
创建新页面为 'AutoDeb实验脚本是一个完全自动化编译和安装软件。其基本理念是,用户下载任何。 tar.gz中解开或。 tar.bz2解压缩文件创建使用autoconf的...'
第1行: 第1行:
AutoDeb实验脚本是一个完全自动化编译和安装软件。其基本理念是,用户下载任何。 tar.gz中解开或。 tar.bz2解压缩文件创建使用autoconf的(即大多数程序) ,以及种类像autodeb archive.tar.gz该计划将被配置,编译和安装,以及二元。 deb软件包将建立和安装在系统上。 AutoDeb尝试自动寻找并安装相依(包括所需要的编制,以及那些需要在运行时) ,它列出了运行相依这样在生成的。 deb文件。它使用' strace '找到发展相依在'配置' ,和CheckInstall创建一个。 deb二进制包。相反, AutoApt , AutoDeb不只是安装的每个文件'设定'正好看看。相反,它可以让'设定'运行和失败,而此时它只有最后安装的软件包'设定'要求,并重复这一过程。这样可以避免安装了很多无用的“假”相依( auto - apt的总是尝试安装77国集团在我的系统,仅举一个) 。
AutoDeb实验脚本是一个完全自动化编译和安装软件。的基本概念是,用户下载任何。 tar.gz中解开或。 tar.bz2解压缩文件创建使用autoconf的(即大多数程序) ,以及种类像autodeb archive.tar.gz该计划将被配置,编译和安装,并以二进制。 deb软件包将建立和安装在系统上。 AutoDeb尝试自动寻找并安装相依(包括所需要的编制,以及那些需要在运行时) ,它列出运行相依等在已生成的。 deb文件。它使用' strace '找到发展相依在'配置' ,和CheckInstall创建一个。 deb二进制包。相反AutoApt , AutoDeb不只是安装的每个文件'设定'碰巧看看。 Instead, it lets 'configure' run and fail, at which point it installs only the last package that 'configure' required, and repeats the process. This avoids installing a lot of useless "false" dependencies (auto-apt always tries to install G77 on my system, just to mention one).相反,它可以让'设定'运行和失败,而此时它只有最后安装的软件包'设定'要求,并重复这一过程。这可以避免安装了很多无用的“假”相依( auto - apt的总是尝试安装77国集团在我的系统,仅举一个) 。
    * 1 Usage 1 用法
    * 2 Concept 2 概念
    * 3 Tested software 3 测试的软件
    * 4 Known problems and bugs 4 已知问题和错误
    * 5 Use cases 5 使用案例
    * 6 Changelog 6 修改
[ 编辑 ] Usage [ 编辑 ] 用法
PLEASE BE AWARE THAT AUTODEB IS VERY EXPERIMENTAL SOFTWARE THAT USES SUPERUSER PRIVILEGES, AND AS SUCH MIGHT DAMAGE YOUR SYSTEM AutoDeb can be downloaded at http://apt.byethost14.com/autodeb.sh (or http://apt.byethost14.com/autodeb if you want to view the source in your browser) Make the script executable first: 请一定要知道AUTODEB非常实验软件 , 使用超级特权,这样可能会破坏您的系统 AutoDeb可下载http://apt.byethost14.com/autodeb.sh (或http://apt.byethost14.com / autodeb如果你想查看源在您的浏览器)使脚本可执行第一:
chmod +x autodeb.sh搭配chmod + x的autodeb.sh
Then to run in console mode, type然后运行在控制台模式,键入
sudo ./autodeb.sh命令。 / autodeb.sh
To run in GNOME, type运行在GNOME的,键入
gksudo ./autodeb.sh --gnome gksudo 。 / autodeb.sh - GNOME的
To run in KDE, type运行在KDE中,键入
kdesu ./autodeb.sh --kde kdesu 。 / autodeb.sh - KDE的
You can also give the filename of a tarball, or a directory, as the last argument in the command line.您也可以给文件的压缩档,或一个目录,作为最后一个参数的命令行。
[ 编辑 ] Concept [ 编辑 ] 概念
Given a directory or a tarball containing source code and an autoconf 'configure' script, autodeb will 1) Run the 'configure' script under strace, which tracks all of configure's attempts to access files 2) When 'configure' fails, autodeb looks at the last file that 'configure' tried to access; it asks auto-apt to find the package that files belongs to, installs it, and goes back to 1) 3) When 'configure' eventually succeeds, autodeb compiles the sources using 'make' 4) At this point, AutoDeb does a 'make install' under a LD_PRELOAD environment (checkinstall), which instead of letting files be installed to the root filesystem structure, it creates a .deb package out of them 5) Now autodeb looks at every executable file contained in the .deb package, and calls 'ldd' on them to determine the shared libraries that they require to run 6) auto-apt is then asked to find which packages those libraries belong to, and autodeb lists these packages as dependencies for the CheckInstall-generated .deb package鉴于目录或包包含源代码和autoconf的'配置'脚本, autodeb将1 )运行'设定'脚本下strace跟踪所有配置的尝试访问文件2 )当'设定'失败, autodeb着眼于最后文件, '设定'试图访问;它要求auto - apt的套件中寻找属于该文件,安装它,可追溯到1 ) 3 )当'设定'最终成功, autodeb编译源使用'使' 4 )在这一点上, AutoDeb做了' make install的'下的LD_PRELOAD环境( checkinstall ) ,而不是让这些文件安装到根文件系统结构,它会创建一个。 deb软件包了他们5 )现在autodeb着眼于每一个可执行文件中包含的。 deb软件包,并呼吁'了ldd '他们确定共享库,它们需要运行6 ) auto - apt是然后问找到软件包属于这些图书馆和autodeb列出这些包相依的CheckInstall产生的。 deb软件包
