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第1行: 第1行:
'''Attention: The following does not work anymore, because the recent version of the iFolder client depends on mono version 2.4, while in the most recent Ubuntu, version 9.04, the mono version is 2.0.'''
== Gusty Gibbon (7.10) ==
== Gusty Gibbon (7.10) ==
iFolderClient comes in two parts. First, there is simias that runs as a client. This module is the backend that is used by iFolder to access the server data. Also, there is iFolder that represents the user interface for simias. In order to get a properly working  installation of iFolderClient, you must first install simias and iFolder after that.
iFolderClient comes in two parts. First, there is simias that runs as a client. This module is the backend that is used by iFolder to access the server data. Also, there is iFolder that represents the user interface for simias. In order to get a properly working  installation of iFolderClient, you must first install simias and iFolder after that.
第108行: 第109行:
The release in the mentioned repository is a "stable" release, which is somewhat ancient. It doesn't work with recent builds of iFolder Server 3.5 (experimental releases).
The release in the mentioned repository is a "stable" release, which is somewhat ancient. It doesn't work with recent builds of iFolder Server 3.5 (experimental releases).
=== Support ===
=== Support ===
* #ifolder on irc.gimp.org is a good place to start. I'm usually on there as sebpayne to help.
* #ifolder on irc.freenode.net is a good place to start.
* The [http://www.ifolder.com iFolder Wiki] is a good place to start for documentation
* The [http://www.ifolder.com iFolder Wiki] is a good place to start for documentation
* [http://forge.novell.com/modules/xfmod/maillist/?group_id=1372 iFolder Mailing Lists]
* [http://forge.novell.com/modules/xfmod/maillist/?group_id=1372 iFolder Mailing Lists]

2009年11月17日 (二) 19:28的最新版本

{{#ifexist: :IFolderClient/zh | | {{#ifexist: IFolderClient/zh | | {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:IFolderClient|1|-1|}} | zh | | }} }} }} {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:IFolderClient|1|-1|}} | zh | | }}

Attention: The following does not work anymore, because the recent version of the iFolder client depends on mono version 2.4, while in the most recent Ubuntu, version 9.04, the mono version is 2.0.

Gusty Gibbon (7.10)

iFolderClient comes in two parts. First, there is simias that runs as a client. This module is the backend that is used by iFolder to access the server data. Also, there is iFolder that represents the user interface for simias. In order to get a properly working installation of iFolderClient, you must first install simias and iFolder after that.

Getting sources

For the time being, you will have to get the source from the projects subversion server until the iFolder team releases a tarball of version 3.6. To proceed, you have to install subversion with this command line.

sudo apt-get install svn

[For 8.04 svn is called subversion] Next, create a directory anywhere on your drive to download the source. I chose to create it in my home directory for no particular reason. This command will do the job.

mkdir ifolder

Now it's time to checkout source code from the SVN server. You have to download both the simias project and the iFolder project. This step can take a lot of time.

cd ifolder
svn checkout https://forgesvn1.novell.com/svn/simias/trunk/simias simias
svn checkout https://forgesvn1.novell.com/svn/ifolder/trunk/ifolder ifolder

Compile & Install Simias

Simias is the backend for the iFolder application. So, you must compile and install it before trying to compile iFolder. Let's get started by installing all dependencies related to simias.

Install Dependencies

Before going any further, you must ensure that you have the universe repository enabled. Otherwise, if this is not the case apt-get will show you some errors. Execute this command to install the required dependencies.

sudo apt-get install build-essential autoconf automake checkinstall libtool mono mono-devel mono-xsp mono-mcs libmono-dev liblog4net1.2-cil libmono-winforms1.0-cil libmono-ldap1.0-cil pkg-config libxml2 libxml2-dev libflaim4.1 libflaim-dev libncurses5-dev uuid uuid-dev

[For 8.04 mono is probably mono-common, and mono-devel is probably mono-1.0-devel and maybe also mono-2.0-devel]

