
Nsynet留言 | 贡献
Nsynet留言 | 贡献
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{{Use dmy dates|date=January 2020|cs1-dates=y}}
The following is a '''list of 7400-series digital logic integrated circuits'''.  In the mid-1960s, the original [[7400-series integrated circuits|7400-series]] [[integrated circuit]]s were introduced by [[Texas Instruments]] with the prefix "SN" to create the name SN74xx. Due to the popularity of these parts, other manufacturers released pin-to-pin compatible [[logic gate|logic]] devices and kept the 7400 sequence number as an aid to identification of compatible parts.  However, other manufacturers use different prefixes and suffixes on their part numbers.
*01期 2014-06-06 “旗”妙物语世界杯一 欧罗巴余晖
*02期 2014-06-13 “旗”妙物语世界杯二 黑非洲殖民泪
*03期 2014-06-20 世界杯之西班牙折戟拉美
*04期 2014-06-27 世界杯之拉美自相残杀
*05期 2014-07-04 世界杯之夜闯巴西贫民窟  <ref>{{cite news|title=《晓松奇谈》第五期播出 巴西风情大揭秘|url=http://ent.163.com/14/0704/10/A0A8OBS100034OGT_mobile.html|accessdate=2019-03-20|publisher=腾讯音乐}}</ref>
*06期 2014-07-11 世界杯之挥霍天赋的巴西人
*07期 2014-07-18 金砖老二 巴西
*08期 2014-07-25 南明悲歌(一)臭知识分子亡国
*09期 2014-08-01 南明悲歌(二)爱国与卖国
*10期 2014-08-08 南明悲歌(三)江南大屠杀
*11期 2014-08-15 南明悲歌(四)名妓与名士
*12期 2014-08-22 南明悲歌(五)真假太子案(官方已下架)
*13期 2014-08-29 南明悲歌(六)南明大结局(官方已下架)
*14期 2014-09-05 澳大利亚(上)
*15期 2014-09-12 澳大利亚(下)
*16期 2014-09-19 一战1913 敢爱故事之伟大时代
*17期 2014-09-26 一战1913 敢爱故事之文艺时代
*18期 2014-10-03 梦露之死与共济会(上)
*19期 2014-10-10 梦露之死与共济会(中)
*20期 2014-10-17 梦露之死与共济会(下)
*21期 2014-10-24 致白衣飘飘的年代
*22期 2014-10-31 [[台湾]]观感(上)(官方已下架)
*23期 2014-11-07 台湾观感(下)(官方已下架)
*24期 2014-11-14 台湾历史真相一 台湾民主国(官方已下架)
*25期 2014-11-21 台湾历史真相二 [[日据时代]](官方已下架)
*26期 2014-11-28 台湾历史真相三 二二八惨案(官方已下架)
*27期 2014-12-05 台湾历史真相四 蒋介石日记大揭秘(官方已下架)
*28期 2014-12-12 两岸秘史一 北平无战事(官方已下架)
*29期 2014-12-19 两岸秘史二 土鳖恨海龟(官方已下架)
*30期 2014-12-26 两岸秘史三 蒋介石上位记(官方已下架)


Some TTL logic parts were made with an extended military-specification temperature range. These parts are prefixed with '''54''' instead of '''74''' in the part number.<ref>{{cite web |title=1967–1968 Integrated Circuits Catalog (page 10) |url=https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookts196768_16942634/page/n10 |publisher= [[Texas Instruments]] |access-date=January 14, 2020}}</ref>
*31期 2015-01-02 两岸秘史四 蒋介石权术秘籍(官方已下架)
*32期 2015-01-09 离骚1949(上)(官方已下架)
*33期 2015-01-16 离骚1949(下)(官方已下架)
*34期 2015-01-23 台湾启示录(上)(官方已下架)
*35期 2015-01-30 台湾启示录(下)(官方已下架)
*36期 2015-02-06 朝花夕拾上 十年浩劫中的高晓松全家
*37期 2015-02-13 朝花夕拾中 文革时期的何以笙箫默
*38期 2015-02-20 奇谈奇葩大拜年 贺岁集锦
*39期 2015-02-27 朝花夕拾下 穷苦年代心酸的公园“野合”
*40期 2015-03-06 妄人列传之[[马可波罗]](上)
*41期 2015-03-13 妄人列传之[[马可波罗]](下)
*42期 2015-03-20 乱世佳人上 国民女神们终嫁何人
*43期 2015-04-03 乱世佳人下 国民女神们终嫁何人
*44期 2015-04-10 扒一扒美利坚(一)假乳房与橘子(上)
*45期 2015-04-17 扒一扒美利坚(二)假乳房与橘子(下)
*46期 2015-04-24 胜利阴影下(一)揭秘七百里战俘营
*47期 2015-05-01 胜利阴影下(二)征服德意日女性
*48期 2015-05-08 胜利阴影下(三)失贞与叛国
*49期 2015-05-15 胜利阴影下(四)中国没有大和族(官方已下架)
*50期 2015-05-22 扒一扒美利坚(三)赌城风云
*51期 2015-05-29 胜利阴影下(五)无辜与灭族(官方已下架)
*52期 2015-06-05 胜利阴影下(六)[[犹太]]复国血泪史(官方已下架)
*53期 2015-06-12 扒一扒美利坚(四)枪与堕胎药
*54期 2015-06-19 扒一扒美利坚(五)民意绑架死刑
*55期 2015-06-26 扒一扒美利坚(六)拿破仑与小龙虾
*56期 2015-07-03 扒一扒美利坚(七)南部顽固对抗同性恋
*57期 2015-07-10 禅让与革命(一)华夏第一帝国
*58期 2015-07-17 禅让与革命(二)罗马皇帝传位同性恋人
*59期 2015-07-24 禅让与革命(三)纯种汉人去哪儿了
*60期 2015-07-31 扒一扒美利坚(八)成人的童话乐园
*61期 2015-08-07 扒一扒美利坚(九)种族歧视[[蝴蝶效应]]
*62期 2015-08-14 三个令人发指的问题
*63期 2015-08-21 [[黄金大劫案]]
*64期 2015-08-28 扒一扒美利坚(十)西雅图特产垄断寡头
*65期 2015-09-04 两个抓紧时间看的问题
*66期 2015-09-11 大电影看历史1 [[阿甘正传]](上)
*67期 2015-09-18 大电影看历史2 [[阿甘正传]](下)
*68期 2015-09-25 张勋和他的北洋(一):草莽时代的小咖秀
*69期 2015-10-02 张勋和他的北洋(二):权力的游戏
*70期 2015-10-09 TPP和欧洲难民危机
*71期 2015-10-16 马与美国大选
*72期 2015-10-23 女王的骑士团
*73期 2015-10-30 [[张勋]]和他的北洋(三)被忽悠的冤大头
*74期 2015-11-06 张勋和他的北洋(四)复辟的正确打开方式
*75期 2015-11-13 北洋拾遗(上):天价赔款收回之迷
*76期 2015-11-20 ISIS肆虐与中国出兵护侨
*77期 2015-11-27 美国生活成本报告
*78期 2015-12-04 代号大富翁
*79期 2015-12-11 1860年代:高潮来临
*80期 2015-12-18 1860年代:欧洲残酷扩张
*81期 2015-12-25 1860年代:维多利亚的秘密

A short-lived '''64''' prefix on Texas Instruments parts indicated an industrial temperature range; this prefix had been dropped from the TI literature by 1973. Most recent 7400-series parts are fabricated in [[CMOS]] or [[BiCMOS]] technology rather than TTL.  Surface-mount parts with a single gate (often in a 5-pin or 6-pin package) are prefixed with '''741G''' instead of '''74'''.

Some manufacturers released some [[4000-series integrated circuits|4000-series]] equivalent CMOS circuits with a 74 prefix, for example, the 74HC4066<ref>{{cite web |title=RCA Solid State Databook High Speed CMOS Logic (1988, page 536) |url=https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_rcadataBooMOS_35821859/page/n536 |publisher= [[RCA]] |access-date=January 14, 2020}}</ref> was a replacement for the 4066 with slightly different electrical characteristics (different power-supply voltage ratings, higher frequency capabilities, lower "on" resistances in analog switches, etc.). See [[List of 4000-series integrated circuits]].
Conversely, the 4000-series has "borrowed" from the 7400 series{{snd}} such as the CD40193 and CD40161 being pin-for-pin ''functional'' replacements for 74C193 and 74C161.
*82期 2016-01-01 扒一扒以色列(上):盗墓笔记
*83期 2016-01-08 扒一扒以色列(下):共产主义实现之后
*84期 2016-01-15 大众记忆(上):北京老炮儿
*85期 2016-01-22 大众记忆(下):摇滚老炮儿
*86期 2016-01-29 [[清明上河图]](上)
*87期 2016-02-05 [[清明上河图]](下)
*88期 2016-02-12 2016说说心里话
*89期 2016-02-19 [[张学良]](一)
*90期 2016-02-26 2016颁奖季:格莱美与奥斯卡
*91期 2016-03-04 张学良(二)
*92期 2016-03-11 张学良 西安事变(上)
*93期 2016-03-18 张学良 [[西安事变]](下)
*94期 2016-03-25 1860年代:太平天国与南北战争(上)
*95期 2016-04-01 1860年代:[[太平天国]]与[[南北战争]](下)
*96期 2016-04-08 扒一扒韩国:太阳的后裔
*97期 2016-04-15 扒一扒韩国:继承者们
*98期 2016-04-22 扒一扒韩国:来自星星的你(官方已下架)
*99期 2016-04-29 扒一扒韩国:请问答2016
*100期 2016-05-06 扒一扒韩国:大长今
*101期 2016-05-13 谁是白眼狼
*102期 2016-05-20 不成熟小建议之三个首次回应的问答
*103期 2016-05-27 谁越过了三八线
*104期 2016-06-03 不成熟小建议之唱片时代与美国大选
*105期 2016-06-10 好莱坞精英:恶棍天使
*106期 2016-06-17 好莱坞精英:犹太大亨
*107期 2016-06-24 口述历史之对谈张治中女儿
*108期 2016-07-01 口述历史之周恩来解放后密会蒋经国
*109期 2016-07-08 口述历史之北戴河秘闻
*110期 2016-07-15 一个国家的诞生:伪装者
*111期 2016-07-22 睡在上铺的兄弟:海子
*112期 2016-07-29 扒一扒北欧:安徒生与维京海盗
*113期 2016-08-05 扒一扒北欧:瑞典女王
*114期 2016-08-12 扒一扒北欧:当童话照进现实
*115期 2016-08-19 扒一扒加拿大1:来了,温哥华
*116期 2016-09-02 扒一扒加拿大2:原住民酋长
*117期 2016-09-09 扒一扒加拿大3:文艺之都蒙特利尔
*118期 2016-09-16 扒一扒加拿大4:白宫陷落
*119期 2016-09-23 校园民谣 熟悉的恋恋风尘
*120期 2016-09-30 揭秘国际纵队 [[海明威]]竟陷身性绯闻
*121期 2016-10-07 国际纵队 永别了,武器
*122期 2016-10-14 波罗的海的奋斗
*123期 2016-10-21 高晓松谈文青的一周 同台飚戏金城武
*124期 2016-10-28 高晓松探访星战圣地 天行者庄园(上)
*125期 2016-11-04 高晓松探访星战圣地 天行者庄园(下)
*126期 2016-11-11 反思美国大选 美国总统大选上演惊天逆转
*127期 2016-11-18 匠心之旅:日本料理PK中华美食
*128期 2016-11-25 匠心之旅:迷失京都
*129期 2016-12-02 揭秘日本的“道”文化 看摇滚巨匠赴沙漠之旅
*130期 2016-12-09 卡斯特罗正传 传奇的革命领袖
*131期 2016-12-16 卡斯特罗与切·格瓦拉怎样成为亲密战友
*132期 2016-12-23 CIA解密文件大白天下 暗杀卡斯特罗638次
*133期 2016-12-30 不说再见(最后一期)

