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新页面: == mbox格式 == ---- 原文出处:待考 原文作者:Heinz Tschabitscher 授权许可:未知 翻译人员:MillenniumDark 校对人员:MillenniumDark 适用版本:all ...

2007年5月30日 (三) 17:55的最新版本



原文作者:Heinz Tschabitscher












如果我们使用mbox格式存储信件,我们把它们放在一个文件里。大致上这就产生了一个包含一封接一封信件的文本文件(因特网上的email总是只以7-bit ASCII文本的形式存在,其他东西——比如说,附件——将被编码成这一格式。)。那我们怎么知道哪里是开头,哪里是结束呢?



我们可以把这个写成正则表达式的形式\n\nFrom .*\n,只有第一个是不同的。它仅仅以From作为开始的一行(^From .*\n)



...I send you the most recent report. 

From this report, you need not... 

这儿,我们有一个空行,紧接着是以From开头的一行。如果这出现在一个mbox文件里,我们把它作为一封信件的开头是没错的。至少语法分析是这么想的——为什么 email客户端和我们会对一封既不包含寄信人也不包含收信人,但是以From this report开头的信件感到困惑呢?



...I send you the most recent report. 

>From this report, you need not... 

这就是有时候你会在一封 email里找到>From,而不是你期望的From的原因。


The mbox Format Your Guide, Heinz Tschabitscher From Heinz Tschabitscher, Your Guide to Email. FREE Newsletter. Sign Up Now! How email clients store mail on your hard disk When you look at your email client, you will -- usually -- find your email messages stored in folders. There's one folder for Fred, one for the duck-painters mailing list, another for work and so on. This is how mail storage looks in the email program. But how does the program store the messages on the hard disk? Email Storage

It would be possible to have all email messages in one file, together with information in which folder each email should appear. This kind of mail storage could be, and sometimes is, implemented as a database, for example.

Another attempt would create one file for every email message and arrange them in a file system hierarchy representing the folders in the user interface. While this approach maybe has security benefits, it requires a lot of hard disk activity, which is slow.

Somewhere in between those two attempts lies another approach to storing email messages. We create a file for every mailbox and put all the messages in the corresponding folder in this file. This is the format used by most email clients, and it is called the mbox format. The mbox Format

If we use the mbox format to store emails, we put all of them in one file. This creates more or less long text file (Internet email always only exists as 7-bit ASCII text, everything else -- attachments, for example -- is encoded) containing one email message after the other. How do we know where one ends and another starts?

Fortunately, every email has at least one From-line at its very beginning. Every message begins with "From " (From followed by a white space character, also called a "From_" line). If this sequence ("From ") at the beginning of a line is preceded by an empty line or is at the top of the file, we have found the beginning of a message.

So what we look for when parsing an mbox file is, essentially, an empty line followed by "From ".

As a regular expression, we can write this as "\n\nFrom .*\n". Only the very first message is different. It starts merely with "From " at the beginning of a line ("^From .*\n"). "From " in the Body

What if exactly the sequence above appears in the body of an email message? What if the following is part of an email?

...I send you the most recent report.

From this report, you need not...

Here, we have an empty line followed by "From " at the beginning of the line. If this appears in a mbox file, we unmistakably have the beginning of a new message. At least that's what the parser thinks -- and why both the email client and we would be quite confused by an email message that contains neither sender nor recipient, but begins with "From this report".

To avoid such desastrous conditions, we need to make sure "From " never appears at the beginning of a line following an empty line in the body of an email.

Whenever we add a new message to a mbox file, we look for such sequences in the body and simply replace "From" with ">From". This makes misinterpretations impossible. The example above now looks like this and no more triggers the parser:

...I send you the most recent report.

>From this report, you need not...

This is why you may sometimes find ">From" in an email where you'd expect a mere "From".