Fix libflaim

I don't know why, but the current version of Simias looks for the file libfl.a and libfl.so. This file corresponds to the libflaim.a and libflaim.so respectively. Maybe, under openSUSE the flaim library creates this file and Ubuntu thought it's was a better idea to rename this file ! Why not ! To fix this, you have to create a symbolic link with this command.

 sudo ln -s /usr/lib/libflaim.a /usr/lib/libfl.a
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/libflaim.so /usr/lib/libfl.so


The decisive moment ! You have to configure simias with the autogen.sh script. I prefer to install it to /usr/local. If you don't want to contaminate your /usr directory you could also install to /opt.

 cd simias/
./autogen.sh --prefix=/usr/local

If the script exits without any error and display something like Now type 'make' to compile Simias, you can continue and execute this next command that will compile Simias.



Finally, you must install it by executing this command. A good alternative is to install it by using the checkinstall tool that will create a .deb file. This way it's easier to remove it. If your not sure, just execute the following command.

 sudo make install

If all of this command exits without any error, it's means that Simias is installed correctly. You can continue by compiling and installing iFolder [So far the instructions work for Hardy Heron (8.04) as well, but I could not get the forthcoming description to work...] [checkinstall seems handy, could you provide instructions for using that instead of sudo make install?

Compile & Install iFolder

Install Dependencies

Execute this command to install the required dependencies.

sudo apt-get install automake1.9 libgtk2.0-dev gnome-sharp2 gtk-sharp2


You have to configure ifolder with the autogen.sh script. I prefer to install it to /usr/local. If you don't want to contaminate your /usr directory you could also install to /opt.

 cd ../ifolder/
./autogen.sh --prefix=/usr/local

If the script exits without any error and displays something like Now type 'make' to compile iFolder, you can continue and execute this next command that will compile iFolder



You must install iFolder by executing this command. A good alternative is to install it by using the checkinstall tool that will create a .deb file. This way it's easier to remove it. If your not sure, just execute the following command.

 sudo make install

If all of this command exits without any error, it means that iFolder is installed correctly. If you're using Gnome, a launcher will have been created in your Applications Menu. Otherwise just execute the command ifolder.

More info

There is a request for an iFolder package. (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/87122) The iFolder Home Page is a good source of information, but a lot of information is outdated, including the HowTo and stable release info. Also, the wiki is read only. (December 2, 2007).

Introduction (Old version for reference only)

1. Adding iFolder Repository

A special repository has been set up with Dapper Drake packages. You need to add this to your repository list.

  • Open Synaptic Package Manager (System --> Administration --> Synaptic Package Manager)
  • Enter your password when prompted
  • Go the Settings menu and choose Repositories
  • Click the Add button
  • Click on the Custom button
  • Enter deb http://trunks.whiprush.org/~jorge/ifolder dapper main as the repository URL
  • Press Close
  • In the main Synaptic window, press the Refresh button - you must be connected to the Internet to do this. You may receive an error relating to the GPG key for whiprush.org but you can safely click OK and ignore this.

This will download the latest information for the iFolder client.

2. Installing iFolder Client

  • In Synaptic (previous step), click search and enter ifolder3 into the search box and click Search
  • Right click the package named ifolder3
  • In the box that appears, press the Mark button to accept the extra packages
  • Press the Apply button in the main Synaptic window which will confirm you are installing 6 packages and press Apply

Synaptic will now download and install the iFolder client for you. Close Synaptic when you are finished.

3. Running iFolder Client

iFolder should be in your Applications menu under Programming. You can just click on iFolder and the client wil start in the notification area (beside the clock). It is likely that the client will not run perfectly at first, see the next section, "Troubleshooting".

4. Troubleshooting

If your iFolder client doesn't start (for example, it displays a tray icon but does not do anything else), try the following :

  • Install the mono-xsp package.
  • Update the following symlink :
sudo rm /usr/web/bin/FlaimWrapper.so
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/libFlaimWrapper.so.0 /usr/web/bin/FlaimWrapper.so

5. Warning

The release in the mentioned repository is a "stable" release, which is somewhat ancient. It doesn't work with recent builds of iFolder Server 3.5 (experimental releases).