官方下架共18期。<ref>{{cite news|title= 晓松奇谈|url=http://www.iqiyi.com/a_19rrgifngp.html?vfm=2008_aldbd|accessdate=2019-03-20|publisher=爱奇艺}}</ref>
Older TTL parts made by manufacturers such as [[Signetics]], [[Motorola]], [[Mullard]] and [[Siemens]] may have different numeric prefix and numbering series entirely, such as in the European FJ family FJH101 is an 8-input [[NAND gate]] like a 7430.
A few alphabetic characters to designate a specific [[7400-series integrated circuits#Families|logic subfamily]] may immediately follow the '''74''' or '''54''' in the part number, e.g., 74LS74 for low-power [[Schottky diode|Schottky]]. Some CMOS parts such as 74HCT74 for high-speed [[CMOS]] with TTL-compatible input thresholds are functionally similar to the TTL part. Not all functions are available in all families.
The generic descriptive feature of these alphabetic characters was diluted by various companies participating in the market at its peak and are not always consistent especially with more recent offerings. The National Semiconductor trademarks of the words FAST<ref>{{cite web |title=FAST Advanced Schottky TTL Logic (1988, cover page) |url=https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_nationaldaFASTDatabook_31226275 |publisher= [[National Semiconductor]] |access-date=January 14, 2020}}</ref> and FACT
<ref>{{cite web |title=FACT Advanced CMOS Logic Databook (1990, cover page)) |url=https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_nationaldaFACTDatabook_39311242 |publisher= [[National Semiconductor]] |access-date=January 14, 2020}}</ref> are usually cited in the descriptions from other companies when describing their own unique designations.<ref>{{cite web |title=Samsung High Performance CMOS Data Book 1988 (page 31) |url=https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_samsungdatghPerformanceCMOSLogicDataBook_50512171/page/n31 |publisher= [[Samsung]] |access-date=January 14, 2020}}</ref><ref>{{cite web |title=1990/1991 Logic Databook (page 401) |url=https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_idtdataBooook_39008706/page/n401 |publisher=[[Integrated Device Technology]] |access-date=January 14, 2020}}</ref>
In a few instances, such as the 7478 and 74107, the same suffix in different families do not have completely equivalent logic functions.
Another extension to the series is the '''7416xxx''' variant, representing mostly the 16-bit-wide counterpart of otherwise 8-bit-wide "base" chips with the same three ending digits. Thus e.g. a "7416373" would be the 16-bit-wide equivalent of a "74373". Some 7416xxx parts, however, do not have a direct counterpart from the standard 74xxx range but deliver new functionality instead, which needs making use of the 7416xxx series' higher pin count. For more details, refer primarily to the Texas Instruments documentation mentioned in the [[#References|References]] section.
For CMOS (AC, HC, etc.) subfamilies, read "open drain" for "[[open collector]]" in the table below.
There are a few numeric suffixes that have multiple conflicting assignments, such as the 74453.
==Logic gates==
[[File:Logique74ls51.svg|thumb|right|Schematic of 74LS51 IC consists of a 3-3 AOI gate and 2-2 AOI gate. AOI means [[AND-OR-Invert]] (AND-NOR). Most AOI chips are currently obsolete.]]
{{See also|Logic gate|Logic level|Logic family}}
Since there are numerous 7400-series parts, the following groups related parts to make it easier to pick a useful part number. This section only includes combinational logic gates.
For part numbers in this section, "x" is the [[7400-series integrated circuits#Families|7400-series logic family]], such as LS, ALS, HCT, AHCT, HC, AHC, LVC, ...
;Normal inputs / push–pull outputs
:{| class="wikitable"
! Configuration !! Buffer !! Inverter
| Hex 1-input || 74x34 || 74x04
:{| class="wikitable"
! Configuration !! AND !! NAND !! OR !! NOR !! XOR !! XNOR
| Quad 2-input || 74x08 || 74x00 || 74x32 || 74x02 || 74x86 || 74x7266
| Triple 3-Input || 74x11 || 74x10 || 74x4075 || 74x27 || style="background: grey; text-align: center;" | n/a || style="background: grey; text-align: center;" | n/a
| Dual 4-input || 74x21 || 74x20 || 74x4072 || 74x29 || style="background: grey; text-align: center;" | n/a || style="background: grey; text-align: center;" | n/a
| Single 8-input || style="background: grey; text-align: center;" | n/a || 74x30 || 74x4078 || 74x4078 || style="background: grey; text-align: center;" | n/a || style="background: grey; text-align: center;" | n/a
;Schmitt-trigger inputs / push–pull outputs
:{| class="wikitable"
! Configuration !! Buffer !! Inverter
| Hex 1-input || 74x7014 || 74x14
:{| class="wikitable"
! Configuration !! AND !! NAND !! OR !! NOR
| Quad 2-input || 74x7001 || 74x132 || 74x7032 || 74x7002
| Dual 4-input || style="background: grey; text-align: center;" | n/a || 74x13 || style="background: grey; text-align: center;" | n/a || style="background: grey; text-align: center;" | n/a
;Normal inputs / open-collector outputs
:{| class="wikitable"
! Configuration !! Buffer !! Inverter
| Hex 1-input || 74x07 || 74x05
:{| class="wikitable"
! Configuration !! AND !! NAND !! OR !! NOR !! XOR !! XNOR
| Quad 2-input || 74x09 || 74x03 || style="background: grey; text-align: center;" | n/a || 74x33 || 74x136 || 74x266
| Triple 3-input || 74x15 || 74x12 || style="background: grey; text-align: center;" | n/a || style="background: grey; text-align: center;" | n/a || style="background: grey; text-align: center;" | n/a || style="background: grey; text-align: center;" | n/a
| Dual 4-input || style="background: grey; text-align: center;" | n/a || 74x22 || style="background: grey; text-align: center;" | n/a || style="background: grey; text-align: center;" | n/a || style="background: grey; text-align: center;" | n/a || style="background: grey; text-align: center;" | n/a
;Schmitt-trigger inputs / three-state outputs
:{| class="wikitable"
! Configuration !! Buffer
| Octal 1-input || 74x241
| 74x240
;AND-OR-invert (AOI) logic gates
: NOTE: in past decades, a number of [[AND-OR-invert]] (AOI) parts were available in 7400 TTL families, but currently most are obsolete.
* SN5450 = dual 2-2 AOI gate, one is expandable (SN54 is military version of SN74)
* SN74LS51 = 2-2 AOI gate and 3-3 AOI gate
* SN54LS54 = single 2-3-3-2 AOI gate
==Larger footprints==
Parts in this section have a pin count of 14 pins or more.  The lower part numbers were established in the 1960s and 1970s, then higher part numbers were added incrementally over decades.  IC manufacturers continue to make a core subset of this group, but many of these part numbers are considered obsolete and no longer manufactured.  Older discontinued parts may be available from a limited number of sellers as [[new old stock]] (NOS), though some are much harder to find.
For the following table:
* Part number column{{snd}} the "x" is a place holder for the [[7400-series integrated circuits#Families|logic subfamily]] name. For example, 74x00 in "LS" logic family would be "74LS00".
* Description column{{snd}} the terms Schmitt trigger, open-collector/open-drain, three-state were moved to the input and output columns to make it easier to sort by those features.
* Input column{{snd}} a blank cell means a normal input for the logic family type.
* Output column{{snd}} a blank cell means a "totem pole" output, also known as a [[push–pull output]], with the ability to drive ten standard inputs of the same logic subfamily ([[fan-out]] N<sub>O</sub>&nbsp;=&nbsp;10). Outputs with higher output currents are often called drivers or buffers.
* Pins column{{snd}} number of pins for the [[dual in-line package]] (DIP) version; a number in [[parentheses]] (round brackets) indicates that there is no known dual in-line package version of this IC.
{|class="wikitable sortable"
! {{TOC tab|Part number|74x00 – 74x99}}
! Units !! Description !! Input !! Output !! Pins !! Datasheet
|- {{anchor|7400}}
| 74x00
| 4
| quad 2-input [[NAND gate]]
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls00 SN74LS00]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7401}}
| 74x01
| 4
| quad 2-input NAND gate
| [[Open collector|open-collector]]
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn5401 SN74LS01]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7402}}
| 74x02
| 4
| quad 2-input [[NOR gate]]
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls02 SN74LS02]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7403}}
| 74x03
| 4
| quad 2-input NAND gate
| open-collector
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn54ls03 SN74LS03]<!--May '21 July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7404}}
| 74x04
| 6
| hex [[inverter gate]]
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls04 SN74LS04]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7405}}
| 74x05
| 6
| hex inverter gate
| open-collector
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls05 SN74LS05]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7406}}
| 74x06
| 6
| hex inverter gate
| open-collector 30&nbsp;V / 40&nbsp;mA
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls06 SN74LS06]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7407}}
| 74x07
| 6
| hex [[buffer gate]]
| open-collector 30&nbsp;V / 40&nbsp;mA
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls07 SN74LS07]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7408}}
| 74x08
| 4
| quad 2-input [[AND gate]]
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls08 SN74LS08]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7409}}
| 74x09
| 4
| quad 2-input AND gate
| open-collector
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls09 SN74LS09]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7410}}
| 74x10
| 3
| triple 3-input NAND gate
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls10 SN74LS10]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7411}}
| 74x11
| 3
| triple 3-input AND gate
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls11 SN74LS11]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7412}}
| 74x12
| 3
| triple 3-input NAND gate
| open-collector
| 14
| [http://pdf.datasheetcatalog.com/datasheet/motorola/SN54LS12J.pdf SN74LS12]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7413}}
| 74x13
| 2
| dual 4-input NAND gate
| [[Schmitt trigger]]
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n125 SN74LS13]<!--December2019-->
|- {{anchor|7414}}
| 74x14
| 6
| hex inverter gate
| Schmitt trigger
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls14 SN74LS14]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7415}}
| 74x15
| 3
| triple 3-input AND gate
| open-collector
| 14
| [http://pdf.datasheetcatalog.com/datasheet/motorola/74LS15.pdf SN74LS15]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7416}}
| 74x16
| 6
| hex inverter gate
| open-collector 15&nbsp;V / 40&nbsp;mA
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn7416 SN7416]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7417}}
| 74x17
| 6
| hex buffer gate
| open-collector 15&nbsp;V / 40&nbsp;mA
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn7417 SN7417]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7418}}
| 74x18
| 2
| dual 4-input NAND gate
| Schmitt trigger
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n149 SN74LS18]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7419}}
| 74x19
| 6
| hex inverter gate
| Schmitt trigger
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n149 SN74LS19]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7420}}
| 74x20
| 2
| dual 4-input NAND gate
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls20 SN74LS20]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7421}}
| 74x21
| 2
| dual 4-input AND gate
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls21 SN74LS21]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7422}}
| 74x22
| 2
| dual 4-input NAND gate
| open-collector
| 14
| [http://pdf.datasheetcatalog.com/datasheets/270/331402_DS.pdf SN74LS22]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7423}}
| 74x23
| 2
| dual 4-input NOR gate with strobe, one gate expandable with 74x60
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn5423 SN7423]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7424}}
| 74x24
| 4
| quad 2-input NAND gate
| Schmitt trigger
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n149 SN74LS24]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7425}}
| 74x25
| 2
| dual 4-input NOR gate with strobe
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn7425 SN7425]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7426}}
| 74x26
| 4
| quad 2-input NAND gate
| open-collector 15&nbsp;V
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls26 SN74LS26]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7427}}
| 74x27
| 3
| triple 3-input NOR gate
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls27 SN74LS27]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7428}}
| 74x28
| 4
| quad 2-input NOR gate
| driver N<sub>O</sub>=30
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn5428 SN74LS28]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7429}}
| 74x29
| 2
| dual 4-input NOR gate
| 14
| [https://archive.org/stream/bitsavers_derivationates1974DigitalIntegratedCircuitDataBook_79049866#page/n101 US7429A]
|- {{anchor|7430}}
| 74x30
| 1
| single 8-input NAND gate
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls30 SN74LS30]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7431}}
| 74x31
| 6
| hex delay elements (two 6ns, two 23-32ns, two 45-48ns)
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls31 SN74LS31]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7432}}
| 74x32
| 4
| quad 2-input [[OR gate]]
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls32 SN74LS32]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7433}}
| 74x33
| 4
| quad 2-input NOR gate
| open-collector driver N<sub>O</sub>=30
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls33 SN74LS33]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7434}}
| 74x34
| 6
| hex buffer gate
| 14
| [http://pdf.datasheetcatalog.com/datasheet/nationalsemiconductor/DS009389.PDF MM74HC34]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7435}}
| 74x35
| 6
| hex buffer gate
| open-collector
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol3_25840031/page/n101 SN74ALS35]
|- {{anchor|7436}}
| 74x36
| 4
| quad 2-input NOR gate (different pinout than 7402)
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookogicDataBook_23574286/page/n81 SN74HC36]
|- {{anchor|7437}}
| 74x37
| 4
| quad 2-input NAND gate
| driver N<sub>O</sub>=30
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls37 SN74LS37]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7438}}
| 74x38
| 4
| quad 2-input NAND gate
| open-collector driver N<sub>O</sub>=30
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls38 SN74LS38]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7439}}
| 74x39
| 4
| quad 2-input NAND gate (different [[pinout]] than 7438)
| open-collector 60&nbsp;mA
| 14
| [http://pdf.datasheetcatalog.com/datasheets/90/338005_DS.pdf SN7439]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7440}}
| 74x40
| 2
| dual 4-input NAND gate
| driver N<sub>O</sub>=30
| 14
| [http://pdf.datasheetcatalog.com/datasheet/motorola/SN54LS40J.pdf SN74LS40]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7441}}
| 74x41
| 1
| [[binary-coded decimal|BCD]] to decimal [[Binary decoder|decoder]] / [[Nixie tube]] driver
| open-collector 70&nbsp;V
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_nationaldaTTLDatabook_42712617/page/nal_TTL_Databook#page/n146 DM7441A]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7442}}
| 74x42
| 1
| BCD to decimal decoder
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls42 SN74LS42]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7443}}
| 74x43
| 1
| [[excess-3]] to decimal decoder
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n231 SN7443A]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7444}}
| 74x44
| 1
| [[Gray code]] to decimal decoder
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n231 SN7444A]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7445}}
| 74x45
| 1
| BCD to decimal decoder/driver
| open-collector 30&nbsp;V / 80&nbsp;mA
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn7445 SN7445]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7446}}
| 74x46
| 1
| BCD to [[seven-segment display|7-segment display]] decoder/driver
| open-collector 30&nbsp;V
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n244 SN7446A]<!--January 2020-->
|- {{anchor|7447}}
| 74x47
| 1
| BCD to 7-segment decoder/driver
| open-collector 15&nbsp;V
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls47 SN74LS47]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7448}}
| 74x48
| 1
| BCD to 7-segment decoder/driver
| open-collector, 2&nbsp;kΩ [[Pull-up resistor|pull-up]]
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n244 SN74LS48]<!--January 2020-->
|- {{anchor|7449}}
| 74x49
| 1
| BCD to 7-segment decoder/driver
| open-collector
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n244 SN74LS49]<!--January 2020-->
|- {{anchor|7450}}
| 74x50
| 2
| dual 2-2-input [[AND-OR-Invert]] gate, one gate expandable
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn5450 SN7450]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7451}}
| 7451, 74H51, 74S51
| 2
| dual 2-2-input AND-OR-Invert (AOI) gate
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls51 SN7451]<!--July2018-->
| 74L51, 74LS51
| 2
| 3-3-input [[AND-OR-Invert]] gate and 2-2-input AND-OR-Invert gate
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls51 SN74LS51]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7452}}
| 74x52
| 1
| 3-2-2-2-input AND-OR gate, expandable with 74x61
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n271 SN74H52]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7453}}
| 7453
| 1
| 2-2-2-2-input AND-OR-Invert gate, expandable
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n273 SN7453]<!--July2018-->
| 74H53
| 1
| 3-2-2-2-input AND-OR-Invert gate, expandable
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n273 SN74H53]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7454}}
| 7454
| 1
| 2-2-2-2-input AND-OR-Invert gate
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn5454 SN7454]<!--July2018-->
| 74H54
| 1
| 3-2-2-2-input AND-OR-Invert gate
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n279 SN74H54]
| 74L54, 74LS54
| 1
| 3-3-2-2-input AND-OR-Invert gate
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn5454 SN74LS54]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7455}}
| 74x55
| 1
| 4-4-input AND-OR-Invert gate, 74H55 is expandable
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n287 SN74LS55]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7456}}
| 74x56
| 1
| 50:1 [[frequency divider]]
| 8
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n291 SN74LS56]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7457}}
| 74x57
| 1
| 60:1 frequency divider
| 8
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n291 SN74LS57]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7458}}
| 74x58
| 2
| 3-3-input AND-OR gate and 2-2-input AND-OR gate
| 14
| [https://media.digikey.com/pdf/Data%20Sheets/NXP%20PDFs/74HC58.pdf 74HC58]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7459}}
| 74x59
| 2
| dual 3-2-input AND-OR-Invert gate
| 14
| [https://archive.org/stream/bitsavers_derivationates1974DigitalIntegratedCircuitDataBook_79049866#page/n103 US7459A]
|- {{anchor|7460}}
| 74x60
| 2
| dual 4-input expander for 74x23, 74x50, 74x53, 74x55
| {{Unknown|{{sp}}}}
| 14
| [http://pdf.datasheetcatalog.com/datasheets/166/501736_DS.pdf SN7460]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7461}}
| 74x61
| 3
| triple 3-input expander for 74x52
| {{Unknown|{{sp}}}}
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n299 SN74H61]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7462}}
| 74x62
| 1
| 3-3-2-2-input AND-OR expander for 74x50, 74x53, 74x55
| {{Unknown|{{sp}}}}
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n301 SN74H62]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7463}}
| 74x63
| 6
| hex current sensing interface gates
| {{Unknown|{{sp}}}}
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n303 SN74LS63]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7464}}
| 74x64
| 1
| 4-3-2-2-input AND-OR-Invert gate
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn54s64 SN74S64]
|- {{anchor|7465}}
| 74x65
| 1
| 4-3-2-2 input AND-OR-Invert gate
| open-collector
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn54s64 SN74S65]
|- {{anchor|7467}}
| 74x67
| 1
| AND gated J-K master-slave flip-flop, asynchronous preset and clear (improved 74L72)
| (16)
| [https://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/19720020596.pdf BL54L67Y]
|- {{anchor|7468}}
| 74L68
| 2
| dual J-K flip-flop, asynchronous clear (improved 74L73)
| (18)
| [https://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/19720020596.pdf BL54L68Y]
| 74LS68
| 2
| dual 4-bit decade counters
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n311 SN74LS68]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7469}}
| 74L69
| 2
| dual J-K flip-flop, asynchronous preset, common clock and clear
| (18)
| [https://archive.org/stream/bitsavers_derivationates1974DigitalIntegratedCircuitDataBook_79049866#page/n47 BL54L69Y]
| 74LS69
| 2
| dual 4-bit binary counters
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n311 SN74LS69]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7470}}
| 74x70
| 1
| AND-gated positive edge triggered J-K [[Flip-flop (electronics)|flip-flop]], asynchronous preset and clear
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n317 SN7470]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7471}}
| 74H71
| 1
| AND-OR-gated J-K master-slave flip-flop, preset
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n321 SN74H71]<!--July2018-->
| 74L71
| 1
| AND-gated R-S master-slave flip-flop, preset and clear
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n325 SN54L71]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7472}}
| 74x72
| 1
| AND gated J-K master-slave flip-flop, asynchronous preset and clear
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn5472 SN7472]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7473}}
| 74x73
| 2
| dual J-K flip-flop, asynchronous clear
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn54ls73a SN54LS73A]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7474}}
| 74x74
| 2
| dual D positive edge triggered flip-flop, asynchronous preset and clear
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls74a SN74LS74A]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7475}}
| 74x75
| 2
| 4-bit bistable [[latch (electronic)|latch]], complementary outputs
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls75 SN74LS75]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7476}}
| 74x76
| 2
| dual J-K flip-flop, asynchronous preset and clear
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn54ls76a SN74LS76A]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7477}}
| 74x77
| 1
| 4-bit bistable latch
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls75 SN74LS77]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7478}}
| 74H78
| 2
| dual positive pulse triggered J-K flip-flop, preset, common clock and common clear
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n369 SN74H78]<!--July2018-->
| 74L78
| 2
| dual positive pulse triggered J-K flip-flop, preset, common clock and common clear
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n369 SN54L78]<!--July2018-->
| 74LS78
| 2
| dual negative edge triggered J-K flip-flop, preset, common clock and common clear
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n369 SN74LS78A]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7479}}
| 74x79
| 2
| dual D positive edge triggered flip-flop, asynchronous preset and clear
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_motoroladaTTLIntegratedCircuitsDataBook_38442857/page/ntegrated_Circuits_Data_Book#page/n387 MC7479]
|- {{anchor|7480}}
| 74x80
| 1
| gated [[full adder]]
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n377 SN7480]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7481}}
| 74x81
| 1
| 16-bit [[random access memory|RAM]]
| 14
| [http://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/originals/distributors/Datasheets-111/DSAP0036758.pdf SN7481A]
|- {{anchor|7482}}
| 74x82
| 1
| 2-bit binary full adder
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n379 SN7482]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7483}}
| 74x83
| 1
| 4-bit binary full adder
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n383 SN74LS83A]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7484}}
| 74x84
| 1
| 16-bit [[random access memory|RAM]]
| 16
| [http://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/originals/distributors/Datasheets-111/DSAP0036758.pdf SN7484A]
|- {{anchor|7485}}
| 74x85
| 1
| 4-bit [[digital comparator|magnitude comparator]]
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls85 SN74LS85]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7486}}
| 74x86
| 4
| quad 2-input [[XOR gate]]
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls86a SN74LS86A]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7487}}
| 74x87
| 1
| 4-bit true/complement/zero/one element
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n403 SN74H87]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7488}}
| 74x88
| 1
| 256-bit [[read-only memory|ROM]] (32x8)
| open-collector
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookcomputerComponentsDataBook_16851665/page/nents_Data_Book#page/n181 SN7488A]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7489}}
| 74x89
| 1
| 64-bit [[random access memory|RAM]] (16x4), 4 data inputs, 4 inverted data outputs
| open-collector
| 16
| [http://pdf.datasheetcatalog.com/datasheets/270/499426_DS.pdf SN7489]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7490}}
| 74x90
| 1
| [[Counter (digital)#Decade counter|decade counter]] (separate divide-by-2 and divide-by-5 sections)
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls90 SN74LS90]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7491}}
| 74x91
| 1
| 8-bit [[shift register]], serial in, serial out, gated input
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n419 SN74LS91]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7492}}
| 74x92
| 1
| divide-by-12 counter (separate divide-by-2 and divide-by-6 sections)
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls92 SN74LS92]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7493}}
| 74x93
| 1
| 4-bit binary counter (separate divide-by-2 and divide-by-8 sections); different pinout for 74L93
| 14
| [https://www.datasheets360.com/pdf/7761228217550421319 SN74LS93]
|- {{anchor|7494}}
| 74x94
| 1
| 4-bit shift register, dual asynchronous presets
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n423 SN7494]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7495}}
| 74x95
| 1
| 4-bit shift register, parallel in, parallel out, serial input; different pinout for 74L95
| 14
| [https://www.datasheets360.com/pdf/-5053843966740530793 SN74LS95B]
|- {{anchor|7496}}
| 74x96
| 1
| 5-bit parallel-in/parallel-out shift register, asynchronous preset
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n435 SN74LS96]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7497}}
| 74x97
| 1
| synchronous 6-bit binary rate multiplier
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn5497 SN7497]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7498}}
| 74x98
| 1
| 4-bit data selector/storage register
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n449 SN54L98]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7499}}
| 74x99
| 1
| 4-bit bidirectional universal shift register
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n451 SN54L99]<!--July2018-->
! {{TOC tab|Part number|74x100 – 74x199}}
! Units !! Description !! Input !! Output !! Pins !! Datasheet
|- {{anchor|74100}}
| 74x100
| 2
| dual 4-bit bistable latch
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n457 SN74100]
|- {{anchor|74101}}
| 74x101
| 1
| AND-OR-gated J-K negative-edge-triggered flip-flop, preset
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n459 SN74H101]
|- {{anchor|74102}}
| 74x102
| 1
| AND-gated J-K negative-edge-triggered flip-flop, preset and clear
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n463 SN74H102]
|- {{anchor|74103}}
| 74x103
| 2
| dual J-K negative-edge-triggered flip-flop, clear
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n465 SN74H103]
|- {{anchor|74104}}
| 74x104
| 1
| J-K master-slave flip-flop
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n469 SN74104]
|- {{anchor|74105}}
| 74x105
| 1
| J-K master-slave flip-flop, J2 and K2 inverted
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n469 SN74105]
|- {{anchor|74106}}
| 74x106
| 2
| dual J-K negative-edge-triggered flip-flop, preset and clear
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n471 SN74H106]
|- {{anchor|74107}}
| 74x107
| 2
| dual J-K flip-flop, clear
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls107a SN74107]
| 74x107A
| 2
| dual J-K negative-edge-triggered flip-flop, clear
| 14
| [https://web.archive.org/web/20070125105009/http://focus.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/sn74107.pdf SN74LS107A]
|- {{anchor|74108}}
| 74x108
| 2
| dual J-K negative-edge-triggered flip-flop, preset, common clear and common clock
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n479 SN74H108]
|- {{anchor|74109}}
| 74x109
| 2
| dual J-NotK positive-edge-triggered flip-flop, clear and preset
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls109a SN74109]
|- {{anchor|74110}}
| 74x110
| 1
| AND-gated J-K master-slave flip-flop, data lockout
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n487 SN74110]
|- {{anchor|74111}}
| 74x111
| 2
| dual J-K master-slave flip-flop, data lockout, reset, set
| 16
| [http://www.fecegypt.com/uploads/dataSheet/1481104190_tl74115n.pdf TL74111N]
|- {{anchor|74112}}
| 74x112
| 2
| dual J-K negative-edge-triggered flip-flop, clear and preset
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74s112a SN74LS112A]
|- {{anchor|74113}}
| 74x113
| 2
| dual J-K negative-edge-triggered flip-flop, preset
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n499 SN74LS113A]
|- {{anchor|74114}}
| 74x114
| 2
| dual J-K negative-edge-triggered flip-flop, preset, common clock and clear
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n505 SN74LS114A]
|- {{anchor|74115}}
| 74x115
| 2
| dual J-K master-slave flip-flop, data lockout, reset
| 14
| [http://www.fecegypt.com/uploads/dataSheet/1481104190_tl74115n.pdf TL74115N]
|- {{anchor|74116}}
| 74116, 74L116
| 2
| dual 4-bit latch, clear
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n511 SN74116] <ref name=ttltb1>{{cite book |title=TTL-Taschenbuch, Teil 1 |trans-title=TTL Pocket Reference, Part 1 |language=de |publisher=IWT Verlag |place=Vaterstetten |date=1992 |isbn=3-88322-191-0}}</ref>{{rp|1-123}}
| 74H116
| 1
| AND-gated J-K flip flop
| {{Unknown|{{?}}}}
| {{Unknown|{{?}}}}
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/Digital_IC_Equivalents/page/n97 MC74H116]
|- {{anchor|74117}}
| 74x117
| 1
| AND-gated J-K flip flop, one J and K input inverted
| {{Unknown|{{?}}}}
| {{Unknown|{{?}}}}
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/Digital_IC_Equivalents/page/n97 MC74H117]
|- {{anchor|74118}}
| 74x118
| 6
| hex set/reset latch, common reset
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_ittdataBootorProductCatalog_54440015/page/n161 ITT74118]
|- {{anchor|74119}}
| 74119
| 6
| hex set/reset latch
| 24
| [https://archive.org/stream/bitsavers_derivationates1974DigitalIntegratedCircuitDataBook_79049866#page/n57 TL74119N] <ref name=ttltb1/>{{rp|1-125}}
| 74H119
| 2
| dual J-K flip-flop, shared clear and clock inputs
| {{Unknown|{{?}}}}
| {{Unknown|{{?}}}}
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/Digital_IC_Equivalents/page/n97 MC74H119]
|- {{anchor|74120}}
| 74120
| 2
| dual pulse synchronizer/drivers
| 15&nbsp;kΩ pull-up
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n515 SN74120]
| 74H120
| 2
| dual J-K flip-flop, separate clock inputs
| {{Unknown|{{?}}}}
| {{Unknown|{{?}}}}
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/Digital_IC_Equivalents/page/n97 MC74H120]
|- {{anchor|74121}}
| 74x121
| 1
| monostable [[multivibrator]]
| Schmitt trigger
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74121 SN74121]
|- {{anchor|74122}}
| 74x122
| 1
| [[retriggerable monostable]] multivibrator, clear
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls122 SN74122]
|- {{anchor|74123}}
| 74x123
| 2
| dual retriggerable monostable multivibrator, clear
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls122 SN74123]
|- {{anchor|74124}}
| 74x124
| 2
| dual [[voltage-controlled oscillator]]
| analog
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn54s124 SN74S124]
|- {{anchor|74125}}
| 74x125
| 4
| quad bus buffer, negative enable
| [[Three-state logic|three-state]]
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls126a SN74LS125A]
|- {{anchor|74126}}
| 74x126
| 4
| quad bus buffer, positive enable
| [[Three-state logic|three-state]]
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls126a SN74LS126A]
|- {{anchor|74128}}
| 74x128
| 4
| quad 2-input NOR gate
| driver [[Electrical termination|50&nbsp;Ω]]
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74128 SN74128]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|74130}}
| 74x130
| 2
| retriggerable monostable multivibrator
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls122 SN74130]
|- {{anchor|74131}}
| 74131
| 4
| quad 2-input AND gate
| open-collector 15&nbsp;V
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_ittdataBootorProductCatalog_54440015/page/n181 ITT74131]
| 74AS131, 74ALS131
| 1
| 3-to-8 line decoder/demultiplexer, address register, inverting outputs
| 16
| [https://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/originals/scans/Scans-067/DSA2IH00211615.pdf SN74AS131]
|- {{anchor|74132}}
| 74x132
| 4
| quad 2-input NAND gate
| Schmitt trigger
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls132 SN74LS132]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|74133}}
| 74x133
| 1
| single 13-input NAND gate
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn54als133 SN54ALS133]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|74134}}
| 74x134
| 1
| single 12-input NAND gate
| [[Three-state logic|three-state]]
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn54s134 SN74S134]
|- {{anchor|74135}}
| 74x135
| 4
| quad XOR/XNOR gate, two inputs to select logic type
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n567 SN74S135]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|74136}}
| 74x136
| 4
| quad 2-input [[XOR gate]]
| open-collector
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls136 SN74LS136]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|74137}}
| 74x137
| 1
| 3-to-8 line decoder/[[demultiplexer]], address latch, inverting outputs
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n573 SN74LS137]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|74138}}
| 74x138
| 1
| 3-to-8 line decoder/demultiplexer, inverting outputs
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls138 SN74LS138]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|74139}}
| 74x139
| 2
| dual 2-to-4 line decoder/demultiplexer, inverting outputs
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls139a SN74LS139A]
|- {{anchor|74140}}
| 74x140
| 2
| dual 4-input NAND gate
| driver 50&nbsp;Ω
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn54s140 SN74S140]
|- {{anchor|74141}}
| 74x141
| 1
| BCD to decimal decoder/driver for [[cold-cathode]] indicator / Nixie tube
| open-collector 60&nbsp;V
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_nationaldaTTLDatabook_42712617/page/nal_TTL_Databook#page/n146 DM74141]
|- {{anchor|74142}}
| 74x142
| 1
| decade counter/latch/decoder/driver for Nixie tubes
| open-collector 60&nbsp;V
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBook2ed07_23301973/page/n137 SN74142]
|- {{anchor|74143}}
| 74x143
| 1
| decade counter/latch/decoder/7-segment driver
| constant current 15&nbsp;mA
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBook2ed07_23301973/page/n141 SN74143]
|- {{anchor|74144}}
| 74x144
| 1
| decade counter/latch/decoder/7-segment driver
| open-collector 15&nbsp;V / 25&nbsp;mA
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBook2ed07_23301973/page/n141 SN74144]
|- {{anchor|74145}}
| 74x145
| 1
| BCD to decimal decoder/driver
| open-collector 15&nbsp;V / 80&nbsp;mA
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls145 SN74145]
|- {{anchor|74146}}
| 74x146
| 1
| 3-to-8 line decoder
| {{Unknown|{{sp}}}}
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_motoroladaTTLIntegratedCircuitsDataBook_38442857/page/ntegrated_Circuits_Data_Book#page/n77 MCE74H146]
|- {{anchor|74147}}
| 74x147
| 1
| 10-line to 4-line priority encoder
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls148 SN74147]
|- {{anchor|74148}}
| 74x148
| 1
| 8-line to 3-line priority encoder
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls148 SN74148]
|- {{anchor|74149}}
| 74x149
| 1
| 8-line to 8-line priority encoder
| 20
| [http://pdf.datasheetcatalog.com/datasheet/nationalsemiconductor/DS005364.PDF MM74HCT149]
|- {{anchor|74150}}
| 74x150
| 1
| 16-line to 1-line data selector/[[multiplexer]]
| 24
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls151 SN74150]
|- {{anchor|74151}}
| 74x151
| 1
| 8-line to 1-line data selector/multiplexer
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls151 SN74151A]
|- {{anchor|74152}}
| 74x152
| 1
| 8-line to 1-line data selector/multiplexer, inverting output
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n611 SN54152A]
|- {{anchor|74153}}
| 74x153
| 2
| dual 4-line to 1-line data selector/multiplexer, non-inverting outputs
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls153 SN74153]
|- {{anchor|74154}}
| 74x154
| 1
| 4-to-16 line decoder/demultiplexer, inverting outputs
| 24
| [https://web.archive.org/web/20150321045049/http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/sn74154.pdf SN74154]
|- {{anchor|74155}}
| 74x155
| 2
| dual 2-to-4 line decoder/demultiplexer, inverting outputs
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls155a SN74155]
|- {{anchor|74156}}
| 74x156
| 2
| dual 2-to-4 line decoder/demultiplexer, inverting outputs
| open-collector
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls155a SN74156]
|- {{anchor|74157}}
| 74x157
| 4
| quad 2-line to 1-line data selector/multiplexer, non-inverting outputs
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls157 SN74157]
|- {{anchor|74158}}
| 74x158
| 4
| quad 2-line to 1-line data selector/multiplexer, inverting outputs
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls157 SN74LS158]
|- {{anchor|74159}}
| 74x159
| 1
| 4-to-16 line decoder/demultiplexer
| open-collector
| 24
| [https://web.archive.org/web/20070102021404/http://focus.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/sn74159.pdf SN74159]
|- {{anchor|74160}}
| 74x160
| 1
| synchronous presettable 4-bit decade counter, asynchronous clear
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls161a SN74160]
|- {{anchor|74161}}
| 74x161
| 1
| synchronous presettable 4-bit binary counter, asynchronous clear
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls161a SN74161]
|- {{anchor|74162}}
| 74x162
| 1
| synchronous presettable 4-bit decade counter, synchronous clear
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls161a SN74162]
|- {{anchor|74163}}
| 74x163
| 1
| synchronous presettable 4-bit binary counter, synchronous clear
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls161a SN74163]
|- {{anchor|74164}}
| 74x164
| 1
| 8-bit serial-in parallel-out ([[Shift_register#Serial-in_parallel-out_(SIPO)|SIPO]]) shift register, asynchronous clear, not output latch
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls164 SN74164]
|- {{anchor|74165}}
| 74x165
| 1
| 8-bit parallel-in serial-out ([[Shift_register#Parallel-in_serial-out_(PISO)|PISO]]) shift register, parallel load, complementary outputs
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/sn54hc165.pdf SN74165]
|- {{anchor|74166}}
| 74x166
| 1
| parallel-load 8-bit shift register
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn54ls166a SN74166]
|- {{anchor|74167}}
| 74x167
| 1
| synchronous decade rate multiplier
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n695 SN74167]
|- {{anchor|74168}}
| 74x168
| 1
| synchronous presettable 4-bit up/down decade counter
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_nationaldaTTLDatabook_42712617/page/nal_TTL_Databook#page/n229 DM74LS168]
|- {{anchor|74169}}
| 74x169
| 1
| synchronous presettable 4-bit up/down binary counter
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls169b SN74LS169B]
|- {{anchor|74170}}
| 74x170
| 1
| 16-bit register file (4x4)
| open-collector
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n715 SN74170]
|- {{anchor|74171}}
| 74x171
| 4
| quad D flip-flops, clear
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n725 SN74LS171]
|- {{anchor|74172}}
| 74x172
| 1
| 16-bit multiple port register file (8x2)
| [[Three-state logic|three-state]]
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n729 SN74172]
|- {{anchor|74173}}
| 74x173
| 4
| quad D flip-flop, asynchronous clear
| [[Three-state logic|three-state]]
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn54ls173a SN74173]
|- {{anchor|74174}}
| 74x174
| 6
| hex D flip-flop, common asynchronous clear
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74s175 SN74174]
|- {{anchor|74175}}
| 74x175
| 4
| quad D edge-triggered flip-flop, complementary outputs and asynchronous clear
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74s175 SN74175]
|- {{anchor|74176}}
| 74x176
| 1
| presettable decade (bi-quinary) counter/latch
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n745 SN74176]
|- {{anchor|74177}}
| 74x177
| 1
| presettable binary counter/latch
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n745 SN74177]
|- {{anchor|74178}}
| 74x178
| 1
| 4-bit parallel-access shift register
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n751 SN74178]
|- {{anchor|74179}}
| 74x179
| 1
| 4-bit parallel-access shift register, asynchronous clear input, complementary Q<sub>d</sub> output
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n751 SN74179]
|- {{anchor|74180}}
| 74x180
| 1
| 9-bit odd/even [[parity bit]] generator and checker
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n755 SN74180]
|- {{anchor|74181}}
| <!--pn-->[[74181|74x181]]
| 1
| 4-bit arithmetic logic unit and function generator
| 24
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn54ls181 SN74LS181]
|- {{anchor|74182}}
| 74x182
| 1
| lookahead carry generator
| 16
| [https://web.archive.org/web/20160418004301/http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/sn74s182.pdf SN74S182]
|- {{anchor|74183}}
| 74x183
| 2
| dual carry-save [[full adder]]
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n777 SN74LS183]
|- {{anchor|74184}}
| 74x184
| 1
| BCD to binary converter
| open-collector
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n781 SN74184]
|- {{anchor|74185}}
| 74x185
| 1
| 6-bit binary to BCD converter
| open-collector
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n781 SN74185A]
|- {{anchor|74186}}
| 74x186
| 1
| 512-bit [[read-only memory|ROM]] (64x8)
| open-collector
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookForDesignEngineers2ed_29954976/page/n_Engineers_2ed#page/n121 SN74186]
|- {{anchor|74187}}
| 74x187
| 1
| 1024-bit [[read-only memory|ROM]] (256x4)
| open-collector
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookcomputerComponentsDataBook_16851665/page/nents_Data_Book#page/n181 SN74187]
|- {{anchor|74188}}
| 74x188
| 1
| 256-bit [[programmable read-only memory|PROM]] (32x8)
| open-collector
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookcomputerComponentsDataBook_16851665/page/nents_Data_Book#page/n173 SN74S188]
|- {{anchor|74189}}
| 74x189
| 1
| 64-bit RAM (16x4), 4 data inputs, 4 inverted data outputs
| [[Three-state logic|three-state]]
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookcomputerComponentsDataBook_16851665/page/nents_Data_Book#page/n191 SN74S189]
|- {{anchor|74190}}
| 74x190
| 1
| synchronous presettable up/down 4-bit decade counter
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls191 SN74190]
|- {{anchor|74191}}
| 74x191
| 1
| synchronous presettable up/down 4-bit binary counter
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls191 SN74191]
|- {{anchor|74192}}
| 74x192
| 1
| synchronous presettable up/down 4-bit decade counter, clear
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls193 SN74192]
|- {{anchor|74193}}
| 74x193
| 1
| synchronous presettable up/down 4-bit binary counter, clear
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls193 SN74193]
|- {{anchor|74194}}
| 74x194
| 1
| 4-bit bidirectional universal shift register
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n820 SN74194]<!--December2019-->
|- {{anchor|74195}}
| 74x195
| 1
| 4-bit parallel-access shift register
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n829 SN74195]
|- {{anchor|74196}}
| 74x196
| 1
| presettable 4-bit decade counter/latch
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n837 SN74196]
|- {{anchor|74197}}
| 74x197
| 1
| presettable 4-bit binary counter/latch
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n837 SN74197]
|- {{anchor|74198}}
| 74x198
| 1
| 8-bit bidirectional universal shift register
| 24
| [https://web.archive.org/web/20070228042947/http://focus.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/sn74198.pdf SN74198]
|- {{anchor|74199}}
| 74x199
| 1
| 8-bit universal shift register, J-NotK serial inputs
| 24
| [https://web.archive.org/web/20070228042947/http://focus.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/sn74198.pdf SN74199]
! {{TOC tab|Part number|74x200 – 74x299}}
! Units !! Description !! Input !! Output !! Pins !! Datasheet
|- {{anchor|74200}}
| 74x200
| 1
| 256-bit RAM (256x1)
| [[Three-state logic|three-state]]
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_nationaldaTTLDatabook_42712617/page/nal_TTL_Databook#page/n299 DM74S200]
|- {{anchor|74201}}
| 74x201
| 1
| 256-bit RAM (256x1)
| [[Three-state logic|three-state]]
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookcomputerComponentsDataBook_16851665/page/nents_Data_Book#page/n195 SN74S201]
|- {{anchor|74202}}
| 74x202
| 1
| 256-bit RAM (256x1) with power down
| [[Three-state logic|three-state]]
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBook2ed05_2617547/page/n51 SN74LS202]
|- {{anchor|74206}}
| 74x206
| 1
| 256-bit RAM (256x1)
| open-collector
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_nationaldaTTLDatabook_42712617/page/nal_TTL_Databook#page/n301 DM74S206]
|- {{anchor|74207}}
| 74x207
| 1
| 1024-bit RAM (256x4)
| [[Three-state logic|three-state]]
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookcomputerComponentsDataBook_16851665/page/nents_Data_Book#page/n205 SN74LS207]
|- {{anchor|74208}}
| 74x208
| 1
| 1024-bit RAM (256x4), separate data in- and outputs
| [[Three-state logic|three-state]]
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookcomputerComponentsDataBook_16851665/page/nents_Data_Book#page/n205 SN74LS208]
|- {{anchor|74209}}
| 74x209
| 1
| 1024-bit RAM (1024x1)
| [[Three-state logic|three-state]]
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookmoryDataBook1975_9924035/page/nductor_Memory_Data_Book_1975#page/n171 SN74S209]
|- {{anchor|74210}}
| 74x210
| 8
| octal buffer, inverting
| [[Three-state logic|three-state]]
| 20
| [https://archive.org/stream/MonolithicMemories-MMI-BipolarLSI1982DatabookOCR#page/n311 SN74LS210]
|- {{anchor|74211}}
| 74x211
| 1
| 144-bit RAM (16x9) with output latch
| [[Three-state logic|three-state]]
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_fairchilddldFASTDataBook_29981933/page/n181 74F211]
|- {{anchor|74212}}
| 74x212
| 1
| 144-bit RAM (16x9)
| [[Three-state logic|three-state]]
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_fairchilddldFASTDataBook_29981933/page/n185 74F212]
|- {{anchor|74213}}
| 74x213
| 1
| 192-bit RAM (16x12)
| [[Three-state logic|three-state]]
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_fairchilddldFASTDataBook_29981933/page/n189 74F213]
|- {{anchor|74214}}
| 74x214
| 1
| 1024-bit RAM (1024x1)
| [[Three-state logic|three-state]]
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookcomputerComponentsDataBook_16851665/page/nents_Data_Book#page/n199 SN74LS214]
|- {{anchor|74215}}
| 74x215
| 1
| 1024-bit RAM (1024x1) with power-down mode
| [[Three-state logic|three-state]]
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookcomputerComponentsDataBook_16851665/page/nents_Data_Book#page/n199 SN74LS215]
|- {{anchor|74216}}
| 74x216
| 1
| 256-bit RAM (64x4), common I/O
| [[Three-state logic|three-state]]
| 16
| [https://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/originals/distributors/Datasheets-112/DSAP0044696.pdf SN74LS216]
|- {{anchor|74217}}
| 74x217
| 1
| 256-bit RAM (64x4)
| [[Three-state logic|three-state]]
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookuitsDataBook_32771470/page/n173 SN74ALS217]
|- {{anchor|74218}}
| 74x218
| 1
| 256-bit RAM (32x8)
| [[Three-state logic|three-state]]
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookuitsDataBook_32771470/page/n173 SN74ALS218]
|- {{anchor|74219}}
| 74x219
| 1
| 64-bit RAM (16x4), non-inverting outputs
| [[Three-state logic|three-state]]
| 16
| [https://archive.org/stream/SupplementToTheTTLDataBookForDesignEngineers2ndEdition/Supplement%20to%20The%20TTL%20Data%20Book%20for%20Design%20Engineers_2nd_Edition#page/n5 SN74LS219]
|- {{anchor|74221}}
| 74x221
| 2
| dual monostable multivibrator
| Schmitt trigger
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74221 SN74221]
|- {{anchor|74222}}
| 74x222
| 1
| 64-bit [[FIFO (computing and electronics)|FIFO]] memory (16x4), synchronous, input/output ready enable
| [[Three-state logic|three-state]]
| 20
| [http://www.ralphselectronics.com/productimages/SEMI-SN74LS224N.PDF SN74LS222]
|- {{anchor|74224}}
| 74x224
| 1
| 64-bit [[FIFO (computing and electronics)|FIFO]] memory (16x4), synchronous
| [[Three-state logic|three-state]]
| 16
| [http://www.ralphselectronics.com/productimages/SEMI-SN74LS224N.PDF SN74LS224]
|- {{anchor|74225}}
| 74x225
| 1
| 80-bit FIFO memory (16x5), asynchronous
| [[Three-state logic|three-state]]
| 20
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74s225 SN74S225]
|- {{anchor|74226}}
| 74x226
| 1
| 4-bit parallel latched bus transceiver
| [[Three-state logic|three-state]]
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookcomputerComponentsDataBook_16851665/page/nents_Data_Book#page/n219 SN74S226]
|- {{anchor|74227}}
| 74x227
| 1
| 64-bit [[FIFO (computing and electronics)|FIFO]] memory (16x4), synchronous, input/output ready enable
| open-collector
| 20
| [http://www.ralphselectronics.com/productimages/SEMI-SN74LS224N.PDF SN74LS727]
|- {{anchor|74228}}
| 74x228
| 1
| 64-bit [[FIFO (computing and electronics)|FIFO]] memory (16x4), synchronous
| open-collector
| 20
| [http://www.ralphselectronics.com/productimages/SEMI-SN74LS224N.PDF SN74LS728]
|- {{anchor|74229}}
| 74x229
| 1
| 80-bit FIFO memory (16x5), asynchronous
| [[Three-state logic|three-state]]
| 20
| [https://web.archive.org/web/20070101063514/http://focus.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/sn74als229b.pdf SN74ALS229B]
|- {{anchor|74230}}
| 74x230
| 2
| dual 4-bit buffer/driver, one inverted, one non-inverted; negative enable
| [[Three-state logic|three-state]]
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol3_25840031/page/n245 SN74AS230]
|- {{anchor|74231}}
| 74x231
| 2
| dual 4-bit buffer/driver, both inverted; one positive and one negative enable
| [[Three-state logic|three-state]]
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol3_25840031/page/n245 SN74AS231]
|- {{anchor|74232}}
| 74x232
| 1
| 64-bit FIFO memory (16x4), asynchronous
| [[Three-state logic|three-state]]
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74als232b SN74ALS232B]
|- {{anchor|74233}}
| 74x233
| 1
| 80-bit FIFO memory (16x5), asynchronous
| [[Three-state logic|three-state]]
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookeFIFOMemoriesDatabook_63352841/page/nce_FIFO_Memories_Databook#page/n101 SN74ALS233B]
|- {{anchor|74234}}
| 74x234
| 1
| 256-bit FIFO memory (64x4), asynchronous
| [[Three-state logic|three-state]]
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookeFIFOMemoriesDatabook_63352841/page/nce_FIFO_Memories_Databook#page/n63 SN74ALS234]
|- {{anchor|74235}}
| 74x235
| 1
| 320-bit FIFO memory (64x5), asynchronous
| [[Three-state logic|three-state]]
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookeFIFOMemoriesDatabook_63352841/page/nce_FIFO_Memories_Databook#page/n109 SN74ALS235]
|- {{anchor|74236}}
| 74x236
| 1