[ 编辑 ] Tested software [ 编辑 ] 测试的软件
    * XTraceroute - The 'traceroute' package must be installed manually, because /usr/bin/traceroute is a symlink created by its postinst, and thus cannot be found by auto-apt. XTraceroute -在'跟踪路由'软件包必须手动安装,因为/usr/bin/traceroute是一个符号链接所造成postinst ,从而不能找到auto - apt的。
    * SofSip-CLI - Works, with pkg-config detection. SofSip - cli参数-工程,与的pkg配置检测。
    * Please add your reports here, specifying the URL to the tarball and the problems you encounter (or stating you encountered none). 请添加您的报告,具体的网址源程序和遇到的问题(或说明您遇到的无) 。 If you experience problems building the software listed above, please describe them in the corresponding entry. 如果您遇到问题的软件建设上面列出,请说明他们在相应的条目。 Also, sending a copy of autodeb.log to [email protected] might help me pinpoint bugs. 此外,发送一份autodeb.log以[email protected]可能帮助我找出错误。
[ 编辑 ] Known problems and bugs [ 编辑 ] 已知问题和错误
    * The "Cancel" button doesn't work in KDE, and might break things with GNOME, since it just interrupts whatever the script is doing at once “取消”按钮不起作用在KDE中,并可能打破与GNOME的事情,因为它刚刚中断的脚本是什么做一次
    * No prompt in the Zenity multiline textbox, it simply doesn't support it无提示的Zenity多文本,它根本不支持
    * The GNOME progress bar tends to move around in the window在GNOME的进度栏往往会走动的窗口
    * The notification icon in GNOME is wrong通知图标的GNOME是错误的
    * FIXED No log files are created 定额没有创建日志文件
    * FIXED The script uses sh when it really needs Bash ( on Edgy, sh != bash ) I assume this can be fixed by changing all references to sh to bash but I have not looked at the script long enough to be sure ~Jordan_U 固定脚本使用上海时,确实需要巴什(关于毛躁,嘘! =庆典)我认为这可以通过改变固定所有提及上海来庆祝,但我还没有看剧本足够长的时间,以确保〜 Jordan_U
    * FIXED The generated .deb package does not have any dependencies listed. 固定产生。 deb软件包没有任何相依上市。
    * FIXED 'configure' is very slow due to AutoApt crazily looking for packages (while only one search would be really needed) 定额 '设定'是非常缓慢的原因AutoApt摇摇晃晃地寻找包(只有一个搜索将是真正需要的)
    * Only dependencies that are not already installed are added as dependencies for the .deb file.只有相依尚未安装的补充相依的。 deb文件。 This can be a problem when sharing the file with others who do not have the same packages already installed.这可能是一个问题时,共享文件与其他人谁不具有相同的包已安装。 -- This is definitely not intended behavior for runtime dependencies (it works like this for build dependencies, but those aren't listed at all, since only binary packages are created). -这肯定是不打算行为运行相依(它的运作方式如为建立依存关系,但那些没有列出所有的,因为只有二进制软件包创建) 。 Could you send me ([email protected]) the autodeb.log of a build exhibiting the bug, the output of "dpkg -I package.deb" and, if you don't mind, the output of "dpkg -l"?你能不能给我( [email protected] )的autodeb.log的建立展出错误,输出的使用“ dpkg -我package.deb ” ,如果你不介意的,输出的使用“ dpkg - 1 ” ?
