-get install bluez-utils

This packages unfortunately isn't working correctly out of the box and some additional steps are required. First you need to create your own pinwrapper script instead of the one supplied by the package. This file is needed to have PIN based verification between phone an computer working.

Create /usr/bin/mypinwrapper file with following content:

echo "PIN:1234"

The actual PIN can and obviously should be changed.

Second step is to change /etc/bluetooth/hcid.conf file:

options {
autoinit    yes;
security    auto;
pairing     multi;
pin_helper  /usr/bin/mypinwrapper;

device {
name "%h-%d";
class 0x3e0100;
iscan enable;
pscan enable;
lm accept;
lp rswitch,hold,sniff,park;

At this point you should be able to detect your phone with following command:

hcitool scan

It should return your phone MAC address and its name.

Gnokii configuration

Since we have bluetooth working it's now time to install gnokii suite. You need to download latest version from gnokii homepage, the one in dapper repository is too old.

Packages for Dapper are available at: [1]

You need to install at least: gnokii, libgnokii2

Once you have gnokii installed, it's time to create its configuration file. Sample configuration file is supplied with package, copy it to your home directory with following command: zcat /usr/share/doc/gnokii/examples/gnokiirc.gz > ~/.gnokiirc

There are few important settings in that file that you need to adjust:

  • port = your phone's mac address here
  • model = consult gnokii.org what is model for your phone, for 6310i put 6510 here
  • connection = bluetooth

You may also change debug= to on or off depending what you need. For normal use leave it to off and in case of troubles turn it on. Debug output will help you get some support from gnokii guys.

At this point with bluetooth and gnokii configured, you should be able to connect to your phone with gnokii. To test it use following command: gnokii --identify

If everything is ok you should be asked by your phone whether to connect to your computer then asked for a PIN (the one you put in /usr/bin/mypinwrapper). After that gnokii should give you information about your phone, for example:

GNOKII wersja 0.6.12
IMEI           : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Producent      : Nokia
Model          : NPL-1
Wersja         : V 7.00

OpenSync & MultiSync installation

Neither OpenSync nor MultiSync are available in dapper repository. The package MultiSync which can be found there is an old version and has to removed before proceeding.

Latest packages compiled for Dapper are available at this address:


You should download them and install in following order: 1. libopensync0 2. opensyncutils 3. python2.4-opensync 4. libopensync-plugin-* 5. multisync 6. multisync-gui

Note: libopensync-plugin-gnokii is a packaged created from svn repository. It's in alpha state, not released officialy yet.

To test if everything went ok type:

msynctool --listplugins

You should get:

Available options:

MultiSync configuration

In order to sync your phone calendar with evolution you have to create a so called group first.

msynctool --addgroup nokia-evo

Next we need to add 2 member to our group, the gnokii plugin and evolution plugin.

msynctool --addmember nokia-evo evo2-sync
msynctool --addmember nokia-evo gnokii-sync

The last step is to configure group members. To configure evolution plugin type:

export EDITOR=gedit && msynctool --configure nokia-evo 1

Text editor will be launched. Paste following lines into it:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

Once you're done save and exit.

This will tell the evolution opensync plugin where to look for your evolution calendar and also to skip addressbook and tasks, because gnokii plugin can't handle them right now.

You have evolution part configured. To configure gnokii plugin type:

export EDITOR=gedit && msynctool --configure nokia-evo 2

Same rules apply as with evolution part, but configuration file should look like this:

<port> <u>phone mac here, same as in .gnokiirc</u> </port>
<model> <u>phone model here. same as in .gnokiirc</u> </model>

That should be everything in terms of installing and configuration


Finally you can sync your phone. To do this type:

msynctool --sync nokia-evo

Alternatively you can start multisync0.90 graphical tool and do the syncing there.

Final notes

Keep in mind that OpenSync and MultiSync tools are under heavy development. The major component that whole story possible, the gnokii opensync plugin isn't even released yet. However, it is working and the more people test, the better this software will be.

Related forums thread is: [3]