| 256-bit FIFO memory (64x4), asynchronous
| [[Three-state logic|three-state]]
| 16
| [https://web.archive.org/web/20070102044700/http://focus.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/sn74als236.pdf SN74ALS236]
|- {{anchor|74237}}
| 74x237
| 1
| 3-to-8 line decoder/demultiplexer, address latch, active high outputs
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/cd54hc237 CD74HC237]
|- {{anchor|74238}}
| 74x238
| 1
| 3-to-8 line decoder/demultiplexer, active high outputs
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/CD74HC238 CD74HC238]
|- {{anchor|74239}}
| 74x239
| 2
| dual 2-to-4 line decoder/demultiplexer, active high outputs
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookogicDataBook_23574286/page/n241 SN74HC239]
|- {{anchor|74240}}
| 74x240
| 8
| octal buffer, inverting outputs
| Schmitt trigger
| three-state
| 20
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn54ls240 SN74LS240]
|- {{anchor|74241}}
| 74x241
| 8
| octal buffer, non-inverting outputs
| Schmitt trigger
| three-state
| 20
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn54ls240 SN74LS241]
|- {{anchor|74242}}
| 74x242
| 4
| quad bus transceiver, inverting outputs
| Schmitt trigger
| three-state
| 14
| [https://web.archive.org/web/20040608202058/http://focus.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/sn74ls242.pdf SN74LS242]
|- {{anchor|74243}}
| 74x243
| 4
| quad bus transceiver, non-inverting outputs
| Schmitt trigger
| three-state
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls243 SN74LS243]
|- {{anchor|74244}}
| 74x244
| 8
| octal buffer, non-inverting outputs
| Schmitt trigger
| three-state
| 20
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn54ls240 SN74LS244]
|- {{anchor|74245}}
| 74x245
| 8
| octal bus transceiver, non-inverting outputs
| Schmitt trigger
| three-state
| 20
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls245 SN74LS245]
|- {{anchor|74246}}
| 74x246
| 1
| BCD to 7-segment decoder/driver
| open-collector 30&nbsp;V
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls247 SN74246]
|- {{anchor|74247}}
| 74x247
| 1
| BCD to 7-segment decoder/driver
| open-collector 15&nbsp;V
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls247 SN74247]
|- {{anchor|74248}}
| 74x248
| 1
| BCD to 7-segment decoder/driver
| open-collector, 2&nbsp;kΩ pull-up
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls247 SN74248]
|- {{anchor|74249}}
| 74x249
| 1
| BCD to 7-segment decoder/driver
| open-collector
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n879 SN74249]
|- {{anchor|74250}}
| 74x250
| 1
| 1 of 16 data selector/multiplexer
| three-state
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol3_25840031/page/n273 SN74AS250]
|- {{anchor|74251}}
| 74x251
| 1
| 8-line to 1-line data selector/multiplexer, complementary outputs
| three-state
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls251 SN74251]
|- {{anchor|74253}}
| 74x253
| 2
| dual 4-line to 1-line data selector/multiplexer
| three-state
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls253 SN74LS253]
|- {{anchor|74255}}
| 74x255
| 2
| dual 2-to-4 line decoder/demultiplexer, inverting outputs
| three-state
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_icMaster19_198675341/page/n315 74LS255]
|- {{anchor|74256}}
| 74x256
| 2
| dual 4-bit addressable latch
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_motoroladaFASTandLSTTLData_35934218/page/nd_LS_TTL_Data#page/n161 MC74F256]
|- {{anchor|74257}}
| 74x257
| 4
| quad 2-line to 1-line data selector/multiplexer, non-inverting outputs
| three-state
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls257b SN74LS257B]
|- {{anchor|74258}}
| 74x258
| 4
| quad 2-line to 1-line data selector/multiplexer, inverting outputs
| three-state
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls257b SN74LS258B]
|- {{anchor|74259}}
| 74x259
| 1
| 8-bit bit addressable input latch with clr
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls259b SN74259]
|- {{anchor|74260}}
| 74x260
| 2
| dual 5-input NOR gate
| 14
| [http://pdf.datasheetcatalog.com/datasheets/90/488420_DS.pdf SN74LS260]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|74261}}
| 74x261
| 1
| 2-bit by 4-bit parallel binary multiplier
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n921 SN74LS261]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|74262}}
| 74x262
| 1
| 5760-bit ROM ([[Teletext]] character set, 128 characters 5x9)
| three-state
| 20
| [https://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/originals/distributors/Datasheets-112/DSAP0044628.pdf SN74S262N]
|- {{anchor|74264}}
| 74x264
| 1
| look ahead carry generator
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol3_25840031/page/n295 SN74AS264]
|- {{anchor|74265}}
| 74x265
| 4
| quad complementary output elements
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n927 SN74265]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|74266}}
| 74x266
| 4
| quad 2-input [[XNOR gate]]
| open-collector
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls266 SN74LS266]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|74268}}
| 74x268
| 6
| hex D-type latches, common output control, common enable
| three-state
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n935 SN74S268]
|- {{anchor|74269}}
| 74x269
| 1
| 8-bit bidirectional binary counter
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_motoroladaFASTandLSTTLData_35934218/page/nd_LS_TTL_Data#page/n175 MC74F269]
|- {{anchor|74270}}
| 74x270
| 1
| 2048-bit [[read-only memory|ROM]] (512x4)
| open-collector
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookcomputerComponentsDataBook_16851665/page/nents_Data_Book#page/n181 SN74S270]
|- {{anchor|74271}}
| 74x271
| 1
| 2048-bit [[read-only memory|ROM]] (256x8)
| open-collector
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookcomputerComponentsDataBook_16851665/page/nents_Data_Book#page/n181 SN74S271]
|- {{anchor|74273}}
| 74x273
| 1
| 8-bit register, asynchronous clear
| 20
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls273 SN74273]
|- {{anchor|74274}}
| 74x274
| 1
| 4-bit by 4-bit binary multiplier
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookForDesignEngineers2ed_29954976/page/n_Engineers_2ed#page/n647 SN74S274]
|- {{anchor|74275}}
| 74x275
| 1
| 7-bit slice [[Wallace tree]]
| three-state
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookForDesignEngineers2ed_29954976/page/n_Engineers_2ed#page/n647 SN74S275]
|- {{anchor|74276}}
| 74x276
| 4
| quad J-NotK edge-triggered [[Flip-flop (electronics)|flip-flop]]s, separate clocks, common preset and clear
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n941 SN74276]
|- {{anchor|74278}}
| 74x278
| 1
| 4-bit cascadeable priority registers, latched data inputs
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n945 SN74278]
|- {{anchor|74279}}
| 74x279
| 4
| quad set-reset latch
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn54ls279a SN74279]
|- {{anchor|74280}}
| 74x280
| 1
| 9-bit odd/even [[parity bit]] generator/checker
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls280 SN74LS280]
|- {{anchor|74281}}
| 74x281
| 1
| 4-bit parallel binary accumulator
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n959 SN74S281]
|- {{anchor|74282}}
| 74x282
| 1
| look-ahead carry generator, selectable carry inputs
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol3_25840031/page/n309 SN74AS282]
|- {{anchor|74283}}
| 74x283
| 1
| 4-bit binary [[full adder]] (has carry in function)
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls283 SN74283]
|- {{anchor|74284}}
| 74x284
| 1
| 4-bit by 4-bit parallel binary multiplier (low order 4 bits of product)
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n971 SN74284]
|- {{anchor|74285}}
| 74x285
| 1
| 4-bit by 4-bit parallel binary multiplier (high order 4 bits of product)
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n971 SN74285]
|- {{anchor|74286}}
| 74x286
| 1
| 9-bit parity generator/checker, bus driver parity I/O port
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74as286 SN74AS286]
|- {{anchor|74287}}
| 74x287
| 1
| 1024-bit [[programmable read-only memory|PROM]] (256x4)
| three-state
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookcomputerComponentsDataBook_16851665/page/nents_Data_Book#page/n173 SN74S287]
|- {{anchor|74288}}
| 74x288
| 1
| 256-bit [[programmable read-only memory|PROM]] (32x8)
| three-state
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookcomputerComponentsDataBook_16851665/page/nents_Data_Book#page/n173 SN74S288]
|- {{anchor|74289}}
| 74x289
| 1
| 64-bit RAM (16x4), 4 data inputs, 4 inverted data outputs
| open-collector
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookcomputerComponentsDataBook_16851665/page/nents_Data_Book#page/n191 SN74S289]
|- {{anchor|74290}}
| 74x290
| 1
| decade counter (separate divide-by-2 and divide-by-5 sections)
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls293 SN74290]
|- {{anchor|74292}}
| 74x292
| 1
| programmable frequency divider/digital timer
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls292 SN74LS292]
|- {{anchor|74293}}
| 74x293
| 1
| 4-bit binary counter (separate divide-by-2 and divide-by-8 sections)
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls293 SN74293]
|- {{anchor|74294}}
| 74x294
| 1
| programmable frequency divider/digital timer
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls292 SN74LS294]
|- {{anchor|74295}}
| 74x295
| 1
| 4-bit bidirectional shift register
| three-state
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n989 SN74LS295B]
|- {{anchor|74297}}
| 74x297
| 1
| digital [[phase-locked loop]] filter
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls297 SN74LS297]
|- {{anchor|74298}}
| 74x298
| 4
| quad 2-input multiplexer, storage
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls298 SN74298]
|- {{anchor|74299}}
| 74x299
| 1
| 8-bit bidirectional universal shift/storage register
| three-state
| 20
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls299 SN74LS299]
! {{TOC tab|Part number|74x300 – 74x399}}
! Units !! Description !! Input !! Output !! Pins !! Datasheet
|- {{anchor|74300}}
| 74x300
| 1
| 256-bit [[random access memory|RAM]] (256x1)
| open-collector
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/TexasInstruments-TI-Data-TheTTLDataBookforDesignEngineersSecondEditionOCR/page/n135 SN74LS300A]
|- {{anchor|74301}}
| 74x301
| 1
| 256-bit [[random access memory|RAM]] (256x1)
| open-collector
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookcomputerComponentsDataBook_16851665/page/nents_Data_Book#page/n195 SN74S301]
|- {{anchor|74302}}
| 74x302
| 1
| 256-bit RAM (256x1)
| open-collector
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBook2ed05_2617547/page/n63 SN74LS302]
|- {{anchor|74303}}
| 74x303
| 1
| octal divide-by-2 clock driver, 2 outputs inverted
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/TexasInstruments-TI-Data-AdvancedLogicandBusInterfaceLogic1991OCR/page/n515 SN74AS303]
|- {{anchor|74304}}
| 74x304
| 1
| octal divide-by-2 clock driver
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/TexasInstruments-TI-Data-AdvancedLogicandBusInterfaceLogic1991OCR/page/n517 SN74AS304]
|- {{anchor|74305}}
| 74x305
| 1
| octal divide-by-2 clock driver, 4 outputs inverted
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/TexasInstruments-TI-Data-AdvancedLogicandBusInterfaceLogic1991OCR/page/n521 SN74AS305]
|- {{anchor|74309}}
| 74x309
| 1
| 1024-bit RAM (1024x1)
| open-collector
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookmoryDataBook1975_9924035/page/nductor_Memory_Data_Book_1975#page/n171 SN74S309]
|- {{anchor|74310}}
| 74x310
| 8
| octal buffer, inverting
| Schmitt trigger
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/stream/MonolithicMemories-MMI-BipolarLSI1982DatabookOCR#page/n315 SN74LS310]
|- {{anchor|74311}}
| 74x311
| 1
| 144-bit RAM (16x9) with output latch
| open-collector
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_fairchilddldFASTDataBook_20099339/page/n303 74F311]
|- {{anchor|74312}}
| 74x312
| 1
| 144-bit RAM (16x9)
| open-collector
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_fairchilddldFASTDataBook_20099339/page/n303 74F312]
|- {{anchor|74313}}
| 74x313
| 1
| 192-bit RAM (16x12)
| open-collector
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_fairchilddldFASTDataBook_20099339/page/n303 74F313]
|- {{anchor|74314}}
| 74x314
| 1
| 1024-bit RAM (1024x1)
| open-collector
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookcomputerComponentsDataBook_16851665/page/nents_Data_Book#page/n199 SN74LS314]
|- {{anchor|74315}}
| 74x315
| 1
| 1024-bit RAM (1024x1) with power-down mode
| open-collector
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookcomputerComponentsDataBook_16851665/page/nents_Data_Book#page/n199 SN74LS315]
|- {{anchor|74316}}
| 74x316
| 1
| 256-bit RAM (64x4), common I/O
| open-collector
| 16
| [https://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/originals/distributors/Datasheets-112/DSAP0044696.pdf SN74LS316]
|- {{anchor|74317}}
| 74x317
| 1
| 256-bit RAM (64x4)
| open-collector
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookuitsDataBook_32771470/page/n221 SN74ALS317]
|- {{anchor|74318}}
| 74x318
| 1
| 256-bit RAM (32x8)
| open-collector
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookuitsDataBook_32771470/page/n221 SN74ALS318]
|- {{anchor|74319}}
| 74x319
| 1
| 64-bit [[random access memory|RAM]] (16x4)
| open-collector
| 16
| [https://archive.org/stream/SupplementToTheTTLDataBookForDesignEngineers2ndEdition/Supplement%20to%20The%20TTL%20Data%20Book%20for%20Design%20Engineers_2nd_Edition#page/n5 SN74LS319]
|- {{anchor|74320}}
| 74x320
| 1
| crystal-controlled [[crystal oscillator|oscillator]]
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n1013 SN74LS320]
|- {{anchor|74321}}
| 74x321
| 1
| crystal-controlled oscillators, F/2 and F/4 count-down outputs
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n1013 SN74LS320]
|- {{anchor|74322}}
| 74x322
| 1
| 8-bit shift register, sign extend
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n1013 SN74LS322A]
|- {{anchor|74323}}
| 74x323
| 1
| 8-bit bidirectional universal shift/storage register, synchronous clear
| three-state
| 20
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn54ls323 SN74LS323]
|- {{anchor|74324}}
| 74x324
| 1
| voltage-controlled oscillator (or crystal controlled), enable input, complementary outputs
| analog
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBook2ed07_23301973/page/n443 SN74LS324]
|- {{anchor|74325}}
| 74x325
| 2
| dual voltage-controlled oscillator (or crystal controlled), complementary outputs
| analog
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBook2ed07_23301973/page/n443 SN74LS325]
|- {{anchor|74326}}
| 74x326
| 2
| dual voltage-controlled oscillator (or crystal controlled), enable input, complementary outputs
| analog
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBook2ed07_23301973/page/n443 SN74LS326]
|- {{anchor|74327}}
| 74x327
| 2
| dual voltage-controlled oscillator (or crystal controlled)
| analog
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBook2ed07_23301973/page/n443 SN74LS327]
|- {{anchor|74330}}
| 74x330
| 1
| [[programmable logic array|PLA]] (12 inputs, 50 terms, 6 outputs)
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookcomputerComponentsDataBook_16851665/page/nents_Data_Book#page/n231 SN74S330]
|- {{anchor|74331}}
| 74x331
| 1
| [[programmable logic array|PLA]] (12 inputs, 50 terms, 6 outputs)
| open-collector, 2.5&nbsp;kΩ pull-up
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookcomputerComponentsDataBook_16851665/page/nents_Data_Book#page/n231 SN74S331]
|- {{anchor|74333}}
| 74x333
| 1
| [[programmable logic array|PLA]] (12 inputs, 32 terms, 6 outputs, 4 state registers)
| three-state
| 24
| [https://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/originals/distributors/Datasheets-111/DSAP0036733.pdf SN74LS333]
|- {{anchor|74334}}
| 74x334
| 1
| [[programmable logic array|PLA]] (12 inputs, 32 terms, 6 outputs)
| three-state
| 24
| [https://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/originals/distributors/Datasheets-111/DSAP0036733.pdf SN74LS334]
|- {{anchor|74335}}
| 74x335
| 1
| [[programmable logic array|PLA]] (12 inputs, 32 terms, 6 outputs, 4 state registers)
| open-collector
| 24
| [https://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/originals/distributors/Datasheets-111/DSAP0036733.pdf SN74LS335]
|- {{anchor|74336}}
| 74x336
| 1
| [[programmable logic array|PLA]] (12 inputs, 32 terms, 6 outputs)
| open-collector
| 24
| [https://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/originals/distributors/Datasheets-111/DSAP0036733.pdf SN74LS336]
|- {{anchor|74337}}
| 74x337
| 1
| clock driver
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/TexasInstruments-TI-Data-AdvancedLogicandBusInterfaceLogic1991OCR/page/n485 SN74ABT337]
|- {{anchor|74340}}
| 74x340
| 8
| octal buffer, inverting outputs
| Schmitt trigger
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookForDesignEngineers2ed_29954976/page/n_Engineers_2ed#page/n701 SN74S340]
|- {{anchor|74341}}
| 74x341
| 8
| octal buffer, non-inverting outputs
| Schmitt trigger
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookForDesignEngineers2ed_29954976/page/n_Engineers_2ed#page/n701 SN74S341]
|- {{anchor|74344}}
| 74x344
| 8
| octal buffer, non-inverting outputs
| Schmitt trigger
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookForDesignEngineers2ed_29954976/page/n_Engineers_2ed#page/n701 SN74S344]
|- {{anchor|74347}}
| 74x347
| 1
| BCD to 7-segment decoders/drivers, low voltage version of 7447
| open-collector
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n1027 SN74LS347]
|- {{anchor|74348}}
| 74x348
| 1
| 8 to 3-line priority encoder
| three-state
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls348 SN74LS348]
|- {{anchor|74350}}
| 74x350
| 1
| 4-bit shifter
| three-state
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n1035 SN74S350]
|- {{anchor|74351}}
| 74x351
| 2
| dual 8-line to 1-line data selectors/multiplexers, 4 common data inputs
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n1041 SN74351]
|- {{anchor|74352}}
| 74x352
| 2
| dual 4-line to 1-line data selectors/multiplexers, inverting outputs
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n1045 SN74LS352]
|- {{anchor|74353}}
| 74x353
| 2
| dual 4-line to 1-line data selectors/multiplexers, inverting outputs
| three-state
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n1047 SN74LS353]
|- {{anchor|74354}}
| 74x354
| 1
| 8-line to 1-line data selector/multiplexer, transparent registers
| three-state
| 20
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/cd54hc354 CD74HC354]
|- {{anchor|74355}}
| 74x355
| 1
| 8-line to 1-line data selector/multiplexer, transparent registers
| open-collector
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n1051 SN74LS355]
|- {{anchor|74356}}
| 74x356
| 1
| 8-line to 1-line data selector/multiplexer, edge-triggered registers
| three-state
| 20
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/cd74hct356 CD74HCT356]
|- {{anchor|74357}}
| 74x357
| 1
| 8-line to 1-line data selector/multiplexer, edge-triggered registers
| open-collector
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n1051 SN74LS357]
|- {{anchor|74361}}
| 74x361
| 1
| [[bubble memory]] function timing generator
| 22
| [https://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/originals/distributors/Datasheets-X2/DSA848000-290.pdf SN74LS361]
|- {{anchor|74362}}
| 74x362
| 1
| [[clock signal#4-phase clock|four-phase clock]] generator/driver for [[Texas Instruments TMS9900]]
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBook2ed07_23301973/page/n457 SN74LS362]
|- {{anchor|74363}}
| 74x363
| 1
| octal transparent latch
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBook2ed07_23301973/page/n465 SN74LS363]
|- {{anchor|74364}}
| 74x364
| 1
| octal edge-triggered D-type register
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBook2ed07_23301973/page/n465 SN74LS364]
|- {{anchor|74365}}
| 74x365
| 6
| hex buffer, non-inverting outputs
| three-state
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn54ls366a SN74LS365A]
|- {{anchor|74366}}
| 74x366
| 6
| hex buffer, inverting outputs
| three-state
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/sn54hc366.pdf SN74HC366]
|- {{anchor|74367}}
| 74x367
| 6
| hex buffer, non-inverting outputs
| three-state
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn54ls366a SN74LS367A]
|- {{anchor|74368}}
| 74x368
| 6
| hex buffer, inverting outputs
| three-state
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn54ls366a SN74LS368A]
|- {{anchor|74370}}
| 74x370
| 1
| 2048-bit [[read-only memory|ROM]] (512x4)
| three-state
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookcomputerComponentsDataBook_16851665/page/nents_Data_Book#page/n181 SN74S370]
|- {{anchor|74371}}
| 74x371
| 1
| 2048-bit [[read-only memory|ROM]] (256x8)
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookcomputerComponentsDataBook_16851665/page/nents_Data_Book#page/n181 SN74S371]
|- {{anchor|74373}}
| 74x373
| 8
| octal transparent latch
| three-state
| 20
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn54ls373 SN74LS373]
|- {{anchor|74374}}
| 74x374
| 8
| octal register
| three-state
| 20
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn54ls373 SN74LS374]
|- {{anchor|74375}}
| 74x375
| 4
| quad bistable latch
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls375 SN74LS375]
|- {{anchor|74376}}
| 74x376
| 4
| quad J-NotK flip-flop, common clock and common clear
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n1081 SN74376]
|- {{anchor|74377}}
| 74x377
| 1
| 8-bit register, clock enable
| 20
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls377 SN74LS377]
|- {{anchor|74378}}
| 74x378
| 1
| 6-bit register, clock enable
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls377 SN74LS378]
|- {{anchor|74379}}
| 74x379
| 1
| 4-bit register, clock enable and complementary outputs
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls377 SN74LS379]
|- {{anchor|74380}}
| 74x380
| 1
| 8-bit multifunction register (combines features of x374, x377, x273, x534 ICs)
| three-state
| 24
| [https://archive.org/stream/MonolithicMemories-MMI-BipolarLSI1982DatabookOCR#page/n193 SN74LS380]
|- {{anchor|74381}}
| 74x381
| 1
| 4-bit arithmetic logic unit/function generator, generate and propagate outputs
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n1087 SN74LS381A]
|- {{anchor|74382}}
| 74x382
| 1
| 4-bit arithmetic logic unit/function generator, ripple carry and overflow outputs
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n1087 SN74LS382]
|- {{anchor|74383}}
| 74x383
| 1
| 8-bit register
| open-collector
| 20
| [https://archive.org/stream/MonolithicMemories-MMI-BipolarLSI1984DatabookOCR#page/n433 SN74S383]
|- {{anchor|74384}}
| 74x384
| 1
| 8-bit by 1-bit two's complement multipliers
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n1095 SN74LS384]
|- {{anchor|74385}}
| 74x385
| 4
| quad serial adder/subtractor
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n1099 SN74LS385]
|- {{anchor|74386}}
| 74x386
| 4
| quad 2-input [[XOR gate]]
| 14
| [http://pdf.datasheetcatalog.com/datasheet/motorola/SN74LS386N.pdf SN74LS386]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|74387}}
| 74x387
| 1
| 1024-bit [[programmable read-only memory|PROM]] (256x4)
| open-collector
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookcomputerComponentsDataBook_16851665/page/nents_Data_Book#page/n173 SN74S387]
|- {{anchor|74388}}
| 74x388
| 1
| 4-bit D-type register
| three-state and standard
| 16
| [https://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/originals/scans/Scans-000/Scans-0017104.pdf Am74S388]
|- {{anchor|74390}}
| 74x390
| 2
| dual 4-bit decade counter
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls390 SN74LS390]
|- {{anchor|74393}}
| 74x393
| 2
| dual 4-bit binary counter
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls390 SN74LS393]
|- {{anchor|74395}}
| 74x395
| 1
| 4-bit cascadable shift register
| three-state
| 16
| [https://web.archive.org/web/20070101063359/http://focus.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/sn74ls395a.pdf SN74LS395A]
|- {{anchor|74396}}
| 74x396
| 8
| octal storage registers, parallel access
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n1119 SN74LS396]
|- {{anchor|74398}}
| 74x398
| 4
| quad 2-input multiplexers, storage and complementary outputs
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n1119 SN74LS398]
|- {{anchor|74399}}
| 74x399
| 4
| quad 2-input multiplexer, storage
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls399 SN74LS399]
! {{TOC tab|Part number|74x400 – 74x499}}
! Units !! Description !! Input !! Output !! Pins !! Datasheet
|- {{anchor|74401}}
| 74x401
| 1
| CRC generator/checker
| 14
| [https://archive.org/stream/NationalSemiconductor1988FASTAdvancedSchottkyDatabook/National%20Semiconductor%201988%20FAST%20Advanced%20Schottky%20Databook#page/n371 74F401]
|- {{anchor|74402}}
| 74x402
| 1
| serial data polynomial generator/checker
| 16
| [https://archive.org/stream/NationalSemiconductor1988FASTAdvancedSchottkyDatabook/National%20Semiconductor%201988%20FAST%20Advanced%20Schottky%20Databook#page/n375 74F402]
|- {{anchor|74403}}
| 74x403
| 1
| 64-bit FIFO memory (16x4)
| three-state
| 24
| [https://archive.org/stream/NationalSemiconductor1988FASTAdvancedSchottkyDatabook/National%20Semiconductor%201988%20FAST%20Advanced%20Schottky%20Databook#page/n383 74F403]
|- {{anchor|74405}}
| 74x405
| 1
| 3-to-8 line decoder (equivalent to Intel 8205)
| 16
| [http://pdf.datasheetcatalog.com/datasheet/CEMI/mXyztyxt.pdf UCY74S405]
|- {{anchor|74406}}
| 74x406
| 1
| 3-to-8 line decoder
| {{Unknown|{{?}}}}
| {{Unknown|{{?}}}}
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/Digital_IC_Equivalents/page/n113 MC74406P]
|- {{anchor|74407}}
| 74x407
| 1
| data access register
| three-state
| 24
| [https://archive.org/stream/NationalSemiconductor1988FASTAdvancedSchottkyDatabook/National%20Semiconductor%201988%20FAST%20Advanced%20Schottky%20Databook#page/n401 74F407]
|- {{anchor|74408}}
| 74408
| 1
| 8-bit parity tree
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_motoroladauctorDataLibraryVol8Chips_17508458/page/n407 MC74408]
| 74S408
| 1
| controller/driver for 16k/64k/256k dRAM
| 48
| [https://archive.org/stream/MonolithicMemories-MMI-BipolarLSI1984DatabookOCR#page/n273 SN74S408]
|- {{anchor|74409}}
| 74x409
| 1
| controller/driver for 16k/64k/256k dRAM
| 48
| [https://archive.org/stream/MonolithicMemories-MMI-BipolarLSI1984DatabookOCR#page/n291 SN74S409]
|- {{anchor|74410}}
| 74x410
| 1
| 64-bit RAM (16x4) with output register
| three-state
| 18
| [https://archive.org/stream/NationalSemiconductor1988FASTAdvancedSchottkyDatabook/National%20Semiconductor%201988%20FAST%20Advanced%20Schottky%20Databook#page/n407 74F410]
|- {{anchor|74411}}
| 74x411
| 1
| FIFO RAM controller
| 40
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_fairchilddldFASTDataBook_29981933/page/n357 74F411]
|- {{anchor|74412}}
| 74x412
| 1
| multi-mode buffered 8-bit latches (equivalent to Intel [[Intel 3000|3212]]/8212)
| three-state
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookcomputerComponentsDataBook_16851665/page/nents_Data_Book#page/n247 SN74S412]
|- {{anchor|74413}}
| 74x413
| 1
| 256-bit FIFO memory (64x4)
| 16
| [https://archive.org/stream/NationalSemiconductor1988FASTAdvancedSchottkyDatabook/National%20Semiconductor%201988%20FAST%20Advanced%20Schottky%20Databook#page/n417 74F413]
|- {{anchor|74414}}
| 74x414
| 1
| interrupt priority controller for [[Intel 8080]] (equivalent to Intel 8214)
| 24
| [http://pdf.datasheetcatalog.com/datasheet/CEMI/mXyztyxr.pdf UCY74S414]
|- {{anchor|74416}}
| 74416
| 1
| modulo 10 counter, preload and clear inputs
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_motoroladauctorDataLibraryVol8Chips_17508458/page/n409 MC74416]
| 74S416
| 1
| 4-bit bidirectional bus transceiver, non-inverting (equivalent to Intel 8216)
| three-state
| 16
| [http://pdf.datasheetcatalog.com/datasheet/CEMI/mXyztyxq.pdf UCY74S416]
|- {{anchor|74417}}
| 74x417
| 2
| modulo 2 and modulo 5 counters, common preload and clear inputs
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_motoroladauctorDataLibraryVol8Chips_17508458/page/n409 MC74417]
|- {{anchor|74418}}
| 74418
| 1
| modulo 16 counter, preload and clear inputs
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_motoroladauctorDataLibraryVol8Chips_17508458/page/n409 MC74418]
| 74F418
| 1
| 32-bit error detection and correction circuit
| three-state
| 48
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_fairchilddldFASTDataBook_29981933/page/n375 74F418]
|- {{anchor|74419}}
| 74419
| 2
| dual modulo 4 counters, common preload and clear inputs
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_motoroladauctorDataLibraryVol8Chips_17508458/page/n411 MC74419]
| 74S419
| 1
| FIFO RAM controller
| 40
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_mmidataBook6ed_79579213/page/n727 74S419]
|- {{anchor|74420}}
| 74x420
| 1
| 32-bit check bit / syndrome bit generator
| three-state
| 48
| [https://archive.org/stream/NationalSemiconductor1988FASTAdvancedSchottkyDatabook/National%20Semiconductor%201988%20FAST%20Advanced%20Schottky%20Databook#page/n421 74F420]
|- {{anchor|74422}}
| 74x422
| 1
| retriggerable monostable multivibrators, two inputs
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls423 SN74LS422]
|- {{anchor|74423}}
| 74x423
| 2
| dual retriggerable monostable multivibrator
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls423 SN74LS423]
|- {{anchor|74424}}
| 74x424
| 1
| [[two-phase clock]] generator/driver for [[Intel 8080]] (equivalent to Intel 8224)
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBook2ed07_23301973/page/n505 SN74LS424]
|- {{anchor|74425}}
| 74x425
| 4
| quad bus buffers, active low enables
| three-state
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n1139 SN74425]
|- {{anchor|74426}}
| 74x426
| 4
| quad bus buffers, active high enables
| three-state
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n1139 SN74426]
|- {{anchor|74428}}
| 74x428
| 1
| system controller for [[Intel 8080]]A (equivalent to Intel 8228)
| 28
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookcomputerComponentsDataBook_16851665/page/nents_Data_Book#page/n253 SN74S428]
|- {{anchor|74429}}
| 74x429
| 1
| FIFO RAM controller
| three-state
| 28
| [https://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/originals/distributors/Datasheets-111/DSAP0037196.pdf 74LS429]
|- {{anchor|74430}}
| 74x430
| 1
| cyclic redundancy checker/corrector
| 28
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_fairchilddldFASTDataBook_20099339/page/n309 74F430]
|- {{anchor|74432}}
| 74x432
| 1
| 8-bit multi-mode buffered latch
| three-state
| 24
| [https://archive.org/stream/NationalSemiconductor1988FASTAdvancedSchottkyDatabook/National%20Semiconductor%201988%20FAST%20Advanced%20Schottky%20Databook#page/n425 74F432]
|- {{anchor|74433}}
| 74x433
| 1
| 256-bit FIFO memory (64x4)
| three-state
| 24
| [https://archive.org/stream/NationalSemiconductor1988FASTAdvancedSchottkyDatabook/National%20Semiconductor%201988%20FAST%20Advanced%20Schottky%20Databook#page/n431 74F433]
|- {{anchor|74436}}
| 74x436
| 1
| line driver/memory driver circuits - MOS memory interface, damping output resistor
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n1143 SN74S436]
|- {{anchor|74437}}
| 74x437
| 1
| line driver/memory driver circuits - MOS memory interface
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n1143 SN74S437]
|- {{anchor|74438}}
| 74x438
| 1
| system controller for [[Intel 8080]]A (equivalent to Intel 8238)
| 28
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookcomputerComponentsDataBook_16851665/page/nents_Data_Book#page/n253 SN74S438]
|- {{anchor|74440}}
| 74x440
| 4
| quad tridirectional bus transceiver, non-inverting outputs
| open-collector
| 20
| [https://web.archive.org/web/20070102044619/http://focus.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/sn74ls442.pdf SN74LS440]
|- {{anchor|74441}}
| 74x441
| 4
| quad tridirectional bus transceiver, inverting outputs
| open-collector
| 20
| [https://web.archive.org/web/20070102044619/http://focus.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/sn74ls442.pdf SN74LS441]
|- {{anchor|74442}}
| 74x442
| 4
| quad tridirectional bus transceiver, non-inverting outputs
| three-state
| 20
| [https://web.archive.org/web/20070102044619/http://focus.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/sn74ls442.pdf SN74LS442]
|- {{anchor|74443}}
| 74x443
| 4
| quad tridirectional bus transceiver, inverting outputs
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n1147 SN74LS443]
|- {{anchor|74444}}
| 74x444
| 4
| quad tridirectional bus transceiver, inverting and non-inverting outputs
| three-state
| 20
| [https://web.archive.org/web/20070102044619/http://focus.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/sn74ls442.pdf SN74LS444]
|- {{anchor|74445}}
| 74x445
| 1
| BCD to decimal decoders/drivers
| driver 80&nbsp;mA
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n1153 SN74LS445]
|- {{anchor|74446}}
| 74x446
| 4
| quad bus transceivers, direction controls, inverting outputs
| three-state
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n1155 SN74LS446]
|- {{anchor|74447}}
| 74x447
| 1
| BCD to 7-segment decoders/drivers, low voltage version of 74247
| open-collector
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n1159 SN74LS447]
|- {{anchor|74448}}
| 74x448
| 4
| quad tridirectional bus transceiver, inverting and non-inverting outputs
| open-collector
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n1147 SN74LS448]
|- {{anchor|74449}}
| 74x449
| 4
| quad bus transceivers, direction controls, non-inverting outputs
| three-state
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n1155 SN74LS449]
|- {{anchor|74450}}
| 74450
| 1
| counter, latch, 7-segment decoder
| {{Unknown|{{?}}}}
| open-collector
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_motoroladauctorDataLibraryVol8Chips_17508458/page/n419 MC74450]
| 74S450
| 1
| 8192-bit PROM (1024x8) with power-down
| three-state
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookcomputerComponentsDataBook_16851665/page/nents_Data_Book#page/n177 SN74S450]
| 74LS450
| 1
| 16-to-1 multiplexer, complementary outputs
| 24
| [https://archive.org/stream/MonolithicMemories-MMI-BipolarLSI1982DatabookOCR#page/n201 SN74LS450]
|- {{anchor|74451}}
| 74S451
| 1
| 8192-bit PROM (1024x8) with power-down
| open-collector
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookcomputerComponentsDataBook_16851665/page/nents_Data_Book#page/n177 SN74S451]
| 74LS451
| 2
| dual 8-to-1 multiplexer
| 24
| [https://archive.org/stream/MonolithicMemories-MMI-BipolarLSI1982DatabookOCR#page/n205 SN74LS451]
|- {{anchor|74452}}
| 74x452
| 2
| dual decade counter, synchronous
| {{Unknown|{{?}}}}
| {{Unknown|{{?}}}}
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_motoroladauctorDataLibraryVol8Chips_17508458/page/n419 MC74452]
|- {{anchor|74453}}
| 74453
| 2
| dual binary counter, synchronous
| {{Unknown|{{?}}}}
| {{Unknown|{{?}}}}
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_motoroladauctorDataLibraryVol8Chips_17508458/page/n421 MC74453]
| 74LS453
| 4
| quad 4-to-1 multiplexer
| 24
| [https://archive.org/stream/MonolithicMemories-MMI-BipolarLSI1982DatabookOCR#page/n209 SN74LS453]
|- {{anchor|74454}}
| 74x454
| 2
| dual decade up/down counter, synchronous, preset input
| {{Unknown|{{?}}}}
| {{Unknown|{{?}}}}
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_motoroladauctorDataLibraryVol8Chips_17508458/page/n421 MC74454]
|- {{anchor|74455}}
| 74455
| 2
| dual binary up/down counter, synchronous, preset input
| {{Unknown|{{?}}}}
| {{Unknown|{{?}}}}
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_motoroladauctorDataLibraryVol8Chips_17508458/page/n421 MC74455]
| 74F455
| 1
| octal buffer / line driver with parity, inverting
| three-state
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_signeticsdaManual_57966640/page/n505 74F455]
|- {{anchor|74456}}
| 74456
| 1
| 4-bit NBCD full adder
| {{Unknown|{{?}}}}
| {{Unknown|{{?}}}}
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_motoroladauctorDataLibraryVol8Chips_17508458/page/n421 MC74456]
| 74F456
| 1
| octal buffer / line driver with parity, non-inverting
| three-state
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_signeticsdaManual_57966640/page/n505 74F456]
|- {{anchor|74458}}
| 74x458
| 1
| nines complement / zero element
| {{Unknown|{{?}}}}
| {{Unknown|{{?}}}}
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_motoroladauctorDataLibraryVol8Chips_17508458/page/n423 MC74458]
|- {{anchor|74460}}
| 74460
| 1
| 4-bit bus transfer switch
| {{Unknown|{{?}}}}
| three-state
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_motoroladauctorDataLibraryVol8Chips_17508458/page/n423 MC74460]
| 74LS460
| 1
| 10-bit comparator
| 24
| [https://archive.org/stream/MonolithicMemories-MMI-BipolarLSI1984DatabookOCR#page/n219 SN74LS460]
|- {{anchor|74461}}
| 74x461
| 1
| 8-bit presettable binary counter
| three-state
| 24
| [https://archive.org/stream/MonolithicMemories-MMI-BipolarLSI1982DatabookOCR#page/n185 SN74LS461]
|- {{anchor|74462}}
| 74x462
| 1
| fiber-optic data-link transmitter
| open-collector 100&nbsp;mA and standard
| 20
| [https://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/originals/scans/Scans-067/DSA2IH00215108.pdf SN74LS462]
|- {{anchor|74463}}
| 74x463
| 1
| fiber-optic data-link receiver
| analog
| 20
| [https://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/originals/scans/Scans-067/DSA2IH00215108.pdf SN74LS463]
|- {{anchor|74465}}
| 74x465
| 8
| octal buffer, non-inverting outputs
| three-state
| 20
| [https://web.archive.org/web/20070101063029/http://focus.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/sn74ls465.pdf SN74LS465]
|- {{anchor|74466}}
| 74x466
| 8
| octal buffers, inverting outputs
| three-state
| 20
| [https://web.archive.org/web/20070101063029/http://focus.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/sn74ls465.pdf SN74LS466]
|- {{anchor|74467}}
| 74x467
| 8
| octal buffers, non-inverting outputs
| three-state
| 20
| [https://web.archive.org/web/20070101063029/http://focus.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/sn74ls465.pdf SN74LS467]
|- {{anchor|74468}}
| 74x468
| 8
| octal buffers, inverting outputs
| three-state
| 20
| [https://web.archive.org/web/20070101063029/http://focus.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/sn74ls465.pdf SN74LS468]
|- {{anchor|74469}}
| 74x469
| 1
| 8-bit synchronous up/down counter, parallel load and hold capability
| three-state
| 24
| [https://archive.org/stream/MonolithicMemories-MMI-BipolarLSI1984DatabookOCR#page/n191 SN74LS469]
|- {{anchor|74470}}
| 74x470
| 1
| 2048-bit [[programmable read-only memory|PROM]] (256x8)
| open-collector
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookcomputerComponentsDataBook_16851665/page/nents_Data_Book#page/n173 SN74S470]
|- {{anchor|74471}}
| 74x471
| 1
| 2048-bit [[programmable read-only memory|PROM]] (256x8)
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookcomputerComponentsDataBook_16851665/page/nents_Data_Book#page/n173 SN74S471]
|- {{anchor|74472}}
| 74x472
| 1
| 4096-bit [[programmable read-only memory|PROM]] (512x8)
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookcomputerComponentsDataBook_16851665/page/nents_Data_Book#page/n173 SN74S472]
|- {{anchor|74473}}
| 74x473
| 1
| 4096-bit [[programmable read-only memory|PROM]] (512x8)
| open-collector
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookcomputerComponentsDataBook_16851665/page/nents_Data_Book#page/n173 SN74S473]
|- {{anchor|74474}}
| 74x474
| 1
| 4096-bit [[programmable read-only memory|PROM]] (512x8)
| three-state
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookcomputerComponentsDataBook_16851665/page/nents_Data_Book#page/n173 SN74S474]
|- {{anchor|74475}}
| 74x475
| 1
| 4096-bit [[programmable read-only memory|PROM]] (512x8)
| open-collector
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookcomputerComponentsDataBook_16851665/page/nents_Data_Book#page/n173 SN74S475]
|- {{anchor|74476}}
| 74x476
| 1
| 4096-bit [[programmable read-only memory|PROM]] (1024x4)
| three-state
| 18
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookcomputerComponentsDataBook_16851665/page/nents_Data_Book#page/n177 SN74S476]
|- {{anchor|74477}}
| 74x477
| 1
| 4096-bit [[programmable read-only memory|PROM]] (1024x4)
| open-collector
| 18
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookcomputerComponentsDataBook_16851665/page/nents_Data_Book#page/n177 SN74S477]
|- {{anchor|74478}}
| 74x478
| 1
| 8192-bit [[programmable read-only memory|PROM]] (1024x8)
| three-state
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookcomputerComponentsDataBook_16851665/page/nents_Data_Book#page/n177 SN74S478]
|- {{anchor|74479}}
| 74x479
| 1
| 8192-bit [[programmable read-only memory|PROM]] (1024x8)
| open-collector
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookcomputerComponentsDataBook_16851665/page/nents_Data_Book#page/n177 SN74S479]
|- {{anchor|74480}}
| 74x480
| 1
| single burst error recovery circuit
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_mmidataBook6ed_79579213/page/n727 SN74S480]
|- {{anchor|74481}}
| 74x481
| 1
| 4-bit [[slice cascadable processor]] elements
| (48)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookcomputerComponentsDataBook_16851665/page/nents_Data_Book#page/n15 SN74S481]
|- {{anchor|74482}}
| 74x482
| 1
| 4-bit [[bit-slicing|slice]] expandable control elements
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookcomputerComponentsDataBook_16851665/page/nents_Data_Book#page/n259 SN74S482]
|- {{anchor|74484}}
| 74x484
| 1
| BCD-to-binary converter
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBook1986_14886851/page/n379 SN74S484A]
|- {{anchor|74485}}
| 74x485
| 1
| binary-to-BCD converter
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBook1986_14886851/page/n379 SN74S485A]
|- {{anchor|74488}}
| 74x488
| 1
| [[IEEE-488]] bus interface
| 48
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_fairchilddldFACTLogicDataBook_27153725/page/n261 74ACT488]
|- {{anchor|74490}}
| 74x490
| 2
| dual decade counter
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n1167 SN74490]
|- {{anchor|74491}}
| 74x491
| 1
| 10-bit binary up/down counter, limited preset
| three-state
| 24
| [https://archive.org/stream/MonolithicMemories-MMI-BipolarLSI1982DatabookOCR#page/n197 SN74LS491]
|- {{anchor|74498}}
| 74x498
| 1
| 8-bit bidirectional shift register, parallel inputs
| three-state
| 24
| [https://archive.org/stream/MonolithicMemories-MMI-BipolarLSI1982DatabookOCR#page/n189 SN74LS498]
! {{TOC tab|Part number|74x500 – 74x599}}
! Units !! Description !! Input !! Output !! Pins !! Datasheet
|- {{anchor|74500}}
| 74x500
| 1
| 6-bit flash analog-to-digital converter (ADC)
| analog
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_fairchilddldFASTDataBook_29981933/page/n409 74F500]
|- {{anchor|74502}}
| 74x502
| 1
| 8-bit successive approximation register
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_fairchilddldTTLDataBook_39509923/page/n497 74LS502]
|- {{anchor|74503}}
| 74x503
| 1
| 8-bit successive approximation register with expansion control
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_fairchilddldTTLDataBook_39509923/page/n501 74LS503]
|- {{anchor|74504}}
| 74x504
| 1
| 12-bit successive approximation register with expansion control
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_fairchilddldTTLDataBook_39509923/page/n505 74LS504]
|- {{anchor|74505}}
| 74x505
| 1
| 8-bit [[successive approximation ADC]]
| analog
| three-state
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_fairchilddldFASTDataBook_29981933/page/n413 74F505]
|- {{anchor|74508}}
| 74x508
| 1
| 8-bit multiplier/divider
| 24
| [https://archive.org/stream/MonolithicMemories-MMI-BipolarLSI1982DatabookOCR#page/n289 SN74S508]
|- {{anchor|74515}}
| 74x515
| 1
| programmable mapping decoder (2-to-4 line decoder with 9 programmable enable inputs)
| 20
| 74HCT515<ref name=hcmostb>{{cite book |title=HCMOS-Taschenbuch |trans-title=HCMOS Pocket Reference,|language=de |publisher=mitp-Verlag |place=Bonn |date=2003 |isbn=3-8266-1314-7}}</ref>{{rp|310}}
|- {{anchor|74516}}
| 74x516
| 1
| 16-bit multiplier/divider
| 24
| [https://archive.org/stream/MonolithicMemories-MMI-BipolarLSI1984DatabookOCR#page/n365 SN74S516]
|- {{anchor|74518}}
| 74x518
| 1
| 8-bit comparator
| 20&nbsp;kΩ pull-up
| open-collector
| 20
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn54als520 SN74ALS518]
|- {{anchor|74519}}
| 74x519
| 1
| 8-bit comparator
| open-collector
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol3_25840031/page/n365 SN74ALS519]
|- {{anchor|74520}}
| 74x520
| 1
| 8-bit comparator, inverting output
| 20&nbsp;kΩ pull-up
| 20
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn54als520 SN74ALS520]
|- {{anchor|74521}}
| 74x521
| 1
| 8-bit comparator, inverting output
| 20
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn54als520 SN74ALS521]
|- {{anchor|74522}}
| 74x522
| 1
| 8-bit comparator, inverting output
| 20&nbsp;kΩ pull-up
| open-collector
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol3_25840031/page/n365 SN74ALS522]
|- {{anchor|74524}}
| 74x524
| 1
| 8-bit registered comparator
| open-collector
| 20
| [https://archive.org/stream/NationalSemiconductor1988FASTAdvancedSchottkyDatabook/National%20Semiconductor%201988%20FAST%20Advanced%20Schottky%20Databook#page/n449 74F524]
|- {{anchor|74525}}
| 74x525
| 1
| 16-bit programmable counter
| 28
| [https://archive.org/stream/NationalSemiconductor1988FASTAdvancedSchottkyDatabook/National%20Semiconductor%201988%20FAST%20Advanced%20Schottky%20Databook#page/n457 74F525]
|- {{anchor|74526}}
| 74x526
| 1
| fuse programmable identity comparator, 16-bit
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol3_25840031/page/n371 SN74ALS526]
|- {{anchor|74527}}
| 74x527
| 1
| fuse programmable identity comparator, 8-bit + 4-bit conventional Identity comparator
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol3_25840031/page/n371 SN74ALS527]
|- {{anchor|74528}}
| 74x528
| 1
| fuse programmable Identity comparator, 12-bit
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol3_25840031/page/n371 SN74ALS528]
|- {{anchor|74531}}
| 74x531
| 8
| octal transparent latch
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/stream/MonolithicMemories-MMI-BipolarLSI1982DatabookOCR#page/n329 SN74S531]
|- {{anchor|74532}}
| 74x532
| 8
| octal register
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/stream/MonolithicMemories-MMI-BipolarLSI1982DatabookOCR#page/n329 SN74S532]
|- {{anchor|74533}}
| 74x533
| 1
| octal transparent latch, inverting outputs
| three-state
| 20
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/cd74hct563 CD74HC533]
|- {{anchor|74534}}
| 74x534
| 1
| octal register, inverting outputs
| three-state
| 20
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/cd74hc564 CD74HC534]
|- {{anchor|74535}}
| 74x535
| 1
| octal transparent latch, inverting outputs
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/stream/MonolithicMemories-MMI-BipolarLSI1982DatabookOCR#page/n331 SN74S535]
|- {{anchor|74536}}
| 74x536
| 1
| octal register, inverting outputs
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/stream/MonolithicMemories-MMI-BipolarLSI1982DatabookOCR#page/n331 SN74S536]
|- {{anchor|74537}}
| 74x537
| 1
| BCD to decimal decoder
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_motoroladaFASTandLSTTLData_35934218/page/nd_LS_TTL_Data#page/n247 MC74F537]
|- {{anchor|74538}}
| 74x538
| 1
| 3-to-8 line decoder/demultiplexer
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol3_25840031/page/n389 SN74ALS538]
|- {{anchor|74539}}
| 74x539
| 2
| dual 2-to-4 line decoder/demultiplexer
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol3_25840031/page/n393 SN74ALS539]
|- {{anchor|74540}}
| 74x540
| 1
| octal inverter gate
| Schmitt trigger
| three-state
| 20
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn54ls540 SN74LS540]
|- {{anchor|74541}}
| 74x541
| 1
| octal buffer gate
| Schmitt trigger
| three-state
| 20
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn54ls540 SN74LS541]
|- {{anchor|74543}}
| 74x543
| 1
| octal registered transceiver, non-inverting
| three-state
| 24
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74f543 SN74F543]
|- {{anchor|74544}}
| 74x544
| 1
| octal registered transceiver, inverting
| three-state
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_motoroladaFASTandLSTTLData_35934218/page/nd_LS_TTL_Data#page/n261 MC74F544]
|- {{anchor|74545}}
| 74x545
| 1
| octal bidirectional transceiver, non-inverting
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/stream/NationalSemiconductor1988FASTAdvancedSchottkyDatabook/National%20Semiconductor%201988%20FAST%20Advanced%20Schottky%20Databook#page/n497 74F545]
|- {{anchor|74546}}
| 74x546
| 1
| 8-bit bidirectional registered transceiver, non-inverting
| three-state
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_mmidataBook6ed_79579213/page/n589 SN74LS546]
|- {{anchor|74547}}
| 74LS547
| 1
| 8-bit bidirectional latched transceiver, non-inverting
| three-state
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_mmidataBook6ed_79579213/page/n589 SN74LS547]
| 74F547
| 1
| 3-to-8 line decoder/demultiplexer with address latches and acknowledge output
| 20
| [https://archive.org/stream/NationalSemiconductor1988FASTAdvancedSchottkyDatabook/National%20Semiconductor%201988%20FAST%20Advanced%20Schottky%20Databook#page/n501 74F547]
|- {{anchor|74548}}
| 74LS548
| 1
| 8-bit two-stage pipelined register
| three-state
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_mmidataBook6ed_79579213/page/n637 SN74LS548]
| 74F548
| 1
| 3-to-8 line decoder/demultiplexer with acknowledge output
| 20
| [https://archive.org/stream/NationalSemiconductor1988FASTAdvancedSchottkyDatabook/National%20Semiconductor%201988%20FAST%20Advanced%20Schottky%20Databook#page/n505 74F548]
|- {{anchor|74549}}
| 74x549
| 1
| 8-bit two-stage pipelined latch
| three-state
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_mmidataBook6ed_79579213/page/n637 SN74LS549]
|- {{anchor|74550}}
| 74x550
| 1
| octal registered transceiver with status flags, non-inverting
| three-state
| 28
| [https://archive.org/stream/NationalSemiconductor1988FASTAdvancedSchottkyDatabook/National%20Semiconductor%201988%20FAST%20Advanced%20Schottky%20Databook#page/n509 74F550]
|- {{anchor|74551}}
| 74x551
| 1
| octal registered transceiver with status flags, inverting
| three-state
| 28
| [https://archive.org/stream/NationalSemiconductor1988FASTAdvancedSchottkyDatabook/National%20Semiconductor%201988%20FAST%20Advanced%20Schottky%20Databook#page/n509 74F551]
|- {{anchor|74552}}
| 74x552
| 1
| octal registered transceiver with parity and flags
| three-state
| 28
| [https://archive.org/stream/NationalSemiconductor1988FASTAdvancedSchottkyDatabook/National%20Semiconductor%201988%20FAST%20Advanced%20Schottky%20Databook#page/n515 74F552]
|- {{anchor|74556}}
| 74x556
| 1
| 16x16-bit multiplier slice
| three-state
| (84)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_mmidataBook7ed_126879625/page/n567 74S556]
|- {{anchor|74557}}
| 74x557
| 1
| 8-bit by 8-bit multiplier
| three-state
| 40
| [https://archive.org/stream/MonolithicMemories-MMI-BipolarLSI1984DatabookOCR#page/n381 SN74S557]
|- {{anchor|74558}}
| 74x558
| 1
| 8-bit by 8-bit multiplier
| three-state
| 40
| [https://archive.org/stream/MonolithicMemories-MMI-BipolarLSI1984DatabookOCR#page/n381 SN74S558]
|- {{anchor|74559}}
| 74x559
| 1
| 8-bit expandable two's complement multiplier/divider
| three-state
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_fairchilddldFASTDataBook_20099339/page/n311 74F559]
|- {{anchor|74560}}
| 74x560
| 1
| 4-bit decade counter
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol3_25840031/page/n401 SN74ALS560A]
|- {{anchor|74561}}
| 74x561
| 1
| 4-bit binary counter
| three-state
| 20
| [https://web.archive.org/web/20170305192612/http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/sn74als561a.pdf SN74ALS561A]
|- {{anchor|74563}}
| 74x563
| 1
| 8-bit D-type transparent latch, inverting outputs
| three-state
| 20
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn54als563b SN74ALS563B]
|- {{anchor|74564}}
| 74x564
| 1
| 8-bit D-type edge-triggered register, inverting outputs
| three-state
| 20
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn54als564b SN74ALS564B]
|- {{anchor|74566}}
| 74x566
| 1
| 8-bit bidirectional registered transceiver, inverting
| three-state
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_mmidataBook6ed_79579213/page/n589 SN74LS566]
|- {{anchor|74567}}
| 74x567
| 1
| 8-bit bidirectional latched transceiver, inverting
| three-state
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_mmidataBook6ed_79579213/page/n589 SN74LS567]
|- {{anchor|74568}}
| 74x568
| 1
| decade up/down counter
| three-state
| 20
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74als569a SN74ALS568A]
|- {{anchor|74569}}
| 74x569
| 1
| binary up/down counter
| three-state
| 20