    * Add your problems here (or contact me directly at [email protected] if you can't edit this page; attaching autodeb.log is appreciated)... 请将您的问题在这里(或直接与我联系在[email protected]如果您不能编辑此页;附加autodeb.log赞赏) ...
[ 编辑 ] Use cases [ 编辑 ] 用例
John doesn't have any experience compiling software from sources, but still he wants to install a program that isn't in any repository.约翰没有任何经验汇编软件的来源,但他仍然想安装一个程序,不以任何存放。 He can run "autodeb tarball" and, with a bit of luck, he'll have the program packaged and installed without doing anything else. Mary has been using GNU/Linux for a long time, and she's used to the intricacies of autoconf and compiling.他可以运行“ autodeb包” ,并有一点运气,他将有计划,包装和安装没有做什么。玛丽一直使用GNU / Linux的很长一段时间,她用的复杂性的autoconf和汇编。 However, she's a little busy at the moment and she doesn't have time to manually look for a program's dependencies to compile it.然而,她有点忙的时刻,她没有时间来手动查找程序的依赖性来编译它。 With the help of AutoDeb, she can do something else while AutoDeb builds her program for her.的帮助下, AutoDeb ,她可以做些别的事情,而她的计划的基础AutoDeb她。
[ 编辑 ] Changelog [ 编辑 ] 修改
    * 5 August 2007 Some trivial but vital logfile related bugfixes 2007年8月5日有些微不足道,但重要的日志文件有关的错误修正
    * 4 August 2007 Ad-hoc support for pkg-config (which for some reason isn't caught by strace). 2007年8月4日特设支持的pkg配置(这是因为某些原因没有抓到strace ) 。 Package name and version are now correctly guessed even when '.'包名称和版本现在正确猜中即使' 。 is given as directory.给出目录。
    * 3 August 2007 Check for apt-get errors. 2007年8月3检查和apt - get错误。 A log file of the build is generated in the current directory.日志文件的建立是产生在当前目录中。 The generated Debian package is copied to the current directory.所产生的Debian软件包复制到当前目录。
    * 2 August 2007 Rewritten from scratch. 2007年8月2重写从零开始。 Now uses strace instead of auto-apt, faster and with hopefully better heuristics.现在使用strace不是auto - apt的,更快,更好的启发式与希望。 Runs as root, although it steps back to a normal user for sensitive operations.以root运行,但它的步骤恢复正常用户敏感的行动。 Two GUIs are available thanks to Zenity and KDialog.有两个GUIs感谢Zenity和KDialog 。
    * 27 July 2007 Moved back from aptitude to apt-get, since it now supports dependency tracking. 2007年7月27搬回从aptitude来和apt - get ,因为它现在支持的依赖跟踪。 Preliminary implementation of strace -based backend, which should be faster than auto-apt, allow for more heuristics and avoid having to hack the auto-apt scripts; auto-apt is still used for searching for packages.初步实施strace的后端,应该快于auto - apt的,允许有更多的启发和避免黑客的auto - apt的脚本; auto - apt是仍然用于寻找软件包。 The variable USE_STRACE can be unset to revert to the old method.可变USE_STRACE可以取消还原到旧的方法。
    * 26 November 2005 Finally implemented runtime dependency installing and listing in the Depends: line of created packages. 05年11月26日最后实施运行依赖安装和上市的依赖:行创建软件包。
    * 25 November 2005 Now creating a "custom" auto-apt database that only lists "-dev" packages, making "configure" much faster; implemented gzip and bzip2 archive extraction; fixed name and version extraction from archive name; various miscellaneous fixes. 2005年11月25现在建立一个“自定义” auto - apt的数据库,仅列出“ - dev ”结尾的软件包,使“配置”得更快;实施和bzip2 gzip或存档提取;固定的名称和版本提取档案名称;各种杂项修正。
    * 16 November 2005 Now using aptitude for everything, which should make the script safer, as the black magic I was using previously to find out what packages to remove at program end is no longer needed. 2005年11月16现在使用aptitude的一切,这应该使脚本安全的,因为巫术我使用以前找出套件移除程序结束时不再需要。