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74als569a SN74ALS569A]
|- {{anchor|74570}}
| 74x570
| 1
| 2048-bit PROM (512x4)
| open-collector
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_nationaldataBook_16727669/page/n315 DM74S570]
|- {{anchor|74571}}
| 74x571
| 1
| 2048-bit PROM (512x4)
| three-state
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_nationaldataBook_16727669/page/n315 DM74S571]
|- {{anchor|74572}}
| 74x572
| 1
| 4096-bit PROM (1024x4)
| open-collector
| 18
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_nationaldataBook_16727669/page/n317 DM74S572]
|- {{anchor|74573}}
| 74x573
| 1
| octal D-type transparent latch
| three-state
| 20
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74als573c SN74ALS573C]
|- {{anchor|74574}}
| 74x574
| 1
| octal D-type edge-triggered flip-flop
| three-state
| 20
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/sn74hc574.pdf SN74HC574]
|- {{anchor|74575}}
| 74x575
| 1
| octal D-type edge-triggered flip-flop, synchronous clear
| three-state
| 24
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74als575a SN74ALS575A]
|- {{anchor|74576}}
| 74x576
| 1
| octal D-type edge-triggered flip-flop, inverting outputs
| three-state
| 20
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74as576 SN74ALS576B]
|- {{anchor|74577}}
| 74x577
| 1
| octal D-type edge-triggered flip-flop, synchronous clear, inverting outputs
| three-state
| 24
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74as576 SN74ALS577A]
|- {{anchor|74579}}
| 74x579
| 1
| 8-bit bidirectional binary counter
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_motoroladaFASTandLSTTLData_35934218/page/nd_LS_TTL_Data#page/n273 MC74F579]
|- {{anchor|74580}}
| 74x580
| 1
| octal D-type transparent latch, inverting outputs
| three-state
| 20
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74als580b SN74ALS580B]
|- {{anchor|74582}}
| 74x582
| 1
| 4-bit BCD arithmetic logic unit
| 24
| [https://archive.org/stream/NationalSemiconductor1988FASTAdvancedSchottkyDatabook/National%20Semiconductor%201988%20FAST%20Advanced%20Schottky%20Databook#page/n551 74F582]
|- {{anchor|74583}}
| 74x583
| 1
| 4-bit BCD adder
| 16
| [https://archive.org/stream/NationalSemiconductor1988FASTAdvancedSchottkyDatabook/National%20Semiconductor%201988%20FAST%20Advanced%20Schottky%20Databook#page/n555 74F583]
|- {{anchor|74588}}
| 74x588
| 1
| octal bidirectional transceiver with [[IEEE-488]] termination resistors
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/stream/NationalSemiconductor1988FASTAdvancedSchottkyDatabook/National%20Semiconductor%201988%20FAST%20Advanced%20Schottky%20Databook#page/n559 74F588]
|- {{anchor|74589}}
| 74x589
| 1
| 8-bit shift register, input latch
| three-state
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n1181 SN74LS589]
|- {{anchor|74590}}
| 74x590
| 1
| 8-bit binary counter, output registers
| three-state
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls590 SN74LS590]
|- {{anchor|74591}}
| 74x591
| 1
| 8-bit binary counter, output registers
| open-collector
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls590 SN74LS591]
|- {{anchor|74592}}
| 74x592
| 1
| 8-bit binary counter, input registers
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls592 SN74LS592]
|- {{anchor|74593}}
| 74x593
| 1
| 8-bit binary counter, input registers
| three-state
| 20
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls592 SN74LS593]
|- {{anchor|74594}}
| 74x594
| 1
| 8-bit shift registers, Serial-In, Parallel-Out, output latches
| buffered
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls594 SN74LS594]
|- {{anchor|74595}}
| 74x595
| 1
| 8-bit shift registers, Serial-In, Parallel-Out, output latches, output enable
| three-state
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls595 SN74LS595]
|- {{anchor|74596}}
| 74x596
| 1
| 8-bit shift registers, Serial-In, Parallel-Out, output latches, output enable
| open-collector
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls595 SN74LS596]
|- {{anchor|74597}}
| 74x597
| 1
| 8-bit shift registers, Parallel-In, Serial-Out, input latches
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls597 SN74LS597]
|- {{anchor|74598}}
| 74x598
| 1
| 8-bit shift register, Selectable Parallel-In/Out input latches
| three-state
| 20
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls597 SN74LS598]
|- {{anchor|74599}}
| 74x599
| 1
| 8-bit shift registers, Serial-In, Parallel-Out, output latches
| open-collector
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls594 SN74LS599]
! {{TOC tab|Part number|74x600 – 74x699}}
! Units !! Description !! Input !! Output !! Pins !! Datasheet
|- {{anchor|74600}}
| 74x600
| 1
| dynamic memory refresh controller, transparent and burst modes, for 4K or 16K dRAM
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n1217 SN74LS600A]
|- {{anchor|74601}}
| 74x601
| 1
| dynamic memory refresh controller, transparent and burst modes, for 64K dRAM
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n1217 SN74LS601A]
|- {{anchor|74602}}
| 74x602
| 1
| dynamic memory refresh controller, cycle steal and burst modes, for 4K or 16K dRAM
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n1217 SN74LS602A]
|- {{anchor|74603}}
| 74x603
| 1
| dynamic memory refresh controller, cycle steal and burst modes, for 64K dRAM
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n1217 SN74LS603A]
|- {{anchor|74604}}
| 74x604
| 1
| octal 2-input multiplexer, latch, high-speed
| three-state
| 28
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n1225 SN74LS604]
|- {{anchor|74605}}
| 74x605
| 1
| octal 2-input multiplexer, latch, high-speed
| open-collector
| 28
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n1225 SN74LS605]
|- {{anchor|74606}}
| 74x606
| 1
| octal 2-input multiplexer, latch, glitch-free
| three-state
| 28
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n1225 SN74LS606]
|- {{anchor|74607}}
| 74x607
| 1
| octal 2-input multiplexer, latch, glitch-free
| open-collector
| 28
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n1225 SN74LS607]
|- {{anchor|74608}}
| 74x608
| 1
| memory cycle controller
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n1231 SN74LS608]
|- {{anchor|74610}}
| 74x610
| 1
| memory mapper, latched
| three-state
| 40
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n1237 SN74LS610]
|- {{anchor|74611}}
| 74x611
| 1
| memory mapper, latched
| open-collector
| 40
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n1237 SN74LS611]
|- {{anchor|74612}}
| 74x612
| 1
| memory mapper
| three-state
| 40
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n1237 SN74LS612]
|- {{anchor|74613}}
| 74x613
| 1
| memory mapper
| open-collector
| 40
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n1237 SN74LS613]
|- {{anchor|74614}}
| 74x614
| 1
| octal bus transceiver and register, inverting
| open-collector
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBooktaBook_60160366/page/n495 SN74ALS614]
|- {{anchor|74615}}
| 74x615
| 1
| octal bus transceiver and register, non-inverting
| open-collector
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBooktaBook_60160366/page/n495 SN74ALS615]
|- {{anchor|74616}}
| 74x616
| 1
| 16-bit parallel error detection and correction
| three-state
| 40
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBook_28346484/page/n101 SN74ALS616]
|- {{anchor|74617}}
| 74x617
| 1
| 16-bit parallel error detection and correction
| open-collector
| 40
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBook_28346484/page/n101 SN74ALS617]
|- {{anchor|74620}}
| 74x620
| 1
| octal bus transceiver, inverting
| three-state
| 20
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls623 SN74LS620]
|- {{anchor|74621}}
| 74x621
| 1
| octal bus transceiver, non-inverting
| open-collector
| 20
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls623 SN74LS621]
|- {{anchor|74622}}
| 74x622
| 1
| octal bus transceiver, inverting
| open-collector
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n1247 SN74LS622]
|- {{anchor|74623}}
| 74x623
| 1
| octal bus transceiver, non-inverting
| three-state
| 20
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls623 SN74LS623]
|- {{anchor|74624}}
| 74x624
| 1
| [[voltage-controlled oscillator]], enable control, range control, two-phase outputs
| analog
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls624 SN74LS624]
|- {{anchor|74625}}
| 74x625
| 2
| dual [[voltage-controlled oscillator]], two-phase outputs
| analog
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls624 SN74LS625]
|- {{anchor|74626}}
| 74x626
| 2
| dual [[voltage-controlled oscillator]], enable control, two-phase outputs
| analog
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls624 SN74LS626]
|- {{anchor|74627}}
| 74x627
| 2
| dual [[voltage-controlled oscillator]]
| analog
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls624 SN74LS627]
|- {{anchor|74628}}
| 74x628
| 1
| [[voltage-controlled oscillator]], enable control, range control,<br/> external temperature compensation, two-phase outputs
| analog
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls624 SN74LS628]
|- {{anchor|74629}}
| 74x629
| 2
| dual [[voltage-controlled oscillator]], enable control, range control
| analog
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls624 SN74LS629]
|- {{anchor|74630}}
| 74x630
| 1
| 16-bit error detection and correction (EDAC)
| three-state
| 28
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n1263 SN74LS630]
|- {{anchor|74631}}
| 74x631
| 1
| 16-bit error detection and correction
| open-collector
| 28
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n1263 SN74LS631]
|- {{anchor|74632}}
| 74x632
| 1
| 32-bit parallel error detection and correction, byte-write
| three-state
| 52
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol3_25840031/page/n457 SN74ALS632]
|- {{anchor|74633}}
| 74x633
| 1
| 32-bit parallel error detection and correction, byte-write
| open-collector
| 52
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol3_25840031/page/n457 SN74ALS633]
|- {{anchor|74634}}
| 74x634
| 1
| 32-bit parallel error detection and correction
| three-state
| 48
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol3_25840031/page/n457 SN74ALS634]
|- {{anchor|74635}}
| 74x635
| 1
| 32-bit parallel error detection and correction
| open-collector
| 48
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol3_25840031/page/n457 SN74ALS635]
|- {{anchor|74636}}
| 74x636
| 1
| 8-bit parallel error detection and correction
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n1271 SN74LS636]
|- {{anchor|74637}}
| 74x637
| 1
| 8-bit parallel error detection and correction
| open-collector
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n1271 SN74LS637]
|- {{anchor|74638}}
| 74x638
| 1
| octal bus transceiver, inverting outputs
| three-state and open-collector
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n1279 SN74LS638]
|- {{anchor|74639}}
| 74x639
| 1
| octal bus transceiver, non-inverting outputs
| three-state and open-collector
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n1279 SN74LS639]
|- {{anchor|74640}}
| 74x640
| 1
| octal bus transceiver, inverting outputs
| three-state
| 20
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls640 SN74LS640]
|- {{anchor|74641}}
| 74x641
| 1
| octal bus transceiver, non-inverting outputs
| open-collector
| 20
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls640 SN74LS641]
|- {{anchor|74642}}
| 74x642
| 1
| octal bus transceiver, inverting outputs
| open-collector
| 20
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls640 SN74LS642]
|- {{anchor|74643}}
| 74x643
| 1
| octal bus transceiver, mix of inverting and non-inverting outputs
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n1283 SN74LS643]
|- {{anchor|74644}}
| 74x644
| 1
| octal bus transceiver, mix of inverting and non-inverting outputs
| open-collector
| 20
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls640 SN74LS644]
|- {{anchor|74645}}
| 74x645
| 1
| octal bus transceiver, non-inverting outputs
| three-state
| 20
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls640 SN74LS645]
|- {{anchor|74646}}
| 74x646
| 1
| octal bus transceiver/latch/multiplexer, non-inverting outputs
| three-state
| 24
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn54als648 SN74ALS646A]
|- {{anchor|74647}}
| 74x647
| 1
| octal bus transceiver/latch/multiplexer, non-inverting outputs
| open-collector
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n1291 SN74LS647]
|- {{anchor|74648}}
| 74x648
| 1
| octal bus transceiver/latch/multiplexer, inverting outputs
| three-state
| 24
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn54als648 SN74ALS648A]
|- {{anchor|74649}}
| 74x649
| 1
| octal bus transceiver/latch/multiplexer, inverting outputs
| open-collector
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n1291 SN74LS649]
|- {{anchor|74651}}
| 74x651
| 1
| octal bus transceiver/register, inverting outputs
| three-state
| 24
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74als654 SN74ALS651A]
|- {{anchor|74652}}
| 74x652
| 1
| octal bus transceiver/register, non-inverting outputs
| three-state
| 24
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74als654 SN74ALS652A]
|- {{anchor|74653}}
| 74x653
| 1
| octal bus transceiver/register, inverting outputs
| three-state and open-collector
| 24
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74als654 SN74ALS653]
|- {{anchor|74654}}
| 74x654
| 1
| octal bus transceiver/register, non-inverting outputs
| three-state and open-collector
| 24
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74als654 SN74ALS654]
|- {{anchor|74655}}
| 74x655
| 1
| octal buffer / line driver with parity, inverting
| three-state
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_fairchilddldFASTDataBook_29981933/page/n553 74F655]
|- {{anchor|74656}}
| 74x656
| 1
| octal buffer / line driver with parity, non-inverting
| three-state
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_fairchilddldFASTDataBook_29981933/page/n553 74F656]
|- {{anchor|74657}}
| 74x657
| 1
| octal bidirectional transceiver with 8-bit parity generator/checker
| three-state
| 24
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74f657 SN74F657]
|- {{anchor|74658}}
| 74x658
| 1
| octal bus transceiver, parity, inverting
| three-state
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookogicDataBook_23574286/page/n395 SN74HC658]
|- {{anchor|74659}}
| 74x659
| 1
| octal bus transceiver, parity, non-inverting
| three-state
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookogicDataBook_23574286/page/n395 SN74HC659]
|- {{anchor|74664}}
| 74x664
| 1
| octal bus transceiver, parity, inverting
| three-state
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookogicDataBook_23574286/page/n409 SN74HC664]
|- {{anchor|74665}}
| 74x665
| 1
| octal bus transceiver, parity, non-inverting
| three-state
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookogicDataBook_23574286/page/n409 SN74HC665]
|- {{anchor|74666}}
| 74x666
| 1
| 8-bit D-type transparent read-back latch, non-inverting
| three-state
| 24
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74als666 SN74ALS666]
|- {{anchor|74667}}
| 74x667
| 1
| 8-bit D-type transparent read-back latch, inverting
| three-state
| 24
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74als666 SN74ALS667]
|- {{anchor|74668}}
| 74x668
| 1
| synchronous 4-bit decade up/down counter
| 16
| [https://web.archive.org/web/20060602131759/http://focus.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/sn74ls669.pdf SN74LS668]
|- {{anchor|74669}}
| 74x669
| 1
| synchronous 4-bit binary up/down counter
| 16
| [https://web.archive.org/web/20060602131759/http://focus.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/sn74ls669.pdf SN74LS669]
|- {{anchor|74670}}
| 74x670
| 1
| 16-bit register file (4x4)
| three-state
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn54ls670 SN74LS670]
|- {{anchor|74671}}
| 74x671
| 1
| 4-bit bidirectional shift register/latch/multiplexer, direct clear
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n1327 SN74LS671]
|- {{anchor|74672}}
| 74x672
| 1
| 4-bit bidirectional shift register/latch/multiplexer, synchronous clear
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n1327 SN74LS672]
|- {{anchor|74673}}
| 74x673
| 1
| 16-bit serial-in, serial/parallel-out shift register, output storage registers
| three-state
| 24
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls673 SN74LS673]
|- {{anchor|74674}}
| 74x674
| 1
| 16-bit parallel-in, serial-out shift register
| three-state
| 24
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls673 SN74LS674]
|- {{anchor|74675}}
| 74x675
| 1
| 16-bit serial-in, serial/parallel-out shift register
| 24
| [https://archive.org/stream/NationalSemiconductor1988FASTAdvancedSchottkyDatabook/National%20Semiconductor%201988%20FAST%20Advanced%20Schottky%20Databook#page/n607 74F675A]
|- {{anchor|74676}}
| 74x676
| 1
| 16-bit serial/parallel-in, serial-out shift register
| 24
| [https://archive.org/stream/NationalSemiconductor1988FASTAdvancedSchottkyDatabook/National%20Semiconductor%201988%20FAST%20Advanced%20Schottky%20Databook#page/n611 74F676]
|- {{anchor|74677}}
| 74x677
| 1
| 16-bit address [[comparator]], enable
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol3_25840031/page/n507 SN74ALS677]
|- {{anchor|74678}}
| 74x678
| 1
| 16-bit address comparator, latch
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol3_25840031/page/n507 SN74ALS678]
|- {{anchor|74679}}
| 74x679
| 1
| 12-bit address comparator, latch
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol3_25840031/page/n513 SN74ALS679]
|- {{anchor|74680}}
| 74x680
| 1
| 12-bit address comparator, enable
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol3_25840031/page/n513 SN74ALS680]
|- {{anchor|74681}}
| 74x681
| 1
| 4-bit parallel binary accumulator
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n1339 SN74LS681]
|- {{anchor|74682}}
| 74x682
| 1
| 8-bit [[digital comparator|magnitude comparator]], P>Q output
| 20&nbsp;kΩ pull-up
| 20
| [https://web.archive.org/web/20160531200122/http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/sn74ls682.pdf SN74LS682]
|- {{anchor|74683}}
| 74x683
| 1
| 8-bit magnitude comparator, P>Q output
| 20&nbsp;kΩ pull-up
| open-collector
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n1345 SN74LS683]
|- {{anchor|74684}}
| 74x684
| 1
| 8-bit magnitude comparator, P>Q output
| 20
| [https://web.archive.org/web/20160531200122/http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/sn74ls682.pdf SN74LS684]
|- {{anchor|74685}}
| 74x685
| 1
| 8-bit magnitude comparator, P>Q output
| open-collector
| 20
| [https://web.archive.org/web/20160531200122/http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/sn74ls682.pdf SN74LS685]
|- {{anchor|74686}}
| 74x686
| 1
| 8-bit magnitude comparator, P>Q output, enable
| 24
| [https://web.archive.org/web/20160531200122/http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/sn74ls682.pdf SN74LS686]
|- {{anchor|74687}}
| 74x687
| 1
| 8-bit magnitude comparator, P>Q output, enable
| open-collector
| 24
| [https://web.archive.org/web/20160531200122/http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/sn74ls682.pdf SN74LS687]
|- {{anchor|74688}}
| 74x688
| 1
| 8-bit magnitude comparator, enable
| 20
| [https://web.archive.org/web/20160531200122/http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/sn74ls682.pdf SN74LS688]
|- {{anchor|74689}}
| 74x689
| 1
| 8-bit magnitude comparator, enable
| open-collector
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n1345 SN74LS689]
|- {{anchor|74690}}
| 74x690
| 1
| 4-bit decimal counter/latch/multiplexer, asynchronous clear
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n1353 SN74LS690]
|- {{anchor|74691}}
| 74x691
| 1
| 4-bit binary counter/latch/multiplexer, asynchronous clear
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n1353 SN74LS691]
|- {{anchor|74692}}
| 74x692
| 1
| 4-bit decimal counter/latch/multiplexer, synchronous clear
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n1353 SN74LS692]
|- {{anchor|74693}}
| 74x693
| 1
| 4-bit binary counter/latch/multiplexer, synchronous clear
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n1353 SN74LS693]
|- {{anchor|74694}}
| 74x694
| 1
| 4-bit decimal counter/latch/multiplexer,  synchronous and asynchronous clears
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_icMaster19_159569496/page/n619 SN74ALS694]
|- {{anchor|74695}}
| 74x695
| 1
| 4-bit binary counter/latch/multiplexer, synchronous and asynchronous clears
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_icMaster19_159569496/page/n619 SN74ALS695]
|- {{anchor|74696}}
| 74x696
| 1
| 4-bit decimal counter/register/multiplexer, asynchronous clear
| three-state
| 20
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls697 SN74LS696]
|- {{anchor|74697}}
| 74x697
| 1
| 4-bit binary counter/register/multiplexer, asynchronous clear
| three-state
| 20
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls697 SN74LS697]
|- {{anchor|74698}}
| 74x698
| 1
| 4-bit decimal counter/register/multiplexer, synchronous clear
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n1365 SN74LS698]
|- {{anchor|74699}}
| 74x699
| 1
| 4-bit binary counter/register/multiplexer, synchronous clear
| three-state
| 20
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls697 SN74LS699]
! {{TOC tab|Part number|74x700 – 74x799}}
! Units !! Description !! Input !! Output !! Pins !! Datasheet
|- {{anchor|74700}}
| 74x700
| 1
| octal dRAM driver, inverting
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/stream/MonolithicMemories-MMI-BipolarLSI1984DatabookOCR#page/n315 SN74S700]
|- {{anchor|74701}}
| 74x701
| 1
| 8-bit register/counter/comparator
| three-state
| 24
| [https://archive.org/stream/NationalSemiconductor1988FASTAdvancedSchottkyDatabook/National%20Semiconductor%201988%20FAST%20Advanced%20Schottky%20Databook#page/n615 74F701]
|- {{anchor|74702}}
| 74x702
| 1
| 8-bit registered read-back transceiver
| three-state
| 24
| [https://archive.org/stream/NationalSemiconductor1988FASTAdvancedSchottkyDatabook/National%20Semiconductor%201988%20FAST%20Advanced%20Schottky%20Databook#page/n617 74F702]
|- {{anchor|74705}}
| 74x705
| 1
| arithmetic logic unit for digital signal processing applications
| three-state
| (84)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_fairchilddldFACTLogicDataBook_27153725/page/n349 74ACT705]
|- {{anchor|74707}}
| 74x707
| 1
| 8-bit TTL-ECL shift register
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_nationaldaFASTDatabook_31226275/page/n621 74F707]
|- {{anchor|74708}}
| 74x708
| 1
| 576-bit FIFO memory (64x9)
| three-state
| 28
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_fairchilddldFACTLogicDataBook_27153725/page/n361 74ACT708]
|- {{anchor|74710}}
| 74x710
| 1
| 8-bit single-supply TTL-ECL shift register
| 20
| [https://archive.org/stream/NationalSemiconductor1988FASTAdvancedSchottkyDatabook/National%20Semiconductor%201988%20FAST%20Advanced%20Schottky%20Databook#page/n621 74F710]
|- {{anchor|74711}}
| 74x711
| 5
| quint 2-to-1 multiplexers
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_signeticsdaManual_57966640/page/n777 74F711]
|- {{anchor|74712}}
| 74x712
| 5
| quint 3-to-1 multiplexers
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_signeticsdaManual_57966640/page/n777 74F712]
|- {{anchor|74715}}
| 74x715
| 1
| programmable video sync generator
| 20
| [https://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/originals/distributors/Datasheets-303/53948.pdf 74ACT715]
|- {{anchor|74716}}
| 74x716
| 1
| programmable decade counter
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_motoroladaSchottkyTTLData_33878952/page/n397 SN74LS716]
|- {{anchor|74718}}
| 74x718
| 1
| programmable binary counter
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_motoroladaSchottkyTTLData_33878952/page/n397 SN74LS718]
|- {{anchor|74723}}
| 74x723
| 1
| 576-bit FIFO memory (64x9)
| three-state
| 28
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_fairchilddldFACTLogicDataBook_27153725/page/n379 74ACT723]
|- {{anchor|74724}}
| 74x724
| 1
| voltage-controlled multivibrator
| analog
| 8
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_motoroladaSchottkyTTLData_33878952/page/n409 SN74LS724]
|- {{anchor|74725}}
| 74x725
| 1
| 4608-bit FIFO memory (512x9)
| three-state
| 28
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_fairchilddldFACTLogicDataBook_27153725/page/n395 74ACT725]
|- {{anchor|74730}}
| 74x730
| 1
| octal dRAM driver, inverting
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/stream/MonolithicMemories-MMI-BipolarLSI1984DatabookOCR#page/n315 SN74S730]
|- {{anchor|74731}}
| 74x731
| 1
| octal dRAM driver, non-inverting
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/stream/MonolithicMemories-MMI-BipolarLSI1984DatabookOCR#page/n315 SN74S731]
|- {{anchor|74732}}
| 74x732
| 1
| 4-bit 3-bus multiplexer, inverting
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_signeticsdaManual_57966640/page/n789 74F732]
|- {{anchor|74733}}
| 74x733
| 1
| 4-bit 3-bus multiplexer, non-inverting
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_signeticsdaManual_57966640/page/n789 74F733]
|- {{anchor|74734}}
| 74x734
| 1
| octal dRAM driver, non-inverting
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/stream/MonolithicMemories-MMI-BipolarLSI1984DatabookOCR#page/n315 SN74S734]
|- {{anchor|74740}}
| 74x740
| 2
| dual 4-bit line driver, inverting
| three-state
| 20
| [https://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/originals/scans/Scans-056/DSAIH000137088.pdf SN74S740]
|- {{anchor|74741}}
| 74x741
| 2
| dual 4-bit line driver, non-inverting, complementary enable inputs
| three-state
| 20
| [https://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/originals/scans/Scans-056/DSAIH000137088.pdf SN74S741]
|- {{anchor|74742}}
| 74x742
| 1
| octal line driver, inverting
| open-collector
| 20
| SN74ALS742<ref name=ttltb3>{{cite book |title=TTL-Taschenbuch, Teil 3 |trans-title=TTL Pocket Reference, Part 3 |language=de |publisher=mitp-Verlag |place=Bonn |date=2002 |isbn=3-8266-0802-X}}</ref>{{rp|at=3-122}} <ref name=catalogo>{{cite web |title=Catálogo de Componentes |trans-title=Components Catalog |language=es |url=http://www.reniemarquet.com/kicad/libs/o_ttl.pdf |date=2006-01-20 |access-date=2022-01-17}}</ref>{{rp|page=25}}
|- {{anchor|74743}}
| 74x743
| 1
| octal line driver, non-inverting
| open-collector
| 20
| SN74ALS743<ref name=ttltb3/>{{rp|at=3-124}} <ref name=catalogo/>{{rp|page=25}}
|- {{anchor|74744}}
| 74x744
| 2
| dual 4-bit line driver, non-inverting
| three-state
| 20
| [https://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/originals/scans/Scans-056/DSAIH000137088.pdf SN74S744]
|- {{anchor|74746}}
| 74x746
| 1
| octal buffer / line driver, inverting
| 20&nbsp;kΩ pull-up
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBooktaBook_60160366/page/n623 SN74ALS746]
|- {{anchor|74747}}
| 74x747
| 1
| octal buffer / line driver, non-inverting
| 20&nbsp;kΩ pull-up
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBooktaBook_60160366/page/n623 SN74ALS747]
|- {{anchor|74748}}
| 74x748
| 1
| 8 to 3-line priority encoder (glitch-less)
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_motoroladaSchottkyTTLData_33878952/page/n151 SN74LS748]
|- {{anchor|74756}}
| 74x756
| 1
| octal buffer/line driver, inverting outputs
| open-collector
| 20
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn54as756 SN74AS756]
|- {{anchor|74757}}
| 74x757
| 1
| octal buffer/line driver, non-inverting outputs, complementary enable inputs
| open-collector
| 20
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn54as756 SN74AS757]
|- {{anchor|74758}}
| 74x758
| 1
| quadruple bus transceivers, inverting outputs
| open-collector
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol3_25840031/page/n527 SN74AS758]
|- {{anchor|74759}}
| 74x759
| 1
| quadruple bus transceivers, non-inverting outputs
| open-collector
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol3_25840031/page/n527 SN74AS759]
|- {{anchor|74760}}
| 74x760
| 1
| octal buffer/line driver, non-inverting outputs
| open-collector
| 20
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn54as760 SN74ALS760]
|- {{anchor|74762}}
| 74x762
| 1
| octal buffer/line driver, inverting and non-inverting outputs
| open-collector
| 20
| [https://web.archive.org/web/20170224211619/http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/sn74as762.pdf SN74ALS762]
|- {{anchor|74763}}
| 74x763
| 1
| octal buffer/line driver, inverting outputs, complementary enable inputs
| open-collector
| 20
| [https://web.archive.org/web/20170224211619/http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/sn74as762.pdf SN74ALS763]
|- {{anchor|74764}}
| 74x764
| 1
| dual-port dRAM controller
| 40
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_signeticsdaManual_57966640/page/n795 74F764]
|- {{anchor|74765}}
| 74x765
| 1
| dual-port dRAM controller with address latch
| 40
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_signeticsdaManual_57966640/page/n795 74F765]
|- {{anchor|74776}}
| 74x776
| 1
| 8-bit latched transceiver for [[FutureBus]]
| three-state and open-collector
| 28
| [https://archive.org/details/TexasInstruments-TI-Data-AdvancedLogicandBusInterfaceLogic1991OCR/page/n453 SN74F776]
|- {{anchor|74777}}
| 74x777
| 3
| triple latched transceiver
| three-state and open-collector
| 20
| [https://cdn.datasheetspdf.com/pdf-down/7/4/F/74F777_PhilipsSemiconductors.pdf 74F777]
|- {{anchor|74779}}
| 74x779
| 1
| 8-bit bidirectional binary counter
| three-state
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_motoroladaFASTandLSTTLData_35934218/page/nd_LS_TTL_Data#page/n297 MC74F779]
|- {{anchor|74783}}
| 74x783
| 1
| synchronous address multiplexer for display systems
| 40
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_motoroladaSchottkyTTLData_33878952/page/n411 SN74LS783]
|- {{anchor|74784}}
| 74x784
| 1
| 8-bit serial/parallel multiplier with adder/subtractor
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_fairchilddldFASTDataBook_29981933/page/n583 74F784]
|- {{anchor|74785}}
| 74x785
| 1
| synchronous address multiplexer for display systems with 256-column refresh
| 40
| [https://cdn.datasheetspdf.com/pdf-down/S/N/7/SN74LS783_MotorolaSemiconductor.pdf SN74LS785]
|- {{anchor|74786}}
| 74x786
| 1
| 4-input asynchronous bus arbiter
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_signeticsdaManual_57966640/page/n835 74F786]
|- {{anchor|74790}}
| 74x790
| 1
| error detection and correction (EDAC)
| three-state
| 48
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_motoroladaSchottkyTTLData_33878952/page/n629 SN74ALS790]
|- {{anchor|74793}}
| 74x793
| 1
| 8-bit latch, readback
| 20
| [https://archive.org/stream/MonolithicMemories-MMI-BipolarLSI1984DatabookOCR#page/n433 SN74LS793]
|- {{anchor|74794}}
| 74x794
| 1
| 8-bit register, readback
| 20
| [https://archive.org/stream/MonolithicMemories-MMI-BipolarLSI1984DatabookOCR#page/n433 SN74LS794]
|- {{anchor|74795}}
| 74x795
| 1
| octal buffer, non-inverting, common enable
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_motoroladaSchottkyTTLData_33878952/page/n437 SN74LS795]
|- {{anchor|74796}}
| 74x796
| 1
| octal buffer, inverting, common enable
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_motoroladaSchottkyTTLData_33878952/page/n437 SN74LS796]
|- {{anchor|74797}}
| 74x797
| 1
| octal buffer, non-inverting, enable for 4 buffers each
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_motoroladaSchottkyTTLData_33878952/page/n437 SN74LS797]
|- {{anchor|74798}}
| 74x798
| 1
| octal buffer, inverting, enable for 4 buffers each
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_motoroladaSchottkyTTLData_33878952/page/n437 SN74LS798]
! {{TOC tab|Part number|74x800 – 74x899}}
! Units !! Description !! Input !! Output !! Pins !! Datasheet
|- {{anchor|74800}}
| 74x800
| 3
| triple 4-input AND/NAND drivers
| driver
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol3_25840031/page/n537 SN74AS800]
|- {{anchor|74802}}
| 74x802
| 3
| triple 4-input OR/NOR drivers
| driver
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol3_25840031/page/n541 SN74AS802]
|- {{anchor|74803}}
| 74x803
| 4
| quad D flip flops with matched propagation delays
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_motoroladaFASTandLSTTLData_35934218/page/nd_LS_TTL_Data#page/n301 MC74F803]
|- {{anchor|74804}}
| 74x804
| 6
| hex 2-input NAND drivers
| driver
| 20
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn54as804b SN74ALS804A]
|- {{anchor|74805}}
| 74x805
| 6
| hex 2-input NOR drivers
| driver
| 20
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn54as805b SN74ALS805A]
|- {{anchor|74807}}
| 74x807
| 1
| 1-to-10 clock driver
| driver
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_idtdataBoomanceLogicDataBook_51362967/page/n569 IDT74FCT807]
|- {{anchor|74808}}
| 74x808
| 6
| hex 2-input AND drivers
| driver
| 20
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74as808b SN74AS808B]
|- {{anchor|74810}}
| 74x810
| 4
| quad 2-input XNOR gates
| 14
| [https://web.archive.org/web/20170225141941/http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/sn74als810.pdf SN74ALS810]
|- {{anchor|74811}}
| 74x811
| 4
| quad 2-input XNOR gates
| open-collector
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_nationaldaicDatabook_22808448/page/n349 DM74ALS811]
|- {{anchor|74818}}
| 74x818
| 1
| 8-bit diagnostic register
| three-state
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_fairchilddldFACTLogicDataBook_27153725/page/n411 74ACT818]
|- {{anchor|74819}}
| 74x819
| 1
| 8-bit diagnostic / pipeline register
| three-state
| 24
| [https://pdf1.alldatasheet.com/datasheet-pdf/view/466541/TI1/SN74ALS819.html SN74ALS819]
|- {{anchor|74821}}
| 74x821
| 1
| 10-bit bus interface flip-flop
| three-state
| 24
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn54as821a SN74AS821A]
|- {{anchor|74822}}
| 74x822
| 1
| 10-bit bus interface flip-flop, inverting inputs
| three-state
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol3_25840031/page/n557 SN74AS822]
|- {{anchor|74823}}
| 74x823
| 1
| 9-bit D-type flip-flops, clear and clock enable inputs
| three-state
| 24
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn54as823a SN74AS823A]
|- {{anchor|74824}}
| 74x824
| 1
| 9-bit D-type flip-flops, clear and clock enable inputs, inverting inputs
| three-state
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol3_25840031/page/n563 SN74AS824]
|- {{anchor|74825}}
| 74x825
| 1
| 8-bit D-type flip-flop, clear and clock enable inputs
| three-state
| 24
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn54as825a SN74AS825A]
|- {{anchor|74826}}
| 74x826
| 1
| 8-bit D-type flip-flop, clear and clock enable inputs, inverting inputs
| three-state
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol3_25840031/page/n569 SN74AS826]
|- {{anchor|74827}}
| 74x827
| 1
| 10-bit buffer, non-inverting
| three-state
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_motoroladaFASTandLSTTLData_35934218/page/nd_LS_TTL_Data#page/n303 MC74F827]
|- {{anchor|74828}}
| 74x828
| 1
| 10-bit buffer, inverting
| three-state
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_motoroladaFASTandLSTTLData_35934218/page/nd_LS_TTL_Data#page/n303 MC74F828]
|- {{anchor|74832}}
| 74x832
| 6
| hex 2-input OR drivers
| driver
| 20
| [https://web.archive.org/web/20170221112630/http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/sn74als832a.pdf SN74ALS832A]
|- {{anchor|74833}}
| 74x833
| 1
| 8-bit to 9-bit bus transceiver with parity register, non-inverting
| three-state
| 24
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74abt833 SN74ABT833]
|- {{anchor|74834}}
| 74x834
| 1
| 8-bit to 9-bit bus transceiver with parity register, inverting
| three-state
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_idtdataBoomanceCMOSDataBook_66222191/page/n1071 IDT74FCT834]
|- {{anchor|74835}}
| 74x835
| 1
| 8-bit shift register with 2:1 input multiplexers, one input latched, serial output
| 24
| [https://cdn.datasheetspdf.com/pdf-down/7/4/F/74F835_PhilipsSemiconductors.pdf 74F835]
|- {{anchor|74839}}
| 74x839
| 1
| field-programmable logic array 14x32x6
| three-state
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/TexasInstruments-TI-Data-TtlDataBookVol1_1984-DL/page/n259 SN74PL839]
|- {{anchor|74840}}
| 74x840
| 1
| field-programmable logic array 14x32x6
| open-collector
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/TexasInstruments-TI-Data-TtlDataBookVol1_1984-DL/page/n259 SN74PL840]
|- {{anchor|74841}}
| 74x841
| 1
| 10-bit D-type flip-flop
| three-state
| 24
| [https://web.archive.org/web/20170225141931/http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/sn74als841.pdf SN74ALS841]
|- {{anchor|74842}}
| 74x842
| 1
| 10-bit D-type flip-flop, inverting inputs
| three-state
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol3_25840031/page/n579 SN74ALS842]
|- {{anchor|74843}}
| 74x843
| 1
| 9-bit D flip-flops, clear and set inputs
| three-state
| 24
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74als843 SN74ALS843]
|- {{anchor|74844}}
| 74x844
| 1
| 9-bit D flip-flops, clear and set inputs, inverting inputs
| three-state
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol3_25840031/page/n587 SN74ALS844]
|- {{anchor|74845}}
| 74x845
| 1
| 8-bit D flip-flops, clear and set inputs
| three-state
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol3_25840031/page/n595 SN74ALS845]
|- {{anchor|74846}}
| 74x846
| 1
| 8-bit D flip-flops, clear and set inputs, inverting inputs
| three-state
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol3_25840031/page/n595 SN74ALS846]
|- {{anchor|74848}}
| 74x848
| 1
| 8 to 3-line priority encoder (glitch-less)
| three-state
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_motoroladaSchottkyTTLData_33878952/page/n315 SN74LS848]
|- {{anchor|74850}}
| 74x850
| 1
| 1 of 16 data selector/multiplexer, clocked select
| three-state
| 28
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol3_25840031/page/n603 SN74AS850]
|- {{anchor|74851}}
| 74x851
| 1
| 1 of 16 data selector/multiplexer
| three-state
| 28
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol3_25840031/page/n603 SN74AS851]
|- {{anchor|74852}}
| 74x852
| 1
| 8-bit universal transceiver port controller
| three-state
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol3_25840031/page/n613 SN74AS852]
|- {{anchor|74853}}
| 74x853
| 1
| 8-bit to 9-bit bus transceiver with parity latch, non-inverting
| three-state
| 24
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74abt853 SN74ABT853]
|- {{anchor|74854}}
| 74x854
| 1
| 8-bit to 9-bit bus transceiver with parity latch, inverting
| three-state
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_idtdataBoomanceCMOSDataBook_66222191/page/n1071 IDT74FCT854]
|- {{anchor|74856}}
| 74x856
| 1
| 8-bit universal transceiver port controller
| three-state
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol3_25840031/page/n619 SN74AS856]
|- {{anchor|74857}}
| 74x857
| 6
| hex 2-line to 1-line multiplexer
| three-state
| 24
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn54als857 SN74ALS857]
|- {{anchor|74861}}
| 74x861
| 1
| 10-bit bus transceiver, non-inverting
| three-state
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBook_80793740/page/n263 SN74ABT861]
|- {{anchor|74862}}
| 74x862
| 1
| 10-bit bus transceiver, inverting
| three-state
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBook_80793740/page/n269 SN74ABT862]
|- {{anchor|74863}}
| 74x863
| 1
| 9-bit bus transceiver, non-inverting
| three-state
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBook_80793740/page/n273 SN74ABT863]
|- {{anchor|74864}}
| 74x864
| 1
| 9-bit bus transceiver, inverting
| three-state
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_signeticsdaManual_57966640/page/n867 74F864]
|- {{anchor|74866}}
| 74x866
| 1
| 8-bit magnitude comparator with latches
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol3_25840031/page/n633 SN74AS866]
|- {{anchor|74867}}
| 74x867
| 1
| synchronous 8-bit up/down counter, asynchronous clear
| 24
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74als867a SN74ALS867A]
|- {{anchor|74869}}
| 74x869
| 1
| synchronous 8-bit up/down counter, synchronous clear
| 24
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74als867a SN74ALS869]
|- {{anchor|74870}}
| 74x870
| 1
| dual 16x4 register files
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol3_25840031/page/n645 SN74AS870]
|- {{anchor|74871}}
| 74x871
| 1
| dual 16x4 register files
| 28
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol3_25840031/page/n645 SN74AS871]
|- {{anchor|74873}}
| 74x873
| 2
| dual 4-bit transparent latch with clear
| three-state
| 24
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74als873b SN74ALS873B]
|- {{anchor|74874}}
| 74x874
| 2
| dual 4-bit edge-triggered D flip-flops with clear
| three-state
| 24
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74as874 SN74ALS874]
|- {{anchor|74876}}
| 74x876
| 2
| dual 4-bit edge-triggered D flip-flops with set, inverting outputs
| three-state
| 24
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74as874 SN74ALS876]
|- {{anchor|74877}}
| 74x877
| 1
| 8-bit universal transceiver port controller
| three-state
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol3_25840031/page/n663 SN74AS877]
|- {{anchor|74878}}
| 74x878
| 2
| dual 4-bit D-type flip-flop, synchronous clear, non-inverting outputs
| three-state
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol3_25840031/page/n669 SN74ALS878]
|- {{anchor|74879}}
| 74x879
| 2
| dual 4-bit D-type flip-flop, synchronous clear, inverting outputs
| three-state
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol3_25840031/page/n669 SN74ALS879]
|- {{anchor|74880}}
| 74x880
| 2
| dual 4-bit transparent latch with clear, inverting outputs
| three-state
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol3_25840031/page/n675 SN74ALS880]
|- {{anchor|74881}}
| 74x881
| 1
| 4-bit arithmetic logic unit
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol3_25840031/page/n681 SN74AS881A]
|- {{anchor|74882}}
| 74x882
| 1
| 32-bit lookahead carry generator
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol3_25840031/page/n683 SN74AS882]
|- {{anchor|74885}}
| 74x885
| 1
| 8-bit magnitude comparator
| 24
| [https://web.archive.org/web/20170403014245/http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/sn74as885.pdf SN74AS885]
|- {{anchor|74887}}
| 74x887
| 1
| 8-bit processor element (non-cascadable version of 74x888)
| (68)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBook_28346484/1986_LSI_Logic/page/n277 SN74AS887]
|- {{anchor|74888}}
| {{anchor|54888<!-- multiple anchors in |-  table element don't work, hence moved one anchor here -->}}74x888
| 1
| 8-bit [[slice processor|processor slice]]
| 64
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBook_28346484/1986_LSI_Logic/page/n325 SN74AS888]
|- {{anchor|74889}}
| 74x889
| 1
| 8-bit [[slice processor|processor slice]]
| (68)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookuitsDataBook_32771470/page/n637 SN74AS889]
|- {{anchor|74890}}
| 74x890
| 1
| microoperation sequencer
| 64
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBook_28346484/page/n375 SN74AS890]
|- {{anchor|74891}}
| 74x891
| 1
| microoperation sequencer
| (68)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookuitsDataBook_32771470/page/n685 SN74AS891]
|- {{anchor|74895}}
| 74x895
| 1
| 8-bit memory address generator
| (68)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBook_28346484/page/n393 SN74AS895]
|- {{anchor|74897}}
| 74x897
| 1
| 16-bit parallel/serial barrel shifter
| (68)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBook_28346484/page/n443 SN74AS897A]
|- {{anchor|74899}}
| 74x899
| 1
| 9-bit latchable transceiver with parity generator / checker
| three-state
| (28)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_nationaldaFACTDatabook_39311242/page/n431 74AC899]
! {{TOC tab|Part number|74x900 – 74x999}}
! Units !! Description !! Input !! Output !! Pins !! Datasheet
|- {{anchor|74900}}
| 74x900
| 4
| quad 2-input NAND gate
| driver
| 14
| [https://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/originals/distributors/Datasheets-112/DSAP0051456.pdf SN74ALS900]
|- {{anchor|74901}}
| 74x901
| 6
| hex inverting TTL buffer
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_nationaldaCMOSIntegratedCircuits_16413029/page/nal_CMOS_Integrated_Circuits#page/n93 MM74C901]
|- {{anchor|74902}}
| 74C902
| 6
| hex non-inverting TTL buffer
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_nationaldaCMOSIntegratedCircuits_16413029/page/nal_CMOS_Integrated_Circuits#page/n93 MM74C902]
| 74ALS902
| 4
| quad 2-input NOR gate
| driver
| 14
| [https://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/originals/distributors/Datasheets-111/DSAP0036721.pdf SN74ALS902]
|- {{anchor|74903}}
| 74C903
| 6
| hex inverting PMOS buffer
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_nationaldaCMOSIntegratedCircuits_16413029/page/nal_CMOS_Integrated_Circuits#page/n93 MM74C903]
| 74ALS903
| 4
| quad 2-input NAND gate
| open-collector driver
| 14
| [https://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/originals/distributors/Datasheets-111/DSAP0036722.pdf SN74ALS903]
|- {{anchor|74904}}
| 74x904
| 6
| hex non-inverting PMOS buffer
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_nationaldaCMOSIntegratedCircuits_16413029/page/nal_CMOS_Integrated_Circuits#page/n93 MM74C904]
|- {{anchor|74905}}
| 74x905
| 1
| 12-bit successive approximation register
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_nationaldaCMOSIntegratedCircuits_16413029/page/nal_CMOS_Integrated_Circuits#page/n97 MM74C905]
|- {{anchor|74906}}
| 74x906
| 6
| hex open drain n-channel buffers
| open-collector
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_nationaldaCMOSIntegratedCircuits_16413029/page/nal_CMOS_Integrated_Circuits#page/n103 MM74C906]
|- {{anchor|74907}}
| 74x907
| 6
| hex open drain p-channel buffers
| {{Unknown|{{sp}}}}
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_nationaldaCMOSIntegratedCircuits_16413029/page/nal_CMOS_Integrated_Circuits#page/n103 MM74C907]
|- {{anchor|74908}}
| 74x908
| 2
| dual 2-input NAND 30&nbsp;V / 250&nbsp;mA relay driver
| {{Unknown|{{sp}}}}
| 8
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_nationaldaCMOSIntegratedCircuits_16413029/page/nal_CMOS_Integrated_Circuits#page/n105 MM74C908]
|- {{anchor|74909}}
| 74x909
| 4
| quad voltage comparator
| analog
| open-collector
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_nationaldaCMOSIntegratedCircuits_16413029/page/nal_CMOS_Integrated_Circuits#page/n109 MM74C909]
|- {{anchor|74910}}
| 74x910
| 1
| 256-bit RAM (64x4)
| three-state
| 18
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_nationaldaCMOSIntegratedCircuits_16413029/page/nal_CMOS_Integrated_Circuits#page/n115 MM74C910]
|- {{anchor|74911}}
| 74x911
| 1
| 4-digit expandable display controller
| three-state
| 28
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_nationaldaCMOSDatabook_23595721/page/nal_CMOS_Databook#page/n135 MM74C911]
|- {{anchor|74912}}
| 74x912
| 1
| 6-digit BCD display controller and driver
| three-state
| 28
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_nationaldaCMOSDatabook_23595721/page/nal_CMOS_Databook#page/n135 MM74C912]
|- {{anchor|74913}}
| 74x913
| 1
| 6-digit BCD display controller and driver, no decimal point
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_nationaldaCMOSDatabook_23595721/page/nal_CMOS_Databook#page/n135 MM74C913]
|- {{anchor|74914}}
| 74x914
| 6
| hex inverter gate, extended input voltage
| Schmitt trigger
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_nationaldaCMOSIntegratedCircuits_16413029/page/nal_CMOS_Integrated_Circuits#page/n117 MM74C914]
|- {{anchor|74915}}
| 74x915
| 1
| 7-segment to BCD converter
| three-state
| 18
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_nationaldaCMOSDatabook_23595721/page/nal_CMOS_Databook#page/n141 MM74C915]
|- {{anchor|74917}}
| 74x917
| 1
| 6-digit hex display controller and driver
| three-state
| 28
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_nationaldaLogicDatabookVolume1_95500749/page/nal_Logic_Databook_Volume_1#page/n1333 MM74C917]
|- {{anchor|74918}}
| 74x918
| 2
| dual 2-input NAND 30&nbsp;V / 250&nbsp;mA relay driver
| {{Unknown|{{sp}}}}
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_nationaldaCMOSIntegratedCircuits_16413029/page/nal_CMOS_Integrated_Circuits#page/n105 MM74C918]
|- {{anchor|74920}}
| 74x920
| 1
| 1024-bit RAM (256x4), separate data inputs and outputs
| three-state
| 22
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_nationaldaCMOSDatabook_23595721/page/nal_CMOS_Databook#page/n145 MM74C920]
|- {{anchor|74921}}
| 74x921
| 1
| 1024-bit RAM (256x4)
| three-state
| 18
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_nationaldaCMOSDatabook_23595721/page/nal_CMOS_Databook#page/n145 MM74C921]
|- {{anchor|74922}}
| 74x922
| 1
| 16-key encoder
| three-state
| 18
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_nationaldaCMOSDatabook_23595721/page/nal_CMOS_Databook#page/n149 MM74C922]
|- {{anchor|74923}}
| 74x923
| 1
| 20-key encoder
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_nationaldaCMOSDatabook_23595721/page/nal_CMOS_Databook#page/n149 MM74C923]
|- {{anchor|74925}}
| 74x925
| 1
| 4-digit counter/display driver
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_nationaldaCMOSDatabook_23595721/page/nal_CMOS_Databook#page/n155 MM74C925]
|- {{anchor|74926}}
| 74x926
| 1
| 4-digit decade counter/display driver, carry out and latch (up to 9999)
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_nationaldaCMOSDatabook_23595721/page/nal_CMOS_Databook#page/n155 MM74C926]
|- {{anchor|74927}}
| 74x927
| 1
| 4-digit timer counter/display driver (up to 9599, intended as time elapsed, i.e. 9:59.9 min)
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_nationaldaCMOSDatabook_23595721/page/nal_CMOS_Databook#page/n155 MM74C927]
|- {{anchor|74928}}
| 74x928
| 1
| 4-digit counter/display driver (up to 1999)
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_nationaldaCMOSDatabook_23595721/page/nal_CMOS_Databook#page/n155 MM74C928]
|- {{anchor|74929}}
| 74x929
| 1
| 1024-bit RAM (1024x1), single chip select
| three-state
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_nationaldaCMOSDatabook_23595721/page/nal_CMOS_Databook#page/n155 MM74C929]
|- {{anchor|74930}}
| 74x930
| 1
| 1024-bit RAM (1024x1), three chip selects
| three-state
| 18
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_nationaldaCMOSDatabook_23595721/page/nal_CMOS_Databook#page/n155 MM74C930]
|- {{anchor|74932}}
| 74x932
| 1
| [[phase comparator]]
| 8
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_nationaldaLogicDatabookVolume1_95500749/page/nal_Logic_Databook_Volume_1#page/n1305 MM74C932]
|- {{anchor|74933}}
| 74x933
| 1
| 7-bit address bus comparator
| 20
| [https://archive.org/stream/NationalSemiconductor-CMOSDatabook1981#page/n5 MM74C933]
|- {{anchor|74934}}
| 74934
| 1
| ADC similar to ADC0829, see corresponding NSC datasheet
|- {{anchor|74935}}
| 74x935
| 1
| [[Analog-to-digital converter|ADC]] for 3.5-digit digital [[voltmeter]]s, multiplexed 7-segment display outputs
| analog
| 28
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_nationaldaCMOSDatabook_23595721/page/nal_CMOS_Databook#page/n163 MM74C935]
|- {{anchor|74936}}
| 74x936
| 1
| ADC for 3.75-digit digital voltmeters, multiplexed 7-segment display outputs
| analog
| {{Unknown|{{?}}}}
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_nationaldaCMOSDatabook_23595721/page/n171 MM74C936]
|- {{anchor|74937}}
| 74x937
| 1
| ADC for 3.5-digit digital voltmeters, multiplexed BCD outputs
| analog
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_nationaldaDataAcquisitionHandbook_38492992/page/n83 MM74C937]
|- {{anchor|74938}}
| 74x938
| 1
| ADC for 3.75-digit digital voltmeters, multiplexed BCD outputs
| analog
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_nationaldaDataAcquisitionHandbook_38492992/page/n83 MM74C938]
|- {{anchor|74940}}
| 74x940
| 1
| octal bus/line drivers/line receivers
| Schmitt trigger
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/stream/NationalSemiconductorLogicDatabook1981/National%20Semiconductor%20Logic%20Databook%201981#page/n161 DM74S940]
|- {{anchor|74941}}
| 74x941
| 1
| octal bus/line drivers/line receivers
| Schmitt trigger
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/stream/NationalSemiconductorLogicDatabook1981/National%20Semiconductor%20Logic%20Databook%201981#page/n161 DM74S941]
|- {{anchor|74942}}
| 74x942
| 1
| 300 baud [[Bell 103 modem]] (+/- 5&nbsp;V supply)
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_nationaldaLogicDatabookVolume1_95500749/page/nal_Logic_Databook_Volume_1#page/n639 MM74HC942]
|- {{anchor|74943}}
| 74x943
| 1
| 300 baud [[Bell 103 modem]] (single 5&nbsp;V supply)
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_nationaldaLogicDatabookVolume1_95500749/page/nal_Logic_Databook_Volume_1#page/n645 MM74HC943]
|- {{anchor|74945}}
| 74x945
| 1
| 4-digit up/down counter, decoder and LCD driver, output latch
| 40
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_nationaldaLogicDatabookVolume1_95500749/page/nal_Logic_Databook_Volume_1#page/n1343 MM74C945]
|- {{anchor|74946}}
| 74x946
| 1
| 4.5-digit counter, decoder and LCD driver, leading zero blanking
| 40
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_nationaldaLogicDatabookVolume1_95500749/page/nal_Logic_Databook_Volume_1#page/n1351 MM74C946]
|- {{anchor|74947}}
| 74x947
| 1
| 4-digit up/down counter, decoder and LCD driver, leading zero blanking
| 40
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_nationaldaLogicDatabookVolume1_95500749/page/nal_Logic_Databook_Volume_1#page/n1343 MM74C947]
|- {{anchor|74948}}
| 74x948
| 1
| 8-bit [[Analog-to-digital converter|ADC]] with 16-channel analog multiplexer
| analog
| three-state
| 40
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_nationaldaDataAcquisitionHandbook_38492992/page/n63 MM74C948]
|- {{anchor|74949}}
| 74x949
| 1
| 8-bit [[Analog-to-digital converter|ADC]] with 8-channel analog multiplexer
| analog
| three-state
| 28
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_nationaldaCMOSDatabook_23595721/page/n173 MM74C949]
|- {{anchor|74950}}
| 74x950
| 1
| 8-bit [[Analog-to-digital converter|ADC]] with 8-channel analog multiplexer and [[sample and hold]]
| analog
| three-state
| 28
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_nationaldaCMOSDatabook_23595721/page/n173 MM74C950]
|- {{anchor|74952}}
| 74x952
| 1
| dual rank 8-bit shift register, synchronous clear
| three-state
| 18
| [https://archive.org/stream/NationalSemiconductorLogicDatabook1981/National%20Semiconductor%20Logic%20Databook%201981#page/n417 DM74LS952]
|- {{anchor|74956}}
| 74C956
| 1
| 4-digit, 17-segment alpha-numeric LED display driver with memory and decoder
| 40
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_nationaldaLogicDatabookVolume1_95500749/page/nal_Logic_Databook_Volume_1#page/n1357 MM74C956]
| 74BCT956
| 1
| octal bus transceiver and latch
| three-state
| 24
| [https://datasheetspdf.com/pdf-file/1271601/Texas/SN74BCT956/1 SN74BCT956]
|- {{anchor|74962}}
| 74x962
| 1
| dual rank 8-bit shift register, register exchange mode
| three-state
| 18
| [https://archive.org/stream/NationalSemiconductorLogicDatabook1981/National%20Semiconductor%20Logic%20Databook%201981#page/n417 DM74LS962]
|- {{anchor|74963}}
| 74x963
| 1
| dual rank 8-bit shift register, synchronous clear
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBook_28346484/page/n461 SN74ALS963]
|- {{anchor|74964}}
| 74x964
| 1
| dual rank 8-bit shift register, synchronous and asynchronous clear
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBook_28346484/page/n461 SN74ALS964]
|- {{anchor|74968}}
| 74x968
| 1
| controller/driver for 16k/64k/256k/1M dRAM
| 52
| [https://archive.org/stream/NationalSemiconductor1988FASTAdvancedSchottkyDatabook/National%20Semiconductor%201988%20FAST%20Advanced%20Schottky%20Databook#page/n655 74F968]
|- {{anchor|74978}}
| 74x978
| 1
| octal flip-flop with serial scanner
| 24
| [https://archive.org/stream/NationalSemiconductor1988FASTAdvancedSchottkyDatabook/National%20Semiconductor%201988%20FAST%20Advanced%20Schottky%20Databook#page/n667 74F978]
|- {{anchor|74979}}
| 74x979
| 1
| 9-bit registered transceiver with parity generator/checker for [[FutureBus]]
| three-state and open-collector
| (48)
| [https://archive.org/details/TexasInstruments-TI-Data-AdvancedLogicandBusInterfaceLogic1991OCR/page/n447 SN74BCT979]
|- {{anchor|74989}}
| 74x989
| 1
| 64-bit RAM (64x4), inverting output
| three-state
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_nationaldaLogicDatabookVolume1_95500749/page/nal_Logic_Databook_Volume_1#page/n1313 MM74C989]
|- {{anchor|74990}}
| 74x990
| 1
| 8-bit D-type transparent read-back latch, non-inverting
| three-state
| 20
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74als990 SN74ALS990]
|- {{anchor|74991}}
| 74x991
| 1
| 8-bit D-type transparent read-back latch, inverting
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBook_28346484/page/n473 SN74ALS991]
|- {{anchor|74992}}
| 74x992
| 1
| 9-bit D-type transparent read-back latch, non-inverting
| three-state
| 24
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74als992 SN74ALS992]
|- {{anchor|74993}}
| 74x993
| 1
| 9-bit D-type transparent read-back latch, inverting
| three-state
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBook_28346484/page/n481 SN74ALS993]
|- {{anchor|74994}}
| 74x994
| 1
| 10-bit D-type transparent read-back latch, non-inverting
| three-state
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBook_28346484/page/n489 SN74ALS994]
|- {{anchor|74995}}
| 74x995
| 1
| 10-bit D-type transparent read-back latch, inverting
| three-state
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBook_28346484/page/n489 SN74ALS995]
|- {{anchor|74996}}
| 74x996
| 1
| 8-bit D-type edge-triggered read-back latch
| three-state
| 24
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74als996 SN74ALS996]
! {{TOC tab|Part number|74x1000 – 74x1999}}
! Units !! Description !! Input !! Output !! Pins !! Datasheet
| 74x1000
| 4
| quad 2-input NAND gate
| driver
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn54as1000a SN74AS1000A]
| 74x1002
| 4
| quad 2-input NOR gate
| driver
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn54als1002a SN74ALS1002A]
| 74x1003
| 4
| quad 2-input NAND gate
| open-collector driver
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol3_25840031/page/n701 SN74ALS1003A]
| 74x1004
| 6
| hex inverting buffer
| driver
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74als1004 SN74ALS1004]
| 74x1005
| 6
| hex inverting buffer
| open-collector driver
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74als1005 SN74ALS1005]
| 74x1008
| 4
| quad 2-input AND gate
| driver
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74as1008a SN74AS1008A]
| 74ALS1010
| 3
| triple 3-input NAND gate
| driver
| 14
| [https://web.archive.org/web/20170225141918/http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/sn74als1010a.pdf SN74ALS1010A]
| 74AC1010,<br/>74ACT1010
| 1
| 16x16-bit multiplier/accumulator
| three-state
| 64
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_fairchilddldFACTLogicDataBook_27153725/page/n457 74AC1010]
| 74x1011
| 3
| triple 3-input AND gate
| driver
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol3_25840031/page/n715 SN74ALS1011A]
| 74F1016
| 16
| 16-bit Schottky diode R-C bus termination array
| {{Unknown|{{sp}}}}
| (20)
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74f1016 SN74F1016]
| 74AC1016,<br/>74ACT1016
| 1
| 16x16-bit multiplier
| three-state
| 64
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_fairchilddldFACTLogicDataBook_27153725/page/n467 74AC1016]
| 74x1017
| 1
| 16x16-bit parallel multiplier
| three-state
| 64
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_fairchilddldFACTLogicDataBook_27153725/page/n479 74AC1017]
| 74x1018
| 18
| 18-bit Schottky diode R-C bus termination array
| {{Unknown|{{sp}}}}
| (24)
| [https://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/originals/distributors/Datasheets-36/DSA-706945.pdf SN74F1018]
| 74x1020
| 2
| dual 4-input NAND gate
| driver
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol3_25840031/page/n717 SN74ALS1020A]
| 74x1032
| 4
| quad 2-input OR gate
| driver
| 14
| [https://web.archive.org/web/20170221113739/http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/sn74as1032a.pdf SN74AS1032A]
| 74x1034
| 6
| hex non-inverting buffer
| driver
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn54als1034 SN74ALS1034]
| 74x1035
| 6
| hex non-inverting buffer
| open-collector driver
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn54als1035 SN74ALS1035]
| 74x1036
| 4
| quad 2-input NOR gate
| driver
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol3_25840031/page/n729 SN74ALS1036]
| 74x1050
| 12
| 12-bit Schottky diode bus termination array, clamp to GND
| {{Unknown|{{sp}}}}
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74s1050 SN74S1050]
| 74x1051
| 12
| 12-bit Schottky diode bus termination array, clamp to GND/V<sub>CC</sub>
| {{Unknown|{{sp}}}}
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74s1051 SN74S1051]
| 74x1052
| 16
| 16-bit Schottky diode bus termination array, clamp to GND
| {{Unknown|{{sp}}}}
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/TexasInstruments-TI-Data-AdvancedLogicandBusInterfaceLogic1991OCR/page/n471 SN74S1052]
| 74x1053
| 16
| 16-bit Schottky diode bus termination array, clamp to GND/V<sub>CC</sub>
| {{Unknown|{{sp}}}}
| 20
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74s1053 SN74S1053]
| 74x1056
| 8
| 8-bit Schottky diode bus termination array, clamp to GND
| {{Unknown|{{sp}}}}
| (16)
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74f1056 SN74F1056]
| 74x1071
| 10
| 10-bit bus termination array with bus-hold function
| (14)
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74act1071 SN74ACT1071]
| 74x1073
| 16
| 16-bit bus termination array with bus-hold function
| (20)
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74act1073 SN74ACT1073]
| 74x1074
| 2
| dual D negative edge triggered flip-flop, asynchronous preset and clear
| 14
| [https://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/originals/distributors/Datasheets-11/DSA-210975.pdf 74FR1074]
| 74x1181
| 1
| 4-bit arithmetic logic unit
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBook_28346484/page/n503 SN74AS1181]
| 74x1240
| 1
| octal buffer / line driver, inverting (lower-power version of 74x240)
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol3_25840031/page/n731 SN74ALS1240]
| 74x1241
| 1
| octal buffer / line driver, non-inverting (lower-power version of 74x241)
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol3_25840031/page/n731 SN74ALS1241]
| 74x1242
| 1
| quad bus transceiver, inverting (lower-power version of 74x242)
| three-state
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol3_25840031/page/n735 SN74ALS1242]
| 74x1243
| 1
| quad bus transceiver, non-inverting (lower-power version of 74x243)
| three-state
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol3_25840031/page/n735 SN74ALS1243]
| 74x1244
| 1
| octal buffer / driver, non-inverting (lower-power version of 74x244)
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol3_25840031/page/n739 SN74ALS1244]
| 74x1245
| 1
| octal bus transceiver (lower-power version of 74x245)
| three-state
| 20
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74als1245a SN74ALS1245A]
| 74x1280
| 1
| 9-bit parity generator/checker with registered outputs
| three-state
| 20
| [https://web.archive.org/web/20181117162114/https://4donline.ihs.com/images/VipMasterIC/IC/QSEM/QSEMD004/QSEMD004-3-71.pdf QS74FCT1280]
| 74x1284
| 1
| parallel printer interface transceiver / buffer ([[IEEE 1284]])
| 20
| [http://pdf.datasheetcatalog.com/datasheet/philips/74HCT1284PW.pdf 74HCT1284]
| 74x1403
| 1
| 8-bit bus receiver plus 4-bit bus driver
| Schmitt trigger
| three-state
| (32)
| [https://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/originals/distributors/Datasheets-25/DSA-497532.pdf 74LVT1403]
| 74x1404
| 1
| oscillator driver
| Schmitt trigger
| (8)
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74lvc1404 SN74LVC1404]
| 74x1604
| 1
| dual 8-bit transparent latch with output multiplexer
| 28
| [https://cdn.datasheetspdf.com/pdf-down/7/4/F/74F1604_PhilipsSemiconductors.pdf 74F1604]
| 74x1616
| 1
| 16x16-bit multimode multiplier
| three-state
| 64
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_icMaster19_159569496/page/n919 SN74ALS1616]
| 74x1620
| 1
| octal bus transceiver, inverting
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol3_25840031/page/n747 SN74ALS1620]
| 74x1621
| 1
| octal bus transceiver, non-inverting
| open-collector
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol3_25840031/page/n747 SN74ALS1621]
| 74x1622
| 1
| octal bus transceiver, inverting
| open-collector
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol3_25840031/page/n747 SN74ALS1622]
| 74x1623
| 1
| octal bus transceiver, non-inverting
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol3_25840031/page/n747 SN74ALS1623]
| 74x1631
| 1
| quad bus driver with complementary outputs
| three-state
| 16
| SN74ALS1631<ref name=ttltb3/>{{rp|at=3-336}}
| 74x1638
| 1
| octal bus transceiver, inverting (lower-power version of 74x638)
| three-state and open-collector
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol3_25840031/page/n753 SN74ALS1638]
| 74x1639
| 1
| octal bus transceiver, non-inverting (lower-power version of 74x639)
| three-state and open-collector
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol3_25840031/page/n753 SN74ALS1639]
| 74x1640
| 1
| octal bus transceiver, inverting (lower-power version of 74x640)
| three-state
| 20
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74als1645a SN74ALS1640A]
| 74x1641
| 1
| octal bus transceiver, non-inverting (lower-power version of 74x641)
| open-collector
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol3_25840031/page/n757 SN74ALS641]
| 74x1642
| 1
| octal bus transceiver, inverting (lower-power version of 74x642)
| open-collector
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol3_25840031/page/n757 SN74ALS642]
| 74x1643
| 1
| octal bus transceiver, inverting and non-inverting (lower-power version of 74x643)
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol3_25840031/page/n757 SN74ALS643]
| 74x1644
| 1
| octal bus transceiver, inverting and non-inverting (lower-power version of 74x644)
| open-collector
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol3_25840031/page/n757 SN74ALS644]
| 74x1645
| 1
| octal bus transceiver, non-inverting (lower-power version of 74x645)
| three-state
| 20
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74als1645a SN74ALS1645A]
| 74x1650
| 2
| dual 9-bit [[Futurebus]] universal storage transceiver with split TTL I/O
| three-state and open-collector
| (100)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookiCMOSTechnologyDataBook_40217042/page/n689 SN74FB1650]
| 74x1651
| 2
| 9-bit and 8-bit Futurebus universal storage transceivers with delayed buffered clock with split TTL I/O
| three-state and open-collector
| (100)
| [https://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/originals/distributors/Datasheets-36/DSA-703111.pdf SN74FB1651]
| 74x1653
| 2
| 9-bit and 8-bit Futurebus universal storage transceivers with delayed buffered clock with split 3.3V TTL I/O
| three-state and open-collector
| (100)
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/SN74FB1653 SN74FB1653]
| 74x1665
| 2
| dual 8-bit [[Gunning transceiver logic|GTL]] universal storage transceivers with live insertion
| three-state and open-collector
| (64)
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/SN74GTL1655 SN74GTL1655]
| 74x1760
| 1
| 10-bit 4-way latched address multiplexer
| three-state
| 64
| [https://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/originals/distributors/Datasheets-111/DSAP0034403.pdf 74F1760]
| 74x1761
| 1
| dRAM and interrupt vector controller
| 48
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_signeticsdaManual_57966640/page/n911 74F1761]
| 74x1762
| 1
| dRAM address controller
| 40
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_signeticsdaManual_57966640/page/n913 74F1762]
| 74x1763
| 1
| single-port dRAM controller
| 48
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_signeticsdaManual_57966640/page/n915 74F1763]
| 74x1764
| 1
| dual-port dRAM controller
| 48
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_signeticsdaManual_57966640/page/n917 74F1764]
| 74x1765
| 1
| dual-port dRAM controller with address latch
| 48
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_signeticsdaManual_57966640/page/n917 74F1765]
| 74x1766
| 1
| burst mode dRAM controller
| 48
| [https://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/originals/scans/Scans-054/DSAIH00097122.pdf 74F1766]
| 74x1779
| 1
| 8-bit bidirectional binary counter
| three-state
| 16
| [https://cdn.datasheetspdf.com/pdf-down/7/4/F/74F1779_PhilipsSemiconductors.pdf 74F1779]
| 74x1801
| 1
| [[Frequency modulation|FM]], [[Modified Frequency Modulation|MFM]], and [[Differential Manchester encoding|DM]] encoder / decoder, data rates up to 10&nbsp;MHz
| 24
| [https://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/originals/scans/Scans-002/Scans-0052487.pdf 74LS1801]
| 74x1802
| 1
| [[SerDes]] with [[Error correction code|ECC]] and [[Cyclic redundancy check|CRC]], data rates up to 10&nbsp;MHz
| three-state
| 48
| [https://4donline.ihs.com/images/VipMasterIC/IC/SIGC/SIGCD005/SIGCD005-7-26.pdf 74LS1802]
| 74x1803
| 1
| quad clock driver
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_motoroladaFASTandLSTTLData_35934218/page/n309 MC74F1803]
| 74x1804
| 6
| hex 2-input NAND
| driver
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_nationaldaicDatabook_22808448/page/n639 DM74AS1804]
| 74x1805
| 6
| hex 2-input NOR
| driver
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_nationaldaicDatabook_22808448/page/n641 DM74AS1805]
| 74x1808
| 6
| hex 2-input AND
| driver
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_nationaldaicDatabook_22808448/page/n643 DM74AS1808]
| 74x1811
| 1
| [[Frequency modulation|FM]], [[Modified Frequency Modulation|MFM]], and [[Differential Manchester encoding|DM]] encoder / decoder, data rates up to 20&nbsp;MHz
| 24
| [https://4donline.ihs.com/images/VipMasterIC/IC/SIGC/SIGCD005/SIGCD005-7-36.pdf 74LS1811]
| 74x1812
| 1
| [[SerDes]] with [[Error correction code|ECC]] and [[Cyclic redundancy check|CRC]], data rates up to 30&nbsp;MHz
| three-state
| 48
| [https://4donline.ihs.com/images/VipMasterIC/IC/SIGC/SIGCD005/SIGCD005-7-37.pdf 74LS1812]
| 74x1821
| 1
| 10-bit bus interface flip-flops
| three-state
| 24
| [http://www.elektronikjk.pl/elementy_czynne/IC/SN74AS1821.pdf SN74AS1821]
| 74x1823
| 1
| 9-bit bus interface flip-flops with clear
| three-state
| 24
| [https://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/originals/scans/Scans-067/DSA2IH00218035.pdf SN74AS1823]
| 74x1832
| 6
| hex 2-input OR
| driver
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_nationaldaicDatabook_22808448/page/n645 DM74ALS1832]
| 74x1841
| 1
| 10-bit bus interface transparent latches
| three-state
| 24
| [https://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/originals/scans/Scans-067/DSA2IH00218036.pdf SN74AS1841]
| 74x1843
| 1
| 9-bit bus interface transparent latches with clear
| three-state
| 24
| [https://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/originals/distributors/Datasheets-36/DSA-706295.pdf SN74AS1843]
! {{TOC tab|Part number|74x2000 – 74x2999}}
! Units !! Description !! Input !! Output !! Pins !! Datasheet
| 74x2000
| 1
| direction discriminator with microprocessor interface
| three-state
| 28
| [https://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/originals/scans/Scans-110/22.pdf SN74LS2000]
| 74x2003
| 1
| 8-bit level translator
| {{unknown|{{sp}}}}
| (20)
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/SN74GTL2003 SN74GTL2003]
| 74x2006
| 1
| 13-bit [[Gunning transceiver logic|GTL]] to 3.3V TTL level translator
| open-collector
| (28)
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/SN74GTL2006 SN74GTL2006]
| 74x2007
| 1
| 12-bit [[Gunning transceiver logic|GTL]] to 3.3V TTL level translator
| open-collector
| (28)
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/SN74GTL2007 SN74GTL2007]
| 74x2010
| 1
| 10-bit level translator
| {{unknown|{{sp}}}}
| (24)
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/SN74GTL2010 SN74GTL2010]
| 74x2014
| 1
| 4-bit [[Gunning transceiver logic|GTL]] to TTL transceiver
| three-state and open-collector
| (14)
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/SN74GTL2014 SN74GTL2014]
| 74x2031
| 1
| 9-bit [[Futurebus]] address/data transceiver
| three-state and open-collector
| (48)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookiCMOSTechnologyDataBook_40217042/page/n695 SN74FB2031]
| 74x2032
| 1
| 9-bit [[Futurebus]] competition transceiver
| three-state and open-collector
| (48)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookiCMOSTechnologyDataBook_40217042/page/n701 SN74FB2032]
| 74x2033
| 1
| 8-bit [[Futurebus]] registered transceiver with split TTL I/O
| three-state and open-collector
| (52)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookiCMOSTechnologyDataBook_40217042/page/n709 SN74FB2033]
| 74x2040
| 1
| 8-bit [[Futurebus]] transceiver with split TTL I/O
| three-state and open-collector
| (48)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookiCMOSTechnologyDataBook_40217042/page/n719 SN74FB2040]
| 74x2041
| 1
| 7-bit [[Futurebus]] transceiver with split TTL I/O
| three-state and open-collector
| (52)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookiCMOSTechnologyDataBook_40217042/page/n725 SN74FB2041]
| 74x2107
| 1
| 12-bit [[Gunning transceiver logic|GTL]] to 3.3V TTL level translator
| open-collector
| (28)
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/SN74GTL2107 SN74GTL2107]
| 74x2125
| 4
| quad bus buffer
| three-state, 25&nbsp;Ω series resistor
| (14)
| [https://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/originals/distributors/Datasheets-2/DSA-33230.pdf TC74VCX2125]
| 74x2140
| 1
| 8k x 18 cache data RAM
| three-state
| (52)
| [https://usermanual.wiki/Document/1990TICacheMemoryManagementDataBook.1210032352.pdf SN74ACT2140A]
| 74x2150
| 1
| 512 x 8 cache address comparator
| 24
| [https://usermanual.wiki/Document/1990TICacheMemoryManagementDataBook.1210032352.pdf SN74ACT2150A]
| 74ACT2151
| 1
| 1k x 11 cache address comparator
| 28
| [https://usermanual.wiki/Document/1990TICacheMemoryManagementDataBook.1210032352.pdf SN74ACT2151]
| 74FCT2151
| 1
| 8-line to 1-line multiplexer
| 25&nbsp;Ω series resistor
| (16)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_harrisdataCTLogic_25505286/page/n187 CD74FCT2151]
| 74x2152
| 1
| 2k x 8 cache address comparator
| 28
| [https://usermanual.wiki/Document/1990TICacheMemoryManagementDataBook.1210032352.pdf SN74ACT2152A]
| 74ACT2153
| 1
| 1k x 11 cache address comparator
| open-collector
| 28
| [https://usermanual.wiki/Document/1990TICacheMemoryManagementDataBook.1210032352.pdf SN74ACT2153]
| 74FCT2153
| 2
| dual 4-line to 1-line multiplexer
| 25&nbsp;Ω series resistor
| (16)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_harrisdataCTLogic_25505286/page/n191 CD74FCT2153]
| 74x2154
| 1
| 2k x 8 cache address comparator
| open-collector
| 28
| [https://usermanual.wiki/Document/1990TICacheMemoryManagementDataBook.1210032352.pdf SN74ACT2154A]
| 74x2155
| 1
| 2k x 8 burst cache address comparator
| three-state
| (44)
| [https://usermanual.wiki/Document/1990TICacheMemoryManagementDataBook.1210032352.pdf SN74ACT2155]
| 74x2156
| 1
| 16k x 4 burst cache address comparator
| three-state
| (44)
| [https://usermanual.wiki/Document/1990TICacheMemoryManagementDataBook.1210032352.pdf SN74ACT2156]
| 74ACT2157
| 1
| 2k x 16 cache address comparator
| three-state
| (44)
| [https://usermanual.wiki/Document/1990TICacheMemoryManagementDataBook.1210032352.pdf SN74ACT2157]
| 74FCT2157
| 4
| quad 2-line to 1-line multiplexer
| 25&nbsp;Ω series resistor
| (16)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_harrisdataCTLogic_25505286/page/n197 CD74FCT2157]
| 74x2158
| 1
| 8k x 9 cache address comparator
| three-state
| (44)
| [https://usermanual.wiki/Document/1990TICacheMemoryManagementDataBook.1210032352.pdf SN74ACT2158]
| 74x2159
| 1
| 8k x 9 cache address comparator
| three-state
| (44)
| [https://usermanual.wiki/Document/1990TICacheMemoryManagementDataBook.1210032352.pdf SN74ACT2159]
| 74x2160
| 1
| 8k x 4 2-way cache address comparator
| three-state
| (32)
| [https://usermanual.wiki/Document/1990TICacheMemoryManagementDataBook.1210032352.pdf SN74ACT2160]
| 74x2161
| 1
| synchronous presettable 4-bit binary counter, asynchronous clear
| 25&nbsp;Ω series resistor
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/QualitySemiconductor-1991DatabookOCR/page/n313 QS74FCT2161T]
| 74ACT2163,<br />74BCT2163
| 1
| 16k x 5 cache address comparator
| three-state
| (32)
| [https://usermanual.wiki/Document/1990TICacheMemoryManagementDataBook.1210032352.pdf SN74ACT2163]
| 74FCT2163
| 1
| synchronous presettable 4-bit binary counter, synchronous clear
| 25&nbsp;Ω series resistor
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/QualitySemiconductor-1991DatabookOCR/page/n313 QS74FCT2163T]
| 74x2164
| 1
| 16k x 5 cache address comparator
| three-state
| (32)
| [https://usermanual.wiki/Document/1990TICacheMemoryManagementDataBook.1210032352.pdf SN74ACT2164]
| 74x2166
| 1
| 16k x 5 cache address comparator with input latches
| three-state
| (32)
| [https://usermanual.wiki/Document/1990TICacheMemoryManagementDataBook.1210032352.pdf SN74BCT2166]
| 74x2191
| 1
| synchronous presettable 4-bit binary up/down counter, common clock
| 25&nbsp;Ω series resistor
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/QualitySemiconductor-1991DatabookOCR/page/n321 QS74FCT2191T]
| 74x2193
| 1
| synchronous presettable 4-bit binary counter, separate up/down clocks
| 25&nbsp;Ω series resistor
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/QualitySemiconductor-1991DatabookOCR/page/n329 QS74FCT2193T]
| 74x2226
| 2
| dual 64-bit FIFO memories (64x1)
| (24)
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74act2226 SN74ACT2226]
| 74x2227
| 2
| dual 64-bit FIFO memories (64x1)
| three-state
| (28)
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74act2227 SN74ACT2227]
| 74x2228
| 2
| dual 256-bit FIFO memories (256x1)
| (24)
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74act2226 SN74ACT2228]
| 74x2229
| 2
| dual 256-bit FIFO memories (256x1)
| three-state
| (28)
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74act2227 SN74ACT2229]
| 74x2232
| 1
| 512-bit FIFO memory (64x8)
| three-state
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookeFIFOMemoriesDatabook_63352841/page/nce_FIFO_Memories_Databook#page/n167 SN74ALS2232A]
| 74x2233
| 1
| 576-bit FIFO memory (64x9)
| three-state
| 28
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookeFIFOMemoriesDatabook_63352841/page/nce_FIFO_Memories_Databook#page/n175 SN74ALS2233A]
| 74x2235
| 1
| 18432-bit bidirectional FIFO memory (2x1024x9)
| three-state
| (44)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookeFIFOMemoriesDatabook_63352841/page/nce_FIFO_Memories_Databook#page/n203 SN74ACT2235]
| 74x2236
| 1
| 18432-bit bidirectional FIFO memory (2x1024x9)
| three-state
| (44)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookeFIFOMemoriesDatabook_63352841/page/nce_FIFO_Memories_Databook#page/n215 SN74ACT2236]
| 74x2238
| 1
| 576-bit bidirectional FIFO memory (2x32x9)
| three-state
| 40
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookeFIFOMemoriesDatabook_63352841/page/nce_FIFO_Memories_Databook#page/n157 SN74ALS2238]
| 74x2240
| 2
| dual 4-bit bidirectional buffer / line driver, inverting
| three-state, 25&nbsp;Ω series resistor
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookerfaceLogicDataBook_4501982/page/n81 SN74BCT2240]
| 74x2241
| 2
| dual 4-bit bidirectional buffer / line driver, non-inverting
| three-state, 25&nbsp;Ω series resistor
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookerfaceLogicDataBook_4501982/page/n85 SN74BCT2241]
| 74x2242
| 1
| 4-bit bus transceiver, inverting
| three-state, 25&nbsp;Ω series resistor
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBooktaBook_60160366/page/n951 SN74ALS2242]
| 74x2243
| 1
| 4-bit bus transceiver, non-inverting
| three-state, 25&nbsp;Ω series resistor
| (14)
| [https://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/originals/distributors/Datasheets-11/DSA-209724.pdf 74F2243]
| 74x2244
| 2
| dual 4-bit buffer / line driver, non-inverting
| three-state, 25&nbsp;Ω series resistor
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookerfaceLogicDataBook_4501982/page/n89 SN74BCT2244]
| 74x2245
| 1
| octal bus transceiver
| three-state, 25&nbsp;Ω series resistor
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookiCMOSTechnologyDataBook_40217042/page/n599 SN74ABT2245]
| 74x2253
| 2
| dual 4-line to 1-line multiplexer
| three-state, 25&nbsp;Ω series resistor
| (16)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_harrisdataCTLogic_25505286/page/n191 CD74FCT2253]
| 74x2257
| 4
| quad 2-line to 1-line multiplexer
| three-state, 25&nbsp;Ω series resistor
| (16)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_harrisdataCTLogic_25505286/page/n197 CD74FCT2257]
| 74x2273
| 8
| octal D-type flip-flop with common clock and reset
| 25&nbsp;Ω series resistor
| (20)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_harrisdataCTLogic_25505286/page/n215 CD74FCT2273]
| 74x2299
| 1
| 8-bit universal shift register
| three-state, 25&nbsp;Ω series resistor
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/QualitySemiconductor-1991DatabookOCR/page/n363 QS74FCT2299T]
| 74x2323
| 2
| dual line receiver
| {{unknown|analog}}
| (8)
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls2323 SN74LS2323]
| 74x2373
| 1
| 8-bit transparent latch
| three-state, 25&nbsp;Ω series resistor
| (20)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_harrisdataCTLogic_25505286/page/n219 CD74FCT2373]
| 74x2374
| 8
| octal D-type flip-flop with common clock
| three-state, 25&nbsp;Ω series resistor
| (20)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_harrisdataCTLogic_25505286/page/n227 CD74FCT2374]
| 74x2377
| 1
| 8-bit register with clock enable
| 25&nbsp;Ω series resistor
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/QualitySemiconductor-1991DatabookOCR/page/n381 QS74FCT2377T]
| 74x2400
| 2
| dual 4-bit buffer, inverting
| Schmitt trigger
| three-state
| 20
| [http://www.ic72.com/pdf_file/i/189451.pdf 74THC2400]
| 74x2410
| 1
| 11-bit MOS memory driver, non-inverting
| three-state, 25&nbsp;Ω series resistor
| 28
| [https://archive.org/details/TexasInstruments-TI-Data-AdvancedLogicandBusInterfaceLogic1991OCR/page/n747 SN74BCT2410]
| 74x2411
| 1
| 11-bit MOS memory driver, inverting
| three-state, 25&nbsp;Ω series resistor
| 28
| [https://archive.org/details/TexasInstruments-TI-Data-AdvancedLogicandBusInterfaceLogic1991OCR/page/n749 SN74BCT2411]
| 74x2414
| 2
| dual 2-to-4 line decoder with supply voltage monitor
| 20
| [https://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/originals/distributors/Datasheets-17/DSA-337707.pdf SN74BCT2414]
| 74x2420
| 1
| 16-bit [[NuBus]] address/data transceiver and register
| three-state
| (68)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookProducts_10042209/page/n29 SN74BCT2420]
| 74x2423
| 1
| 16-bit latched multiplexer/demultiplexer [[NuBus]] transceiver, inverting
| three-state
| (68)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookProducts_10042209/page/n39 SN74BCT2423]
| 74x2424
| 1
| 16-bit latched multiplexer/demultiplexer [[NuBus]] transceiver, non-inverting
| three-state
| (68)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookProducts_10042209/page/n39 SN74BCT2424]
| 74x2425
| 1
| [[Macintosh]] Coprocessor Platform [[NuBus]] address/data registered transceiver
| three-state
| (100)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookProducts_10042209/page/n49 SN74BCT2425]
| 74x2440
| 1
| [[NuBus]] interface controller
| (68)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookProducts_10042209/page/n61 SN74ACT2440]
| 74x2441
| 1
| [[NuBus]] interface controller
| (100)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookProducts_10042209/page/n93 SN74ACT2441]
| 74x2442
| 1
| [[NuBus]] block slave address generator
| three-state
| (20)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookProducts_10042209/page/n145 SN74ALS2442]
| 74x2509
| 1
| 9-output clock driver with [[Phase-locked loop|PLL]]
| three-state
| (24)
| [https://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/originals/distributors/Datasheets-13/DSA-248016.pdf HD74CDC2509]
| 74x2510
| 1
| 10-output clock driver with [[Phase-locked loop|PLL]]
| three-state
| (24)
| [https://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/originals/distributors/Datasheets-13/DSA-248017.pdf HD74CDC2510]
| 74x2525
| 1
| 8-output clock driver
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_nationaldaFACTDatabook_39311242/page/n443 74AC2525]
| 74x2526
| 1
| 8-output clock driver with input multiplexer
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_nationaldaFACTDatabook_39311242/page/n443 74AC2526]
| 74x2533
| 1
| 8-bit bus interface latch, inverting
| three-state, 25&nbsp;Ω series resistor
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/QualitySemiconductor-1991DatabookOCR/page/n369 QS74FCT2533T]
| 74x2534
| 1
| 8-bit bus interface register, inverting
| three-state, 25&nbsp;Ω series resistor
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/QualitySemiconductor-1991DatabookOCR/page/n375 QS74FCT2534T]
| 74x2540
| 1
| 8-bit buffer / line driver, inverting
| three-state, 25&nbsp;Ω series resistor
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBooktaBook_60160366/page/n955 SN74ALS2540]
| 74x2541
| 1
| 8-bit buffer / line driver, non-inverting
| three-state, 25&nbsp;Ω series resistor
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBooktaBook_60160366/page/n955 SN74ALS2541]
| 74x2543
| 1
| 8-bit latched transceiver, non-inverting
| three-state, 25&nbsp;Ω series resistor
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/QualitySemiconductor-1991DatabookOCR/page/n399 QS74FCT2543T]
| 74x2544
| 1
| 8-bit latched transceiver, inverting
| three-state, 25&nbsp;Ω series resistor
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/QualitySemiconductor-1991DatabookOCR/page/n399 QS74FCT2544T]
| 74x2573
| 1
| 8-bit transparent latch
| three-state, 25&nbsp;Ω series resistor
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/QualitySemiconductor-1991DatabookOCR/page/n407 QS74FCT2573T]
| 74x2574
| 8
| octal D-type flip-flop with common clock
| three-state, 25&nbsp;Ω series resistor
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/QualitySemiconductor-1991DatabookOCR/page/n413 QS74FCT2574T]
| 74x2620
| 1
| octal bus transceiver / MOS driver, inverting
| three-state, 25&nbsp;Ω series resistor
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol3_25840031/page/n763 SN74AS2620]
| 74x2623
| 1
| octal bus transceiver / MOS driver, non-inverting
| three-state, 25&nbsp;Ω series resistor
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol3_25840031/page/n763 SN74AS2623]
| 74x2640
| 1
| octal bus transceiver / MOS driver, inverting
| three-state, 25&nbsp;Ω series resistor
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol3_25840031/page/n767 SN74AS2640]
| 74x2643
| 1
| octal bus transceiver, mix of inverting and non-inverting outputs
| three-state, 25&nbsp;Ω series resistor
| 20
| [https://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/originals/distributors/Datasheets-22/DSA-425742.pdf 74F2643]
| 74x2645
| 1
| octal bus transceiver / MOS driver, non-inverting
| three-state, 25&nbsp;Ω series resistor
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol3_25840031/page/n767 SN74AS2645]
| 74x2646
| 1
| octal registered transceiver, non-inverting
| three-state, 25&nbsp;Ω series resistor
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/QualitySemiconductor-1991DatabookOCR/page/n419 QS74FCT2646T]
| 74x2648
| 1
| octal registered transceiver, inverting
| three-state, 25&nbsp;Ω series resistor
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/QualitySemiconductor-1991DatabookOCR/page/n419 QS74FCT2648T]
| 74x2651
| 1
| octal registered transceiver, inverting
| three-state, 25&nbsp;Ω series resistor
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/QualitySemiconductor-1991DatabookOCR/page/n427 QS74FCT2651T]
| 74x2652
| 1
| octal registered transceiver, non-inverting
| three-state, 25&nbsp;Ω series resistor
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/QualitySemiconductor-1991DatabookOCR/page/n427 QS74FCT2652T]
| 74S2708
| 1
| 8192-bit PROM (1024x8)
| three-state
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookcomputerComponentsDataBook_16851665/page/n177 SN74S2708]
| 74AC2708
| 1
| 576-bit FIFO memory (64x9)
| three-state
| 28
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_nationaldaFACTDatabook_39311242/page/n445 74AC2708]
| 74x2725
| 1
| 4608-bit FIFO memory (512x9)
| 28
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_nationaldaFACTDatabook_39311242/page/n461 74ACT2725]
| 74x2726
| 1
| 4608-bit bidirectional FIFO memory (512x9)
| 28
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_nationaldaFACTDatabook_39311242/page/n461 74ACT2726]
| 74x2821
| 1
| 10-bit D-type flip-flop
| three-state, 25&nbsp;Ω series resistor
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/QualitySemiconductor-1991DatabookOCR/page/n435 QS74FCT2821T]
| 74x2823
| 1
| 9-bit D-type flip-flop with clear
| three-state, 25&nbsp;Ω series resistor
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/QualitySemiconductor-1991DatabookOCR/page/n435 QS74FCT2823T]
| 74x2825
| 1
| 8-bit D-type flip-flop with clear and clock enable
| three-state, 25&nbsp;Ω series resistor
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/QualitySemiconductor-1991DatabookOCR/page/n435 QS74FCT2825T]
| 74x2827
| 1
| 10-bit buffer, non-inverting
| three-state, 25&nbsp;Ω series resistor
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookerfaceLogicDataBook_4501982/page/n93 SN74BCT2827A]
| 74x2828
| 1
| 10-bit buffer, inverting
| three-state, 25&nbsp;Ω series resistor
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookerfaceLogicDataBook_4501982/page/n93 SN74BCT2828A]
| 74x2833
| 1
| 8-bit bus transceiver with parity error flip-flop
| three-state, 25&nbsp;Ω series resistor
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/QualitySemiconductor-1991DatabookOCR/page/n451 QS74FCT2833T]
| 74x2841
| 1
| 10-bit transparent latch
| three-state, 25&nbsp;Ω series resistor
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/QualitySemiconductor-1991DatabookOCR/page/n453 QS74FCT2841T]
| 74x2843
| 1
| 9-bit transparent latch with asynchronous reset
| three-state, 25&nbsp;Ω series resistor
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/QualitySemiconductor-1991DatabookOCR/page/n453 QS74FCT2843T]
| 74x2845
| 1
| 8-bit transparent latch with asynchronous reset and multiple output enable
| three-state, 25&nbsp;Ω series resistor
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/QualitySemiconductor-1991DatabookOCR/page/n453 QS74FCT2845T]
| 74x2853
| 1
| 8-bit bus transceiver with parity error latch
| three-state, 25&nbsp;Ω series resistor
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/QualitySemiconductor-1991DatabookOCR/page/n451 QS74FCT2853T]
| 74x2861
| 1
| 10-bit non-inverting bus transceiver
| three-state, 25&nbsp;Ω series resistor
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/QualitySemiconductor-1991DatabookOCR/page/n463 QS74FCT2861T]
| 74x2862
| 1
| 10-bit inverting bus transceiver
| three-state, 25&nbsp;Ω series resistor
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/QualitySemiconductor-1991DatabookOCR/page/n463 QS74FCT2862T]
| 74x2863
| 1
| 9-bit non-inverting bus transceiver with dual output enable
| three-state, 25&nbsp;Ω series resistor
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/QualitySemiconductor-1991DatabookOCR/page/n463 QS74FCT2863T]
| 74x2864
| 1
| 9-bit inverting bus transceiver with dual output enable
| three-state, 25&nbsp;Ω series resistor
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/QualitySemiconductor-1991DatabookOCR/page/n463 QS74FCT2864T]
| 74x2952
| 1
| octal bus transceiver and register, non-inverting
| three-state
| 24
| [https://archive.org/stream/TexasInstrumentsLVCAndLVDataBook1998/Texas_Instruments_LVC_and_LV_Data_Book_1998#page/n391 SN74LVC2952A]
| 74x2953
| 1
| octal bus transceiver and register, inverting
| three-state
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_signeticsdaManual_57966640/page/n945 74F2953]
| 74x2960{{anchor|742960}}
| 1
| [[error detection and correction]] (EDAC), equivalent to [[AMD Am2900#Members of the Am2900 family|Am2960]]
| three-state
| 48
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_motoroladaSchottkyTTLData_33878952/page/n629 MC74F2960]
| 74x2961
| 1
| 4-bit EDAC bus buffer, inverting, equivalent to [[AMD Am2900#Members of the Am2900 family|Am2961]]
| three-state
| 24
| [https://datasheetspdf.com/pdf-file/501240/Motorola/MC74F2961A/1 MC74F2961A]
| 74x2962
| 1
| 4-bit EDAC bus buffer, non-inverting, equivalent to [[AMD Am2900#Members of the Am2900 family|Am2962]]
| three-state
| 24
| [https://datasheetspdf.com/pdf-file/501240/Motorola/MC74F2961A/1 MC74F2962A]
| 74x2967
| 1
| controller/driver for 16k/64k/256k dRAM
| 48
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBook_28346484/page/n515 SN74ALS2967]
| 74x2968
| 1
| controller/driver for 16k/64k/256k dRAM
| 48
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBook_28346484/page/n515 SN74ALS2968]
| 74x2969
| 1
| memory timing controller for use with [[error detection and correction|EDAC]]
| 48
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_motoroladaSchottkyTTLData_33878952/page/n635 MC74F2969]
| 74x2970
| 1
| memory timing controller for use without EDAC
| 24
| [https://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/originals/distributors/Datasheets-112/DSAP0043139.pdf MC74F2970]
! {{TOC tab|Part number|74x3000 – 74x3999}}
! Units !! Description !! Input !! Output !! Pins !! Datasheet
| 74x3004
| 1
| selectable [[Gunning transceiver logic|GTL]] voltage reference
| {{unknown|analog}}
| (6)
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74gtl3004 SN74GTL3004]
| 74x3037
| 4
| quad 2-input NAND gate
| driver 30&nbsp;Ω
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_signeticsdaManual_57966640/page/n951 74F3037]
| 74x3038
| 4
| quad 2-input NAND gate
| open-collector driver 30&nbsp;Ω
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_signeticsdaManual_57966640/page/n955 74F3038]
| 74x3040
| 2
| dual 4-input NAND gate
| driver 30&nbsp;Ω
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_signeticsdaManual_57966640/page/n959 74F3040]
| 74x3125
| 4
| quad FET bus switch, output enable active low
| {{Unknown|{{sp}}}}
| (14)
| [https://archive.org/details/TexasInstruments-TI-Data-CBT5-VandCBTLV3.3-VBusSwitches1998OCR/page/n45 SN74CBT3125]
| 74x3126
| 4
| quad FET bus switch, output enable active high
| {{Unknown|{{sp}}}}
| (14)
| [https://archive.org/details/TexasInstruments-TI-Data-CBT5-VandCBTLV3.3-VBusSwitches1998OCR/page/n49 SN74CBT3126]
| 74FCT3244
| 2
| dual 4-bit buffer / line driver
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_idtdataBoomanceLogicDataBook_51362967/page/n509 IDT74FCT3244]
| 74CBT3244,<br/> 74FST3244
| 2
| dual 4-bit FET bus switch
| {{Unknown|{{sp}}}}
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/TexasInstruments-TI-Data-CBT5-VandCBTLV3.3-VBusSwitches1998OCR/page/n53 SN74CBT3244]<br /> [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_idtdataBoomanceLogicDataBook_51362967/page/n641 IDT74FST3244]
| 74FCT3245
| 1
| octal bidirectional transceiver
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_idtdataBoomanceLogicDataBook_51362967/page/n515 IDT74FCT3245]
| 74CBT3245,<br /> 74FST3245
| 1
| octal FET bus switch
| {{Unknown|{{sp}}}}
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/TexasInstruments-TI-Data-CBT5-VandCBTLV3.3-VBusSwitches1998OCR/page/n61 SN74CBT3245A]<br/> [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_idtdataBoomanceLogicDataBook_51362967/page/n645 IDT74FST3245]
| 74LVX3245
| 1
| octal bidirectional voltage-translating transceiver
| three-state
| (24)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_nationaldaCROSSVOLTLowVoltageLogicSeriesDatabook_18426235/page/n129 74LVX3245]
| 74x3251
| 1
| 8-line to 1-line FET multiplexer / demultiplexer
| {{Unknown|{{sp}}}}
| (16)
| [https://archive.org/details/TexasInstruments-TI-Data-CBT5-VandCBTLV3.3-VBusSwitches1998OCR/page/n69 SN74CBT3251]
| 74x3253
| 2
| dual 4-line to 1-line FET multiplexer / demultiplexer
| {{Unknown|{{sp}}}}
| (16)
| [https://archive.org/details/TexasInstruments-TI-Data-CBT5-VandCBTLV3.3-VBusSwitches1998OCR/page/n73 SN74CBT3253]
| 74x3257
| 4
| quad 2-line to 1-line FET multiplexer / demultiplexer
| {{Unknown|{{sp}}}}
| (16)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_idtdataBoomanceLogicDataBook_51362967/page/n651 IDT74FST3257]
| 74x3283
| 1
| 32-bit latchable transceiver with parity checker / generator
| three-state
| (120)
| [https://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/originals/distributors/Datasheets-22/DSA-420818.pdf 74ACTQ3283]
| 74x3284
| 1
| 18-bit synchronous datapath multiplexer
| three-state
| (100)
| [https://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/originals/library/Datasheet-019/DSA00332573.pdf 74ABT3284]
| 74x3305
| 2
| dual FET bus switch with extended voltage range
| {{Unknown|{{sp}}}}
| (8)
| [https://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74cbt3305c SN74CBT3305C]
| 74x3306
| 2
| dual FET bus switch
| {{Unknown|{{sp}}}}
| (8)
| [https://archive.org/details/TexasInstruments-TI-Data-CBT5-VandCBTLV3.3-VBusSwitches1998OCR/page/n85 SN74CBT3306]
| 74x3345
| 1
| octal FET bus switch, dual output enable
| {{Unknown|{{sp}}}}
| (20)
| [https://archive.org/details/TexasInstruments-TI-Data-CBT5-VandCBTLV3.3-VBusSwitches1998OCR/page/n89 SN74CBT3345]
| 74x3374
| 1
| 8-bit metastable-resistant D-type flip-flop
| three-state
| 20
| [https://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/originals/scans/Scans-067/DSA2IH00215569.pdf SN74AS3374]
| 74x3383
| 1
| 5-bit 4-port FET bus exchange switch
| {{Unknown|{{sp}}}}
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_idtdataBoomanceLogicDataBook_51362967/page/n655 IDT74FST3383]
| 74x3384
| 2
| dual 5-bit FET bus switch
| {{Unknown|{{sp}}}}
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_idtdataBoomanceLogicDataBook_51362967/page/n509 IDT74FST3384]
| 74x3386
| 1
| 5-bit 4-port FET bus exchange switch with extended voltage range
| {{Unknown|{{sp}}}}
| (24)
| [https://archive.org/details/TexasInstruments-TI-Data-CBT5-VandCBTLV3.3-VBusSwitches1998OCR/page/n113 SN74CBT3386]
| 74x3390
| 1
| octal 2-line to 1-line FET multiplexer / bus switch
| {{Unknown|{{sp}}}}
| (28)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_idtdataBoomanceLogicDataBook_51362967/page/n665 IDT74FST3390]
| 74x3573
| 1
| octal transparent latch
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_idtdataBoomanceLogicDataBook_51362967/page/n521 IDT74FCT3573]
| 74x3574
| 1
| octal D-type flip flop
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_idtdataBoomanceLogicDataBook_51362967/page/n527 IDT74FCT3574]
| 74x3584
| 2
| dual 5-bit FET bus switch
| {{Unknown|25&nbsp;Ω series resistor}}
| 24
| [https://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/originals/distributors/Datasheets-111/DSAP0025436.pdf QS74QST3584]
| 74x3611
| 1
| 2304-bit FIFO memory (64x36)
| three-state
| (120)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookeFIFOMemoriesDataBook_33517703/page/n361 SN74ABT3611]
| 74x3612
| 1
| 4608-bit bidirectional FIFO memory (2x64x36)
| three-state
| (120)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookeFIFOMemoriesDataBook_33517703/page/n387 SN74ABT3612]
| 74x3613
| 1
| 2304-bit FIFO memory (64x36)
| three-state
| (120)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookeFIFOMemoriesDataBook_33517703/page/n287 SN74ABT3613]
| 74x3614
| 1
| 4608-bit bidirectional FIFO memory (2x64x36)
| three-state
| (120)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookeFIFOMemoriesDataBook_33517703/page/n319 SN74ABT3614]
| 74x3622
| 1
| 18432-bit bidirectional FIFO memory (2x256x36)
| three-state
| (120)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookeFIFOMemoriesDataBook_33517703/page/n177 SN74ACT3622]
| 74x3631
| 1
| 18432-bit FIFO memory (512x36)
| three-state
| (120)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookeFIFOMemoriesDataBook_33517703/page/n105 SN74ACT3631]
| 74x3632
| 1
| 36864-bit bidirectional FIFO memory (2x512x36)
| three-state
| (120)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookeFIFOMemoriesDataBook_33517703/page/n233 SN74ACT3632]
| 74x3638
| 1
| 32768-bit bidirectional FIFO memory (2x512x32)
| three-state
| (120)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookeFIFOMemoriesDataBook_33517703/page/n203 SN74ACT3638]
| 74x3641
| 1
| 36864-bit FIFO memory (1024x36)
| three-state
| (120)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookeFIFOMemoriesDataBook_33517703/page/n129 SN74ACT3641]
| 74x3642
| 1
| 73728-bit bidirectional FIFO memory (2x1024x36)
| three-state
| (120)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookeFIFOMemoriesDataBook_33517703/page/n259 SN74ACT3642]
| 74x3651
| 1
| 73728-bit FIFO memory (2048x36)
| three-state
| (120)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookeFIFOMemoriesDataBook_33517703/page/n153 SN74ACT3651]
| 74x3708
| 1
| 8192-bit PROM (1024x8)
| open-collector
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookcomputerComponentsDataBook_16851665/page/n177 SN74S3708]
| 74x3807
| 1
| 1-to-10 clock driver
| driver
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_idtdataBoomanceLogicDataBook_51362967/page/n589 IDT74FCT3807]
| 74x3827
| 1
| 10-bit buffer
| three-state
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_idtdataBoomanceLogicDataBook_51362967/page/n535 IDT74FCT3827]
| 74x3861
| 1
| 10-bit FET bus switch
| {{Unknown|{{sp}}}}
| (24)
| [https://archive.org/details/TexasInstruments-TI-Data-CBT5-VandCBTLV3.3-VBusSwitches1998OCR/page/n121 SN74CBT3861]
| 74x3862
| 1
| 10-bit FET bus switch with dual output enable
| {{Unknown|{{sp}}}}
| (24)
| [https://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/originals/distributors/Datasheets-14/DSA-272858.pdf IDT74CBTLV3862]
| 74x3893
| 1
| quad [[Futurebus]] backplane transceiver
| three-state and open-collector
| (20)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_motoroladaFASTandLSTTLData_35934218/page/n313 MC74F3893A]
| 74x3907
| 1
| [[P5 (microarchitecture)|Pentium]] clock synthesizer
| three-state
| (28)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_idtdataBoomanceLogicDataBook_51362967/page/n629 IDT74FCT3907]
| 74x3932
| 1
| PLL-based clock driver
| three-state
| (48)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_idtdataBoomanceLogicDataBook_51362967/page/n619 IDT74FCT3932]
! {{TOC tab|Part number|74x4000 – 74x5999}}
! Units !! Description !! Input !! Output !! Pins !! Datasheet
| 74x4002
| 2
| dual 4-input NOR gate
| 14
| [https://web.archive.org/web/20170221111335/http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/cd74hc4002.pdf CD74HC4002]
| 74x4015
| 2
| dual 4-bit shift registers
| 16
| [https://web.archive.org/web/20170805221247/http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/cd74hc4015.pdf CD74HC4015]
| 74x4016
| 4
| quad bilateral switch
| analog
| 14
| [https://web.archive.org/web/20170305192102/http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/cd74hc4016.pdf CD74HC4016]
| 74x4017
| 1
| 5-stage ÷10 Johnson counter
| 16
| [https://web.archive.org/web/20131111151724/http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/cd74hc4017.pdf CD74HC4017]
| 74x4020
| 1
| 14-stage binary counter
| 16
| [https://web.archive.org/web/20170305220915/http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/sn74hc4020.pdf SN74HC4020]
| 74x4022
| 1
| 4-stage ÷8 Johnson counter
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookogicDataBook_23574286/page/n611 SN74HC4022]
| 74x4024
| 1
| 7-stage ripple carry binary counter
| 14
| [https://web.archive.org/web/20170305193812/http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/cd74hc4024.pdf CD74HC4024]
| 74x4028
| 1
| BCD to decimal decoder
| 16
| [https://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/originals/scans/Scans-067/DSA2IH00204191.pdf TC74HC4028P]
| 74x4040
| 1
| 12-stage binary ripple counter
| 16
| [https://web.archive.org/web/20161104125848/http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/sn74hc4040.pdf SN74HC4040]
| 74x4046
| 1
| [[phase-locked loop]] and [[voltage-controlled oscillator]]
| 16
| [https://web.archive.org/web/20161130143815/http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/cd74hc4046a.pdf CD74HC4046A]
| 74x4049
| 6
| hex inverting buffer
| 16
| [https://web.archive.org/web/20170517050814/http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/cd74hc4050.pdf CD74HC4049]
| 74x4050
| 6
| hex buffer/converter (non-inverting)
| 16
| [https://web.archive.org/web/20170517050814/http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/cd74hc4050.pdf CD74HC4050]
| 74x4051
| 1
| high-speed 8-channel analog multiplexer/demultiplexer
| analog
| 16
| [https://web.archive.org/web/20161213211740/http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/cd74hc4051.pdf CD74HC4051]
| 74x4052
| 2
| dual 4-channel analog multiplexer/demultiplexers
| analog
| 16
| [https://web.archive.org/web/20161213211740/http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/cd74hc4051.pdf CD74HC4052]
| 74x4053
| 3
| triple 2-channel analog multiplexer/demultiplexers
| analog
| 16
| [https://web.archive.org/web/20161213211740/http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/cd74hc4051.pdf CD74HC4053]
| 74x4059
| 1
| programmable divide-by-N counter
| 24
| [https://web.archive.org/web/20161104185610/http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/cd74hc4059.pdf CD74HC4059]
| 74x4060
| 1