2009年6月6日 (六) 17:00的版本

AutoDeb实验脚本是一个完全自动化编译和安装软件。的基本概念是,用户下载任何。 tar.gz中解开或。 tar.bz2解压缩文件创建使用autoconf的(即大多数程序) ,以及种类像autodeb archive.tar.gz该计划将被配置,编译和安装,并以二进制。 deb软件包将建立和安装在系统上。 AutoDeb尝试自动寻找并安装相依(包括所需要的编制,以及那些需要在运行时) ,它列出运行相依等在已生成的。 deb文件。它使用' strace '找到发展相依在'配置' ,和CheckInstall创建一个。 deb二进制包。相反AutoApt , AutoDeb不只是安装的每个文件'设定'碰巧看看。 Instead, it lets 'configure' run and fail, at which point it installs only the last package that 'configure' required, and repeats the process. This avoids installing a lot of useless "false" dependencies (auto-apt always tries to install G77 on my system, just to mention one).相反,它可以让'设定'运行和失败,而此时它只有最后安装的软件包'设定'要求,并重复这一过程。这可以避免安装了很多无用的“假”相依( auto - apt的总是尝试安装77国集团在我的系统,仅举一个) 。 目录目录 [隐藏]

   * 1 Usage 1 用法
   * 2 Concept 2 概念
   * 3 Tested software 3 测试的软件
   * 4 Known problems and bugs 4 已知问题和错误
   * 5 Use cases 5 使用案例
   * 6 Changelog 6 修改 

[ 编辑 ] Usage [ 编辑 ] 用法

PLEASE BE AWARE THAT AUTODEB IS VERY EXPERIMENTAL SOFTWARE THAT USES SUPERUSER PRIVILEGES, AND AS SUCH MIGHT DAMAGE YOUR SYSTEM AutoDeb can be downloaded at http://apt.byethost14.com/autodeb.sh (or http://apt.byethost14.com/autodeb if you want to view the source in your browser) Make the script executable first: 请一定要知道AUTODEB非常实验软件 , 使用超级特权,这样可能会破坏您的系统 AutoDeb可下载http://apt.byethost14.com/autodeb.sh (或http://apt.byethost14.com / autodeb如果你想查看源在您的浏览器)使脚本可执行第一:

chmod +x autodeb.sh搭配chmod + x的autodeb.sh 

Then to run in console mode, type然后运行在控制台模式,键入

sudo ./autodeb.sh命令。 / autodeb.sh 

To run in GNOME, type运行在GNOME的,键入

gksudo ./autodeb.sh --gnome gksudo 。 / autodeb.sh - GNOME的 

To run in KDE, type运行在KDE中,键入

kdesu ./autodeb.sh --kde kdesu 。 / autodeb.sh - KDE的 

You can also give the filename of a tarball, or a directory, as the last argument in the command line.您也可以给文件的压缩档,或一个目录,作为最后一个参数的命令行。 [ 编辑 ] Concept [ 编辑 ] 概念