| 14-stage binary ripple counter with oscillator
| 16
| [https://web.archive.org/web/20170306011107/http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/sn74hc4060.pdf SN74HC4060]
| 74x4061
| 1
| 14-stage asynchronous binary counter with oscillator
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookogicDataBook_23574286/page/n449 SN74HC4061]
| 74x4066
| 4
| quad single-pole single-throw analog switch
| 14
| [https://web.archive.org/web/20170305221555/http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/sn74hc4066.pdf SN74HC4066]
| 74x4067
| 1
| 16-channel analog multiplexer/demultiplexer
| analog
| 24
| [https://web.archive.org/web/20170804052235/http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/cd74hc4067.pdf CD74HC4067]
| 74x4072
| 2
| dual 4-input OR gate
| 14
| [http://www.htmldatasheet.com/pdf/toshiba/tc74hc4072.pdf TC74HC4072]
| 74x4075
| 3
| triple 3-input OR gate
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/CD74HCT4075 CD74HC4075]
| 74x4078
| 1
| single 8-input OR/NOR gate
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_nationaldaLogicDatabookVolume1_95500749/page/nal_Logic_Databook_Volume_1#page/n701 MM74HC4078]
| 74x4094
| 1
| 8-bit three-state shift register/latch
| three-state
| 16
| [https://web.archive.org/web/20170706105747/http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/cd74hc4094.pdf CD74HC4094]
| 74x4102
| 1
| 2-digit BCD presettable synchronous down counter
| 16
| [https://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/originals/scans/Scans-055/DSAIH000112054.pdf 74HC4202]
| 74x4103
| 1
| 8-bit binary presettable synchronous down counter
| 16
| [https://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/originals/scans/Scans-055/DSAIH000112054.pdf 74HC4203]
| 74x4245
| 1
| 8-bit 3V/5V translating transceiver
| three-state
| (24)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_nationaldaCROSSVOLTLowVoltageLogicSeriesDatabook_18426235/page/n135 74LVX4245]
| 74x4301
| 1
| 8-bit latch, inverting
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_panasonicdicHighSpeedCMOS_23161100/page/n413 MN74HC4301]
| 74x4302
| 1
| 8-bit latch, non-inverting
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_panasonicdicHighSpeedCMOS_23161100/page/n417 MN74HC4302]
| 74x4303
| 1
| 8-bit D-type flip-flop, inverting outputs
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_panasonicdicHighSpeedCMOS_23161100/page/n421 MN74HC4303]
| 74x4304
| 1
| 8-bit D-type flip-flop, non-inverting outputs
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_panasonicdicHighSpeedCMOS_23161100/page/n425 MN74HC4304]
| 74x4305
| 2
| dual 4-bit buffer, inverting
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_panasonicdicHighSpeedCMOS_23161100/page/n429 MN74HC4305]
| 74x4306
| 2
| dual 4-bit buffer, non-inverting
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_panasonicdicHighSpeedCMOS_23161100/page/n433 MN74HC4306]
| 74x4316
| 4
| quad analog switch
| analog
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_nationaldaLogicDatabookVolume1_95500749/page/nal_Logic_Databook_Volume_1#page/n703 MM74HC4316]
| 74x4351
| 1
| 8-channel analog multiplexer/demultiplexer with latch
| analog
| 20
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/cd74hc4352 CD74HC4351]
| 74x4352
| 2
| dual 4-channel analog multiplexer/demultiplexer with latch
| analog
| 20
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/cd74hc4352 CD74HC4352]
| 74x4353
| 3
| triple 2-channel  analog multiplexer/demultiplexer with latch
| analog
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_motoroladaHighSpeedCMOSData_40597139/page/n741 MC74HC4353]
| 74x4374
| 1
| 8-bit dual-rank synchronizer
| three-state
| 20
| [https://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/originals/scans/Scans-056/DSAIH000137795.pdf SN74AS4374]
| 74x4503
| 1
| controller for 64k/256k/1M dynamic RAM
| three-state
| 52
| [https://usermanual.wiki/Document/1990TICacheMemoryManagementDataBook.1210032352.pdf SN74ACT4503]
| 74x4510
| 1
| BCD decade up/down counter
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_rcadataBooMOS_35821859/page/n559 CD74HC4510]
| 74x4511
| 1
| BCD to 7-segment decoder
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/cd54hc4511 CD74HC4511]
| 74x4514
| 1
| 4-to-16 line decoder/demultiplexer, input latches
| 24
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/cd54hc4514 CD74HC4514]
| 74x4515
| 1
| 4-to-16 line decoder/demultiplexer with input latches; inverting
| 24
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/cd54hc4514 CD74HC4515]
| 74x4516
| 1
| 4-bit binary up/down counter
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_rcadataBooMOS_35821859/page/n559 CD74HC4516]
| 74x4518
| 2
| dual 4-bit synchronous decade counter
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/cd74hc4520 CD74HC4518]
| 74x4520
| 2
| dual 4-bit synchronous binary counter
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/cd74hc4520 CD74HC4520]
| 74x4538
| 2
| dual retriggerable precision monostable multivibrator
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/cd54hc4538 CD74HC4538]
| 74x4543
| 1
| BCD to 7-segment latch/decoder/driver for LCDs
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/cd74hc4543 CD74HC4543]
| 74x4560
| 1
| 4-bit BCD adder
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_nationalda74HCDatabook_36362852/page/n531 MM74HC4560]
| 74x4724
| 1
| 8-bit addressable latch
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookogicDataBook_23574286/page/n457 SN74HC4724]
| 74x4764
| 1
| programmable dRAM controller
| (100)
| [https://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/originals/distributors/Datasheets-110/DSAP0018785.pdf 74ABT4764]
| 74x4799
| 1
| Timer for NiCd and NiMH chargers
| Schmitt trigger
| open-collector and three-state
| 16
| [https://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/originals/distributors/Datasheets-25/DSA-494778.pdf 74LV4799]
| 74x4851
| 1
| 8-channel analog multiplexer/demultiplexer
| analog
| 16
| [https://web.archive.org/web/20160508140402/http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/sn74hc4851.pdf SN74HC4851]
| 74x4852
| 2
| dual 4-channel analog multiplexer/demultiplexer
| analog
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74hc4852 SN74HC4852]
| 74x5074
| 2
| dual positive edge-triggered D-type flip-flop (metastable immune)
| 14
| [https://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/originals/distributors/Datasheets-25/DSA-496118.pdf 74ABT5074]
| 74x5245
| 1
| octal bidirectional transceiver
| Schmitt trigger
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_nationaldaicDatabook_22808448/page/n417 DM74ALS5245]
| 74x5300
| 1
| fiber optic LED driver
| driver 120&nbsp;mA
| 8
| [http://pdf.datasheetcatalog.com/datasheet/philips/N74F5300D.pdf 74F5300]
| 74x5302
| 2
| dual fiber optic LED / clock driver
| driver 160&nbsp;mA
| 14
| [http://www.datasheetbank.com/datasheet-download/530792/1/Philips/74F5302 74F5302]
| 74x5400
| 1
| 11-bit line/memory driver, non-inverting
| three-state, 25 Ω series resistor
| 28
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookiCMOSTechnologyDataBook_40217042/page/n605 SN74ABT5400]
| 74x5401
| 1
| 11-bit line/memory driver, inverting
| three-state, 25 Ω series resistor
| 28
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookiCMOSTechnologyDataBook_40217042/page/n609 SN74ABT5401]
| 74x5402
| 1
| 12-bit line/memory driver, non-inverting
| three-state, 25 Ω series resistor
| 28
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookiCMOSTechnologyDataBook_40217042/page/n613 SN74ABT5402]
| 74x5403
| 1
| 12-bit line/memory driver, inverting
| three-state, 25 Ω series resistor
| 28
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookiCMOSTechnologyDataBook_40217042/page/n617 SN74ABT5403]
| 74x5555
| 1
| programmable delay timer with oscillator
| 16
| [https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/74HC5555.pdf 74HC5555]
| 74x5620
| 1
| octal bidirectional transceiver
| Schmitt trigger
| three-state
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_nationaldaicDatabook_22808448/page/n417 DM74ALS5620]
! {{TOC tab|Part number|74x6000 and above}}
! Units !! Description !! Input !! Output !! Pins !! Datasheet
| 74x6000
| 1
| logic-to-logic optocoupler, non-inverting
| 6
| [https://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/originals/distributors/Datasheets-12/DSA-229129.pdf 74OL6000]
| 74x6001
| 1
| logic-to-logic optocoupler, inverting
| 6
| [https://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/originals/distributors/Datasheets-12/DSA-229129.pdf 74OL6001]
| 74x6010
| 1
| logic-to-logic optocoupler, non-inverting
| open-collector 15&nbsp;V
| 6
| [https://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/originals/distributors/Datasheets-12/DSA-229129.pdf 74OL6010]
| 74x6011
| 1
| logic-to-logic optocoupler, inverting
| open-collector 15&nbsp;V
| 6
| [https://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/originals/distributors/Datasheets-12/DSA-229129.pdf 74OL6011]
| 74x6300
| 1
| programmable dynamic memory refresh timer
| 16
| [https://usermanual.wiki/Document/1990TICacheMemoryManagementDataBook.1210032352.pdf SN74ALS6300]
| 74x6301
| 1
| dynamic memory refresh controller, transparent and burst modes, for 16K, 64K, 256K, and 1M dRAM
| 52
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBook_28346484/page/n535 SN74ALS6301]
| 74x6302
| 1
| dynamic memory refresh controller, transparent and burst modes, for 16K, 64K, 256K, and 1M dRAM
| 52
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBook_28346484/page/n535 SN74ALS6302]
| 74x6310
| 1
| static column and page mode access detector for dRAM
| 20
| [https://usermanual.wiki/Document/1990TICacheMemoryManagementDataBook.1210032352.pdf SN74ALS6310A]
| 74x6311
| 1
| static column and page mode access detector for dRAM
| 20
| [https://usermanual.wiki/Document/1990TICacheMemoryManagementDataBook.1210032352.pdf SN74ALS6311A]
| 74x6323
| 1
| programmable ripple counter with oscillator
| three-state
| (8)
| [https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/74HC_HCT6323A.pdf 74HC6323A]
| 74x6364
| 1
| 64-bit flow-through error detection and correction circuit
| three-state
| (207)
| [https://usermanual.wiki/Document/1990TICacheMemoryManagementDataBook.1210032352.pdf SN74AS6364]
| 74x6800
| 1
| 10-bit FET bus switch with precharge
| {{unknown|{{sp}}}}
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_idtdataBoomanceLogicDataBook_51362967/page/n671 IDT74FST6800]
| 74x6845
| 1
| 8-bit FET bus switch with precharge and extended voltage range
| {{unknown|{{sp}}}}
| (20)
| [https://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/originals/distributors/Datasheets-36/DSA-711566.pdf SN74CBT6845C]
| 74x7001
| 4
| quad 2-input AND gate
| Schmitt trigger
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74hc7001 SN74HC7001]
| 74x7002
| 4
| quad 2-input NOR gate
| Schmitt trigger
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74hc7002 SN74HC7002]
| 74x7003
| 4
| quad 2-input NAND gate
| Schmitt trigger
| open-collector
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookogicDataBook_23574286/page/n707 SN74HC7003]
| 74x7006
| 6
| two inverters, one 3-input NAND, one 4-input NAND, one 3-input NOR, one 4-input NOR
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookSLogicDataBook_45157566/page/n773 SN74HC7006]
| 74x7007
| 6
| hex buffer gate
| 14
| [https://www.alldatasheet.com/datasheet-pdf/pdf/31796/TOSHIBA/TC74HCT7007AF.html TC74HCT7007AP]
| 74x7008
| 6
| two inverters, three 2-input NAND, three 2-input NOR
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookSLogicDataBook_45157566/page/n777 SN74HC7008]
| 74x7014
| 6
| hex buffer gate
| Schmitt trigger
| 14
| [https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/74HC7014.pdf 74HC7014]
| 74x7022
| 1
| 4-stage ÷8 Johnson counter with power-up clear
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookogicDataBook_23574286/page/n615 SN74HC7022]
| 74x7030
| 1
| 576-bit FIFO memory (64x9)
| three-state
| 28
| [https://archive.org/details/highspeedcmosda00sign/page/764 74HC7030]
| 74x7032
| 4
| quad 2-input OR gates
| Schmitt trigger
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookSLogicDataBook_45157566/page/n787 SN74HC7032]
| 74x7038
| 1
| 9-bit bus transceiver with latch
| three-state
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_rcadataBooMOS_35821859/page/n641 CD74HC7038]
| 74x7046
| 1
| [[phase-locked loop]] with [[voltage-controlled oscillator]] and lock detector
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/cd74hc7046a CD74HC7046A]
| 74x7060
| 1
| 14-stage binary counter with oscillator
| Schmitt trigger
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/RCA-RCAAdvancedCMOSLogicICs1987OCR/page/n291 CD74AC7060]
| 74x7074
| 6
| two inverters, one 2-input NAND, one 2-input NOR, two D-type flip-flops
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookSLogicDataBook_45157566/page/n791 SN74HC7074]
| 74x7075
| 6
| two inverters, two 2-input NAND, two D-type flip-flops
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookSLogicDataBook_45157566/page/n797 SN74HC7075]
| 74x7076
| 6
| two inverters, two 2-input NOR, two D-type flip-flops
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookSLogicDataBook_45157566/page/n803 SN74HC7076]
| 74x7080
| 1
| 16-bit parity generator / checker
| 20
| [https://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/originals/distributors/Datasheets-25/DSA-491964.pdf 74HCT7080]
| 74x7132
| 4
| quad adjustable comparator with output latches
| Schmitt trigger
| three-state
| 14
| [https://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/originals/distributors/Datasheets-30/DSA-596949.pdf 74HCT7132]
| 74x7200
| 1
| 2304-bit FIFO memory (256x9)
| 28
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookeFIFOMemoriesDataBook_33517703/page/n695 SN74ACT7200L]
| 74x7201
| 1
| 4608-bit FIFO memory (512x9)
| 28
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookeFIFOMemoriesDataBook_33517703/page/n695 SN74ACT7201LA]
| 74x7202
| 1
| 9216-bit FIFO memory (1024x9)
| 28
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookeFIFOMemoriesDataBook_33517703/page/n695 SN74ACT7202LA]
| 74x7203
| 1
| 18432-bit FIFO memory (2048x9)
| 28
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookeFIFOMemoriesDataBook_33517703/page/n715 SN74ACT7203L]
| 74ACT7204
| 1
| 36864-bit FIFO memory (4096x9)
| 28
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookeFIFOMemoriesDataBook_33517703/page/n715 SN74ACT7204L]
| 74HCU7204
| 2
| dual unbuffered inverters
| (8)
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74hcu7204 SN74HCU7204]
| 74x7205
| 1
| 73728-bit FIFO memory (8192x9)
| 28
| [https://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/originals/distributors/Datasheets-36/DSA-705735.pdf SN74ACT7205L]
| 74x7206
| 1
| 147456-bit FIFO memory (16384x9)
| 28
| [https://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/originals/distributors/Datasheets-36/DSA-705735.pdf SN74ACT7206L]
| 74x7240
| 1
| octal bus buffer, inverting
| Schmitt trigger
| three-state
| 20
| [http://pdf.datasheet.live/datasheets-1/toshiba/TC74HC7241AP.pdf TC74HC7240AP]
| 74x7241
| 1
| octal bus buffer, non-inverting
| Schmitt trigger
| three-state
| 20
| [http://pdf.datasheet.live/datasheets-1/toshiba/TC74HC7241AP.pdf TC74HC7241AP]
| 74x7244
| 1
| octal bus buffer, non-inverting
| Schmitt trigger
| three-state
| 20
| [http://pdf.datasheet.live/datasheets-1/toshiba/TC74HC7241AP.pdf TC74HC7244AP]
| 74x7245
| 1
| octal bus transceiver, non-inverting
| Schmitt trigger
| three-state
| 20
| [https://pdf1.alldatasheet.com/datasheet-pdf/view/23130/STMICROELECTRONICS/M74HC7645.html M74HC7245]
| 74x7266
| 4
| quad 2-input XNOR gate
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookogicDataBook_23574286/page/n461 SN74HC7266]
| 74x7273
| 8
| octal positive edge-triggered D-type flip-flop with reset
| open-collector
| 20
| [https://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/originals/distributors/Datasheets-25/DSA-496043.pdf 74HCT7273]
| 74x7292
| 1
| programmable divider/timer
| 16
| [https://pdf1.alldatasheet.com/datasheet-pdf/view/31771/TOSHIBA/TC74HC7292AP.html TC74HC7292AP]
| 74x7294
| 1
| programmable divider/timer
| 16
| [https://pdf1.alldatasheet.com/datasheet-pdf/view/23075/STMICROELECTRONICS/M74HC7294.html M74HC7294]
| 74x7340
| 1
| 8-bit bus driver with bidirectional registers
| three-state
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookogicDataBook_23574286/page/n625 SN74HC7340]
| 74x7403
| 1
| 256-bit FIFO memory (64x4)
| three-state
| 16
| [http://pdf.datasheetcatalog.com/datasheet/philips/74HC7403.pdf 74HC7403]
| 74x7404
| 1
| 320-bit FIFO memory (64x5)
| three-state
| 18
| [https://pdf1.alldatasheet.com/datasheet-pdf/view/15661/PHILIPS/74HC7404.html 74HC7404]
| 74x7540
| 8
| octal buffer/line driver, inverting
| Schmitt trigger
| three-state
| 20
| [https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/74HC_HCT7540.pdf 74HC7540]
| 74x7541
| 8
| octal buffer/line driver, non-inverting
| Schmitt trigger
| three-state
| 20
| [https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/74HC_HCT7541.pdf 74HC7541]
| 74x7597
| 1
| 8-bit shift register with input latches
| 16
| [http://pdf.datasheetcatalog.com/datasheet/philips/74HC7597.pdf 74HC7597]
| 74x7623
| 1
| octal bus transceiver, non-inverting
| three-state and open-drain
| 20
| [https://archive.org/details/RCA-RCAAdvancedCMOSLogicICs1987OCR/page/n293 CD74AC7623]
| 74x7640
| 1
| octal bus transceiver, inverting
| Schmitt trigger
| three-state
| 20
| [https://pdf1.alldatasheet.com/datasheet-pdf/view/23130/STMICROELECTRONICS/M74HC7645.html M74HC7640]
| 74x7643
| 1
| octal bus transceiver, non-inverting/inverting
| Schmitt trigger
| three-state
| 20
| [https://pdf1.alldatasheet.com/datasheet-pdf/view/23130/STMICROELECTRONICS/M74HC7645.html M74HC7643]
| 74x7645
| 1
| octal bus transceiver, non-inverting
| Schmitt trigger
| three-state
| 20
| [https://pdf1.alldatasheet.com/datasheet-pdf/view/23130/STMICROELECTRONICS/M74HC7645.html M74HC7645]
| 74x7731
| 4
| quad 64-bit static shift register
| 16
| [http://pdf.datasheetcatalog.com/datasheet/philips/74HCT7731.pdf 74HC7731]
| 74x7793
| 1
| 8-bit noninverting transparent latch with readback
| three-state
| 20
| [https://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/originals/distributors/Datasheets-112/DSAP0048904.pdf MC74HC7793]
| 74x7801
| 1
| 18432-bit FIFO memory (1024x18), clocked
| three-state
| (68)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookeFIFOMemoriesDataBook400_13134187/page/n21 SN74ACT7801]
| 74x7802
| 1
| 18432-bit FIFO memory (1024x18)
| three-state
| (68)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookeFIFOMemoriesDataBook400_13134187/page/n115 SN74ACT7802]
| 74x7803
| 1
| 9216-bit FIFO memory (512x18), clocked
| three-state
| (56)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookeFIFOMemoriesDataBook400_13134187/page/n37 SN74ACT7803]
| 74x7804
| 1
| 9216-bit FIFO memory (512x18)
| three-state
| (56)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookeFIFOMemoriesDataBook400_13134187/page/n127 SN74ACT7804]
| 74x7805
| 1
| 4608-bit FIFO memory (256x18), clocked
| three-state
| (56)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookeFIFOMemoriesDataBook400_13134187/page/n51 SN74ACT7805]
| 74x7806
| 1
| 4608-bit FIFO memory (256x18)
| three-state
| (56)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookeFIFOMemoriesDataBook400_13134187/page/n139 SN74ACT7806]
| 74x7807
| 1
| 18432-bit FIFO memory (2048x9), clocked
| three-state
| (44)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookeFIFOMemoriesDataBook400_13134187/page/n65 SN74ACT7807]
| 74x7808
| 1
| 18432-bit FIFO memory (2048x9)
| three-state
| (44)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookeFIFOMemoriesDataBook400_13134187/page/n151 SN74ACT7808]
| 74x7811
| 1
| 18432-bit FIFO memory (1024x18), clocked
| three-state
| (68)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookeFIFOMemoriesDataBook400_13134187/page/n81 SN74ACT7811]
| 74x7813
| 1
| 1152-bit FIFO memory (64x18), clocked
| three-state
| (56)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookeFIFOMemoriesDataBook400_13134187/page/n99 SN74ACT7813]
| 74x7814
| 1
| 1152-bit FIFO memory (64x18)
| three-state
| (56)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookeFIFOMemoriesDataBook400_13134187/page/n165 SN74ACT7814]
| 74x7815
| 1
| 4608-bit bidirectional FIFO memory(2x64x36)
| three-state
| (120)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookeFIFOMemoriesDataBook400_13134187/page/n279 SN74ABT7815]
| 74x7816
| 1
| 4608-bit bidirectional FIFO memory(2x64x36)
| three-state
| (120)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookeFIFOMemoriesDataBook400_13134187/page/n291 SN74ABT7816]
| 74x7817
| 1
| 2304-bit FIFO memory(64x36)
| three-state
| (120)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookeFIFOMemoriesDataBook400_13134187/page/n293 SN74ABT7817]
| 74x7818
| 1
| 2304-bit FIFO memory(64x36)
| three-state
| (120)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookeFIFOMemoriesDataBook400_13134187/page/n295 SN74ABT7818]
| 74x7819
| 1
| 18432-bit bidirectional FIFO memory (2x512x18), clocked
| three-state
| (80)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookeFIFOMemoriesDataBook400_13134187/page/n207 SN74ABT7819]
| 74x7820
| 1
| 18432-bit bidirectional FIFO memory (2x512x18)
| three-state
| (80)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookeFIFOMemoriesDataBook400_13134187/page/n229 SN74ABT7820]
| 74x7821
| 1
| 32768-bit bidirectional FIFO memory (2x512x32)
| three-state
| (120)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookeFIFOMemoriesDataBook400_13134187/page/n317 SN74ACT7821]
| 74x7822
| 1
| 32768-bit bidirectional FIFO memory (2x512x32), clocked
| three-state
| (120)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookeFIFOMemoriesDataBook400_13134187/page/n325 SN74ACT7822]
| 74x7823
| 1
| 36864-bit FIFO memory (1024x36), clocked
| three-state
| (120)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookeFIFOMemoriesDataBook400_13134187/page/n333 SN74ACT7823]
| 74x7881
| 1
| 18432-bit FIFO memory (1024x18), clocked
| three-state
| (68)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookeFIFOMemoriesDataBook_33517703/page/n479 SN74ACT7881]
| 74x7882
| 1
| 36864-bit FIFO memory (2048x18), clocked
| three-state
| (68)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookeFIFOMemoriesDataBook_33517703/page/n495 SN74ACT7882]
| 74x7884
| 1
| 73728-bit FIFO memory (4096x18), clocked
| three-state
| (68)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookeFIFOMemoriesDataBook_33517703/page/n511 SN74ACT7884]
| 74x8003
| 2
| dual 2-input NAND gate
| 8
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol3_25840031/page/n771 SN74ALS8003]
| 74x8151
| 1
| 10-bit inverting/non-inverting buffer
| Schmitt trigger
| three-state
| 24
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74lv8151 SN74LV8151]
| 74x8153
| 1
| 8-bit serial-to-parallel interface
| three-state or open-collector
| 20
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74lv8153 SN74LV8153]
| 74x8154
| 2
| dual 16-bit counters with output registers
| three-state
| 20
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74lv8154 SN74LV8154]
| 74x8161
| 1
| 8-bit synchronous binary counter
| 24
| [https://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/originals/scans/Scans-067/DSA2IH00215541.pdf SN74ALS8161]
| 74x8240
| 1
| octal inverting buffer with [[JTAG]] port
| three-state
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookLogicDataBook_44713328/page/n23 SN74BCT8240A]
| 74x8244
| 1
| octal non-inverting buffer with [[JTAG]] port
| three-state
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookLogicDataBook_44713328/page/n43 SN74BCT8244A]
| 74x8245
| 1
| octal bus transceiver with [[JTAG]] port
| three-state
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookiCMOSTechnologyDataBook_40217042/page/n735 SN74ABT8245]
| 74x8373
| 1
| octal D-type latch with [[JTAG]] port
| three-state
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookLogicDataBook_44713328/page/n85 SN74BCT8373A]
| 74x8374
| 1
| octal D-type edge-triggered flip-flop with [[JTAG]] port
| three-state
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookLogicDataBook_44713328/page/n105 SN74BCT8374A]
| 74x8400
| 1
| expandable error checker / corrector
| three-state
| 48
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBook_28346484/page/n541 SN74ALS8400]
| 74x8541
| 1
| 8-bit buffer, selectable inverting/non-inverting
| Schmitt trigger
| three-state
| 20
| [https://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/originals/distributors/DKDS41/DSANUWW0029467.pdf SN74AHC8541]
| 74x8543
| 1
| octal registered bus transceiver with [[JTAG]] port
| three-state
| 28
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookiCMOSTechnologyDataBook_40217042/page/n757 SN74ABT8543]
| 74x8646
| 1
| octal bus transceiver and register with [[JTAG]] port
| three-state
| 28
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookiCMOSTechnologyDataBook_40217042/page/n765 SN74ABT8646]
| 74x8652
| 1
| octal bus transceiver and register with [[JTAG]] port
| three-state
| 28
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookiCMOSTechnologyDataBook_40217042/page/n775 SN74ABT8652]
| 74x8818
| 1
| 16-bit microprogram sequencer, cascadable
| three-state
| (84)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookamily32BitCMOSProcessorBuildingBlocksDat_39357329/page/n19 SN74ACT8818]
| 74x8832
| 1
| 32-bit registered ALU
| three-state
| (208)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookamily32BitCMOSProcessorBuildingBlocksDat_39357329/page/n79 SN74ACT8832]
| 74x8834
| 1
| 40-bit register file
| three-state
| (156)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBook_28346484/page/n545 SN74AS8834]
| 74x8835
| 1
| 16-bit microprogram sequencer, cascadable
| three-state
| (156)
| [https://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/originals/distributors/Datasheets-112/DSAP0053260.pdf SN74AS8835]
| 74x8836
| 1
| 32x32-bit multiplier/accumulator
| three-state
| (156)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookamily32BitCMOSProcessorBuildingBlocksDat_39357329/page/n273 SN74ACT8836]
| 74x8837
| 1
| 64-bit floating point unit
| three-state
| (208)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookamily32BitCMOSProcessorBuildingBlocksDat_39357329/page/n307 SN74ACT8837]
| 74x8838
| 1
| 64-bit barrel shifter
| three-state
| (84)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBook_28346484/page/n555 SN74AS8838]
| 74x8839
| 1
| 32-bit shuffle/exchange network
| three-state
| (85)
| [https://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/originals/distributors/Datasheets-112/DSAP0053259.pdf SN74AS8839]
| 74x8840
| 1
| digital crossbar switch
| three-state
| (156)
| [https://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/originals/distributors/Datasheets-110/DSAP0010220.pdf SN74AS8840]
| 74x8841
| 1
| digital crossbar switch
| three-state
| (156)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookamily32BitCMOSProcessorBuildingBlocksDat_39357329/page/n435 SN74ACT8841]
| 74x8847
| 1
| 64-bit floating point and integer unit
| three-state
| (208)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookamily32BitCMOSProcessorBuildingBlocksDat_39357329/page/n461 SN74ACT8847]
| 74x8867
| 1
| 32-bit vector processor unit
| three-state
| (208)
| [https://archive.org/details/TexasInstruments-TI-Data-SN74ACT8800Family32-BitCMOSProcessorBuildingBlocks1990OCR/page/n495 SN74ACT8867]
| 74x8952
| 1
| octal registered bus transceiver with [[JTAG]] port
| three-state
| 28
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookiCMOSTechnologyDataBook_40217042/page/n785 SN74ABT8952]
| 74x8960
| 1
| 8-bit bidirectional latched [[FutureBus]] transceiver, inverting
| three-state and open-collector
| 28
| [https://cdn.datasheetspdf.com/pdf-down/7/4/F/74F8960_PhilipsSemiconductors.pdf 74F8960]
| 74x8961
| 1
| 8-bit bidirectional latched [[FutureBus]] transceiver, non-inverting
| three-state and open-collector
| 28
| [https://cdn.datasheetspdf.com/pdf-down/7/4/F/74F8960_PhilipsSemiconductors.pdf 74F8961]
| 74x8962
| 1
| 9-bit bidirectional latched [[FutureBus]] transceiver, inverting
| three-state and open-collector
| (44)
| [https://cdn.datasheetspdf.com/pdf-down/7/4/F/74F8962_PhilipsSemiconductors.pdf 74F8962]
| 74x8963
| 1
| 9-bit bidirectional latched [[FutureBus]] transceiver, non-inverting
| three-state and open-collector
| (44)
| [https://cdn.datasheetspdf.com/pdf-down/7/4/F/74F8962_PhilipsSemiconductors.pdf 74F8963]
| 74x8965
| 1
| 9-bit bidirectional latched [[FutureBus]] transceiver, latch select
| three-state and open-collector
| (44)
| [https://cdn.datasheetspdf.com/pdf-down/7/4/F/74F8965_PhilipsSemiconductors.pdf 74F8965]
| 74x8966
| 1
| 9-bit bidirectional latched [[FutureBus]] transceiver, idle arbitration request / output
| three-state and open-collector
| (44)
| [https://cdn.datasheetspdf.com/pdf-down/7/4/F/74F8965_PhilipsSemiconductors.pdf 74F8966]
| 74x8980
| 1
| [[JTAG]] test access port master with 8-bit host interface
| three-state
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookLogicDataBook_44713328/page/n795 SN74LVT8980]
| 74x8986
| 1
| linkable, multidrop-addressable [[JTAG]] transceiver
| three-state
| (64)
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74lvt8986 SN74LVT8986]
| 74x8990
| 1
| [[JTAG]] test access port master with 16-bit host interface
| three-state
| (44)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookLogicDataBook_44713328/page/n825 SN74ACT8990]
| 74x8994
| 1
| [[JTAG]] scan-controlled logic/signature analyzer
| (28)
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookLogicDataBook_44713328/page/n837 SN74ACT8994]
| 74x8996
| 1
| multidrop-addressable [[JTAG]] transceiver
| 24
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookLogicDataBook_44713328/page/n847 SN74ABT8996]
| 74x8997
| 1
| scan-controlled [[JTAG]] concatenator
| three-state
| 28
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookLogicDataBook_44713328/page/n887 SN74ACT8997]
| 74x8999
| 1
| scan-controlled [[JTAG]] multiplexer
| three-state
| 28
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookLogicDataBook_44713328/page/n911 SN74ACT8999]
| 74x9000
| 1
| programmable timer with oscillator
| 20
| [https://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/originals/distributors/Datasheets-112/DSAP0048905.pdf MC74HC9000]
| 74x9014
| 9
| nine-wide buffer/line driver, inverting
| Schmitt trigger
| 20
| [http://pdf.datasheetcatalog.com/datasheet/philips/74HCT9014.pdf 74HC9014]
| 74x9015
| 9
| nine-wide buffer/line driver, non-inverting
| Schmitt trigger
| 20
| [http://pdf.datasheetcatalog.com/datasheet/philips/74HC9015.pdf 74HC9015]
| 74x9034
| 9
| nine-wide buffer, inverting
| 20
| [https://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/originals/distributors/Datasheets-112/DSAP0048907.pdf MC74HC9034]
| 74x9035
| 9
| nine-wide buffer, noninverting
| 20
| [https://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/originals/distributors/Datasheets-112/DSAP0048907.pdf MC74HC9035]
| 74x9046
| 1
| PLL with band gap controlled VCO
| 16
| [https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/74HCT9046A.pdf 74HCT9046]
| 74x9114
| 9
| nine-wide inverter
| Schmitt trigger
| open-collector
| 20
| [https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/74HC_HCT9114.pdf 74HC9114]
| 74x9115
| 9
| nine-wide buffer
| Schmitt trigger
| open-collector
| 20
| [https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/74HC9115.pdf 74HC9115]
| 74x9134
| 9
| nine-wide buffer, inverting
| open-collector
| 20
| [https://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/originals/distributors/Datasheets-112/DSAP0048910.pdf MC74HC9134]
| 74x9135
| 9
| nine-wide buffer, noninverting
| open-collector
| 20
| [https://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/originals/distributors/Datasheets-112/DSAP0048910.pdf MC74HC9135]
| 74x9164
| 1
| 8-bit shift register (serial in/out, parallel in/out)
| Schmitt trigger
| three-state
| (16)
| [https://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/originals/distributors/Datasheets-SFU3/DSASFU100040800.pdf TC74VHC9164]
| 74x9240
| 1
| 9-bit buffer / line driver, inverting
| three-state
| 24
| [https://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/originals/distributors/Datasheets-11/DSA-211521.pdf 74FR9240]
| 74x9244
| 1
| 9-bit buffer / line driver, non-inverting
| three-state
| 24
| [https://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/originals/distributors/Datasheets-11/DSA-212907.pdf 74FR9244]
| 74x9245
| 1
| 9-bit bidirectional transceiver, non-inverting
| three-state
| 24
| [https://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/originals/distributors/Datasheets-11/DSA-203499.pdf 74FR9245]
| 74x9323
| 1
| programmable ripple counter with oscillator
| three-state
| (8)
| [http://pdf.datasheetcatalog.com/datasheet/philips/74HCT7731.pdf 74HC9323A]
| 74x9510
| 1
| 16×16-bit multiplier/accumulator (compatible to [[List of AMD Am2900 and Am29000 families#Am29500 Family|Am29510]] and [[Digital signal processor#Background|TDC1010]])
| three-state
| (68)
| 74HC9510<ref name=hcmostb/>{{rp|534}}
| 74x9595
| 1
| 8-bit shift register with latch (serial in, parallel out)
| Schmitt trigger
| (16)
| [https://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/originals/distributors/Datasheets-SFU3/DSASFU100040801.pdf TC74VHC9595]
| 74x40102
| 1
| presettable synchronous 2-decade BCD down counter
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_rcadataBooMOS_35821859/page/n603 CD74HC40102]
| 74x40103
| 1
| presettable 8-bit synchronous down counter
| 16
| [https://web.archive.org/web/20161104125904/http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/cd74hc40103.pdf CD74HC40103]
| 74x40104
| 4
| 4-bit bidirectional universal shift register
| three-state
| 16
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_rcadataBooMOS_35821859/page/n613 CD74HC40104]
| 74x40105
| 1
| 64-bit FIFO memory (16x4)
| three-state
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/cd74hc40105 CD74HC40105]
! Part number !! Units !! Description !! Input !! Output !! Pins !! Datasheet
==Smaller footprints==
As board designs have migrated away from large amounts of logic chips, so has the need for many of the same gate in one package.  Since about 1996,<ref>{{cite web |title=The Fairchild Division of National Semiconductor Introduces Industry's Fastest 5V Single-Gate Logic |url=http://fairchildsemi.com:80/news/1996/9611/dm96001dl.html |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/19980512215641/http://fairchildsemi.com/news/1996/9611/dm96001dl.html |url-status=dead |archive-date=1998-05-12  |publisher=[[Fairchild Semiconductor]] |access-date=July 27, 2018 |date=November 25, 1996 }}</ref> there has been an ongoing trend towards one / two / three logic gates per chip. Now logic can be placed where it is physically needed on a board, instead of running long signal traces to a full-size logic chip that has many of the same gate.<ref>{{cite web |title=Unique and Novel Uses for ON Semiconductor's New One-Gate family |url=http://www.onsemi.com/pub/Collateral/AND8018-D.PDF |publisher=[[ON Semiconductor]] |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20010709003217/http://www.onsemi.com/pub/Collateral/AND8018-D.PDF |archive-date=2001-07-09  |date=June 2000 |url-status=live |access-date=2018-07-27  }}</ref>
All chips in the following sections are available 5- to 10-pin [[Surface-mount technology|surface-mount packages]]. The right digits, after the 1G/2G/3G, typically has the same functional features as older legacy chips, except for the multifunctional chips and 4-digit chip numbers, which are unique to these newer families. The "x" in the part number is a place holder for the logic family name. For example, 74x1G14 in "LVC" logic family would be "74LVC1G14". The previously stated prefixes of "SN-" and "MC-" are used to denote manufacturers, Texas Instruments and ON Semiconductor respectively.<ref name="TI-L-LG">[http://www.ti.com/lit/sg/scyt129g/scyt129g.pdf 2018 Little Logic Guide; Texas Instruments].</ref><ref name="NXP-AUP-LG">[https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/brochure/75017458.pdf 74AUP Logic Guide; NXP].</ref><ref name="NXP-LVC-LG">[https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/brochure/75017668.pdf 74LVC Logic Guide; NXP].</ref>
Some of the manufacturers that make these smaller IC chips are: [[Diodes Incorporated]], [[Nexperia]] ([[NXP Semiconductors]]), [[ON Semiconductor]] ([[Fairchild Semiconductor]]), [[Texas Instruments]] ([[National Semiconductor]]), [[Toshiba]].
The [[7400 series#7400 series derivative families|logic families]] available in small footprints are: AHC, AHCT, AUC, AUP, AXP, HC, HCT, LVC, VHC, NC7S, NC7ST, NC7SU, NC7SV. The LVC family is very popular in small footprints because it supports the most common logic voltages of 1.8&nbsp;V, 3.3&nbsp;V, 5&nbsp;V, its inputs are 5&nbsp;V tolerant when the device is powered at a lower voltage, and an output drive of 24&nbsp;mA. Gates that are commonly available across most small footprint families are 00, 02, 04, 08, 14, 32, 86, 125, 126.
===One-gate chips===
All chips in this section have one gate, noted by the "1G" in the part numbers.
{|class="wikitable sortable"
! Part number !! Description !! Input !! Output !! Pins !! Datasheet
| 74x1G00
| single 2-input [[NAND gate]]
| 5
| [https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/74LVC1G00.pdf LVC]
| 74x1G02
| single 2-input [[NOR gate]]
| 5
| [https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/74LVC1G02.pdf LVC]
| 74x1G04
| single [[inverter gate]]
| 5
| [https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/74LVC1G04.pdf LVC]
| 74x1G06
| single inverter gate
| [[schmitt trigger]]
| [[Open drain|open-drain]]
| 5
| [https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/74LVC1G06.pdf LVC]
| 74x1G07
| single [[buffer gate]]
| schmitt trigger
| open-drain
| 5
| [https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/74LVC1G07.pdf LVC]
| 74x1G08
| single 2-input [[AND gate]]
| 5
| [https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/74LVC1G08.pdf LVC]
| 74x1G09
| single 2-input AND gate
| open-drain
| 5
| [https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/74AUP1G09.pdf AUP]
| 74x1G10
| single 3-input NAND gate
| 6
| [https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/74LVC1G10.pdf LVC]
| 74x1G11
| single 3-input AND gate
| 6
| [https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/74LVC1G11.pdf LVC]
| 74x1G14
| single inverter gate
| schmitt trigger
| 5
| [https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/74LVC1G14.pdf LVC]
| 74x1G17
| single buffer gate
| schmitt trigger
| 5
| [https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/74LVC1G17.pdf LVC]
| 74x1G18
| single 1-of-2 non-inverting [[multiplexer]], deselected output is 3-state
| [[Three-state logic|three-state]]
| 6
| [https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/74LVC1G18.pdf LVC]
| 74x1G19
| single 1-to-2 [[line decoder]], active low outputs
| 6
| [https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/74LVC1G19.pdf LVC]
| 74x1G27
| single 3-input NOR gate
| 6
| [https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/74LVC1G27.pdf LVC]
| 74x1G29
| single 2-to-3 line decoder, active low outputs
| 8
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74lvc1g29 LVC]
| 74x1G32
| single 2-input [[OR gate]]
| 5
| [https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/74LVC1G32.pdf LVC]
| 74x1G34
| single buffer gate
| 5
| [https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/74LVC1G34.pdf LVC]
| 74x1G38
| single 2-input NAND gate
| open-drain
| 5
| [https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/74AUP1G38.pdf LVC]
| 74x1G57
| single configurable 7-function gate
| schmitt trigger
| 6
| [https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/74LVC1G57.pdf LVC]
| 74x1G58
| single configurable 7-function gate
| schmitt trigger
| 6
| [https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/74LVC1G58.pdf LVC]
| 74x1G66
| single SPST analog switch
| analog
| analog
| 5
| [https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/74LVC1G66.pdf LVC]
| 74x1G74
| single D-type [[Flip-flop (electronics)|flip-flop]], positive-edge trigger, Q & {{overline|Q}} outputs, asynchronous preset and clear
| 8
| [https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/74LVC1G74.pdf LVC]
| 74x1G79
| single D-type flip-flop, positive-edge trigger, Q output
| 5
| [https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/74LVC1G79.pdf LVC]
| 74x1G80
| single D-type flip-flop, positive-edge trigger, {{overline|Q}} output
| 5
| [https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/74LVC1G80.pdf LVC]
| 74x1G86
| single 2-input [[XOR gate]] ([[also known as|a.k.a.]] 2-bit even-[[Parity (mathematics)|parity generator]])
| 5
| [https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/74LVC1G86.pdf LVC]
| 74x1G97
| single configurable 7-function gate
| schmitt trigger
| 6
| [https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/74LVC1G97.pdf LVC]
| 74x1G98
| single configurable 7-function gate
| schmitt trigger
| 6
| [https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/74LVC1G98.pdf LVC]
| 74x1G99
| single configurable 15-function gate, active-low enable
| schmitt trigger
| three-state
| 8
| [https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/74LVC1G99.pdf LVC]
| 74x1G123
| single retriggerable [[monostable]] multivibrator, active-low clear
| 8
| [https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/74LVC1G123.pdf LVC]
| 74x1G125
| single buffer gate, active-low enable
| three-state
| 5
| [https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/74LVC1G125.pdf LVC]
| 74x1G126
| single buffer gate, active-high enable
| three-state
| 5
| [https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/74LVC1G126.pdf LVC]
| 74x1G132
| single 2-input NAND gate
| schmitt trigger
| 5
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74lvc1g132 LVC]
| 74x1G139
| single 2-to-4 line decoder, active low outputs
| 8
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74lvc1g139 LVC]
| 74x1G157
| single 2-input multiplexer
| schmitt trigger
| 6
| [https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/74LVC1G157.pdf LVC]
| 74x1G158
| single 2-input multiplexer, inverted output
| schmitt trigger
| 6
| [https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/74AUP1G158.pdf AUP]
| 74x1G175
| single D-type flip-flop, positive-edge trigger, Q output, asynchronous clear
| 6
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/sn74lvc1g175.pdf LVC]
| 74x1G240
| single inverter gate, active-low enable
| three-state
| 5
| [https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/74LVC1G240.pdf LVC]
| 74x1G332
| single 3-input OR gate
| 6
| [https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/74LVC1G332.pdf LVC]
| 74x1G373
| single D-type transparent latch, negative-edge latching, Q output, active-low enable
| three-state
| 6
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74lvc1g373 LVC]
| 74x1G374
| single D-type flip-flop, positive-edge trigger, Q output, active-low enable
| three-state
| 6
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74lvc1g374 LVC]
| 74x1G386
| single 3-input XOR Gate (a.k.a. 3-bit even-parity generator)
| 6
| [https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/74LVC1G386.pdf LVC]
| 74x1G0832
| single 3-input AND-OR combo gate (2-input AND into 2-input OR)
| schmitt trigger
| 6
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74lvc1g0832, LVC]
| 74x1G3157
| single SPDT analog switch
| analog
| analog
| 6
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74lvc1g3157 LVC]
| 74x1G3208
| single 3-input OR-AND combo gate (2-input OR into 2-input AND)
| schmitt trigger
| 6
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74lvc1g3208 LVC]
===Two-gate chips===
All chips in this section have two gates, noted by the "2G" in the part numbers.
{|class="wikitable sortable"
! Part number !! Description !! Input !! Output !! Pins !! Datasheet
| 74x2G00
| dual 2-input NAND gate
| 8
| [https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/74LVC2G00.pdf LVC]
| 74x2G02
| dual 2-input NOR gate
| 8
| [https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/74LVC2G02.pdf LVC]
| 74x2G04
| dual inverter gate
| 6
| [https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/74LVC2G04.pdf LVC]
| 74x2G06
| dual inverter gate
| [[schmitt trigger]]
| [[Open drain|open-drain]]
| 6
| [https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/74LVC2G06.pdf LVC]
| 74x2G07
| dual buffer gate
| schmitt trigger
| open-drain
| 6
| [https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/74LVC2G07.pdf LVC]
| 74x2G08
| dual 2-input AND gate
| 8
| [https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/74LVC2G08.pdf LVC]
| 74x2G14
| dual inverter gate
| schmitt trigger
| 6
| [https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/74LVC2G14.pdf LVC]
| 74x2G17
| dual buffer gate
| schmitt trigger
| 6
| [https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/74LVC2G17.pdf LVC]
| 74x2G32
| dual 2-input OR gate
| 8
| [https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/74LVC2G32.pdf LVC]
| 74x2G34
| dual buffer gate
| 6
| [https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/74LVC2G34.pdf LVC]
| 74x2G38
| dual 2-input NAND gate
| open-drain
| 8
| [https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/74AUP2G38.pdf LVC]
| 74x2G57
| dual configurable 7-function gate
| schmitt trigger
| 10
| [https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/74AUP2G57.pdf AUP]
| 74x2G58
| dual configurable 7-function gate
| schmitt trigger
| 10
| [https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/74AUP2G58.pdf AUP]
| 74x2G66
| dual SPST analog switch
| analog
| analog
| 8
| [https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/74LVC2G66.pdf LVC]
| 74x2G79
| dual D-type flip-flop, positive-edge trigger, Q output
| 8
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74lvc2g79 LVC]
| 74x2G80
| dual D-type flip-flop, positive-edge trigger, {{overline|Q}} output
| 8
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74lvc2g80 LVC]
| 74x2G86
| dual 2-input XOR gate (a.k.a. 2-bit even-parity generator)
| 8
| [https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/74LVC2G86.pdf LVC]
| 74x2G97
| dual configurable 7-function gate
| schmitt trigger
| 10
| [https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/74AUP2G97.pdf AUP]
| 74x2G98
| dual configurable 7-function gate
| schmitt trigger
| 10
| [https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/74AUP2G98.pdf AUP]
| 74x2G125
| dual buffer, active-low enable
| [[Three-state logic|three-state]]
| 8
| [https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/74LVC2G125.pdf LVC]
| 74x2G126
| dual buffer, active-high enable
| three-state
| 8
| [https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/74LVC2G126.pdf LVC]
| 74x2G132
| dual 2-input NAND gate
| schmitt trigger
| 8
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74lvc2g132 LVC]
| 74x2G240
| dual inverter gate, active-low enable
| three-state
| 8
| [https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/74LVC2G240.pdf LVC]
| 74x2G241
| dual buffer, active-low and active-high enables
| three-state
| 8
| [https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/74LVC2G241.pdf LVC]
| 74x2G0604
| dual combo gates - one inverter, one inverter with O.D.
| open-drain
| 6
| [https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/74AUP2G0604.pdf AUP]
| 74x2G3404
| dual combo gates - one buffer, one inverter
| 6
| [https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/74AUP2G3404.pdf AUP]
| 74x2G3407
| dual combo gates - one buffer, one buffer with O.D.
| open-drain
| 6
| [https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/74AUP2G3407.pdf AUP]
===Three-gate chips===
All chips in this section have three gates, noted by the "3G" in the part numbers.
{|class="wikitable sortable"
! Part number !! Description !! Input !! Output !! Pins !! Datasheet
| 74x3G04
| triple inverter gate
| 8
| [https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/74LVC3G04.pdf LVC]
| 74x3G06
| triple inverter gate
| [[schmitt trigger]]
| [[Open drain|open-drain]]
| 8
| [https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/74LVC3G06.pdf LVC]
| 74x3G07
| triple buffer gate
| schmitt trigger
| open-drain
| 8
| [https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/74LVC3G07.pdf LVC]
| 74x3G14
| triple inverter gate
| schmitt trigger
| 8
| [https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/74LVC3G14.pdf LVC]
| 74x3G16
| triple buffer gate
| 8
| [https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/74LVC3G16.pdf LVC]
| 74x3G17
| triple buffer gate
| schmitt trigger
| 8
| [https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/74LVC3G17.pdf LVC]
| 74x3G34
| triple buffer gate
| 8
| [https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/74LVC3G34.pdf LVC]
| 74x3G0434
| triple combo gates - two inverter, one buffer
| 8
| [https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/74AUP3G0434.pdf AUP]
| 74x3G3404
| triple combo gates - two buffer, one inverter
| 8
| [https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/74AUP3G3404.pdf AUP]
===Voltage translation===
All chips in this section have '''two''' power-supply pins to translate unidirectional logic signals between two different logic voltages. The logic families that support dual-supply voltage translation are AVC, AVCH, AXC, AXCH, AXP, LVC, where the "H" in AVCH and AXCH means "bus hold" feature.
{|class="wikitable sortable"
! Part number !! Description !! Pins !! AXC !! AXP !! LVC
| 74x1T45
| 1 buffer
| 6
| [https://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/SN74AXC1T45 AXC]
| [https://www.nexperia.com/products/analog-logic-ics/asynchronous-interface-logic/voltage-translators-level-shifters/series/74AXP1T45.html AXP]
| [https://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/SN74LVC1T45 LVC]
| 74x2T45
| 2 buffers
| 8
| [https://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/SN74AXC2T45 AXC]
| [https://www.nexperia.com/products/analog-logic-ics/asynchronous-interface-logic/voltage-translators-level-shifters/series/74AXP2T45.html AXP]
| [https://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/SN74LVC2T45 LVC]
| 74x4T245
| 4 buffers
| 16
| [https://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/SN74AXC4T245 AXC]
| [https://www.nexperia.com/products/analog-logic-ics/asynchronous-interface-logic/voltage-translators-level-shifters/series/74AXP4T245.html AXP]
| style="background: grey; text-align: center;" | n/a
| 74x8T245
| 8 buffers
| 24
| [https://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/SN74AXC8T245 AXC]
| [https://www.nexperia.com/products/analog-logic-ics/asynchronous-interface-logic/voltage-translators-level-shifters/series/74AXP8T245.html AXP]
| [https://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/SN74LVC8T245 LVC]
| 74x16T245
| 16 buffers
| 48
| style="background: grey; text-align: center;" | n/a
| style="background: grey; text-align: center;" | n/a
| [https://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/SN74LVC16T245 LVC]
Chips in the above table support the following voltage ranges on either power supply pin:
* AXC = 0.65 to 3.6&nbsp;V. Only available from Texas Instruments.
* AXP = 0.9 to 5.5&nbsp;V. Only available from Nexperia.
* LVC = 1.65 to 5.5&nbsp;V. Available from Diodes Inc, Nexperia, Texas Instruments.
==See also==
* [[4000-series integrated circuits]]
* [[List of 4000-series integrated circuits]]
* [[Push–pull output]], [[Open collector|Open-collector output]], [[Three-state logic|Three-state output]]
* [[Schmitt trigger|Schmitt trigger input]]
* [[Logic gate]], [[Logic family]]
* [[Programmable logic device]]
* [[Pin compatibility]]
==Further reading==
{{See also|7400-series integrated circuits#Further reading|l1=List of books about 7400-series integrated circuits}}
* Digital Integrated Circuits, [[National Semiconductor|National Semiconductor Corporation]], January 1974
* Logic/Memories/Interface/Analog/Microprocessor/Military Data Manual, [[Signetics|Signetics Corporation]], 1976
* The Bipolar Microcomputer Components Data Book for Design Engineers, Second Edition, [[Texas Instruments]], 1979
* The TTL Data Book for Design Engineers, Second Edition, [[Texas Instruments]], 1976
* Bipolar LSI 1982 Databook, [[Monolithic Memories|Monolithic Memories Incorporated]], September 1981
* Schottky TTL Data, DL121R1 Series D Third Printing, [[Motorola]], 1983
* High-Speed CMOS Logic Data Book, [[Texas Instruments]], 1984
* [http://www.ti.com/lsds/ti/logic/home_overview.page Logic: Overview], [[Texas Instruments]] Incorporated
* [http://focus.ti.com/lit/ug/sced006b/sced006b.pdf ALVC Advanced Low-Voltage CMOS Including SSTL, HSTL, And ALB (Rev. B)], [[Texas Instruments]], 2002
* IC Master, 1976
* Schottky and Low-Power Schottky Data Book, [[Advanced Micro Devices]], July 1978
[[Category:Digital electronics|7400]]
[[Category:Electronic design]]
[[Category:Electronics lists]]
[[Category:Integrated circuits|7400]]

2022年6月5日 (日) 23:01的版本

模板:Short description 模板:Use dmy dates The following is a list of 7400-series digital logic integrated circuits. In the mid-1960s, the original 7400-series integrated circuits were introduced by Texas Instruments with the prefix "SN" to create the name SN74xx. Due to the popularity of these parts, other manufacturers released pin-to-pin compatible logic devices and kept the 7400 sequence number as an aid to identification of compatible parts. However, other manufacturers use different prefixes and suffixes on their part numbers.


Some TTL logic parts were made with an extended military-specification temperature range. These parts are prefixed with 54 instead of 74 in the part number.<ref>{{

  1. if: {{#if: https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookts196768_16942634/page/n10 | {{#if: 1967–1968 Integrated Circuits Catalog (page 10) |1}}}}
 ||載入template:cite web時發生錯誤:網址(url)和標題(title)欄位為必填。


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 |  -  }}{{#if: 
   | {{#if:  | {{#if: 1967–1968 Integrated Circuits Catalog (page 10) | [{{{archiveurl}}} 1967–1968 Integrated Circuits Catalog (page 10)] }}}}
   | {{#if: https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookts196768_16942634/page/n10 | {{#if: 1967–1968 Integrated Circuits Catalog (page 10) | 1967–1968 Integrated Circuits Catalog (page 10) }}}}

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}}{{#if: Texas Instruments

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A short-lived 64 prefix on Texas Instruments parts indicated an industrial temperature range; this prefix had been dropped from the TI literature by 1973. Most recent 7400-series parts are fabricated in CMOS or BiCMOS technology rather than TTL. Surface-mount parts with a single gate (often in a 5-pin or 6-pin package) are prefixed with 741G instead of 74.

Some manufacturers released some 4000-series equivalent CMOS circuits with a 74 prefix, for example, the 74HC4066<ref>{{

  1. if: {{#if: https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_rcadataBooMOS_35821859/page/n536 | {{#if: RCA Solid State Databook High Speed CMOS Logic (1988, page 536) |1}}}}
 ||載入template:cite web時發生錯誤:網址(url)和標題(title)欄位為必填。


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 |  -  }}{{#if: 
   | {{#if:  | {{#if: RCA Solid State Databook High Speed CMOS Logic (1988, page 536) | [{{{archiveurl}}} RCA Solid State Databook High Speed CMOS Logic (1988, page 536)] }}}}
   | {{#if: https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_rcadataBooMOS_35821859/page/n536 | {{#if: RCA Solid State Databook High Speed CMOS Logic (1988, page 536) | RCA Solid State Databook High Speed CMOS Logic (1988, page 536) }}}}

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}}{{#if: RCA

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}}</ref> was a replacement for the 4066 with slightly different electrical characteristics (different power-supply voltage ratings, higher frequency capabilities, lower "on" resistances in analog switches, etc.). See List of 4000-series integrated circuits. Conversely, the 4000-series has "borrowed" from the 7400 series模板:Snd such as the CD40193 and CD40161 being pin-for-pin functional replacements for 74C193 and 74C161.

Older TTL parts made by manufacturers such as Signetics, Motorola, Mullard and Siemens may have different numeric prefix and numbering series entirely, such as in the European FJ family FJH101 is an 8-input NAND gate like a 7430.

A few alphabetic characters to designate a specific logic subfamily may immediately follow the 74 or 54 in the part number, e.g., 74LS74 for low-power Schottky. Some CMOS parts such as 74HCT74 for high-speed CMOS with TTL-compatible input thresholds are functionally similar to the TTL part. Not all functions are available in all families. The generic descriptive feature of these alphabetic characters was diluted by various companies participating in the market at its peak and are not always consistent especially with more recent offerings. The National Semiconductor trademarks of the words FAST<ref>{{

  1. if: {{#if: https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_nationaldaFASTDatabook_31226275 | {{#if: FAST Advanced Schottky TTL Logic (1988, cover page) |1}}}}
 ||載入template:cite web時發生錯誤:網址(url)和標題(title)欄位為必填。


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 |  -  }}{{#if: 
   | {{#if:  | {{#if: FAST Advanced Schottky TTL Logic (1988, cover page) | [{{{archiveurl}}} FAST Advanced Schottky TTL Logic (1988, cover page)] }}}}
   | {{#if: https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_nationaldaFASTDatabook_31226275 | {{#if: FAST Advanced Schottky TTL Logic (1988, cover page) | FAST Advanced Schottky TTL Logic (1988, cover page) }}}}

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}}{{#if: National Semiconductor

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       |  ({{{year}}}{{{month}}})
       |  ({{{year}}})

}} {{#if:

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 | - 於{{{accessyear}}}{{{accessmonthday}}}-{zh-tw:造訪;zh-cn:访问}-。

}}</ref> and FACT <ref>{{

  1. if: {{#if: https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_nationaldaFACTDatabook_39311242 | {{#if: FACT Advanced CMOS Logic Databook (1990, cover page)) |1}}}}
 ||載入template:cite web時發生錯誤:網址(url)和標題(title)欄位為必填。


  1. if:
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 |  -  }}{{#if: 
   | {{#if:  | {{#if: FACT Advanced CMOS Logic Databook (1990, cover page)) | [{{{archiveurl}}} FACT Advanced CMOS Logic Databook (1990, cover page))] }}}}
   | {{#if: https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_nationaldaFACTDatabook_39311242 | {{#if: FACT Advanced CMOS Logic Databook (1990, cover page)) | FACT Advanced CMOS Logic Databook (1990, cover page)) }}}}

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 |  pp. {{{pages}}}

}}{{#if: National Semiconductor

 |  National Semiconductor{{#if: 
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       |  ({{{year}}}{{{month}}})
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}} {{#if:

 | - 於{{{archivedate}}}從本原始頁面封存。


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 | - 於{{{accessyear}}}{{{accessmonthday}}}-{zh-tw:造訪;zh-cn:访问}-。

}}</ref> are usually cited in the descriptions from other companies when describing their own unique designations.<ref>{{

  1. if: {{#if: https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_samsungdatghPerformanceCMOSLogicDataBook_50512171/page/n31 | {{#if: Samsung High Performance CMOS Data Book 1988 (page 31) |1}}}}
 ||載入template:cite web時發生錯誤:網址(url)和標題(title)欄位為必填。


  1. if:
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   | {{#if: 
     | {{#if: 
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 |  -  }}{{#if: 
   | {{#if:  | {{#if: Samsung High Performance CMOS Data Book 1988 (page 31) | [{{{archiveurl}}} Samsung High Performance CMOS Data Book 1988 (page 31)] }}}}
   | {{#if: https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_samsungdatghPerformanceCMOSLogicDataBook_50512171/page/n31 | {{#if: Samsung High Performance CMOS Data Book 1988 (page 31) | Samsung High Performance CMOS Data Book 1988 (page 31) }}}}

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 |  pp. {{{pages}}}

}}{{#if: Samsung

 |  Samsung{{#if: 
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       |  ({{{year}}})

}} {{#if:

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 | - 於{{{accessyear}}}{{{accessmonthday}}}-{zh-tw:造訪;zh-cn:访问}-。


  1. if: {{#if: https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_idtdataBooook_39008706/page/n401 | {{#if: 1990/1991 Logic Databook (page 401) |1}}}}
 ||載入template:cite web時發生錯誤:網址(url)和標題(title)欄位為必填。


  1. if:
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 |  -  }}{{#if: 
   | {{#if:  | {{#if: 1990/1991 Logic Databook (page 401) | [{{{archiveurl}}} 1990/1991 Logic Databook (page 401)] }}}}
   | {{#if: https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_idtdataBooook_39008706/page/n401 | {{#if: 1990/1991 Logic Databook (page 401) | 1990/1991 Logic Databook (page 401) }}}}

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}}{{#if: Integrated Device Technology

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 | - 於{{{accessyear}}}{{{accessmonthday}}}-{zh-tw:造訪;zh-cn:访问}-。


In a few instances, such as the 7478 and 74107, the same suffix in different families do not have completely equivalent logic functions.

Another extension to the series is the 7416xxx variant, representing mostly the 16-bit-wide counterpart of otherwise 8-bit-wide "base" chips with the same three ending digits. Thus e.g. a "7416373" would be the 16-bit-wide equivalent of a "74373". Some 7416xxx parts, however, do not have a direct counterpart from the standard 74xxx range but deliver new functionality instead, which needs making use of the 7416xxx series' higher pin count. For more details, refer primarily to the Texas Instruments documentation mentioned in the References section.

For CMOS (AC, HC, etc.) subfamilies, read "open drain" for "open collector" in the table below.

There are a few numeric suffixes that have multiple conflicting assignments, such as the 74453.

Logic gates

Schematic of 74LS51 IC consists of a 3-3 AOI gate and 2-2 AOI gate. AOI means AND-OR-Invert (AND-NOR). Most AOI chips are currently obsolete.

模板:See also Since there are numerous 7400-series parts, the following groups related parts to make it easier to pick a useful part number. This section only includes combinational logic gates.

For part numbers in this section, "x" is the 7400-series logic family, such as LS, ALS, HCT, AHCT, HC, AHC, LVC, ...

Normal inputs / push–pull outputs
Configuration Buffer Inverter
Hex 1-input 74x34 74x04
Quad 2-input 74x08 74x00 74x32 74x02 74x86 74x7266
Triple 3-Input 74x11 74x10 74x4075 74x27 n/a n/a
Dual 4-input 74x21 74x20 74x4072 74x29 n/a n/a
Single 8-input n/a 74x30 74x4078 74x4078 n/a n/a
Schmitt-trigger inputs / push–pull outputs
Configuration Buffer Inverter
Hex 1-input 74x7014 74x14
Configuration AND NAND OR NOR
Quad 2-input 74x7001 74x132 74x7032 74x7002
Dual 4-input n/a 74x13 n/a n/a
Normal inputs / open-collector outputs
Configuration Buffer Inverter
Hex 1-input 74x07 74x05
Quad 2-input 74x09 74x03 n/a 74x33 74x136 74x266
Triple 3-input 74x15 74x12 n/a n/a n/a n/a
Dual 4-input n/a 74x22 n/a n/a n/a n/a
Schmitt-trigger inputs / three-state outputs
Configuration Buffer Inverter
Octal 1-input 74x241


AND-OR-invert (AOI) logic gates
NOTE: in past decades, a number of AND-OR-invert (AOI) parts were available in 7400 TTL families, but currently most are obsolete.
  • SN5450 = dual 2-2 AOI gate, one is expandable (SN54 is military version of SN74)
  • SN74LS51 = 2-2 AOI gate and 3-3 AOI gate
  • SN54LS54 = single 2-3-3-2 AOI gate

Larger footprints

Parts in this section have a pin count of 14 pins or more. The lower part numbers were established in the 1960s and 1970s, then higher part numbers were added incrementally over decades. IC manufacturers continue to make a core subset of this group, but many of these part numbers are considered obsolete and no longer manufactured. Older discontinued parts may be available from a limited number of sellers as new old stock (NOS), though some are much harder to find.

For the following table:

  • Part number column模板:Snd the "x" is a place holder for the logic subfamily name. For example, 74x00 in "LS" logic family would be "74LS00".
  • Description column模板:Snd the terms Schmitt trigger, open-collector/open-drain, three-state were moved to the input and output columns to make it easier to sort by those features.
  • Input column模板:Snd a blank cell means a normal input for the logic family type.
  • Output column模板:Snd a blank cell means a "totem pole" output, also known as a push–pull output, with the ability to drive ten standard inputs of the same logic subfamily (fan-out NO = 10). Outputs with higher output currents are often called drivers or buffers.
  • Pins column模板:Snd number of pins for the dual in-line package (DIP) version; a number in parentheses (round brackets) indicates that there is no known dual in-line package version of this IC.
模板:TOC tab Units Description Input Output Pins Datasheet
74x00 4 quad 2-input NAND gate 14 SN74LS00
74x01 4 quad 2-input NAND gate open-collector 14 SN74LS01
74x02 4 quad 2-input NOR gate 14 SN74LS02
74x03 4 quad 2-input NAND gate open-collector 14 SN74LS03
74x04 6 hex inverter gate 14 SN74LS04
74x05 6 hex inverter gate open-collector 14 SN74LS05
74x06 6 hex inverter gate open-collector 30 V / 40 mA 14 SN74LS06
74x07 6 hex buffer gate open-collector 30 V / 40 mA 14 SN74LS07
74x08 4 quad 2-input AND gate 14 SN74LS08
74x09 4 quad 2-input AND gate open-collector 14 SN74LS09
74x10 3 triple 3-input NAND gate 14 SN74LS10
74x11 3 triple 3-input AND gate 14 SN74LS11
74x12 3 triple 3-input NAND gate open-collector 14 SN74LS12
74x13 2 dual 4-input NAND gate Schmitt trigger 14 SN74LS13
74x14 6 hex inverter gate Schmitt trigger 14 SN74LS14
74x15 3 triple 3-input AND gate open-collector 14 SN74LS15
74x16 6 hex inverter gate open-collector 15 V / 40 mA 14 SN7416
74x17 6 hex buffer gate open-collector 15 V / 40 mA 14 SN7417
74x18 2 dual 4-input NAND gate Schmitt trigger 14 SN74LS18
74x19 6 hex inverter gate Schmitt trigger 14 SN74LS19
74x20 2 dual 4-input NAND gate 14 SN74LS20
74x21 2 dual 4-input AND gate 14 SN74LS21
74x22 2 dual 4-input NAND gate open-collector 14 SN74LS22
74x23 2 dual 4-input NOR gate with strobe, one gate expandable with 74x60 16 SN7423
74x24 4 quad 2-input NAND gate Schmitt trigger 14 SN74LS24
74x25 2 dual 4-input NOR gate with strobe 14 SN7425
74x26 4 quad 2-input NAND gate open-collector 15 V 14 SN74LS26
74x27 3 triple 3-input NOR gate 14 SN74LS27
74x28 4 quad 2-input NOR gate driver NO=30 14 SN74LS28
74x29 2 dual 4-input NOR gate 14 US7429A
74x30 1 single 8-input NAND gate 14 SN74LS30
74x31 6 hex delay elements (two 6ns, two 23-32ns, two 45-48ns) 16 SN74LS31
74x32 4 quad 2-input OR gate 14 SN74LS32
74x33 4 quad 2-input NOR gate open-collector driver NO=30 14 SN74LS33
74x34 6 hex buffer gate 14 MM74HC34
74x35 6 hex buffer gate open-collector 14 SN74ALS35
74x36 4 quad 2-input NOR gate (different pinout than 7402) 14 SN74HC36
74x37 4 quad 2-input NAND gate driver NO=30 14 SN74LS37
74x38 4 quad 2-input NAND gate open-collector driver NO=30 14 SN74LS38
74x39 4 quad 2-input NAND gate (different pinout than 7438) open-collector 60 mA 14 SN7439
74x40 2 dual 4-input NAND gate driver NO=30 14 SN74LS40
74x41 1 BCD to decimal decoder / Nixie tube driver open-collector 70 V 16 DM7441A
74x42 1 BCD to decimal decoder 16 SN74LS42
74x43 1 excess-3 to decimal decoder 16 SN7443A
74x44 1 Gray code to decimal decoder 16 SN7444A
74x45 1 BCD to decimal decoder/driver open-collector 30 V / 80 mA 16 SN7445
74x46 1 BCD to 7-segment display decoder/driver open-collector 30 V 16 SN7446A
74x47 1 BCD to 7-segment decoder/driver open-collector 15 V 16 SN74LS47
74x48 1 BCD to 7-segment decoder/driver open-collector, 2 kΩ pull-up 16 SN74LS48
74x49 1 BCD to 7-segment decoder/driver open-collector 14 SN74LS49
74x50 2 dual 2-2-input AND-OR-Invert gate, one gate expandable 14 SN7450
7451, 74H51, 74S51 2 dual 2-2-input AND-OR-Invert (AOI) gate 14 SN7451
74L51, 74LS51 2 3-3-input AND-OR-Invert gate and 2-2-input AND-OR-Invert gate 14 SN74LS51
74x52 1 3-2-2-2-input AND-OR gate, expandable with 74x61 14 SN74H52
7453 1 2-2-2-2-input AND-OR-Invert gate, expandable 14 SN7453
74H53 1 3-2-2-2-input AND-OR-Invert gate, expandable 14 SN74H53
7454 1 2-2-2-2-input AND-OR-Invert gate 14 SN7454
74H54 1 3-2-2-2-input AND-OR-Invert gate 14 SN74H54
74L54, 74LS54 1 3-3-2-2-input AND-OR-Invert gate 14 SN74LS54
74x55 1 4-4-input AND-OR-Invert gate, 74H55 is expandable 14 SN74LS55
74x56 1 50:1 frequency divider 8 SN74LS56
74x57 1 60:1 frequency divider 8 SN74LS57
74x58 2 3-3-input AND-OR gate and 2-2-input AND-OR gate 14 74HC58
74x59 2 dual 3-2-input AND-OR-Invert gate 14 US7459A
74x60 2 dual 4-input expander for 74x23, 74x50, 74x53, 74x55 模板:Unknown 14 SN7460
74x61 3 triple 3-input expander for 74x52 模板:Unknown 14 SN74H61
74x62 1 3-3-2-2-input AND-OR expander for 74x50, 74x53, 74x55 模板:Unknown 14 SN74H62
74x63 6 hex current sensing interface gates 模板:Unknown 14 SN74LS63
74x64 1 4-3-2-2-input AND-OR-Invert gate 14 SN74S64
74x65 1 4-3-2-2 input AND-OR-Invert gate open-collector 14 SN74S65
74x67 1 AND gated J-K master-slave flip-flop, asynchronous preset and clear (improved 74L72) (16) BL54L67Y
74L68 2 dual J-K flip-flop, asynchronous clear (improved 74L73) (18) BL54L68Y
74LS68 2 dual 4-bit decade counters 16 SN74LS68
74L69 2 dual J-K flip-flop, asynchronous preset, common clock and clear (18) BL54L69Y
74LS69 2 dual 4-bit binary counters 16 SN74LS69
74x70 1 AND-gated positive edge triggered J-K flip-flop, asynchronous preset and clear 14 SN7470
74H71 1 AND-OR-gated J-K master-slave flip-flop, preset 14 SN74H71
74L71 1 AND-gated R-S master-slave flip-flop, preset and clear 14 SN54L71
74x72 1 AND gated J-K master-slave flip-flop, asynchronous preset and clear 14 SN7472
74x73 2 dual J-K flip-flop, asynchronous clear 14 SN54LS73A
74x74 2 dual D positive edge triggered flip-flop, asynchronous preset and clear 14 SN74LS74A
74x75 2 4-bit bistable latch, complementary outputs 16 SN74LS75
74x76 2 dual J-K flip-flop, asynchronous preset and clear 16 SN74LS76A
74x77 1 4-bit bistable latch 14 SN74LS77
74H78 2 dual positive pulse triggered J-K flip-flop, preset, common clock and common clear 14 SN74H78
74L78 2 dual positive pulse triggered J-K flip-flop, preset, common clock and common clear 14 SN54L78
74LS78 2 dual negative edge triggered J-K flip-flop, preset, common clock and common clear 14 SN74LS78A
74x79 2 dual D positive edge triggered flip-flop, asynchronous preset and clear 14 MC7479
74x80 1 gated full adder 14 SN7480
74x81 1 16-bit RAM 14 SN7481A
74x82 1 2-bit binary full adder 14 SN7482
74x83 1 4-bit binary full adder 16 SN74LS83A
74x84 1 16-bit RAM 16 SN7484A
74x85 1 4-bit magnitude comparator 16 SN74LS85
74x86 4 quad 2-input XOR gate 14 SN74LS86A
74x87 1 4-bit true/complement/zero/one element 14 SN74H87
74x88 1 256-bit ROM (32x8) open-collector 16 SN7488A
74x89 1 64-bit RAM (16x4), 4 data inputs, 4 inverted data outputs open-collector 16 SN7489
74x90 1 decade counter (separate divide-by-2 and divide-by-5 sections) 14 SN74LS90
74x91 1 8-bit shift register, serial in, serial out, gated input 14 SN74LS91
74x92 1 divide-by-12 counter (separate divide-by-2 and divide-by-6 sections) 14 SN74LS92
74x93 1 4-bit binary counter (separate divide-by-2 and divide-by-8 sections); different pinout for 74L93 14 SN74LS93
74x94 1 4-bit shift register, dual asynchronous presets 16 SN7494
74x95 1 4-bit shift register, parallel in, parallel out, serial input; different pinout for 74L95 14 SN74LS95B
74x96 1 5-bit parallel-in/parallel-out shift register, asynchronous preset 16 SN74LS96
74x97 1 synchronous 6-bit binary rate multiplier 16 SN7497
74x98 1 4-bit data selector/storage register 16 SN54L98
74x99 1 4-bit bidirectional universal shift register 16 SN54L99
模板:TOC tab Units Description Input Output Pins Datasheet
74x100 2 dual 4-bit bistable latch 24 SN74100
74x101 1 AND-OR-gated J-K negative-edge-triggered flip-flop, preset 14 SN74H101
74x102 1 AND-gated J-K negative-edge-triggered flip-flop, preset and clear 14 SN74H102
74x103 2 dual J-K negative-edge-triggered flip-flop, clear 14 SN74H103
74x104 1 J-K master-slave flip-flop 14 SN74104
74x105 1 J-K master-slave flip-flop, J2 and K2 inverted 14 SN74105
74x106 2 dual J-K negative-edge-triggered flip-flop, preset and clear 16 SN74H106
74x107 2 dual J-K flip-flop, clear 14 SN74107
74x107A 2 dual J-K negative-edge-triggered flip-flop, clear 14 SN74LS107A
74x108 2 dual J-K negative-edge-triggered flip-flop, preset, common clear and common clock 14 SN74H108
74x109 2 dual J-NotK positive-edge-triggered flip-flop, clear and preset 16 SN74109
74x110 1 AND-gated J-K master-slave flip-flop, data lockout 14 SN74110
74x111 2 dual J-K master-slave flip-flop, data lockout, reset, set 16 TL74111N
74x112 2 dual J-K negative-edge-triggered flip-flop, clear and preset 16 SN74LS112A
74x113 2 dual J-K negative-edge-triggered flip-flop, preset 14 SN74LS113A
74x114 2 dual J-K negative-edge-triggered flip-flop, preset, common clock and clear 14 SN74LS114A
74x115 2 dual J-K master-slave flip-flop, data lockout, reset 14 TL74115N
74116, 74L116 2 dual 4-bit latch, clear 24 SN74116 <ref name=ttltb1>模板:Cite book</ref>模板:Rp
74H116 1 AND-gated J-K flip flop 模板:Unknown 模板:Unknown 14 MC74H116
74x117 1 AND-gated J-K flip flop, one J and K input inverted 模板:Unknown 模板:Unknown 14 MC74H117
74x118 6 hex set/reset latch, common reset 16 ITT74118
74119 6 hex set/reset latch 24 TL74119N <ref name=ttltb1/>模板:Rp
74H119 2 dual J-K flip-flop, shared clear and clock inputs 模板:Unknown 模板:Unknown 14 MC74H119
74120 2 dual pulse synchronizer/drivers 15 kΩ pull-up 16 SN74120
74H120 2 dual J-K flip-flop, separate clock inputs 模板:Unknown 模板:Unknown 14 MC74H120
74x121 1 monostable multivibrator Schmitt trigger 14 SN74121
74x122 1 retriggerable monostable multivibrator, clear 14 SN74122
74x123 2 dual retriggerable monostable multivibrator, clear 16 SN74123
74x124 2 dual voltage-controlled oscillator analog 16 SN74S124
74x125 4 quad bus buffer, negative enable three-state 14 SN74LS125A
74x126 4 quad bus buffer, positive enable three-state 14 SN74LS126A
74x128 4 quad 2-input NOR gate driver 50 Ω 14 SN74128
74x130 2 retriggerable monostable multivibrator 16 SN74130
74131 4 quad 2-input AND gate open-collector 15 V 14 ITT74131
74AS131, 74ALS131 1 3-to-8 line decoder/demultiplexer, address register, inverting outputs 16 SN74AS131
74x132 4 quad 2-input NAND gate Schmitt trigger 14 SN74LS132
74x133 1 single 13-input NAND gate 16 SN54ALS133
74x134 1 single 12-input NAND gate three-state 16 SN74S134
74x135 4 quad XOR/XNOR gate, two inputs to select logic type 16 SN74S135
74x136 4 quad 2-input XOR gate open-collector 14 SN74LS136
74x137 1 3-to-8 line decoder/demultiplexer, address latch, inverting outputs 16 SN74LS137
74x138 1 3-to-8 line decoder/demultiplexer, inverting outputs 16 SN74LS138
74x139 2 dual 2-to-4 line decoder/demultiplexer, inverting outputs 16 SN74LS139A
74x140 2 dual 4-input NAND gate driver 50 Ω 14 SN74S140
74x141 1 BCD to decimal decoder/driver for cold-cathode indicator / Nixie tube open-collector 60 V 16 DM74141
74x142 1 decade counter/latch/decoder/driver for Nixie tubes open-collector 60 V 16 SN74142
74x143 1 decade counter/latch/decoder/7-segment driver constant current 15 mA 24 SN74143
74x144 1 decade counter/latch/decoder/7-segment driver open-collector 15 V / 25 mA 24 SN74144
74x145 1 BCD to decimal decoder/driver open-collector 15 V / 80 mA 16 SN74145
74x146 1 3-to-8 line decoder 模板:Unknown MCE74H146
74x147 1 10-line to 4-line priority encoder 16 SN74147
74x148 1 8-line to 3-line priority encoder 16 SN74148
74x149 1 8-line to 8-line priority encoder 20 MM74HCT149
74x150 1 16-line to 1-line data selector/multiplexer 24 SN74150
74x151 1 8-line to 1-line data selector/multiplexer 16 SN74151A
74x152 1 8-line to 1-line data selector/multiplexer, inverting output 14 SN54152A
74x153 2 dual 4-line to 1-line data selector/multiplexer, non-inverting outputs 16 SN74153
74x154 1 4-to-16 line decoder/demultiplexer, inverting outputs 24 SN74154
74x155 2 dual 2-to-4 line decoder/demultiplexer, inverting outputs 16 SN74155
74x156 2 dual 2-to-4 line decoder/demultiplexer, inverting outputs open-collector 16 SN74156
74x157 4 quad 2-line to 1-line data selector/multiplexer, non-inverting outputs 16 SN74157
74x158 4 quad 2-line to 1-line data selector/multiplexer, inverting outputs 16 SN74LS158
74x159 1 4-to-16 line decoder/demultiplexer open-collector 24 SN74159
74x160 1 synchronous presettable 4-bit decade counter, asynchronous clear 16 SN74160
74x161 1 synchronous presettable 4-bit binary counter, asynchronous clear 16 SN74161
74x162 1 synchronous presettable 4-bit decade counter, synchronous clear 16 SN74162
74x163 1 synchronous presettable 4-bit binary counter, synchronous clear 16 SN74163
74x164 1 8-bit serial-in parallel-out (SIPO) shift register, asynchronous clear, not output latch 14 SN74164
74x165 1 8-bit parallel-in serial-out (PISO) shift register, parallel load, complementary outputs 16 SN74165
74x166 1 parallel-load 8-bit shift register 16 SN74166
74x167 1 synchronous decade rate multiplier 16 SN74167
74x168 1 synchronous presettable 4-bit up/down decade counter 16 DM74LS168
74x169 1 synchronous presettable 4-bit up/down binary counter 16 SN74LS169B
74x170 1 16-bit register file (4x4) open-collector 16 SN74170
74x171 4 quad D flip-flops, clear 16 SN74LS171
74x172 1 16-bit multiple port register file (8x2) three-state 24 SN74172
74x173 4 quad D flip-flop, asynchronous clear three-state 16 SN74173
74x174 6 hex D flip-flop, common asynchronous clear 16 SN74174
74x175 4 quad D edge-triggered flip-flop, complementary outputs and asynchronous clear 16 SN74175
74x176 1 presettable decade (bi-quinary) counter/latch 14 SN74176
74x177 1 presettable binary counter/latch 14 SN74177
74x178 1 4-bit parallel-access shift register 14 SN74178
74x179 1 4-bit parallel-access shift register, asynchronous clear input, complementary Qd output 16 SN74179
74x180 1 9-bit odd/even parity bit generator and checker 14 SN74180
74x181 1 4-bit arithmetic logic unit and function generator 24 SN74LS181
74x182 1 lookahead carry generator 16 SN74S182
74x183 2 dual carry-save full adder 14 SN74LS183
74x184 1 BCD to binary converter open-collector 16 SN74184
74x185 1 6-bit binary to BCD converter open-collector 16 SN74185A
74x186 1 512-bit ROM (64x8) open-collector 24 SN74186
74x187 1 1024-bit ROM (256x4) open-collector 16 SN74187
74x188 1 256-bit PROM (32x8) open-collector 16 SN74S188
74x189 1 64-bit RAM (16x4), 4 data inputs, 4 inverted data outputs three-state 16 SN74S189
74x190 1 synchronous presettable up/down 4-bit decade counter 16 SN74190
74x191 1 synchronous presettable up/down 4-bit binary counter 16 SN74191
74x192 1 synchronous presettable up/down 4-bit decade counter, clear 16 SN74192
74x193 1 synchronous presettable up/down 4-bit binary counter, clear 16 SN74193
74x194 1 4-bit bidirectional universal shift register 16 SN74194
74x195 1 4-bit parallel-access shift register 16 SN74195
74x196 1 presettable 4-bit decade counter/latch 14 SN74196
74x197 1 presettable 4-bit binary counter/latch 14 SN74197
74x198 1 8-bit bidirectional universal shift register 24 SN74198
74x199 1 8-bit universal shift register, J-NotK serial inputs 24 SN74199
模板:TOC tab Units Description Input Output Pins Datasheet
74x200 1 256-bit RAM (256x1) three-state 16 DM74S200
74x201 1 256-bit RAM (256x1) three-state 16 SN74S201
74x202 1 256-bit RAM (256x1) with power down three-state 16 SN74LS202
74x206 1 256-bit RAM (256x1) open-collector 16 DM74S206
74x207 1 1024-bit RAM (256x4) three-state 16 SN74LS207
74x208 1 1024-bit RAM (256x4), separate data in- and outputs three-state 20 SN74LS208
74x209 1 1024-bit RAM (1024x1) three-state 16 SN74S209
74x210 8 octal buffer, inverting three-state 20 SN74LS210
74x211 1 144-bit RAM (16x9) with output latch three-state 20 74F211
74x212 1 144-bit RAM (16x9) three-state 20 74F212
74x213 1 192-bit RAM (16x12) three-state 20 74F213
74x214 1 1024-bit RAM (1024x1) three-state 16 SN74LS214
74x215 1 1024-bit RAM (1024x1) with power-down mode three-state 16 SN74LS215
74x216 1 256-bit RAM (64x4), common I/O three-state 16 SN74LS216
74x217 1 256-bit RAM (64x4) three-state 20 SN74ALS217
74x218 1 256-bit RAM (32x8) three-state 20 SN74ALS218
74x219 1 64-bit RAM (16x4), non-inverting outputs three-state 16 SN74LS219
74x221 2 dual monostable multivibrator Schmitt trigger 16 SN74221
74x222 1 64-bit FIFO memory (16x4), synchronous, input/output ready enable three-state 20 SN74LS222
74x224 1 64-bit FIFO memory (16x4), synchronous three-state 16 SN74LS224
74x225 1 80-bit FIFO memory (16x5), asynchronous three-state 20 SN74S225
74x226 1 4-bit parallel latched bus transceiver three-state 16 SN74S226
74x227 1 64-bit FIFO memory (16x4), synchronous, input/output ready enable open-collector 20 SN74LS727
74x228 1 64-bit FIFO memory (16x4), synchronous open-collector 20 SN74LS728
74x229 1 80-bit FIFO memory (16x5), asynchronous three-state 20 SN74ALS229B
74x230 2 dual 4-bit buffer/driver, one inverted, one non-inverted; negative enable three-state 20 SN74AS230
74x231 2 dual 4-bit buffer/driver, both inverted; one positive and one negative enable three-state 20 SN74AS231
74x232 1 64-bit FIFO memory (16x4), asynchronous three-state 16 SN74ALS232B
74x233 1 80-bit FIFO memory (16x5), asynchronous three-state 20 SN74ALS233B
74x234 1 256-bit FIFO memory (64x4), asynchronous three-state 16 SN74ALS234
74x235 1 320-bit FIFO memory (64x5), asynchronous three-state 20 SN74ALS235
74x236 1 256-bit FIFO memory (64x4), asynchronous three-state 16 SN74ALS236
74x237 1 3-to-8 line decoder/demultiplexer, address latch, active high outputs 16 CD74HC237
74x238 1 3-to-8 line decoder/demultiplexer, active high outputs 16 CD74HC238
74x239 2 dual 2-to-4 line decoder/demultiplexer, active high outputs 16 SN74HC239
74x240 8 octal buffer, inverting outputs Schmitt trigger three-state 20 SN74LS240
74x241 8 octal buffer, non-inverting outputs Schmitt trigger three-state 20 SN74LS241
74x242 4 quad bus transceiver, inverting outputs Schmitt trigger three-state 14 SN74LS242
74x243 4 quad bus transceiver, non-inverting outputs Schmitt trigger three-state 14 SN74LS243
74x244 8 octal buffer, non-inverting outputs Schmitt trigger three-state 20 SN74LS244
74x245 8 octal bus transceiver, non-inverting outputs Schmitt trigger three-state 20 SN74LS245
74x246 1 BCD to 7-segment decoder/driver open-collector 30 V 16 SN74246
74x247 1 BCD to 7-segment decoder/driver open-collector 15 V 16 SN74247
74x248 1 BCD to 7-segment decoder/driver open-collector, 2 kΩ pull-up 16 SN74248
74x249 1 BCD to 7-segment decoder/driver open-collector 16 SN74249
74x250 1 1 of 16 data selector/multiplexer three-state 24 SN74AS250
74x251 1 8-line to 1-line data selector/multiplexer, complementary outputs three-state 16 SN74251
74x253 2 dual 4-line to 1-line data selector/multiplexer three-state 16 SN74LS253
74x255 2 dual 2-to-4 line decoder/demultiplexer, inverting outputs three-state 16 74LS255
74x256 2 dual 4-bit addressable latch 16 MC74F256
74x257 4 quad 2-line to 1-line data selector/multiplexer, non-inverting outputs three-state 16 SN74LS257B
74x258 4 quad 2-line to 1-line data selector/multiplexer, inverting outputs three-state 16 SN74LS258B
74x259 1 8-bit bit addressable input latch with clr 16 SN74259
74x260 2 dual 5-input NOR gate 14 SN74LS260
74x261 1 2-bit by 4-bit parallel binary multiplier 16 SN74LS261
74x262 1 5760-bit ROM (Teletext character set, 128 characters 5x9) three-state 20 SN74S262N
74x264 1 look ahead carry generator 16 SN74AS264
74x265 4 quad complementary output elements 16 SN74265
74x266 4 quad 2-input XNOR gate open-collector 14 SN74LS266
74x268 6 hex D-type latches, common output control, common enable three-state 16 SN74S268
74x269 1 8-bit bidirectional binary counter 24 MC74F269
74x270 1 2048-bit ROM (512x4) open-collector 16 SN74S270
74x271 1 2048-bit ROM (256x8) open-collector 20 SN74S271
74x273 1 8-bit register, asynchronous clear 20 SN74273
74x274 1 4-bit by 4-bit binary multiplier three-state 20 SN74S274
74x275 1 7-bit slice Wallace tree three-state 16 SN74S275
74x276 4 quad J-NotK edge-triggered flip-flops, separate clocks, common preset and clear 20 SN74276
74x278 1 4-bit cascadeable priority registers, latched data inputs 14 SN74278
74x279 4 quad set-reset latch 16 SN74279
74x280 1 9-bit odd/even parity bit generator/checker 14 SN74LS280
74x281 1 4-bit parallel binary accumulator 24 SN74S281
74x282 1 look-ahead carry generator, selectable carry inputs 20 SN74AS282
74x283 1 4-bit binary full adder (has carry in function) 16 SN74283
74x284 1 4-bit by 4-bit parallel binary multiplier (low order 4 bits of product) 16 SN74284
74x285 1 4-bit by 4-bit parallel binary multiplier (high order 4 bits of product) 16 SN74285
74x286 1 9-bit parity generator/checker, bus driver parity I/O port 14 SN74AS286
74x287 1 1024-bit PROM (256x4) three-state 16 SN74S287
74x288 1 256-bit PROM (32x8) three-state 16 SN74S288
74x289 1 64-bit RAM (16x4), 4 data inputs, 4 inverted data outputs open-collector 16 SN74S289
74x290 1 decade counter (separate divide-by-2 and divide-by-5 sections) 14 SN74290
74x292 1 programmable frequency divider/digital timer 16 SN74LS292
74x293 1 4-bit binary counter (separate divide-by-2 and divide-by-8 sections) 14 SN74293
74x294 1 programmable frequency divider/digital timer 16 SN74LS294
74x295 1 4-bit bidirectional shift register three-state 14 SN74LS295B
74x297 1 digital phase-locked loop filter 16 SN74LS297
74x298 4 quad 2-input multiplexer, storage 16 SN74298
74x299 1 8-bit bidirectional universal shift/storage register three-state 20 SN74LS299
模板:TOC tab Units Description Input Output Pins Datasheet
74x300 1 256-bit RAM (256x1) open-collector 16 SN74LS300A
74x301 1 256-bit RAM (256x1) open-collector 16 SN74S301
74x302 1 256-bit RAM (256x1) open-collector 16 SN74LS302
74x303 1 octal divide-by-2 clock driver, 2 outputs inverted 16 SN74AS303
74x304 1 octal divide-by-2 clock driver 16 SN74AS304
74x305 1 octal divide-by-2 clock driver, 4 outputs inverted 16 SN74AS305
74x309 1 1024-bit RAM (1024x1) open-collector 16 SN74S309
74x310 8 octal buffer, inverting Schmitt trigger three-state 20 SN74LS310
74x311 1 144-bit RAM (16x9) with output latch open-collector 20 74F311
74x312 1 144-bit RAM (16x9) open-collector 20 74F312
74x313 1 192-bit RAM (16x12) open-collector 20 74F313
74x314 1 1024-bit RAM (1024x1) open-collector 16 SN74LS314
74x315 1 1024-bit RAM (1024x1) with power-down mode open-collector 16 SN74LS315
74x316 1 256-bit RAM (64x4), common I/O open-collector 16 SN74LS316
74x317 1 256-bit RAM (64x4) open-collector 20 SN74ALS317
74x318 1 256-bit RAM (32x8) open-collector 20 SN74ALS318
74x319 1 64-bit RAM (16x4) open-collector 16 SN74LS319
74x320 1 crystal-controlled oscillator 16 SN74LS320
74x321 1 crystal-controlled oscillators, F/2 and F/4 count-down outputs 16 SN74LS320
74x322 1 8-bit shift register, sign extend three-state 20 SN74LS322A
74x323 1 8-bit bidirectional universal shift/storage register, synchronous clear three-state 20 SN74LS323
74x324 1 voltage-controlled oscillator (or crystal controlled), enable input, complementary outputs analog 14 SN74LS324
74x325 2 dual voltage-controlled oscillator (or crystal controlled), complementary outputs analog 16 SN74LS325
74x326 2 dual voltage-controlled oscillator (or crystal controlled), enable input, complementary outputs analog 16 SN74LS326
74x327 2 dual voltage-controlled oscillator (or crystal controlled) analog 14 SN74LS327
74x330 1 PLA (12 inputs, 50 terms, 6 outputs) three-state 20 SN74S330
74x331 1 PLA (12 inputs, 50 terms, 6 outputs) open-collector, 2.5 kΩ pull-up 20 SN74S331
74x333 1 PLA (12 inputs, 32 terms, 6 outputs, 4 state registers) three-state 24 SN74LS333
74x334 1 PLA (12 inputs, 32 terms, 6 outputs) three-state 24 SN74LS334
74x335 1 PLA (12 inputs, 32 terms, 6 outputs, 4 state registers) open-collector 24 SN74LS335
74x336 1 PLA (12 inputs, 32 terms, 6 outputs) open-collector 24 SN74LS336
74x337 1 clock driver three-state 20 SN74ABT337
74x340 8 octal buffer, inverting outputs Schmitt trigger three-state 20 SN74S340
74x341 8 octal buffer, non-inverting outputs Schmitt trigger three-state 20 SN74S341
74x344 8 octal buffer, non-inverting outputs Schmitt trigger three-state 20 SN74S344
74x347 1 BCD to 7-segment decoders/drivers, low voltage version of 7447 open-collector 16 SN74LS347
74x348 1 8 to 3-line priority encoder three-state 16 SN74LS348
74x350 1 4-bit shifter three-state 16 SN74S350
74x351 2 dual 8-line to 1-line data selectors/multiplexers, 4 common data inputs three-state 20 SN74351
74x352 2 dual 4-line to 1-line data selectors/multiplexers, inverting outputs 16 SN74LS352
74x353 2 dual 4-line to 1-line data selectors/multiplexers, inverting outputs three-state 16 SN74LS353
74x354 1 8-line to 1-line data selector/multiplexer, transparent registers three-state 20 CD74HC354
74x355 1 8-line to 1-line data selector/multiplexer, transparent registers open-collector 20 SN74LS355
74x356 1 8-line to 1-line data selector/multiplexer, edge-triggered registers three-state 20 CD74HCT356
74x357 1 8-line to 1-line data selector/multiplexer, edge-triggered registers open-collector 20 SN74LS357
74x361 1 bubble memory function timing generator 22 SN74LS361
74x362 1 four-phase clock generator/driver for Texas Instruments TMS9900 20 SN74LS362
74x363 1 octal transparent latch three-state 20 SN74LS363
74x364 1 octal edge-triggered D-type register three-state 20 SN74LS364
74x365 6 hex buffer, non-inverting outputs three-state 16 SN74LS365A
74x366 6 hex buffer, inverting outputs three-state 16 SN74HC366
74x367 6 hex buffer, non-inverting outputs three-state 16 SN74LS367A
74x368 6 hex buffer, inverting outputs three-state 16 SN74LS368A
74x370 1 2048-bit ROM (512x4) three-state 16 SN74S370
74x371 1 2048-bit ROM (256x8) three-state 20 SN74S371
74x373 8 octal transparent latch three-state 20 SN74LS373
74x374 8 octal register three-state 20 SN74LS374
74x375 4 quad bistable latch 16 SN74LS375
74x376 4 quad J-NotK flip-flop, common clock and common clear 16 SN74376
74x377 1 8-bit register, clock enable 20 SN74LS377
74x378 1 6-bit register, clock enable 16 SN74LS378
74x379 1 4-bit register, clock enable and complementary outputs 16 SN74LS379
74x380 1 8-bit multifunction register (combines features of x374, x377, x273, x534 ICs) three-state 24 SN74LS380
74x381 1 4-bit arithmetic logic unit/function generator, generate and propagate outputs 20 SN74LS381A
74x382 1 4-bit arithmetic logic unit/function generator, ripple carry and overflow outputs 20 SN74LS382
74x383 1 8-bit register open-collector 20 SN74S383
74x384 1 8-bit by 1-bit two's complement multipliers 16 SN74LS384
74x385 4 quad serial adder/subtractor 20 SN74LS385
74x386 4 quad 2-input XOR gate 14 SN74LS386
74x387 1 1024-bit PROM (256x4) open-collector 16 SN74S387
74x388 1 4-bit D-type register three-state and standard 16 Am74S388
74x390 2 dual 4-bit decade counter 16 SN74LS390
74x393 2 dual 4-bit binary counter 14 SN74LS393
74x395 1 4-bit cascadable shift register three-state 16 SN74LS395A
74x396 8 octal storage registers, parallel access 16 SN74LS396
74x398 4 quad 2-input multiplexers, storage and complementary outputs 20 SN74LS398
74x399 4 quad 2-input multiplexer, storage 16 SN74LS399
模板:TOC tab Units Description Input Output Pins Datasheet
74x401 1 CRC generator/checker 14 74F401
74x402 1 serial data polynomial generator/checker 16 74F402
74x403 1 64-bit FIFO memory (16x4) three-state 24 74F403
74x405 1 3-to-8 line decoder (equivalent to Intel 8205) 16 UCY74S405
74x406 1 3-to-8 line decoder 模板:Unknown 模板:Unknown 14 MC74406P
74x407 1 data access register three-state 24 74F407
74408 1 8-bit parity tree 14 MC74408
74S408 1 controller/driver for 16k/64k/256k dRAM 48 SN74S408
74x409 1 controller/driver for 16k/64k/256k dRAM 48 SN74S409
74x410 1 64-bit RAM (16x4) with output register three-state 18 74F410
74x411 1 FIFO RAM controller 40 74F411
74x412 1 multi-mode buffered 8-bit latches (equivalent to Intel 3212/8212) three-state 24 SN74S412
74x413 1 256-bit FIFO memory (64x4) 16 74F413
74x414 1 interrupt priority controller for Intel 8080 (equivalent to Intel 8214) 24 UCY74S414
74416 1 modulo 10 counter, preload and clear inputs 16 MC74416
74S416 1 4-bit bidirectional bus transceiver, non-inverting (equivalent to Intel 8216) three-state 16 UCY74S416
74x417 2 modulo 2 and modulo 5 counters, common preload and clear inputs 16 MC74417
74418 1 modulo 16 counter, preload and clear inputs 16 MC74418
74F418 1 32-bit error detection and correction circuit three-state 48 74F418
74419 2 dual modulo 4 counters, common preload and clear inputs 16 MC74419
74S419 1 FIFO RAM controller 40 74S419
74x420 1 32-bit check bit / syndrome bit generator three-state 48 74F420
74x422 1 retriggerable monostable multivibrators, two inputs 14 SN74LS422
74x423 2 dual retriggerable monostable multivibrator 16 SN74LS423
74x424 1 two-phase clock generator/driver for Intel 8080 (equivalent to Intel 8224) 16 SN74LS424
74x425 4 quad bus buffers, active low enables three-state 14 SN74425
74x426 4 quad bus buffers, active high enables three-state 14 SN74426
74x428 1 system controller for Intel 8080A (equivalent to Intel 8228) 28 SN74S428
74x429 1 FIFO RAM controller three-state 28 74LS429
74x430 1 cyclic redundancy checker/corrector 28 74F430
74x432 1 8-bit multi-mode buffered latch three-state 24 74F432
74x433 1 256-bit FIFO memory (64x4) three-state 24 74F433
74x436 1 line driver/memory driver circuits - MOS memory interface, damping output resistor 16 SN74S436
74x437 1 line driver/memory driver circuits - MOS memory interface 16 SN74S437
74x438 1 system controller for Intel 8080A (equivalent to Intel 8238) 28 SN74S438
74x440 4 quad tridirectional bus transceiver, non-inverting outputs open-collector 20 SN74LS440
74x441 4 quad tridirectional bus transceiver, inverting outputs open-collector 20 SN74LS441
74x442 4 quad tridirectional bus transceiver, non-inverting outputs three-state 20 SN74LS442
74x443 4 quad tridirectional bus transceiver, inverting outputs three-state 20 SN74LS443
74x444 4 quad tridirectional bus transceiver, inverting and non-inverting outputs three-state 20 SN74LS444
74x445 1 BCD to decimal decoders/drivers driver 80 mA 16 SN74LS445
74x446 4 quad bus transceivers, direction controls, inverting outputs three-state 16 SN74LS446
74x447 1 BCD to 7-segment decoders/drivers, low voltage version of 74247 open-collector 16 SN74LS447
74x448 4 quad tridirectional bus transceiver, inverting and non-inverting outputs open-collector 20 SN74LS448
74x449 4 quad bus transceivers, direction controls, non-inverting outputs three-state 16 SN74LS449
74450 1 counter, latch, 7-segment decoder 模板:Unknown open-collector 16 MC74450
74S450 1 8192-bit PROM (1024x8) with power-down three-state 24 SN74S450
74LS450 1 16-to-1 multiplexer, complementary outputs 24 SN74LS450
74S451 1 8192-bit PROM (1024x8) with power-down open-collector 24 SN74S451
74LS451 2 dual 8-to-1 multiplexer 24 SN74LS451
74x452 2 dual decade counter, synchronous 模板:Unknown 模板:Unknown 16 MC74452
74453 2 dual binary counter, synchronous 模板:Unknown 模板:Unknown 16 MC74453
74LS453 4 quad 4-to-1 multiplexer 24 SN74LS453
74x454 2 dual decade up/down counter, synchronous, preset input 模板:Unknown 模板:Unknown 24 MC74454
74455 2 dual binary up/down counter, synchronous, preset input 模板:Unknown 模板:Unknown 24 MC74455
74F455 1 octal buffer / line driver with parity, inverting three-state 24 74F455
74456 1 4-bit NBCD full adder 模板:Unknown 模板:Unknown 16 MC74456
74F456 1 octal buffer / line driver with parity, non-inverting three-state 24 74F456
74x458 1 nines complement / zero element 模板:Unknown 模板:Unknown 14 MC74458
74460 1 4-bit bus transfer switch 模板:Unknown three-state 16 MC74460
74LS460 1 10-bit comparator 24 SN74LS460
74x461 1 8-bit presettable binary counter three-state 24 SN74LS461
74x462 1 fiber-optic data-link transmitter open-collector 100 mA and standard 20 SN74LS462
74x463 1 fiber-optic data-link receiver analog 20 SN74LS463
74x465 8 octal buffer, non-inverting outputs three-state 20 SN74LS465
74x466 8 octal buffers, inverting outputs three-state 20 SN74LS466
74x467 8 octal buffers, non-inverting outputs three-state 20 SN74LS467
74x468 8 octal buffers, inverting outputs three-state 20 SN74LS468
74x469 1 8-bit synchronous up/down counter, parallel load and hold capability three-state 24 SN74LS469
74x470 1 2048-bit PROM (256x8) open-collector 20 SN74S470
74x471 1 2048-bit PROM (256x8) three-state 20 SN74S471
74x472 1 4096-bit PROM (512x8) three-state 20 SN74S472
74x473 1 4096-bit PROM (512x8) open-collector 20 SN74S473
74x474 1 4096-bit PROM (512x8) three-state 24 SN74S474
74x475 1 4096-bit PROM (512x8) open-collector 24 SN74S475
74x476 1 4096-bit PROM (1024x4) three-state 18 SN74S476
74x477 1 4096-bit PROM (1024x4) open-collector 18 SN74S477
74x478 1 8192-bit PROM (1024x8) three-state 24 SN74S478
74x479 1 8192-bit PROM (1024x8) open-collector 24 SN74S479
74x480 1 single burst error recovery circuit 24 SN74S480
74x481 1 4-bit slice cascadable processor elements (48) SN74S481
74x482 1 4-bit slice expandable control elements 20 SN74S482
74x484 1 BCD-to-binary converter three-state 20 SN74S484A
74x485 1 binary-to-BCD converter three-state 20 SN74S485A
74x488 1 IEEE-488 bus interface 48 74ACT488
74x490 2 dual decade counter 16 SN74490
74x491 1 10-bit binary up/down counter, limited preset three-state 24 SN74LS491
74x498 1 8-bit bidirectional shift register, parallel inputs three-state 24 SN74LS498
模板:TOC tab Units Description Input Output Pins Datasheet
74x500 1 6-bit flash analog-to-digital converter (ADC) analog 24 74F500
74x502 1 8-bit successive approximation register 16 74LS502
74x503 1 8-bit successive approximation register with expansion control 16 74LS503
74x504 1 12-bit successive approximation register with expansion control 24 74LS504
74x505 1 8-bit successive approximation ADC analog three-state 24 74F505
74x508 1 8-bit multiplier/divider 24 SN74S508
74x515 1 programmable mapping decoder (2-to-4 line decoder with 9 programmable enable inputs) 20 74HCT515<ref name=hcmostb>模板:Cite book</ref>模板:Rp
74x516 1 16-bit multiplier/divider 24 SN74S516
74x518 1 8-bit comparator 20 kΩ pull-up open-collector 20 SN74ALS518
74x519 1 8-bit comparator open-collector 20 SN74ALS519
74x520 1 8-bit comparator, inverting output 20 kΩ pull-up 20 SN74ALS520
74x521 1 8-bit comparator, inverting output 20 SN74ALS521
74x522 1 8-bit comparator, inverting output 20 kΩ pull-up open-collector 20 SN74ALS522
74x524 1 8-bit registered comparator open-collector 20 74F524
74x525 1 16-bit programmable counter 28 74F525
74x526 1 fuse programmable identity comparator, 16-bit 20 SN74ALS526
74x527 1 fuse programmable identity comparator, 8-bit + 4-bit conventional Identity comparator 20 SN74ALS527
74x528 1 fuse programmable Identity comparator, 12-bit 16 SN74ALS528
74x531 8 octal transparent latch three-state 20 SN74S531
74x532 8 octal register three-state 20 SN74S532
74x533 1 octal transparent latch, inverting outputs three-state 20 CD74HC533
74x534 1 octal register, inverting outputs three-state 20 CD74HC534
74x535 1 octal transparent latch, inverting outputs three-state 20 SN74S535
74x536 1 octal register, inverting outputs three-state 20 SN74S536
74x537 1 BCD to decimal decoder three-state 20 MC74F537
74x538 1 3-to-8 line decoder/demultiplexer three-state 20 SN74ALS538
74x539 2 dual 2-to-4 line decoder/demultiplexer three-state 20 SN74ALS539
74x540 1 octal inverter gate Schmitt trigger three-state 20 SN74LS540
74x541 1 octal buffer gate Schmitt trigger three-state 20 SN74LS541
74x543 1 octal registered transceiver, non-inverting three-state 24 SN74F543
74x544 1 octal registered transceiver, inverting three-state 24 MC74F544
74x545 1 octal bidirectional transceiver, non-inverting three-state 20 74F545
74x546 1 8-bit bidirectional registered transceiver, non-inverting three-state 24 SN74LS546
74LS547 1 8-bit bidirectional latched transceiver, non-inverting three-state 24 SN74LS547
74F547 1 3-to-8 line decoder/demultiplexer with address latches and acknowledge output 20 74F547
74LS548 1 8-bit two-stage pipelined register three-state 24 SN74LS548
74F548 1 3-to-8 line decoder/demultiplexer with acknowledge output 20 74F548
74x549 1 8-bit two-stage pipelined latch three-state 24 SN74LS549
74x550 1 octal registered transceiver with status flags, non-inverting three-state 28 74F550
74x551 1 octal registered transceiver with status flags, inverting three-state 28 74F551
74x552 1 octal registered transceiver with parity and flags three-state 28 74F552
74x556 1 16x16-bit multiplier slice three-state (84) 74S556
74x557 1 8-bit by 8-bit multiplier three-state 40 SN74S557
74x558 1 8-bit by 8-bit multiplier three-state 40 SN74S558
74x559 1 8-bit expandable two's complement multiplier/divider three-state 24 74F559
74x560 1 4-bit decade counter three-state 20 SN74ALS560A
74x561 1 4-bit binary counter three-state 20 SN74ALS561A
74x563 1 8-bit D-type transparent latch, inverting outputs three-state 20 SN74ALS563B
74x564 1 8-bit D-type edge-triggered register, inverting outputs three-state 20 SN74ALS564B
74x566 1 8-bit bidirectional registered transceiver, inverting three-state 24 SN74LS566
74x567 1 8-bit bidirectional latched transceiver, inverting three-state 24 SN74LS567
74x568 1 decade up/down counter three-state 20 SN74ALS568A
74x569 1 binary up/down counter three-state 20 SN74ALS569A
74x570 1 2048-bit PROM (512x4) open-collector 16 DM74S570
74x571 1 2048-bit PROM (512x4) three-state 16 DM74S571
74x572 1 4096-bit PROM (1024x4) open-collector 18 DM74S572
74x573 1 octal D-type transparent latch three-state 20 SN74ALS573C
74x574 1 octal D-type edge-triggered flip-flop three-state 20 SN74HC574
74x575 1 octal D-type edge-triggered flip-flop, synchronous clear three-state 24 SN74ALS575A
74x576 1 octal D-type edge-triggered flip-flop, inverting outputs three-state 20 SN74ALS576B
74x577 1 octal D-type edge-triggered flip-flop, synchronous clear, inverting outputs three-state 24 SN74ALS577A
74x579 1 8-bit bidirectional binary counter three-state 20 MC74F579
74x580 1 octal D-type transparent latch, inverting outputs three-state 20 SN74ALS580B
74x582 1 4-bit BCD arithmetic logic unit 24 74F582
74x583 1 4-bit BCD adder 16 74F583
74x588 1 octal bidirectional transceiver with IEEE-488 termination resistors three-state 20 74F588
74x589 1 8-bit shift register, input latch three-state 16 SN74LS589
74x590 1 8-bit binary counter, output registers three-state 16 SN74LS590
74x591 1 8-bit binary counter, output registers open-collector 16 SN74LS591
74x592 1 8-bit binary counter, input registers 16 SN74LS592
74x593 1 8-bit binary counter, input registers three-state 20 SN74LS593
74x594 1 8-bit shift registers, Serial-In, Parallel-Out, output latches buffered 16 SN74LS594
74x595 1 8-bit shift registers, Serial-In, Parallel-Out, output latches, output enable three-state 16 SN74LS595
74x596 1 8-bit shift registers, Serial-In, Parallel-Out, output latches, output enable open-collector 16 SN74LS596
74x597 1 8-bit shift registers, Parallel-In, Serial-Out, input latches 16 SN74LS597
74x598 1 8-bit shift register, Selectable Parallel-In/Out input latches three-state 20 SN74LS598
74x599 1 8-bit shift registers, Serial-In, Parallel-Out, output latches open-collector 16 SN74LS599
模板:TOC tab Units Description Input Output Pins Datasheet
74x600 1 dynamic memory refresh controller, transparent and burst modes, for 4K or 16K dRAM three-state 20 SN74LS600A
74x601 1 dynamic memory refresh controller, transparent and burst modes, for 64K dRAM three-state 20 SN74LS601A
74x602 1 dynamic memory refresh controller, cycle steal and burst modes, for 4K or 16K dRAM three-state 20 SN74LS602A
74x603 1 dynamic memory refresh controller, cycle steal and burst modes, for 64K dRAM three-state 20 SN74LS603A
74x604 1 octal 2-input multiplexer, latch, high-speed three-state 28 SN74LS604
74x605 1 octal 2-input multiplexer, latch, high-speed open-collector 28 SN74LS605
74x606 1 octal 2-input multiplexer, latch, glitch-free three-state 28 SN74LS606
74x607 1 octal 2-input multiplexer, latch, glitch-free open-collector 28 SN74LS607
74x608 1 memory cycle controller 16 SN74LS608
74x610 1 memory mapper, latched three-state 40 SN74LS610
74x611 1 memory mapper, latched open-collector 40 SN74LS611
74x612 1 memory mapper three-state 40 SN74LS612
74x613 1 memory mapper open-collector 40 SN74LS613
74x614 1 octal bus transceiver and register, inverting open-collector 24 SN74ALS614
74x615 1 octal bus transceiver and register, non-inverting open-collector 24 SN74ALS615
74x616 1 16-bit parallel error detection and correction three-state 40 SN74ALS616
74x617 1 16-bit parallel error detection and correction open-collector 40 SN74ALS617
74x620 1 octal bus transceiver, inverting three-state 20 SN74LS620
74x621 1 octal bus transceiver, non-inverting open-collector 20 SN74LS621
74x622 1 octal bus transceiver, inverting open-collector 20 SN74LS622
74x623 1 octal bus transceiver, non-inverting three-state 20 SN74LS623
74x624 1 voltage-controlled oscillator, enable control, range control, two-phase outputs analog 14 SN74LS624
74x625 2 dual voltage-controlled oscillator, two-phase outputs analog 16 SN74LS625
74x626 2 dual voltage-controlled oscillator, enable control, two-phase outputs analog 16 SN74LS626
74x627 2 dual voltage-controlled oscillator analog 14 SN74LS627
74x628 1 voltage-controlled oscillator, enable control, range control,
external temperature compensation, two-phase outputs
analog 14 SN74LS628
74x629 2 dual voltage-controlled oscillator, enable control, range control analog 16 SN74LS629
74x630 1 16-bit error detection and correction (EDAC) three-state 28 SN74LS630
74x631 1 16-bit error detection and correction open-collector 28 SN74LS631
74x632 1 32-bit parallel error detection and correction, byte-write three-state 52 SN74ALS632
74x633 1 32-bit parallel error detection and correction, byte-write open-collector 52 SN74ALS633
74x634 1 32-bit parallel error detection and correction three-state 48 SN74ALS634
74x635 1 32-bit parallel error detection and correction open-collector 48 SN74ALS635
74x636 1 8-bit parallel error detection and correction three-state 20 SN74LS636
74x637 1 8-bit parallel error detection and correction open-collector 20 SN74LS637
74x638 1 octal bus transceiver, inverting outputs three-state and open-collector 20 SN74LS638
74x639 1 octal bus transceiver, non-inverting outputs three-state and open-collector 20 SN74LS639
74x640 1 octal bus transceiver, inverting outputs three-state 20 SN74LS640
74x641 1 octal bus transceiver, non-inverting outputs open-collector 20 SN74LS641
74x642 1 octal bus transceiver, inverting outputs open-collector 20 SN74LS642
74x643 1 octal bus transceiver, mix of inverting and non-inverting outputs three-state 20 SN74LS643
74x644 1 octal bus transceiver, mix of inverting and non-inverting outputs open-collector 20 SN74LS644
74x645 1 octal bus transceiver, non-inverting outputs three-state 20 SN74LS645
74x646 1 octal bus transceiver/latch/multiplexer, non-inverting outputs three-state 24 SN74ALS646A
74x647 1 octal bus transceiver/latch/multiplexer, non-inverting outputs open-collector 24 SN74LS647
74x648 1 octal bus transceiver/latch/multiplexer, inverting outputs three-state 24 SN74ALS648A
74x649 1 octal bus transceiver/latch/multiplexer, inverting outputs open-collector 24 SN74LS649
74x651 1 octal bus transceiver/register, inverting outputs three-state 24 SN74ALS651A
74x652 1 octal bus transceiver/register, non-inverting outputs three-state 24 SN74ALS652A
74x653 1 octal bus transceiver/register, inverting outputs three-state and open-collector 24 SN74ALS653
74x654 1 octal bus transceiver/register, non-inverting outputs three-state and open-collector 24 SN74ALS654
74x655 1 octal buffer / line driver with parity, inverting three-state 24 74F655
74x656 1 octal buffer / line driver with parity, non-inverting three-state 24 74F656
74x657 1 octal bidirectional transceiver with 8-bit parity generator/checker three-state 24 SN74F657
74x658 1 octal bus transceiver, parity, inverting three-state 24 SN74HC658
74x659 1 octal bus transceiver, parity, non-inverting three-state 24 SN74HC659
74x664 1 octal bus transceiver, parity, inverting three-state 24 SN74HC664
74x665 1 octal bus transceiver, parity, non-inverting three-state 24 SN74HC665
74x666 1 8-bit D-type transparent read-back latch, non-inverting three-state 24 SN74ALS666
74x667 1 8-bit D-type transparent read-back latch, inverting three-state 24 SN74ALS667
74x668 1 synchronous 4-bit decade up/down counter 16 SN74LS668
74x669 1 synchronous 4-bit binary up/down counter 16 SN74LS669
74x670 1 16-bit register file (4x4) three-state 16 SN74LS670
74x671 1 4-bit bidirectional shift register/latch/multiplexer, direct clear three-state 20 SN74LS671
74x672 1 4-bit bidirectional shift register/latch/multiplexer, synchronous clear three-state 20 SN74LS672
74x673 1 16-bit serial-in, serial/parallel-out shift register, output storage registers three-state 24 SN74LS673
74x674 1 16-bit parallel-in, serial-out shift register three-state 24 SN74LS674
74x675 1 16-bit serial-in, serial/parallel-out shift register 24 74F675A
74x676 1 16-bit serial/parallel-in, serial-out shift register 24 74F676
74x677 1 16-bit address comparator, enable 24 SN74ALS677
74x678 1 16-bit address comparator, latch 24 SN74ALS678
74x679 1 12-bit address comparator, latch 20 SN74ALS679
74x680 1 12-bit address comparator, enable 20 SN74ALS680
74x681 1 4-bit parallel binary accumulator three-state 20 SN74LS681
74x682 1 8-bit magnitude comparator, P>Q output 20 kΩ pull-up 20 SN74LS682
74x683 1 8-bit magnitude comparator, P>Q output 20 kΩ pull-up open-collector 20 SN74LS683
74x684 1 8-bit magnitude comparator, P>Q output 20 SN74LS684
74x685 1 8-bit magnitude comparator, P>Q output open-collector 20 SN74LS685
74x686 1 8-bit magnitude comparator, P>Q output, enable 24 SN74LS686
74x687 1 8-bit magnitude comparator, P>Q output, enable open-collector 24 SN74LS687
74x688 1 8-bit magnitude comparator, enable 20 SN74LS688
74x689 1 8-bit magnitude comparator, enable open-collector 20 SN74LS689
74x690 1 4-bit decimal counter/latch/multiplexer, asynchronous clear three-state 20 SN74LS690
74x691 1 4-bit binary counter/latch/multiplexer, asynchronous clear three-state 20 SN74LS691
74x692 1 4-bit decimal counter/latch/multiplexer, synchronous clear three-state 20 SN74LS692
74x693 1 4-bit binary counter/latch/multiplexer, synchronous clear three-state 20 SN74LS693
74x694 1 4-bit decimal counter/latch/multiplexer, synchronous and asynchronous clears three-state 20 SN74ALS694
74x695 1 4-bit binary counter/latch/multiplexer, synchronous and asynchronous clears three-state 20 SN74ALS695
74x696 1 4-bit decimal counter/register/multiplexer, asynchronous clear three-state 20 SN74LS696
74x697 1 4-bit binary counter/register/multiplexer, asynchronous clear three-state 20 SN74LS697
74x698 1 4-bit decimal counter/register/multiplexer, synchronous clear three-state 20 SN74LS698
74x699 1 4-bit binary counter/register/multiplexer, synchronous clear three-state 20 SN74LS699
模板:TOC tab Units Description Input Output Pins Datasheet
74x700 1 octal dRAM driver, inverting three-state 20 SN74S700
74x701 1 8-bit register/counter/comparator three-state 24 74F701
74x702 1 8-bit registered read-back transceiver three-state 24 74F702
74x705 1 arithmetic logic unit for digital signal processing applications three-state (84) 74ACT705
74x707 1 8-bit TTL-ECL shift register 20 74F707
74x708 1 576-bit FIFO memory (64x9) three-state 28 74ACT708
74x710 1 8-bit single-supply TTL-ECL shift register 20 74F710
74x711 5 quint 2-to-1 multiplexers three-state 20 74F711
74x712 5 quint 3-to-1 multiplexers 24 74F712
74x715 1 programmable video sync generator 20 74ACT715
74x716 1 programmable decade counter 16 SN74LS716
74x718 1 programmable binary counter 16 SN74LS718
74x723 1 576-bit FIFO memory (64x9) three-state 28 74ACT723
74x724 1 voltage-controlled multivibrator analog 8 SN74LS724
74x725 1 4608-bit FIFO memory (512x9) three-state 28 74ACT725
74x730 1 octal dRAM driver, inverting three-state 20 SN74S730
74x731 1 octal dRAM driver, non-inverting three-state 20 SN74S731
74x732 1 4-bit 3-bus multiplexer, inverting three-state 20 74F732
74x733 1 4-bit 3-bus multiplexer, non-inverting three-state 20 74F733
74x734 1 octal dRAM driver, non-inverting three-state 20 SN74S734
74x740 2 dual 4-bit line driver, inverting three-state 20 SN74S740
74x741 2 dual 4-bit line driver, non-inverting, complementary enable inputs three-state 20 SN74S741
74x742 1 octal line driver, inverting open-collector 20 SN74ALS742<ref name=ttltb3>模板:Cite book</ref>模板:Rp <ref name=catalogo>{{
  1. if: {{#if: http://www.reniemarquet.com/kicad/libs/o_ttl.pdf | {{#if: Catálogo de Componentes |1}}}}
載入template:cite web時發生錯誤:網址(url)和標題(title)欄位為必填。


  1. if:
{{#if: |1}}}} 載入template:cite web時發生錯誤:封存頁網址(archiveurl)和封存(archivedate)必須同時填寫或同時留空。

}} }}{{#if:

{{#if: [[{{{authorlink}}}|{{#if: ·{{{first}}} }} {{{author}}}
{{#if: ·{{{first}}} }} {{{author}}}


; {{{coauthors}}} }}

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   {{#if: 2006-01-20
(2006-01-20) {{#if: {{#if: ({{{year}}}{{{month}}}) ({{{year}}})



 |  -  }}{{#if: 
   | {{#if:  | {{#if: Catálogo de Componentes | [{{{archiveurl}}} Catálogo de Componentes] }}}}
   | {{#if: http://www.reniemarquet.com/kicad/libs/o_ttl.pdf | {{#if: Catálogo de Componentes | Catálogo de Componentes }}}}

}}{{#if: es | (es) }}{{#if:

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 | -  {{{work}}}


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   | {{#if: 2006-01-20 || }}


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       |  ({{{year}}}{{{month}}})
       |  ({{{year}}})

}} {{#if:

 | - 於{{{archivedate}}}從本原始頁面封存。


 | - 於{{#if:  |{{{accessyear}}}}}{{{accessdate}}}-{zh-tw:造訪;zh-cn:访问}-。


 | - 於{{{accessyear}}}{{{accessmonthday}}}-{zh-tw:造訪;zh-cn:访问}-。

}}</ref>模板:Rp |- 模板:Anchor | 74x743 | 1 | octal line driver, non-inverting | | open-collector | 20 | SN74ALS743<ref name=ttltb3/>模板:Rp <ref name=catalogo/>模板:Rp |- 模板:Anchor | 74x744 | 2 | dual 4-bit line driver, non-inverting | | three-state | 20 | SN74S744 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x746 | 1 | octal buffer / line driver, inverting | 20 kΩ pull-up | three-state | 20 | SN74ALS746 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x747 | 1 | octal buffer / line driver, non-inverting | 20 kΩ pull-up | three-state | 20 | SN74ALS747 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x748 | 1 | 8 to 3-line priority encoder (glitch-less) | | | 16 | SN74LS748 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x756 | 1 | octal buffer/line driver, inverting outputs | | open-collector | 20 | SN74AS756 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x757 | 1 | octal buffer/line driver, non-inverting outputs, complementary enable inputs | | open-collector | 20 | SN74AS757 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x758 | 1 | quadruple bus transceivers, inverting outputs | | open-collector | 14 | SN74AS758 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x759 | 1 | quadruple bus transceivers, non-inverting outputs | | open-collector | 14 | SN74AS759 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x760 | 1 | octal buffer/line driver, non-inverting outputs | | open-collector | 20 | SN74ALS760 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x762 | 1 | octal buffer/line driver, inverting and non-inverting outputs | | open-collector | 20 | SN74ALS762 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x763 | 1 | octal buffer/line driver, inverting outputs, complementary enable inputs | | open-collector | 20 | SN74ALS763 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x764 | 1 | dual-port dRAM controller | | | 40 | 74F764 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x765 | 1 | dual-port dRAM controller with address latch | | | 40 | 74F765 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x776 | 1 | 8-bit latched transceiver for FutureBus | | three-state and open-collector | 28 | SN74F776 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x777 | 3 | triple latched transceiver | | three-state and open-collector | 20 | 74F777 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x779 | 1 | 8-bit bidirectional binary counter | | three-state | 16 | MC74F779 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x783 | 1 | synchronous address multiplexer for display systems | | | 40 | SN74LS783 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x784 | 1 | 8-bit serial/parallel multiplier with adder/subtractor | | | 20 | 74F784 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x785 | 1 | synchronous address multiplexer for display systems with 256-column refresh | | | 40 | SN74LS785 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x786 | 1 | 4-input asynchronous bus arbiter | | | 16 | 74F786 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x790 | 1 | error detection and correction (EDAC) | | three-state | 48 | SN74ALS790 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x793 | 1 | 8-bit latch, readback | | | 20 | SN74LS793 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x794 | 1 | 8-bit register, readback | | | 20 | SN74LS794 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x795 | 1 | octal buffer, non-inverting, common enable | | three-state | 20 | SN74LS795 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x796 | 1 | octal buffer, inverting, common enable | | three-state | 20 | SN74LS796 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x797 | 1 | octal buffer, non-inverting, enable for 4 buffers each | | three-state | 20 | SN74LS797 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x798 | 1 | octal buffer, inverting, enable for 4 buffers each | | three-state | 20 | SN74LS798 |- ! 模板:TOC tab ! Units !! Description !! Input !! Output !! Pins !! Datasheet |- 模板:Anchor | 74x800 | 3 | triple 4-input AND/NAND drivers | | driver | 20 | SN74AS800 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x802 | 3 | triple 4-input OR/NOR drivers | | driver | 20 | SN74AS802 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x803 | 4 | quad D flip flops with matched propagation delays | | | 14 | MC74F803 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x804 | 6 | hex 2-input NAND drivers | | driver | 20 | SN74ALS804A |- 模板:Anchor | 74x805 | 6 | hex 2-input NOR drivers | | driver | 20 | SN74ALS805A |- 模板:Anchor | 74x807 | 1 | 1-to-10 clock driver | | driver | 20 | IDT74FCT807 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x808 | 6 | hex 2-input AND drivers | | driver | 20 | SN74AS808B |- 模板:Anchor | 74x810 | 4 | quad 2-input XNOR gates | | | 14 | SN74ALS810 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x811 | 4 | quad 2-input XNOR gates | | open-collector | 14 | DM74ALS811 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x818 | 1 | 8-bit diagnostic register | | three-state | 24 | 74ACT818 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x819 | 1 | 8-bit diagnostic / pipeline register | | three-state | 24 | SN74ALS819 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x821 | 1 | 10-bit bus interface flip-flop | | three-state | 24 | SN74AS821A |- 模板:Anchor | 74x822 | 1 | 10-bit bus interface flip-flop, inverting inputs | | three-state | 24 | SN74AS822 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x823 | 1 | 9-bit D-type flip-flops, clear and clock enable inputs | | three-state | 24 | SN74AS823A |- 模板:Anchor | 74x824 | 1 | 9-bit D-type flip-flops, clear and clock enable inputs, inverting inputs | | three-state | 24 | SN74AS824 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x825 | 1 | 8-bit D-type flip-flop, clear and clock enable inputs | | three-state | 24 | SN74AS825A |- 模板:Anchor | 74x826 | 1 | 8-bit D-type flip-flop, clear and clock enable inputs, inverting inputs | | three-state | 24 | SN74AS826 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x827 | 1 | 10-bit buffer, non-inverting | | three-state | 24 | MC74F827 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x828 | 1 | 10-bit buffer, inverting | | three-state | 24 | MC74F828 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x832 | 6 | hex 2-input OR drivers | | driver | 20 | SN74ALS832A |- 模板:Anchor | 74x833 | 1 | 8-bit to 9-bit bus transceiver with parity register, non-inverting | | three-state | 24 | SN74ABT833 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x834 | 1 | 8-bit to 9-bit bus transceiver with parity register, inverting | | three-state | 24 | IDT74FCT834 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x835 | 1 | 8-bit shift register with 2:1 input multiplexers, one input latched, serial output | | | 24 | 74F835 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x839 | 1 | field-programmable logic array 14x32x6 | | three-state | 24 | SN74PL839 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x840 | 1 | field-programmable logic array 14x32x6 | | open-collector | 24 | SN74PL840 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x841 | 1 | 10-bit D-type flip-flop | | three-state | 24 | SN74ALS841 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x842 | 1 | 10-bit D-type flip-flop, inverting inputs | | three-state | 24 | SN74ALS842 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x843 | 1 | 9-bit D flip-flops, clear and set inputs | | three-state | 24 | SN74ALS843 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x844 | 1 | 9-bit D flip-flops, clear and set inputs, inverting inputs | | three-state | 24 | SN74ALS844 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x845 | 1 | 8-bit D flip-flops, clear and set inputs | | three-state | 24 | SN74ALS845 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x846 | 1 | 8-bit D flip-flops, clear and set inputs, inverting inputs | | three-state | 24 | SN74ALS846 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x848 | 1 | 8 to 3-line priority encoder (glitch-less) | | three-state | 16 | SN74LS848 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x850 | 1 | 1 of 16 data selector/multiplexer, clocked select | | three-state | 28 | SN74AS850 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x851 | 1 | 1 of 16 data selector/multiplexer | | three-state | 28 | SN74AS851 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x852 | 1 | 8-bit universal transceiver port controller | | three-state | 24 | SN74AS852 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x853 | 1 | 8-bit to 9-bit bus transceiver with parity latch, non-inverting | | three-state | 24 | SN74ABT853 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x854 | 1 | 8-bit to 9-bit bus transceiver with parity latch, inverting | | three-state | 24 | IDT74FCT854 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x856 | 1 | 8-bit universal transceiver port controller | | three-state | 24 | SN74AS856 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x857 | 6 | hex 2-line to 1-line multiplexer | | three-state | 24 | SN74ALS857 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x861 | 1 | 10-bit bus transceiver, non-inverting | | three-state | 24 | SN74ABT861 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x862 | 1 | 10-bit bus transceiver, inverting | | three-state | 24 | SN74ABT862 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x863 | 1 | 9-bit bus transceiver, non-inverting | | three-state | 24 | SN74ABT863 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x864 | 1 | 9-bit bus transceiver, inverting | | three-state | 24 | 74F864 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x866 | 1 | 8-bit magnitude comparator with latches | | | 24 | SN74AS866 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x867 | 1 | synchronous 8-bit up/down counter, asynchronous clear | | | 24 | SN74ALS867A |- 模板:Anchor | 74x869 | 1 | synchronous 8-bit up/down counter, synchronous clear | | | 24 | SN74ALS869 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x870 | 1 | dual 16x4 register files | | | 24 | SN74AS870 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x871 | 1 | dual 16x4 register files | | | 28 | SN74AS871 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x873 | 2 | dual 4-bit transparent latch with clear | | three-state | 24 | SN74ALS873B |- 模板:Anchor | 74x874 | 2 | dual 4-bit edge-triggered D flip-flops with clear | | three-state | 24 | SN74ALS874 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x876 | 2 | dual 4-bit edge-triggered D flip-flops with set, inverting outputs | | three-state | 24 | SN74ALS876 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x877 | 1 | 8-bit universal transceiver port controller | | three-state | 24 | SN74AS877 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x878 | 2 | dual 4-bit D-type flip-flop, synchronous clear, non-inverting outputs | | three-state | 24 | SN74ALS878 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x879 | 2 | dual 4-bit D-type flip-flop, synchronous clear, inverting outputs | | three-state | 24 | SN74ALS879 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x880 | 2 | dual 4-bit transparent latch with clear, inverting outputs | | three-state | 24 | SN74ALS880 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x881 | 1 | 4-bit arithmetic logic unit | | | 24 | SN74AS881A |- 模板:Anchor | 74x882 | 1 | 32-bit lookahead carry generator | | | 24 | SN74AS882 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x885 | 1 | 8-bit magnitude comparator | | | 24 | SN74AS885 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x887 | 1 | 8-bit processor element (non-cascadable version of 74x888) | | | (68) | SN74AS887 |- 模板:Anchor | 模板:Anchor74x888 | 1 | 8-bit processor slice | | | 64 | SN74AS888 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x889 | 1 | 8-bit processor slice | | | (68) | SN74AS889 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x890 | 1 | microoperation sequencer | | | 64 | SN74AS890 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x891 | 1 | microoperation sequencer | | | (68) | SN74AS891 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x895 | 1 | 8-bit memory address generator | | | (68) | SN74AS895 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x897 | 1 | 16-bit parallel/serial barrel shifter | | | (68) | SN74AS897A |- 模板:Anchor | 74x899 | 1 | 9-bit latchable transceiver with parity generator / checker | | three-state | (28) | 74AC899 |- ! 模板:TOC tab ! Units !! Description !! Input !! Output !! Pins !! Datasheet |- 模板:Anchor | 74x900 | 4 | quad 2-input NAND gate | | driver | 14 | SN74ALS900 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x901 | 6 | hex inverting TTL buffer | | | 14 | MM74C901 |- 模板:Anchor | 74C902 | 6 | hex non-inverting TTL buffer | | | 14 | MM74C902 |- | 74ALS902 | 4 | quad 2-input NOR gate | | driver | 14 | SN74ALS902 |- 模板:Anchor | 74C903 | 6 | hex inverting PMOS buffer | | | 14 | MM74C903 |- | 74ALS903 | 4 | quad 2-input NAND gate | | open-collector driver | 14 | SN74ALS903 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x904 | 6 | hex non-inverting PMOS buffer | | | 14 | MM74C904 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x905 | 1 | 12-bit successive approximation register | | | 24 | MM74C905 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x906 | 6 | hex open drain n-channel buffers | | open-collector | 14 | MM74C906 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x907 | 6 | hex open drain p-channel buffers | | 模板:Unknown | 14 | MM74C907 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x908 | 2 | dual 2-input NAND 30 V / 250 mA relay driver | | 模板:Unknown | 8 | MM74C908 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x909 | 4 | quad voltage comparator | analog | open-collector | 14 | MM74C909 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x910 | 1 | 256-bit RAM (64x4) | | three-state | 18 | MM74C910 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x911 | 1 | 4-digit expandable display controller | | three-state | 28 | MM74C911 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x912 | 1 | 6-digit BCD display controller and driver | | three-state | 28 | MM74C912 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x913 | 1 | 6-digit BCD display controller and driver, no decimal point | | | 24 | MM74C913 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x914 | 6 | hex inverter gate, extended input voltage | Schmitt trigger | | 14 | MM74C914 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x915 | 1 | 7-segment to BCD converter | | three-state | 18 | MM74C915 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x917 | 1 | 6-digit hex display controller and driver | | three-state | 28 | MM74C917 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x918 | 2 | dual 2-input NAND 30 V / 250 mA relay driver | | 模板:Unknown | 14 | MM74C918 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x920 | 1 | 1024-bit RAM (256x4), separate data inputs and outputs | | three-state | 22 | MM74C920 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x921 | 1 | 1024-bit RAM (256x4) | | three-state | 18 | MM74C921 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x922 | 1 | 16-key encoder | | three-state | 18 | MM74C922 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x923 | 1 | 20-key encoder | | three-state | 20 | MM74C923 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x925 | 1 | 4-digit counter/display driver | | | 16 | MM74C925 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x926 | 1 | 4-digit decade counter/display driver, carry out and latch (up to 9999) | | | 16 | MM74C926 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x927 | 1 | 4-digit timer counter/display driver (up to 9599, intended as time elapsed, i.e. 9:59.9 min) | | | 16 | MM74C927 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x928 | 1 | 4-digit counter/display driver (up to 1999) | | | 16 | MM74C928 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x929 | 1 | 1024-bit RAM (1024x1), single chip select | | three-state | 16 | MM74C929 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x930 | 1 | 1024-bit RAM (1024x1), three chip selects | | three-state | 18 | MM74C930 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x932 | 1 | phase comparator | | | 8 | MM74C932 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x933 | 1 | 7-bit address bus comparator | | | 20 | MM74C933 |- 模板:Anchor | 74934 | 1 | ADC similar to ADC0829, see corresponding NSC datasheet | | | | |- 模板:Anchor | 74x935 | 1 | ADC for 3.5-digit digital voltmeters, multiplexed 7-segment display outputs | analog | | 28 | MM74C935 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x936 | 1 | ADC for 3.75-digit digital voltmeters, multiplexed 7-segment display outputs | analog | | 模板:Unknown | MM74C936 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x937 | 1 | ADC for 3.5-digit digital voltmeters, multiplexed BCD outputs | analog | | 24 | MM74C937 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x938 | 1 | ADC for 3.75-digit digital voltmeters, multiplexed BCD outputs | analog | | 24 | MM74C938 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x940 | 1 | octal bus/line drivers/line receivers | Schmitt trigger | three-state | 20 | DM74S940 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x941 | 1 | octal bus/line drivers/line receivers | Schmitt trigger | three-state | 20 | DM74S941 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x942 | 1 | 300 baud Bell 103 modem (+/- 5 V supply) | | | 20 | MM74HC942 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x943 | 1 | 300 baud Bell 103 modem (single 5 V supply) | | | 20 | MM74HC943 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x945 | 1 | 4-digit up/down counter, decoder and LCD driver, output latch | | | 40 | MM74C945 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x946 | 1 | 4.5-digit counter, decoder and LCD driver, leading zero blanking | | | 40 | MM74C946 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x947 | 1 | 4-digit up/down counter, decoder and LCD driver, leading zero blanking | | | 40 | MM74C947 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x948 | 1 | 8-bit ADC with 16-channel analog multiplexer | analog | three-state | 40 | MM74C948 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x949 | 1 | 8-bit ADC with 8-channel analog multiplexer | analog | three-state | 28 | MM74C949 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x950 | 1 | 8-bit ADC with 8-channel analog multiplexer and sample and hold | analog | three-state | 28 | MM74C950 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x952 | 1 | dual rank 8-bit shift register, synchronous clear | | three-state | 18 | DM74LS952 |- 模板:Anchor | 74C956 | 1 | 4-digit, 17-segment alpha-numeric LED display driver with memory and decoder | | | 40 | MM74C956 |- | 74BCT956 | 1 | octal bus transceiver and latch | | three-state | 24 | SN74BCT956 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x962 | 1 | dual rank 8-bit shift register, register exchange mode | | three-state | 18 | DM74LS962 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x963 | 1 | dual rank 8-bit shift register, synchronous clear | | three-state | 20 | SN74ALS963 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x964 | 1 | dual rank 8-bit shift register, synchronous and asynchronous clear | | three-state | 20 | SN74ALS964 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x968 | 1 | controller/driver for 16k/64k/256k/1M dRAM | | | 52 | 74F968 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x978 | 1 | octal flip-flop with serial scanner | | | 24 | 74F978 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x979 | 1 | 9-bit registered transceiver with parity generator/checker for FutureBus | | three-state and open-collector | (48) | SN74BCT979 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x989 | 1 | 64-bit RAM (64x4), inverting output | | three-state | 16 | MM74C989 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x990 | 1 | 8-bit D-type transparent read-back latch, non-inverting | | three-state | 20 | SN74ALS990 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x991 | 1 | 8-bit D-type transparent read-back latch, inverting | | three-state | 20 | SN74ALS991 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x992 | 1 | 9-bit D-type transparent read-back latch, non-inverting | | three-state | 24 | SN74ALS992 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x993 | 1 | 9-bit D-type transparent read-back latch, inverting | | three-state | 24 | SN74ALS993 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x994 | 1 | 10-bit D-type transparent read-back latch, non-inverting | | three-state | 24 | SN74ALS994 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x995 | 1 | 10-bit D-type transparent read-back latch, inverting | | three-state | 24 | SN74ALS995 |- 模板:Anchor | 74x996 | 1 | 8-bit D-type edge-triggered read-back latch | | three-state | 24 | SN74ALS996 |- ! 模板:TOC tab ! Units !! Description !! Input !! Output !! Pins !! Datasheet |- | 74x1000 | 4 | quad 2-input NAND gate | | driver | 14 | SN74AS1000A |- | 74x1002 | 4 | quad 2-input NOR gate | | driver | 14 | SN74ALS1002A |- | 74x1003 | 4 | quad 2-input NAND gate | | open-collector driver | 14 | SN74ALS1003A |- | 74x1004 | 6 | hex inverting buffer | | driver | 14 | SN74ALS1004 |- | 74x1005 | 6 | hex inverting buffer | | open-collector driver | 14 | SN74ALS1005 |- | 74x1008 | 4 | quad 2-input AND gate | | driver | 14 | SN74AS1008A |- | 74ALS1010 | 3 | triple 3-input NAND gate | | driver | 14 | SN74ALS1010A |- | 74AC1010,
74ACT1010 | 1 | 16x16-bit multiplier/accumulator | | three-state | 64 | 74AC1010 |- | 74x1011 | 3 | triple 3-input AND gate | | driver | 14 | SN74ALS1011A |- | 74F1016 | 16 | 16-bit Schottky diode R-C bus termination array | | 模板:Unknown | (20) | SN74F1016 |- | 74AC1016,
74ACT1016 | 1 | 16x16-bit multiplier | | three-state | 64 | 74AC1016 |- | 74x1017 | 1 | 16x16-bit parallel multiplier | | three-state | 64 | 74AC1017 |- | 74x1018 | 18 | 18-bit Schottky diode R-C bus termination array | | 模板:Unknown | (24) | SN74F1018 |- | 74x1020 | 2 | dual 4-input NAND gate | | driver | 14 | SN74ALS1020A |- | 74x1032 | 4 | quad 2-input OR gate | | driver | 14 | SN74AS1032A |- | 74x1034 | 6 | hex non-inverting buffer | | driver | 14 | SN74ALS1034 |- | 74x1035 | 6 | hex non-inverting buffer | | open-collector driver | 14 | SN74ALS1035 |- | 74x1036 | 4 | quad 2-input NOR gate | | driver | 14 | SN74ALS1036 |- | 74x1050 | 12 | 12-bit Schottky diode bus termination array, clamp to GND | | 模板:Unknown | 16 | SN74S1050 |- | 74x1051 | 12 | 12-bit Schottky diode bus termination array, clamp to GND/VCC | | 模板:Unknown | 16 | SN74S1051 |- | 74x1052 | 16 | 16-bit Schottky diode bus termination array, clamp to GND | | 模板:Unknown | 20 | SN74S1052 |- | 74x1053 | 16 | 16-bit Schottky diode bus termination array, clamp to GND/VCC | | 模板:Unknown | 20 | SN74S1053 |- | 74x1056 | 8 | 8-bit Schottky diode bus termination array, clamp to GND | | 模板:Unknown | (16) | SN74F1056 |- | 74x1071 | 10 | 10-bit bus termination array with bus-hold function | | | (14) | SN74ACT1071 |- | 74x1073 | 16 | 16-bit bus termination array with bus-hold function | | | (20) | SN74ACT1073 |- | 74x1074 | 2 | dual D negative edge triggered flip-flop, asynchronous preset and clear | | | 14 | 74FR1074 |- | 74x1181 | 1 | 4-bit arithmetic logic unit | | | 24 | SN74AS1181 |- | 74x1240 | 1 | octal buffer / line driver, inverting (lower-power version of 74x240) | | three-state | 20 | SN74ALS1240 |- | 74x1241 | 1 | octal buffer / line driver, non-inverting (lower-power version of 74x241) | | three-state | 20 | SN74ALS1241 |- | 74x1242 | 1 | quad bus transceiver, inverting (lower-power version of 74x242) | | three-state | 14 | SN74ALS1242 |- | 74x1243 | 1 | quad bus transceiver, non-inverting (lower-power version of 74x243) | | three-state | 14 | SN74ALS1243 |- | 74x1244 | 1 | octal buffer / driver, non-inverting (lower-power version of 74x244) | | three-state | 20 | SN74ALS1244 |- | 74x1245 | 1 | octal bus transceiver (lower-power version of 74x245) | | three-state | 20 | SN74ALS1245A |- | 74x1280 | 1 | 9-bit parity generator/checker with registered outputs | | three-state | 20 | QS74FCT1280 |- | 74x1284 | 1 | parallel printer interface transceiver / buffer (IEEE 1284) | | | 20 | 74HCT1284 |- | 74x1403 | 1 | 8-bit bus receiver plus 4-bit bus driver | Schmitt trigger | three-state | (32) | 74LVT1403 |- | 74x1404 | 1 | oscillator driver | Schmitt trigger | | (8) | SN74LVC1404 |- | 74x1604 | 1 | dual 8-bit transparent latch with output multiplexer | | | 28 | 74F1604 |- | 74x1616 | 1 | 16x16-bit multimode multiplier | | three-state | 64 | SN74ALS1616 |- | 74x1620 | 1 | octal bus transceiver, inverting | | three-state | 20 | SN74ALS1620 |- | 74x1621 | 1 | octal bus transceiver, non-inverting | | open-collector | 20 | SN74ALS1621 |- | 74x1622 | 1 | octal bus transceiver, inverting | | open-collector | 20 | SN74ALS1622 |- | 74x1623 | 1 | octal bus transceiver, non-inverting | | three-state | 20 | SN74ALS1623 |- | 74x1631 | 1 | quad bus driver with complementary outputs | | three-state | 16 | SN74ALS1631<ref name=ttltb3/>模板:Rp |- | 74x1638 | 1 | octal bus transceiver, inverting (lower-power version of 74x638) | | three-state and open-collector | 20 | SN74ALS1638 |- | 74x1639 | 1 | octal bus transceiver, non-inverting (lower-power version of 74x639) | | three-state and open-collector | 20 | SN74ALS1639 |- | 74x1640 | 1 | octal bus transceiver, inverting (lower-power version of 74x640) | | three-state | 20 | SN74ALS1640A |- | 74x1641 | 1 | octal bus transceiver, non-inverting (lower-power version of 74x641) | | open-collector | 20 | SN74ALS641 |- | 74x1642 | 1 | octal bus transceiver, inverting (lower-power version of 74x642) | | open-collector | 20 | SN74ALS642 |- | 74x1643 | 1 | octal bus transceiver, inverting and non-inverting (lower-power version of 74x643) | | three-state | 20 | SN74ALS643 |- | 74x1644 | 1 | octal bus transceiver, inverting and non-inverting (lower-power version of 74x644) | | open-collector | 20 | SN74ALS644 |- | 74x1645 | 1 | octal bus transceiver, non-inverting (lower-power version of 74x645) | | three-state | 20 | SN74ALS1645A |- | 74x1650 | 2 | dual 9-bit Futurebus universal storage transceiver with split TTL I/O | | three-state and open-collector | (100) | SN74FB1650 |- | 74x1651 | 2 | 9-bit and 8-bit Futurebus universal storage transceivers with delayed buffered clock with split TTL I/O | | three-state and open-collector | (100) | SN74FB1651 |- | 74x1653 | 2 | 9-bit and 8-bit Futurebus universal storage transceivers with delayed buffered clock with split 3.3V TTL I/O | | three-state and open-collector | (100) | SN74FB1653 |- | 74x1665 | 2 | dual 8-bit GTL universal storage transceivers with live insertion | | three-state and open-collector | (64) | SN74GTL1655 |- | 74x1760 | 1 | 10-bit 4-way latched address multiplexer | | three-state | 64 | 74F1760 |- | 74x1761 | 1 | dRAM and interrupt vector controller | | | 48 | 74F1761 |- | 74x1762 | 1 | dRAM address controller | | | 40 | 74F1762 |- | 74x1763 | 1 | single-port dRAM controller | | | 48 | 74F1763 |- | 74x1764 | 1 | dual-port dRAM controller | | | 48 | 74F1764 |- | 74x1765 | 1 | dual-port dRAM controller with address latch | | | 48 | 74F1765 |- | 74x1766 | 1 | burst mode dRAM controller | | | 48 | 74F1766 |- | 74x1779 | 1 | 8-bit bidirectional binary counter | | three-state | 16 | 74F1779 |- | 74x1801 | 1 | FM, MFM, and DM encoder / decoder, data rates up to 10 MHz | | | 24 | 74LS1801 |- | 74x1802 | 1 | SerDes with ECC and CRC, data rates up to 10 MHz | | three-state | 48 | 74LS1802 |- | 74x1803 | 1 | quad clock driver | | | 14 | MC74F1803 |- | 74x1804 | 6 | hex 2-input NAND | | driver | 20 | DM74AS1804 |- | 74x1805 | 6 | hex 2-input NOR | | driver | 20 | DM74AS1805 |- | 74x1808 | 6 | hex 2-input AND | | driver | 20 | DM74AS1808 |- | 74x1811 | 1 | FM, MFM, and DM encoder / decoder, data rates up to 20 MHz | | | 24 | 74LS1811 |- | 74x1812 | 1 | SerDes with ECC and CRC, data rates up to 30 MHz | | three-state | 48 | 74LS1812 |- | 74x1821 | 1 | 10-bit bus interface flip-flops | | three-state | 24 | SN74AS1821 |- | 74x1823 | 1 | 9-bit bus interface flip-flops with clear | | three-state | 24 | SN74AS1823 |- | 74x1832 | 6 | hex 2-input OR | | driver | 20 | DM74ALS1832 |- | 74x1841 | 1 | 10-bit bus interface transparent latches | | three-state | 24 | SN74AS1841 |- | 74x1843 | 1 | 9-bit bus interface transparent latches with clear | | three-state | 24 | SN74AS1843 |- ! 模板:TOC tab ! Units !! Description !! Input !! Output !! Pins !! Datasheet |- | 74x2000 | 1 | direction discriminator with microprocessor interface | | three-state | 28 | SN74LS2000 |- | 74x2003 | 1 | 8-bit level translator | | 模板:Unknown | (20) | SN74GTL2003 |- | 74x2006 | 1 | 13-bit GTL to 3.3V TTL level translator | | open-collector | (28) | SN74GTL2006 |- | 74x2007 | 1 | 12-bit GTL to 3.3V TTL level translator | | open-collector | (28) | SN74GTL2007 |- | 74x2010 | 1 | 10-bit level translator | | 模板:Unknown | (24) | SN74GTL2010 |- | 74x2014 | 1 | 4-bit GTL to TTL transceiver | | three-state and open-collector | (14) | SN74GTL2014 |- | 74x2031 | 1 | 9-bit Futurebus address/data transceiver | | three-state and open-collector | (48) | SN74FB2031 |- | 74x2032 | 1 | 9-bit Futurebus competition transceiver | | three-state and open-collector | (48) | SN74FB2032 |- | 74x2033 | 1 | 8-bit Futurebus registered transceiver with split TTL I/O | | three-state and open-collector | (52) | SN74FB2033 |- | 74x2040 | 1 | 8-bit Futurebus transceiver with split TTL I/O | | three-state and open-collector | (48) | SN74FB2040 |- | 74x2041 | 1 | 7-bit Futurebus transceiver with split TTL I/O | | three-state and open-collector | (52) | SN74FB2041 |- | 74x2107 | 1 | 12-bit GTL to 3.3V TTL level translator | | open-collector | (28) | SN74GTL2107 |- | 74x2125 | 4 | quad bus buffer | | three-state, 25 Ω series resistor | (14) | TC74VCX2125 |- | 74x2140 | 1 | 8k x 18 cache data RAM | | three-state | (52) | SN74ACT2140A |- | 74x2150 | 1 | 512 x 8 cache address comparator | | | 24 | SN74ACT2150A |- | 74ACT2151 | 1 | 1k x 11 cache address comparator | | | 28 | SN74ACT2151 |- | 74FCT2151 | 1 | 8-line to 1-line multiplexer | | 25 Ω series resistor | (16) | CD74FCT2151 |- | 74x2152 | 1 | 2k x 8 cache address comparator | | | 28 | SN74ACT2152A |- | 74ACT2153 | 1 | 1k x 11 cache address comparator | | open-collector | 28 | SN74ACT2153 |- | 74FCT2153 | 2 | dual 4-line to 1-line multiplexer | | 25 Ω series resistor | (16) | CD74FCT2153 |- | 74x2154 | 1 | 2k x 8 cache address comparator | | open-collector | 28 | SN74ACT2154A |- | 74x2155 | 1 | 2k x 8 burst cache address comparator | | three-state | (44) | SN74ACT2155 |- | 74x2156 | 1 | 16k x 4 burst cache address comparator | | three-state | (44) | SN74ACT2156 |- | 74ACT2157 | 1 | 2k x 16 cache address comparator | | three-state | (44) | SN74ACT2157 |- | 74FCT2157 | 4 | quad 2-line to 1-line multiplexer | | 25 Ω series resistor | (16) | CD74FCT2157 |- | 74x2158 | 1 | 8k x 9 cache address comparator | | three-state | (44) | SN74ACT2158 |- | 74x2159 | 1 | 8k x 9 cache address comparator | | three-state | (44) | SN74ACT2159 |- | 74x2160 | 1 | 8k x 4 2-way cache address comparator | | three-state | (32) | SN74ACT2160 |- | 74x2161 | 1 | synchronous presettable 4-bit binary counter, asynchronous clear | | 25 Ω series resistor | 16 | QS74FCT2161T |- | 74ACT2163,
74BCT2163 | 1 | 16k x 5 cache address comparator | | three-state | (32) | SN74ACT2163 |- | 74FCT2163 | 1 | synchronous presettable 4-bit binary counter, synchronous clear | | 25 Ω series resistor | 16 | QS74FCT2163T |- | 74x2164 | 1 | 16k x 5 cache address comparator | | three-state | (32) | SN74ACT2164 |- | 74x2166 | 1 | 16k x 5 cache address comparator with input latches | | three-state | (32) | SN74BCT2166 |- | 74x2191 | 1 | synchronous presettable 4-bit binary up/down counter, common clock | | 25 Ω series resistor | 16 | QS74FCT2191T |- | 74x2193 | 1 | synchronous presettable 4-bit binary counter, separate up/down clocks | | 25 Ω series resistor | 16 | QS74FCT2193T |- | 74x2226 | 2 | dual 64-bit FIFO memories (64x1) | | | (24) | SN74ACT2226 |- | 74x2227 | 2 | dual 64-bit FIFO memories (64x1) | | three-state | (28) | SN74ACT2227 |- | 74x2228 | 2 | dual 256-bit FIFO memories (256x1) | | | (24) | SN74ACT2228 |- | 74x2229 | 2 | dual 256-bit FIFO memories (256x1) | | three-state | (28) | SN74ACT2229 |- | 74x2232 | 1 | 512-bit FIFO memory (64x8) | | three-state | 24 | SN74ALS2232A |- | 74x2233 | 1 | 576-bit FIFO memory (64x9) | | three-state | 28 | SN74ALS2233A |- | 74x2235 | 1 | 18432-bit bidirectional FIFO memory (2x1024x9) | | three-state | (44) | SN74ACT2235 |- | 74x2236 | 1 | 18432-bit bidirectional FIFO memory (2x1024x9) | | three-state | (44) | SN74ACT2236 |- | 74x2238 | 1 | 576-bit bidirectional FIFO memory (2x32x9) | | three-state | 40 | SN74ALS2238 |- | 74x2240 | 2 | dual 4-bit bidirectional buffer / line driver, inverting | | three-state, 25 Ω series resistor | 20 | SN74BCT2240 |- | 74x2241 | 2 | dual 4-bit bidirectional buffer / line driver, non-inverting | | three-state, 25 Ω series resistor | 20 | SN74BCT2241 |- | 74x2242 | 1 | 4-bit bus transceiver, inverting | | three-state, 25 Ω series resistor | 14 | SN74ALS2242 |- | 74x2243 | 1 | 4-bit bus transceiver, non-inverting | | three-state, 25 Ω series resistor | (14) | 74F2243 |- | 74x2244 | 2 | dual 4-bit buffer / line driver, non-inverting | | three-state, 25 Ω series resistor | 20 | SN74BCT2244 |- | 74x2245 | 1 | octal bus transceiver | | three-state, 25 Ω series resistor | 20 | SN74ABT2245 |- | 74x2253 | 2 | dual 4-line to 1-line multiplexer | | three-state, 25 Ω series resistor | (16) | CD74FCT2253 |- | 74x2257 | 4 | quad 2-line to 1-line multiplexer | | three-state, 25 Ω series resistor | (16) | CD74FCT2257 |- | 74x2273 | 8 | octal D-type flip-flop with common clock and reset | | 25 Ω series resistor | (20) | CD74FCT2273 |- | 74x2299 | 1 | 8-bit universal shift register | | three-state, 25 Ω series resistor | 20 | QS74FCT2299T |- | 74x2323 | 2 | dual line receiver | 模板:Unknown | | (8) | SN74LS2323 |- | 74x2373 | 1 | 8-bit transparent latch | | three-state, 25 Ω series resistor | (20) | CD74FCT2373 |- | 74x2374 | 8 | octal D-type flip-flop with common clock | | three-state, 25 Ω series resistor | (20) | CD74FCT2374 |- | 74x2377 | 1 | 8-bit register with clock enable | | 25 Ω series resistor | 20 | QS74FCT2377T |- | 74x2400 | 2 | dual 4-bit buffer, inverting | Schmitt trigger | three-state | 20 | 74THC2400 |- | 74x2410 | 1 | 11-bit MOS memory driver, non-inverting | | three-state, 25 Ω series resistor | 28 | SN74BCT2410 |- | 74x2411 | 1 | 11-bit MOS memory driver, inverting | | three-state, 25 Ω series resistor | 28 | SN74BCT2411 |- | 74x2414 | 2 | dual 2-to-4 line decoder with supply voltage monitor | | | 20 | SN74BCT2414 |- | 74x2420 | 1 | 16-bit NuBus address/data transceiver and register | | three-state | (68) | SN74BCT2420 |- | 74x2423 | 1 | 16-bit latched multiplexer/demultiplexer NuBus transceiver, inverting | | three-state | (68) | SN74BCT2423 |- | 74x2424 | 1 | 16-bit latched multiplexer/demultiplexer NuBus transceiver, non-inverting | | three-state | (68) | SN74BCT2424 |- | 74x2425 | 1 | Macintosh Coprocessor Platform NuBus address/data registered transceiver | | three-state | (100) | SN74BCT2425 |- | 74x2440 | 1 | NuBus interface controller | | | (68) | SN74ACT2440 |- | 74x2441 | 1 | NuBus interface controller | | | (100) | SN74ACT2441 |- | 74x2442 | 1 | NuBus block slave address generator | | three-state | (20) | SN74ALS2442 |- | 74x2509 | 1 | 9-output clock driver with PLL | | three-state | (24) | HD74CDC2509 |- | 74x2510 | 1 | 10-output clock driver with PLL | | three-state | (24) | HD74CDC2510 |- | 74x2525 | 1 | 8-output clock driver | | | 14 | 74AC2525 |- | 74x2526 | 1 | 8-output clock driver with input multiplexer | | | 16 | 74AC2526 |- | 74x2533 | 1 | 8-bit bus interface latch, inverting | | three-state, 25 Ω series resistor | 20 | QS74FCT2533T |- | 74x2534 | 1 | 8-bit bus interface register, inverting | | three-state, 25 Ω series resistor | 20 | QS74FCT2534T |- | 74x2540 | 1 | 8-bit buffer / line driver, inverting | | three-state, 25 Ω series resistor | 20 | SN74ALS2540 |- | 74x2541 | 1 | 8-bit buffer / line driver, non-inverting | | three-state, 25 Ω series resistor | 20 | SN74ALS2541 |- | 74x2543 | 1 | 8-bit latched transceiver, non-inverting | | three-state, 25 Ω series resistor | 24 | QS74FCT2543T |- | 74x2544 | 1 | 8-bit latched transceiver, inverting | | three-state, 25 Ω series resistor | 24 | QS74FCT2544T |- | 74x2573 | 1 | 8-bit transparent latch | | three-state, 25 Ω series resistor | 20 | QS74FCT2573T |- | 74x2574 | 8 | octal D-type flip-flop with common clock | | three-state, 25 Ω series resistor | 20 | QS74FCT2574T |- | 74x2620 | 1 | octal bus transceiver / MOS driver, inverting | | three-state, 25 Ω series resistor | 20 | SN74AS2620 |- | 74x2623 | 1 | octal bus transceiver / MOS driver, non-inverting | | three-state, 25 Ω series resistor | 20 | SN74AS2623 |- | 74x2640 | 1 | octal bus transceiver / MOS driver, inverting | | three-state, 25 Ω series resistor | 20 | SN74AS2640 |- | 74x2643 | 1 | octal bus transceiver, mix of inverting and non-inverting outputs | | three-state, 25 Ω series resistor | 20 | 74F2643 |- | 74x2645 | 1 | octal bus transceiver / MOS driver, non-inverting | | three-state, 25 Ω series resistor | 20 | SN74AS2645 |- | 74x2646 | 1 | octal registered transceiver, non-inverting | | three-state, 25 Ω series resistor | 24 | QS74FCT2646T |- | 74x2648 | 1 | octal registered transceiver, inverting | | three-state, 25 Ω series resistor | 24 | QS74FCT2648T |- | 74x2651 | 1 | octal registered transceiver, inverting | | three-state, 25 Ω series resistor | 24 | QS74FCT2651T |- | 74x2652 | 1 | octal registered transceiver, non-inverting | | three-state, 25 Ω series resistor | 24 | QS74FCT2652T |- | 74S2708 | 1 | 8192-bit PROM (1024x8) | | three-state | 24 | SN74S2708 |- | 74AC2708 | 1 | 576-bit FIFO memory (64x9) | | three-state | 28 | 74AC2708 |- | 74x2725 | 1 | 4608-bit FIFO memory (512x9) | | | 28 | 74ACT2725 |- | 74x2726 | 1 | 4608-bit bidirectional FIFO memory (512x9) | | | 28 | 74ACT2726 |- | 74x2821 | 1 | 10-bit D-type flip-flop | | three-state, 25 Ω series resistor | 24 | QS74FCT2821T |- | 74x2823 | 1 | 9-bit D-type flip-flop with clear | | three-state, 25 Ω series resistor | 24 | QS74FCT2823T |- | 74x2825 | 1 | 8-bit D-type flip-flop with clear and clock enable | | three-state, 25 Ω series resistor | 24 | QS74FCT2825T |- | 74x2827 | 1 | 10-bit buffer, non-inverting | | three-state, 25 Ω series resistor | 24 | SN74BCT2827A |- | 74x2828 | 1 | 10-bit buffer, inverting | | three-state, 25 Ω series resistor | 24 | SN74BCT2828A |- | 74x2833 | 1 | 8-bit bus transceiver with parity error flip-flop | | three-state, 25 Ω series resistor | 24 | QS74FCT2833T |- | 74x2841 | 1 | 10-bit transparent latch | | three-state, 25 Ω series resistor | 24 | QS74FCT2841T |- | 74x2843 | 1 | 9-bit transparent latch with asynchronous reset | | three-state, 25 Ω series resistor | 24 | QS74FCT2843T |- | 74x2845 | 1 | 8-bit transparent latch with asynchronous reset and multiple output enable | | three-state, 25 Ω series resistor | 24 | QS74FCT2845T |- | 74x2853 | 1 | 8-bit bus transceiver with parity error latch | | three-state, 25 Ω series resistor | 24 | QS74FCT2853T |- | 74x2861 | 1 | 10-bit non-inverting bus transceiver | | three-state, 25 Ω series resistor | 24 | QS74FCT2861T |- | 74x2862 | 1 | 10-bit inverting bus transceiver | | three-state, 25 Ω series resistor | 24 | QS74FCT2862T |- | 74x2863 | 1 | 9-bit non-inverting bus transceiver with dual output enable | | three-state, 25 Ω series resistor | 24 | QS74FCT2863T |- | 74x2864 | 1 | 9-bit inverting bus transceiver with dual output enable | | three-state, 25 Ω series resistor | 24 | QS74FCT2864T |- | 74x2952 | 1 | octal bus transceiver and register, non-inverting | | three-state | 24 | SN74LVC2952A |- | 74x2953 | 1 | octal bus transceiver and register, inverting | | three-state | 24 | 74F2953 |- | 74x2960模板:Anchor | 1 | error detection and correction (EDAC), equivalent to Am2960 | | three-state | 48 | MC74F2960 |- | 74x2961 | 1 | 4-bit EDAC bus buffer, inverting, equivalent to Am2961 | | three-state | 24 | MC74F2961A |- | 74x2962 | 1 | 4-bit EDAC bus buffer, non-inverting, equivalent to Am2962 | | three-state | 24 | MC74F2962A |- | 74x2967 | 1 | controller/driver for 16k/64k/256k dRAM | | | 48 | SN74ALS2967 |- | 74x2968 | 1 | controller/driver for 16k/64k/256k dRAM | | | 48 | SN74ALS2968 |- | 74x2969 | 1 | memory timing controller for use with EDAC | | | 48 | MC74F2969 |- | 74x2970 | 1 | memory timing controller for use without EDAC | | | 24 | MC74F2970 |- ! 模板:TOC tab ! Units !! Description !! Input !! Output !! Pins !! Datasheet |- | 74x3004 | 1 | selectable GTL voltage reference | | 模板:Unknown | (6) | SN74GTL3004 |- | 74x3037 | 4 | quad 2-input NAND gate | | driver 30 Ω | 16 | 74F3037 |- | 74x3038 | 4 | quad 2-input NAND gate | | open-collector driver 30 Ω | 16 | 74F3038 |- | 74x3040 | 2 | dual 4-input NAND gate | | driver 30 Ω | 16 | 74F3040 |- | 74x3125 | 4 | quad FET bus switch, output enable active low | | 模板:Unknown | (14) | SN74CBT3125 |- | 74x3126 | 4 | quad FET bus switch, output enable active high | | 模板:Unknown | (14) | SN74CBT3126 |- | 74FCT3244 | 2 | dual 4-bit buffer / line driver | | three-state | 20 | IDT74FCT3244 |- | 74CBT3244,
74FST3244 | 2 | dual 4-bit FET bus switch | | 模板:Unknown | 20 | SN74CBT3244
IDT74FST3244 |- | 74FCT3245 | 1 | octal bidirectional transceiver | | three-state | 20 | IDT74FCT3245 |- | 74CBT3245,
74FST3245 | 1 | octal FET bus switch | | 模板:Unknown | 20 | SN74CBT3245A
IDT74FST3245 |- | 74LVX3245 | 1 | octal bidirectional voltage-translating transceiver | | three-state | (24) | 74LVX3245 |- | 74x3251 | 1 | 8-line to 1-line FET multiplexer / demultiplexer | | 模板:Unknown | (16) | SN74CBT3251 |- | 74x3253 | 2 | dual 4-line to 1-line FET multiplexer / demultiplexer | | 模板:Unknown | (16) | SN74CBT3253 |- | 74x3257 | 4 | quad 2-line to 1-line FET multiplexer / demultiplexer | | 模板:Unknown | (16) | IDT74FST3257 |- | 74x3283 | 1 | 32-bit latchable transceiver with parity checker / generator | | three-state | (120) | 74ACTQ3283 |- | 74x3284 | 1 | 18-bit synchronous datapath multiplexer | | three-state | (100) | 74ABT3284 |- | 74x3305 | 2 | dual FET bus switch with extended voltage range | | 模板:Unknown | (8) | SN74CBT3305C |- | 74x3306 | 2 | dual FET bus switch | | 模板:Unknown | (8) | SN74CBT3306 |- | 74x3345 | 1 | octal FET bus switch, dual output enable | | 模板:Unknown | (20) | SN74CBT3345 |- | 74x3374 | 1 | 8-bit metastable-resistant D-type flip-flop | | three-state | 20 | SN74AS3374 |- | 74x3383 | 1 | 5-bit 4-port FET bus exchange switch | | 模板:Unknown | 24 | IDT74FST3383 |- | 74x3384 | 2 | dual 5-bit FET bus switch | | 模板:Unknown | 24 | IDT74FST3384 |- | 74x3386 | 1 | 5-bit 4-port FET bus exchange switch with extended voltage range | | 模板:Unknown | (24) | SN74CBT3386 |- | 74x3390 | 1 | octal 2-line to 1-line FET multiplexer / bus switch | | 模板:Unknown | (28) | IDT74FST3390 |- | 74x3573 | 1 | octal transparent latch | | three-state | 20 | IDT74FCT3573 |- | 74x3574 | 1 | octal D-type flip flop | | three-state | 20 | IDT74FCT3574 |- | 74x3584 | 2 | dual 5-bit FET bus switch | | 模板:Unknown | 24 | QS74QST3584 |- | 74x3611 | 1 | 2304-bit FIFO memory (64x36) | | three-state | (120) | SN74ABT3611 |- | 74x3612 | 1 | 4608-bit bidirectional FIFO memory (2x64x36) | | three-state | (120) | SN74ABT3612 |- | 74x3613 | 1 | 2304-bit FIFO memory (64x36) | | three-state | (120) | SN74ABT3613 |- | 74x3614 | 1 | 4608-bit bidirectional FIFO memory (2x64x36) | | three-state | (120) | SN74ABT3614 |- | 74x3622 | 1 | 18432-bit bidirectional FIFO memory (2x256x36) | | three-state | (120) | SN74ACT3622 |- | 74x3631 | 1 | 18432-bit FIFO memory (512x36) | | three-state | (120) | SN74ACT3631 |- | 74x3632 | 1 | 36864-bit bidirectional FIFO memory (2x512x36) | | three-state | (120) | SN74ACT3632 |- | 74x3638 | 1 | 32768-bit bidirectional FIFO memory (2x512x32) | | three-state | (120) | SN74ACT3638 |- | 74x3641 | 1 | 36864-bit FIFO memory (1024x36) | | three-state | (120) | SN74ACT3641 |- | 74x3642 | 1 | 73728-bit bidirectional FIFO memory (2x1024x36) | | three-state | (120) | SN74ACT3642 |- | 74x3651 | 1 | 73728-bit FIFO memory (2048x36) | | three-state | (120) | SN74ACT3651 |- | 74x3708 | 1 | 8192-bit PROM (1024x8) | | open-collector | 24 | SN74S3708 |- | 74x3807 | 1 | 1-to-10 clock driver | | driver | 20 | IDT74FCT3807 |- | 74x3827 | 1 | 10-bit buffer | | three-state | 24 | IDT74FCT3827 |- | 74x3861 | 1 | 10-bit FET bus switch | | 模板:Unknown | (24) | SN74CBT3861 |- | 74x3862 | 1 | 10-bit FET bus switch with dual output enable | | 模板:Unknown | (24) | IDT74CBTLV3862 |- | 74x3893 | 1 | quad Futurebus backplane transceiver | | three-state and open-collector | (20) | MC74F3893A |- | 74x3907 | 1 | Pentium clock synthesizer | | three-state | (28) | IDT74FCT3907 |- | 74x3932 | 1 | PLL-based clock driver | | three-state | (48) | IDT74FCT3932 |- ! 模板:TOC tab ! Units !! Description !! Input !! Output !! Pins !! Datasheet |- | 74x4002 | 2 | dual 4-input NOR gate | | | 14 | CD74HC4002 |- | 74x4015 | 2 | dual 4-bit shift registers | | | 16 | CD74HC4015 |- | 74x4016 | 4 | quad bilateral switch | | analog | 14 | CD74HC4016 |- | 74x4017 | 1 | 5-stage ÷10 Johnson counter | | | 16 | CD74HC4017 |- | 74x4020 | 1 | 14-stage binary counter | | | 16 | SN74HC4020 |- | 74x4022 | 1 | 4-stage ÷8 Johnson counter | | | 14 | SN74HC4022 |- | 74x4024 | 1 | 7-stage ripple carry binary counter | | | 14 | CD74HC4024 |- | 74x4028 | 1 | BCD to decimal decoder | | | 16 | TC74HC4028P |- | 74x4040 | 1 | 12-stage binary ripple counter | | | 16 | SN74HC4040 |- | 74x4046 | 1 | phase-locked loop and voltage-controlled oscillator | | | 16 | CD74HC4046A |- | 74x4049 | 6 | hex inverting buffer | | | 16 | CD74HC4049 |- | 74x4050 | 6 | hex buffer/converter (non-inverting) | | | 16 | CD74HC4050 |- | 74x4051 | 1 | high-speed 8-channel analog multiplexer/demultiplexer | | analog | 16 | CD74HC4051 |- | 74x4052 | 2 | dual 4-channel analog multiplexer/demultiplexers | | analog | 16 | CD74HC4052 |- | 74x4053 | 3 | triple 2-channel analog multiplexer/demultiplexers | | analog | 16 | CD74HC4053 |- | 74x4059 | 1 | programmable divide-by-N counter | | | 24 | CD74HC4059 |- | 74x4060 | 1 | 14-stage binary ripple counter with oscillator | | | 16 | SN74HC4060 |- | 74x4061 | 1 | 14-stage asynchronous binary counter with oscillator | | | 16 | SN74HC4061 |- | 74x4066 | 4 | quad single-pole single-throw analog switch | | | 14 | SN74HC4066 |- | 74x4067 | 1 | 16-channel analog multiplexer/demultiplexer | | analog | 24 | CD74HC4067 |- | 74x4072 | 2 | dual 4-input OR gate | | | 14 | TC74HC4072 |- | 74x4075 | 3 | triple 3-input OR gate | | | 14 | CD74HC4075 |- | 74x4078 | 1 | single 8-input OR/NOR gate | | | 14 | MM74HC4078 |- | 74x4094 | 1 | 8-bit three-state shift register/latch | | three-state | 16 | CD74HC4094 |- | 74x4102 | 1 | 2-digit BCD presettable synchronous down counter | | | 16 | 74HC4202 |- | 74x4103 | 1 | 8-bit binary presettable synchronous down counter | | | 16 | 74HC4203 |- | 74x4245 | 1 | 8-bit 3V/5V translating transceiver | | three-state | (24) | 74LVX4245 |- | 74x4301 | 1 | 8-bit latch, inverting | | three-state | 20 | MN74HC4301 |- | 74x4302 | 1 | 8-bit latch, non-inverting | | three-state | 20 | MN74HC4302 |- | 74x4303 | 1 | 8-bit D-type flip-flop, inverting outputs | | three-state | 20 | MN74HC4303 |- | 74x4304 | 1 | 8-bit D-type flip-flop, non-inverting outputs | | three-state | 20 | MN74HC4304 |- | 74x4305 | 2 | dual 4-bit buffer, inverting | | three-state | 20 | MN74HC4305 |- | 74x4306 | 2 | dual 4-bit buffer, non-inverting | | three-state | 20 | MN74HC4306 |- | 74x4316 | 4 | quad analog switch | | analog | 14 | MM74HC4316 |- | 74x4351 | 1 | 8-channel analog multiplexer/demultiplexer with latch | | analog | 20 | CD74HC4351 |- | 74x4352 | 2 | dual 4-channel analog multiplexer/demultiplexer with latch | | analog | 20 | CD74HC4352 |- | 74x4353 | 3 | triple 2-channel analog multiplexer/demultiplexer with latch | | analog | 20 | MC74HC4353 |- | 74x4374 | 1 | 8-bit dual-rank synchronizer | | three-state | 20 | SN74AS4374 |- | 74x4503 | 1 | controller for 64k/256k/1M dynamic RAM | | three-state | 52 | SN74ACT4503 |- | 74x4510 | 1 | BCD decade up/down counter | | | 16 | CD74HC4510 |- | 74x4511 | 1 | BCD to 7-segment decoder | | | 16 | CD74HC4511 |- | 74x4514 | 1 | 4-to-16 line decoder/demultiplexer, input latches | | | 24 | CD74HC4514 |- | 74x4515 | 1 | 4-to-16 line decoder/demultiplexer with input latches; inverting | | | 24 | CD74HC4515 |- | 74x4516 | 1 | 4-bit binary up/down counter | | | 16 | CD74HC4516 |- | 74x4518 | 2 | dual 4-bit synchronous decade counter | | | 16 | CD74HC4518 |- | 74x4520 | 2 | dual 4-bit synchronous binary counter | | | 16 | CD74HC4520 |- | 74x4538 | 2 | dual retriggerable precision monostable multivibrator | | | 16 | CD74HC4538 |- | 74x4543 | 1 | BCD to 7-segment latch/decoder/driver for LCDs | | | 16 | CD74HC4543 |- | 74x4560 | 1 | 4-bit BCD adder | | | 16 | MM74HC4560 |- | 74x4724 | 1 | 8-bit addressable latch | | | 16 | SN74HC4724 |- | 74x4764 | 1 | programmable dRAM controller | | | (100) | 74ABT4764 |- | 74x4799 | 1 | Timer for NiCd and NiMH chargers | Schmitt trigger | open-collector and three-state | 16 | 74LV4799 |- | 74x4851 | 1 | 8-channel analog multiplexer/demultiplexer | | analog | 16 | SN74HC4851 |- | 74x4852 | 2 | dual 4-channel analog multiplexer/demultiplexer | | analog | 16 | SN74HC4852 |- | 74x5074 | 2 | dual positive edge-triggered D-type flip-flop (metastable immune) | | | 14 | 74ABT5074 |- | 74x5245 | 1 | octal bidirectional transceiver | Schmitt trigger | three-state | 20 | DM74ALS5245 |- | 74x5300 | 1 | fiber optic LED driver | | driver 120 mA | 8 | 74F5300 |- | 74x5302 | 2 | dual fiber optic LED / clock driver | | driver 160 mA | 14 | 74F5302 |- | 74x5400 | 1 | 11-bit line/memory driver, non-inverting | | three-state, 25 Ω series resistor | 28 | SN74ABT5400 |- | 74x5401 | 1 | 11-bit line/memory driver, inverting | | three-state, 25 Ω series resistor | 28 | SN74ABT5401 |- | 74x5402 | 1 | 12-bit line/memory driver, non-inverting | | three-state, 25 Ω series resistor | 28 | SN74ABT5402 |- | 74x5403 | 1 | 12-bit line/memory driver, inverting | | three-state, 25 Ω series resistor | 28 | SN74ABT5403 |- | 74x5555 | 1 | programmable delay timer with oscillator | | | 16 | 74HC5555 |- | 74x5620 | 1 | octal bidirectional transceiver | Schmitt trigger | three-state | 20 | DM74ALS5620 |- ! 模板:TOC tab ! Units !! Description !! Input !! Output !! Pins !! Datasheet |- | 74x6000 | 1 | logic-to-logic optocoupler, non-inverting | | | 6 | 74OL6000 |- | 74x6001 | 1 | logic-to-logic optocoupler, inverting | | | 6 | 74OL6001 |- | 74x6010 | 1 | logic-to-logic optocoupler, non-inverting | | open-collector 15 V | 6 | 74OL6010 |- | 74x6011 | 1 | logic-to-logic optocoupler, inverting | | open-collector 15 V | 6 | 74OL6011 |- | 74x6300 | 1 | programmable dynamic memory refresh timer | | | 16 | SN74ALS6300 |- | 74x6301 | 1 | dynamic memory refresh controller, transparent and burst modes, for 16K, 64K, 256K, and 1M dRAM | | | 52 | SN74ALS6301 |- | 74x6302 | 1 | dynamic memory refresh controller, transparent and burst modes, for 16K, 64K, 256K, and 1M dRAM | | | 52 | SN74ALS6302 |- | 74x6310 | 1 | static column and page mode access detector for dRAM | | | 20 | SN74ALS6310A |- | 74x6311 | 1 | static column and page mode access detector for dRAM | | | 20 | SN74ALS6311A |- | 74x6323 | 1 | programmable ripple counter with oscillator | | three-state | (8) | 74HC6323A |- | 74x6364 | 1 | 64-bit flow-through error detection and correction circuit | | three-state | (207) | SN74AS6364 |- | 74x6800 | 1 | 10-bit FET bus switch with precharge | | 模板:Unknown | 24 | IDT74FST6800 |- | 74x6845 | 1 | 8-bit FET bus switch with precharge and extended voltage range | | 模板:Unknown | (20) | SN74CBT6845C |- | 74x7001 | 4 | quad 2-input AND gate | Schmitt trigger | | 14 | SN74HC7001 |- | 74x7002 | 4 | quad 2-input NOR gate | Schmitt trigger | | 14 | SN74HC7002 |- | 74x7003 | 4 | quad 2-input NAND gate | Schmitt trigger | open-collector | 14 | SN74HC7003 |- | 74x7006 | 6 | two inverters, one 3-input NAND, one 4-input NAND, one 3-input NOR, one 4-input NOR | | | 24 | SN74HC7006 |- | 74x7007 | 6 | hex buffer gate | | | 14 | TC74HCT7007AP |- | 74x7008 | 6 | two inverters, three 2-input NAND, three 2-input NOR | | | 24 | SN74HC7008 |- | 74x7014 | 6 | hex buffer gate | Schmitt trigger | | 14 | 74HC7014 |- | 74x7022 | 1 | 4-stage ÷8 Johnson counter with power-up clear | | | 14 | SN74HC7022 |- | 74x7030 | 1 | 576-bit FIFO memory (64x9) | | three-state | 28 | 74HC7030 |- | 74x7032 | 4 | quad 2-input OR gates | Schmitt trigger | | 14 | SN74HC7032 |- | 74x7038 | 1 | 9-bit bus transceiver with latch | | three-state | 24 | CD74HC7038 |- | 74x7046 | 1 | phase-locked loop with voltage-controlled oscillator and lock detector | | | 16 | CD74HC7046A |- | 74x7060 | 1 | 14-stage binary counter with oscillator | Schmitt trigger | | 20 | CD74AC7060 |- | 74x7074 | 6 | two inverters, one 2-input NAND, one 2-input NOR, two D-type flip-flops | | | 24 | SN74HC7074 |- | 74x7075 | 6 | two inverters, two 2-input NAND, two D-type flip-flops | | | 24 | SN74HC7075 |- | 74x7076 | 6 | two inverters, two 2-input NOR, two D-type flip-flops | | | 24 | SN74HC7076 |- | 74x7080 | 1 | 16-bit parity generator / checker | | | 20 | 74HCT7080 |- | 74x7132 | 4 | quad adjustable comparator with output latches | Schmitt trigger | three-state | 14 | 74HCT7132 |- | 74x7200 | 1 | 2304-bit FIFO memory (256x9) | | | 28 | SN74ACT7200L |- | 74x7201 | 1 | 4608-bit FIFO memory (512x9) | | | 28 | SN74ACT7201LA |- | 74x7202 | 1 | 9216-bit FIFO memory (1024x9) | | | 28 | SN74ACT7202LA |- | 74x7203 | 1 | 18432-bit FIFO memory (2048x9) | | | 28 | SN74ACT7203L |- | 74ACT7204 | 1 | 36864-bit FIFO memory (4096x9) | | | 28 | SN74ACT7204L |- | 74HCU7204 | 2 | dual unbuffered inverters | | | (8) | SN74HCU7204 |- | 74x7205 | 1 | 73728-bit FIFO memory (8192x9) | | | 28 | SN74ACT7205L |- | 74x7206 | 1 | 147456-bit FIFO memory (16384x9) | | | 28 | SN74ACT7206L |- | 74x7240 | 1 | octal bus buffer, inverting | Schmitt trigger | three-state | 20 | TC74HC7240AP |- | 74x7241 | 1 | octal bus buffer, non-inverting | Schmitt trigger | three-state | 20 | TC74HC7241AP |- | 74x7244 | 1 | octal bus buffer, non-inverting | Schmitt trigger | three-state | 20 | TC74HC7244AP |- | 74x7245 | 1 | octal bus transceiver, non-inverting | Schmitt trigger | three-state | 20 | M74HC7245 |- | 74x7266 | 4 | quad 2-input XNOR gate | | | 14 | SN74HC7266 |- | 74x7273 | 8 | octal positive edge-triggered D-type flip-flop with reset | | open-collector | 20 | 74HCT7273 |- | 74x7292 | 1 | programmable divider/timer | | | 16 | TC74HC7292AP |- | 74x7294 | 1 | programmable divider/timer | | | 16 | M74HC7294 |- | 74x7340 | 1 | 8-bit bus driver with bidirectional registers | | three-state | 24 | SN74HC7340 |- | 74x7403 | 1 | 256-bit FIFO memory (64x4) | | three-state | 16 | 74HC7403 |- | 74x7404 | 1 | 320-bit FIFO memory (64x5) | | three-state | 18 | 74HC7404 |- | 74x7540 | 8 | octal buffer/line driver, inverting | Schmitt trigger | three-state | 20 | 74HC7540 |- | 74x7541 | 8 | octal buffer/line driver, non-inverting | Schmitt trigger | three-state | 20 | 74HC7541 |- | 74x7597 | 1 | 8-bit shift register with input latches | | | 16 | 74HC7597 |- | 74x7623 | 1 | octal bus transceiver, non-inverting | | three-state and open-drain | 20 | CD74AC7623 |- | 74x7640 | 1 | octal bus transceiver, inverting | Schmitt trigger | three-state | 20 | M74HC7640 |- | 74x7643 | 1 | octal bus transceiver, non-inverting/inverting | Schmitt trigger | three-state | 20 | M74HC7643 |- | 74x7645 | 1 | octal bus transceiver, non-inverting | Schmitt trigger | three-state | 20 | M74HC7645 |- | 74x7731 | 4 | quad 64-bit static shift register | | | 16 | 74HC7731 |- | 74x7793 | 1 | 8-bit noninverting transparent latch with readback | | three-state | 20 | MC74HC7793 |- | 74x7801 | 1 | 18432-bit FIFO memory (1024x18), clocked | | three-state | (68) | SN74ACT7801 |- | 74x7802 | 1 | 18432-bit FIFO memory (1024x18) | | three-state | (68) | SN74ACT7802 |- | 74x7803 | 1 | 9216-bit FIFO memory (512x18), clocked | | three-state | (56) | SN74ACT7803 |- | 74x7804 | 1 | 9216-bit FIFO memory (512x18) | | three-state | (56) | SN74ACT7804 |- | 74x7805 | 1 | 4608-bit FIFO memory (256x18), clocked | | three-state | (56) | SN74ACT7805 |- | 74x7806 | 1 | 4608-bit FIFO memory (256x18) | | three-state | (56) | SN74ACT7806 |- | 74x7807 | 1 | 18432-bit FIFO memory (2048x9), clocked | | three-state | (44) | SN74ACT7807 |- | 74x7808 | 1 | 18432-bit FIFO memory (2048x9) | | three-state | (44) | SN74ACT7808 |- | 74x7811 | 1 | 18432-bit FIFO memory (1024x18), clocked | | three-state | (68) | SN74ACT7811 |- | 74x7813 | 1 | 1152-bit FIFO memory (64x18), clocked | | three-state | (56) | SN74ACT7813 |- | 74x7814 | 1 | 1152-bit FIFO memory (64x18) | | three-state | (56) | SN74ACT7814 |- | 74x7815 | 1 | 4608-bit bidirectional FIFO memory(2x64x36) | | three-state | (120) | SN74ABT7815 |- | 74x7816 | 1 | 4608-bit bidirectional FIFO memory(2x64x36) | | three-state | (120) | SN74ABT7816 |- | 74x7817 | 1 | 2304-bit FIFO memory(64x36) | | three-state | (120) | SN74ABT7817 |- | 74x7818 | 1 | 2304-bit FIFO memory(64x36) | | three-state | (120) | SN74ABT7818 |- | 74x7819 | 1 | 18432-bit bidirectional FIFO memory (2x512x18), clocked | | three-state | (80) | SN74ABT7819 |- | 74x7820 | 1 | 18432-bit bidirectional FIFO memory (2x512x18) | | three-state | (80) | SN74ABT7820 |- | 74x7821 | 1 | 32768-bit bidirectional FIFO memory (2x512x32) | | three-state | (120) | SN74ACT7821 |- | 74x7822 | 1 | 32768-bit bidirectional FIFO memory (2x512x32), clocked | | three-state | (120) | SN74ACT7822 |- | 74x7823 | 1 | 36864-bit FIFO memory (1024x36), clocked | | three-state | (120) | SN74ACT7823 |- | 74x7881 | 1 | 18432-bit FIFO memory (1024x18), clocked | | three-state | (68) | SN74ACT7881 |- | 74x7882 | 1 | 36864-bit FIFO memory (2048x18), clocked | | three-state | (68) | SN74ACT7882 |- | 74x7884 | 1 | 73728-bit FIFO memory (4096x18), clocked | | three-state | (68) | SN74ACT7884 |- | 74x8003 | 2 | dual 2-input NAND gate | | | 8 | SN74ALS8003 |- | 74x8151 | 1 | 10-bit inverting/non-inverting buffer | Schmitt trigger | three-state | 24 | SN74LV8151 |- | 74x8153 | 1 | 8-bit serial-to-parallel interface | | three-state or open-collector | 20 | SN74LV8153 |- | 74x8154 | 2 | dual 16-bit counters with output registers | | three-state | 20 | SN74LV8154 |- | 74x8161 | 1 | 8-bit synchronous binary counter | | | 24 | SN74ALS8161 |- | 74x8240 | 1 | octal inverting buffer with JTAG port | | three-state | 24 | SN74BCT8240A |- | 74x8244 | 1 | octal non-inverting buffer with JTAG port | | three-state | 24 | SN74BCT8244A |- | 74x8245 | 1 | octal bus transceiver with JTAG port | | three-state | 24 | SN74ABT8245 |- | 74x8373 | 1 | octal D-type latch with JTAG port | | three-state | 24 | SN74BCT8373A |- | 74x8374 | 1 | octal D-type edge-triggered flip-flop with JTAG port | | three-state | 24 | SN74BCT8374A |- | 74x8400 | 1 | expandable error checker / corrector | | three-state | 48 | SN74ALS8400 |- | 74x8541 | 1 | 8-bit buffer, selectable inverting/non-inverting | Schmitt trigger | three-state | 20 | SN74AHC8541 |- | 74x8543 | 1 | octal registered bus transceiver with JTAG port | | three-state | 28 | SN74ABT8543 |- | 74x8646 | 1 | octal bus transceiver and register with JTAG port | | three-state | 28 | SN74ABT8646 |- | 74x8652 | 1 | octal bus transceiver and register with JTAG port | | three-state | 28 | SN74ABT8652 |- | 74x8818 | 1 | 16-bit microprogram sequencer, cascadable | | three-state | (84) | SN74ACT8818 |- | 74x8832 | 1 | 32-bit registered ALU | | three-state | (208) | SN74ACT8832 |- | 74x8834 | 1 | 40-bit register file | | three-state | (156) | SN74AS8834 |- | 74x8835 | 1 | 16-bit microprogram sequencer, cascadable | | three-state | (156) | SN74AS8835 |- | 74x8836 | 1 | 32x32-bit multiplier/accumulator | | three-state | (156) | SN74ACT8836 |- | 74x8837 | 1 | 64-bit floating point unit | | three-state | (208) | SN74ACT8837 |- | 74x8838 | 1 | 64-bit barrel shifter | | three-state | (84) | SN74AS8838 |- | 74x8839 | 1 | 32-bit shuffle/exchange network | | three-state | (85) | SN74AS8839 |- | 74x8840 | 1 | digital crossbar switch | | three-state | (156) | SN74AS8840 |- | 74x8841 | 1 | digital crossbar switch | | three-state | (156) | SN74ACT8841 |- | 74x8847 | 1 | 64-bit floating point and integer unit | | three-state | (208) | SN74ACT8847 |- | 74x8867 | 1 | 32-bit vector processor unit | | three-state | (208) | SN74ACT8867 |- | 74x8952 | 1 | octal registered bus transceiver with JTAG port | | three-state | 28 | SN74ABT8952 |- | 74x8960 | 1 | 8-bit bidirectional latched FutureBus transceiver, inverting | | three-state and open-collector | 28 | 74F8960 |- | 74x8961 | 1 | 8-bit bidirectional latched FutureBus transceiver, non-inverting | | three-state and open-collector | 28 | 74F8961 |- | 74x8962 | 1 | 9-bit bidirectional latched FutureBus transceiver, inverting | | three-state and open-collector | (44) | 74F8962 |- | 74x8963 | 1 | 9-bit bidirectional latched FutureBus transceiver, non-inverting | | three-state and open-collector | (44) | 74F8963 |- | 74x8965 | 1 | 9-bit bidirectional latched FutureBus transceiver, latch select | | three-state and open-collector | (44) | 74F8965 |- | 74x8966 | 1 | 9-bit bidirectional latched FutureBus transceiver, idle arbitration request / output | | three-state and open-collector | (44) | 74F8966 |- | 74x8980 | 1 | JTAG test access port master with 8-bit host interface | | three-state | 24 | SN74LVT8980 |- | 74x8986 | 1 | linkable, multidrop-addressable JTAG transceiver | | three-state | (64) | SN74LVT8986 |- | 74x8990 | 1 | JTAG test access port master with 16-bit host interface | | three-state | (44) | SN74ACT8990 |- | 74x8994 | 1 | JTAG scan-controlled logic/signature analyzer | | | (28) | SN74ACT8994 |- | 74x8996 | 1 | multidrop-addressable JTAG transceiver | | | 24 | SN74ABT8996 |- | 74x8997 | 1 | scan-controlled JTAG concatenator | | three-state | 28 | SN74ACT8997 |- | 74x8999 | 1 | scan-controlled JTAG multiplexer | | three-state | 28 | SN74ACT8999 |- | 74x9000 | 1 | programmable timer with oscillator | | | 20 | MC74HC9000 |- | 74x9014 | 9 | nine-wide buffer/line driver, inverting | Schmitt trigger | | 20 | 74HC9014 |- | 74x9015 | 9 | nine-wide buffer/line driver, non-inverting | Schmitt trigger | | 20 | 74HC9015 |- | 74x9034 | 9 | nine-wide buffer, inverting | | | 20 | MC74HC9034 |- | 74x9035 | 9 | nine-wide buffer, noninverting | | | 20 | MC74HC9035 |- | 74x9046 | 1 | PLL with band gap controlled VCO | | | 16 | 74HCT9046 |- | 74x9114 | 9 | nine-wide inverter | Schmitt trigger | open-collector | 20 | 74HC9114 |- | 74x9115 | 9 | nine-wide buffer | Schmitt trigger | open-collector | 20 | 74HC9115 |- | 74x9134 | 9 | nine-wide buffer, inverting | | open-collector | 20 | MC74HC9134 |- | 74x9135 | 9 | nine-wide buffer, noninverting | | open-collector | 20 | MC74HC9135 |- | 74x9164 | 1 | 8-bit shift register (serial in/out, parallel in/out) | Schmitt trigger | three-state | (16) | TC74VHC9164 |- | 74x9240 | 1 | 9-bit buffer / line driver, inverting | | three-state | 24 | 74FR9240 |- | 74x9244 | 1 | 9-bit buffer / line driver, non-inverting | | three-state | 24 | 74FR9244 |- | 74x9245 | 1 | 9-bit bidirectional transceiver, non-inverting | | three-state | 24 | 74FR9245 |- | 74x9323 | 1 | programmable ripple counter with oscillator | | three-state | (8) | 74HC9323A |- | 74x9510 | 1 | 16×16-bit multiplier/accumulator (compatible to Am29510 and TDC1010) | | three-state | (68) | 74HC9510<ref name=hcmostb/>模板:Rp |- | 74x9595 | 1 | 8-bit shift register with latch (serial in, parallel out) | Schmitt trigger | | (16) | TC74VHC9595 |- | 74x40102 | 1 | presettable synchronous 2-decade BCD down counter | | | 16 | CD74HC40102 |- | 74x40103 | 1 | presettable 8-bit synchronous down counter | | | 16 | CD74HC40103 |- | 74x40104 | 4 | 4-bit bidirectional universal shift register | | three-state | 16 | CD74HC40104 |- | 74x40105 | 1 | 64-bit FIFO memory (16x4) | | three-state | 16 | CD74HC40105 |- ! Part number !! Units !! Description !! Input !! Output !! Pins !! Datasheet |}

Smaller footprints

As board designs have migrated away from large amounts of logic chips, so has the need for many of the same gate in one package. Since about 1996,<ref>{{

  1. if: {{#if: http://fairchildsemi.com:80/news/1996/9611/dm96001dl.html | {{#if: The Fairchild Division of National Semiconductor Introduces Industry's Fastest 5V Single-Gate Logic |1}}}}
 ||載入template:cite web時發生錯誤:網址(url)和標題(title)欄位為必填。


  1. if:
 | {{#if: {{#if: | {{#if:  |1}}}}
   ||載入template:cite web時發生錯誤:封存頁網址(archiveurl)和封存(archivedate)必須同時填寫或同時留空。

}} }}{{#if:

 | {{#if: 
   | [[{{{authorlink}}}|{{#if: 
     | {{{last}}}{{#if:  | ·{{{first}}} }}
     | {{{author}}}
   | {{#if: 
     | {{{last}}}{{#if:  | ·{{{first}}} }}
     | {{{author}}}


 | {{#if: | ; {{{coauthors}}} }}

}}{{#if: |

   {{#if: November 25, 1996
   |  (November 25, 1996)
   | {{#if: 
     | {{#if: 
       |  ({{{year}}}{{{month}}})
       |  ({{{year}}})


 |  -  }}{{#if: 
   | {{#if:  | {{#if: The Fairchild Division of National Semiconductor Introduces Industry's Fastest 5V Single-Gate Logic | [{{{archiveurl}}} The Fairchild Division of National Semiconductor Introduces Industry's Fastest 5V Single-Gate Logic] }}}}
   | {{#if: http://fairchildsemi.com:80/news/1996/9611/dm96001dl.html | {{#if: The Fairchild Division of National Semiconductor Introduces Industry's Fastest 5V Single-Gate Logic | The Fairchild Division of National Semiconductor Introduces Industry's Fastest 5V Single-Gate Logic }}}}

}}{{#if: | ({{{language}}}) }}{{#if:

 |  ()


 | -  {{{work}}}


 |  pp. {{{pages}}}

}}{{#if: Fairchild Semiconductor

 |  Fairchild Semiconductor{{#if: 
   | {{#if: November 25, 1996 || }}


 ||{{#if: November 25, 1996
   |  (November 25, 1996)
   | {{#if: 
     | {{#if: 
       |  ({{{year}}}{{{month}}})
       |  ({{{year}}})

}} {{#if:

 | - 於{{{archivedate}}}從本原始頁面封存。


 | - 於{{#if:  |{{{accessyear}}}}}{{{accessdate}}}-{zh-tw:造訪;zh-cn:访问}-。


 | - 於{{{accessyear}}}{{{accessmonthday}}}-{zh-tw:造訪;zh-cn:访问}-。

}}</ref> there has been an ongoing trend towards one / two / three logic gates per chip. Now logic can be placed where it is physically needed on a board, instead of running long signal traces to a full-size logic chip that has many of the same gate.<ref>{{

  1. if: {{#if: http://www.onsemi.com/pub/Collateral/AND8018-D.PDF | {{#if: Unique and Novel Uses for ON Semiconductor's New One-Gate family |1}}}}
 ||載入template:cite web時發生錯誤:網址(url)和標題(title)欄位為必填。


  1. if:
 | {{#if: {{#if: | {{#if:  |1}}}}
   ||載入template:cite web時發生錯誤:封存頁網址(archiveurl)和封存(archivedate)必須同時填寫或同時留空。

}} }}{{#if:

 | {{#if: 
   | [[{{{authorlink}}}|{{#if: 
     | {{{last}}}{{#if:  | ·{{{first}}} }}
     | {{{author}}}
   | {{#if: 
     | {{{last}}}{{#if:  | ·{{{first}}} }}
     | {{{author}}}


 | {{#if: | ; {{{coauthors}}} }}

}}{{#if: |

   {{#if: June 2000
   |  (June 2000)
   | {{#if: 
     | {{#if: 
       |  ({{{year}}}{{{month}}})
       |  ({{{year}}})


 |  -  }}{{#if: 
   | {{#if:  | {{#if: Unique and Novel Uses for ON Semiconductor's New One-Gate family | [{{{archiveurl}}} Unique and Novel Uses for ON Semiconductor's New One-Gate family] }}}}
   | {{#if: http://www.onsemi.com/pub/Collateral/AND8018-D.PDF | {{#if: Unique and Novel Uses for ON Semiconductor's New One-Gate family | Unique and Novel Uses for ON Semiconductor's New One-Gate family }}}}

}}{{#if: | ({{{language}}}) }}{{#if:

 |  ()


 | -  {{{work}}}


 |  pp. {{{pages}}}

}}{{#if: ON Semiconductor

 |  ON Semiconductor{{#if: 
   | {{#if: June 2000 || }}


 ||{{#if: June 2000
   |  (June 2000)
   | {{#if: 
     | {{#if: 
       |  ({{{year}}}{{{month}}})
       |  ({{{year}}})

}} {{#if:

 | - 於{{{archivedate}}}從本原始頁面封存。


 | - 於{{#if:  |{{{accessyear}}}}}{{{accessdate}}}-{zh-tw:造訪;zh-cn:访问}-。


 | - 於{{{accessyear}}}{{{accessmonthday}}}-{zh-tw:造訪;zh-cn:访问}-。


All chips in the following sections are available 5- to 10-pin surface-mount packages. The right digits, after the 1G/2G/3G, typically has the same functional features as older legacy chips, except for the multifunctional chips and 4-digit chip numbers, which are unique to these newer families. The "x" in the part number is a place holder for the logic family name. For example, 74x1G14 in "LVC" logic family would be "74LVC1G14". The previously stated prefixes of "SN-" and "MC-" are used to denote manufacturers, Texas Instruments and ON Semiconductor respectively.<ref name="TI-L-LG">2018 Little Logic Guide; Texas Instruments.</ref><ref name="NXP-AUP-LG">74AUP Logic Guide; NXP.</ref><ref name="NXP-LVC-LG">74LVC Logic Guide; NXP.</ref>

Some of the manufacturers that make these smaller IC chips are: Diodes Incorporated, Nexperia (NXP Semiconductors), ON Semiconductor (Fairchild Semiconductor), Texas Instruments (National Semiconductor), Toshiba.

The logic families available in small footprints are: AHC, AHCT, AUC, AUP, AXP, HC, HCT, LVC, VHC, NC7S, NC7ST, NC7SU, NC7SV. The LVC family is very popular in small footprints because it supports the most common logic voltages of 1.8 V, 3.3 V, 5 V, its inputs are 5 V tolerant when the device is powered at a lower voltage, and an output drive of 24 mA. Gates that are commonly available across most small footprint families are 00, 02, 04, 08, 14, 32, 86, 125, 126.

One-gate chips

All chips in this section have one gate, noted by the "1G" in the part numbers.

Part number Description Input Output Pins Datasheet
74x1G00 single 2-input NAND gate 5 LVC
74x1G02 single 2-input NOR gate 5 LVC
74x1G04 single inverter gate 5 LVC
74x1G06 single inverter gate schmitt trigger open-drain 5 LVC
74x1G07 single buffer gate schmitt trigger open-drain 5 LVC
74x1G08 single 2-input AND gate 5 LVC
74x1G09 single 2-input AND gate open-drain 5 AUP
74x1G10 single 3-input NAND gate 6 LVC
74x1G11 single 3-input AND gate 6 LVC
74x1G14 single inverter gate schmitt trigger 5 LVC
74x1G17 single buffer gate schmitt trigger 5 LVC
74x1G18 single 1-of-2 non-inverting multiplexer, deselected output is 3-state three-state 6 LVC
74x1G19 single 1-to-2 line decoder, active low outputs 6 LVC
74x1G27 single 3-input NOR gate 6 LVC
74x1G29 single 2-to-3 line decoder, active low outputs 8 LVC
74x1G32 single 2-input OR gate 5 LVC
74x1G34 single buffer gate 5 LVC
74x1G38 single 2-input NAND gate open-drain 5 LVC
74x1G57 single configurable 7-function gate schmitt trigger 6 LVC
74x1G58 single configurable 7-function gate schmitt trigger 6 LVC
74x1G66 single SPST analog switch analog analog 5 LVC
74x1G74 single D-type flip-flop, positive-edge trigger, Q & 模板:Overline outputs, asynchronous preset and clear 8 LVC
74x1G79 single D-type flip-flop, positive-edge trigger, Q output 5 LVC
74x1G80 single D-type flip-flop, positive-edge trigger, 模板:Overline output 5 LVC
74x1G86 single 2-input XOR gate (a.k.a. 2-bit even-parity generator) 5 LVC
74x1G97 single configurable 7-function gate schmitt trigger 6 LVC
74x1G98 single configurable 7-function gate schmitt trigger 6 LVC
74x1G99 single configurable 15-function gate, active-low enable schmitt trigger three-state 8 LVC
74x1G123 single retriggerable monostable multivibrator, active-low clear 8 LVC
74x1G125 single buffer gate, active-low enable three-state 5 LVC
74x1G126 single buffer gate, active-high enable three-state 5 LVC
74x1G132 single 2-input NAND gate schmitt trigger 5 LVC
74x1G139 single 2-to-4 line decoder, active low outputs 8 LVC
74x1G157 single 2-input multiplexer schmitt trigger 6 LVC
74x1G158 single 2-input multiplexer, inverted output schmitt trigger 6 AUP
74x1G175 single D-type flip-flop, positive-edge trigger, Q output, asynchronous clear 6 LVC
74x1G240 single inverter gate, active-low enable three-state 5 LVC
74x1G332 single 3-input OR gate 6 LVC
74x1G373 single D-type transparent latch, negative-edge latching, Q output, active-low enable three-state 6 LVC
74x1G374 single D-type flip-flop, positive-edge trigger, Q output, active-low enable three-state 6 LVC
74x1G386 single 3-input XOR Gate (a.k.a. 3-bit even-parity generator) 6 LVC
74x1G0832 single 3-input AND-OR combo gate (2-input AND into 2-input OR) schmitt trigger 6 LVC
74x1G3157 single SPDT analog switch analog analog 6 LVC
74x1G3208 single 3-input OR-AND combo gate (2-input OR into 2-input AND) schmitt trigger 6 LVC

Two-gate chips

All chips in this section have two gates, noted by the "2G" in the part numbers.

Part number Description Input Output Pins Datasheet
74x2G00 dual 2-input NAND gate 8 LVC
74x2G02 dual 2-input NOR gate 8 LVC
74x2G04 dual inverter gate 6 LVC
74x2G06 dual inverter gate schmitt trigger open-drain 6 LVC
74x2G07 dual buffer gate schmitt trigger open-drain 6 LVC
74x2G08 dual 2-input AND gate 8 LVC
74x2G14 dual inverter gate schmitt trigger 6 LVC
74x2G17 dual buffer gate schmitt trigger 6 LVC
74x2G32 dual 2-input OR gate 8 LVC
74x2G34 dual buffer gate 6 LVC
74x2G38 dual 2-input NAND gate open-drain 8 LVC
74x2G57 dual configurable 7-function gate schmitt trigger 10 AUP
74x2G58 dual configurable 7-function gate schmitt trigger 10 AUP
74x2G66 dual SPST analog switch analog analog 8 LVC
74x2G79 dual D-type flip-flop, positive-edge trigger, Q output 8 LVC
74x2G80 dual D-type flip-flop, positive-edge trigger, 模板:Overline output 8 LVC
74x2G86 dual 2-input XOR gate (a.k.a. 2-bit even-parity generator) 8 LVC
74x2G97 dual configurable 7-function gate schmitt trigger 10 AUP
74x2G98 dual configurable 7-function gate schmitt trigger 10 AUP
74x2G125 dual buffer, active-low enable three-state 8 LVC
74x2G126 dual buffer, active-high enable three-state 8 LVC
74x2G132 dual 2-input NAND gate schmitt trigger 8 LVC
74x2G240 dual inverter gate, active-low enable three-state 8 LVC
74x2G241 dual buffer, active-low and active-high enables three-state 8 LVC
74x2G0604 dual combo gates - one inverter, one inverter with O.D. open-drain 6 AUP
74x2G3404 dual combo gates - one buffer, one inverter 6 AUP
74x2G3407 dual combo gates - one buffer, one buffer with O.D. open-drain 6 AUP

Three-gate chips

All chips in this section have three gates, noted by the "3G" in the part numbers.

Part number Description Input Output Pins Datasheet
74x3G04 triple inverter gate 8 LVC
74x3G06 triple inverter gate schmitt trigger open-drain 8 LVC
74x3G07 triple buffer gate schmitt trigger open-drain 8 LVC
74x3G14 triple inverter gate schmitt trigger 8 LVC
74x3G16 triple buffer gate 8 LVC
74x3G17 triple buffer gate schmitt trigger 8 LVC
74x3G34 triple buffer gate 8 LVC
74x3G0434 triple combo gates - two inverter, one buffer 8 AUP
74x3G3404 triple combo gates - two buffer, one inverter 8 AUP

Voltage translation

All chips in this section have two power-supply pins to translate unidirectional logic signals between two different logic voltages. The logic families that support dual-supply voltage translation are AVC, AVCH, AXC, AXCH, AXP, LVC, where the "H" in AVCH and AXCH means "bus hold" feature.

Part number Description Pins AXC AXP LVC
74x1T45 1 buffer 6 AXC AXP LVC
74x2T45 2 buffers 8 AXC AXP LVC
74x4T245 4 buffers 16 AXC AXP n/a
74x8T245 8 buffers 24 AXC AXP LVC
74x16T245 16 buffers 48 n/a n/a LVC

Chips in the above table support the following voltage ranges on either power supply pin:

  • AXC = 0.65 to 3.6 V. Only available from Texas Instruments.
  • AXP = 0.9 to 5.5 V. Only available from Nexperia.
  • LVC = 1.65 to 5.5 V. Available from Diodes Inc, Nexperia, Texas Instruments.

See also


1 | references-column-count references-column-count-{{{1}}} }} }} }}" {{#if: | style="-moz-column-width:{{{colwidth}}}; column-width:{{{colwidth}}};" | {{#if: | style="-moz-column-count:{{{1}}}; column-count:{{{1}}};" }} }}> <references group=""></references>

Further reading

模板:See also