Given a directory or a tarball containing source code and an autoconf 'configure' script, autodeb will 1) Run the 'configure' script under strace, which tracks all of configure's attempts to access files 2) When 'configure' fails, autodeb looks at the last file that 'configure' tried to access; it asks auto-apt to find the package that files belongs to, installs it, and goes back to 1) 3) When 'configure' eventually succeeds, autodeb compiles the sources using 'make' 4) At this point, AutoDeb does a 'make install' under a LD_PRELOAD environment (checkinstall), which instead of letting files be installed to the root filesystem structure, it creates a .deb package out of them 5) Now autodeb looks at every executable file contained in the .deb package, and calls 'ldd' on them to determine the shared libraries that they require to run 6) auto-apt is then asked to find which packages those libraries belong to, and autodeb lists these packages as dependencies for the CheckInstall-generated .deb package鉴于目录或包包含源代码和autoconf的'配置'脚本, autodeb将1 )运行'设定'脚本下strace跟踪所有配置的尝试访问文件2 )当'设定'失败, autodeb着眼于最后文件, '设定'试图访问;它要求auto - apt的套件中寻找属于该文件,安装它,可追溯到1 ) 3 )当'设定'最终成功, autodeb编译源使用'使' 4 )在这一点上, AutoDeb做了' make install的'下的LD_PRELOAD环境( checkinstall ) ,而不是让这些文件安装到根文件系统结构,它会创建一个。 deb软件包了他们5 )现在autodeb着眼于每一个可执行文件中包含的。 deb软件包,并呼吁'了ldd '他们确定共享库,它们需要运行6 ) auto - apt是然后问找到软件包属于这些图书馆和autodeb列出这些包相依的CheckInstall产生的。 deb软件包 [ 编辑 ] Tested software [ 编辑 ] 测试的软件

   * XTraceroute - The 'traceroute' package must be installed manually, because /usr/bin/traceroute is a symlink created by its postinst, and thus cannot be found by auto-apt. XTraceroute -在'跟踪路由'软件包必须手动安装,因为/usr/bin/traceroute是一个符号链接所造成postinst ,从而不能找到auto - apt的。
   * SofSip-CLI - Works, with pkg-config detection. SofSip - cli参数-工程,与的pkg配置检测。
   * Please add your reports here, specifying the URL to the tarball and the problems you encounter (or stating you encountered none). 请添加您的报告,具体的网址源程序和遇到的问题(或说明您遇到的无) 。 If you experience problems building the software listed above, please describe them in the corresponding entry. 如果您遇到问题的软件建设上面列出,请说明他们在相应的条目。 Also, sending a copy of autodeb.log to [email protected] might help me pinpoint bugs. 此外,发送一份autodeb.log以[email protected]可能帮助我找出错误。 

[ 编辑 ] Known problems and bugs [ 编辑 ] 已知问题和错误

   * The "Cancel" button doesn't work in KDE, and might break things with GNOME, since it just interrupts whatever the script is doing at once “取消”按钮不起作用在KDE中,并可能打破与GNOME的事情,因为它刚刚中断的脚本是什么做一次
   * No prompt in the Zenity multiline textbox, it simply doesn't support it无提示的Zenity多文本,它根本不支持
   * The GNOME progress bar tends to move around in the window在GNOME的进度栏往往会走动的窗口
   * The notification icon in GNOME is wrong通知图标的GNOME是错误的
   * FIXED No log files are created 定额没有创建日志文件
   * FIXED The script uses sh when it really needs Bash ( on Edgy, sh != bash ) I assume this can be fixed by changing all references to sh to bash but I have not looked at the script long enough to be sure ~Jordan_U 固定脚本使用上海时,确实需要巴什(关于毛躁,嘘! =庆典)我认为这可以通过改变固定所有提及上海来庆祝,但我还没有看剧本足够长的时间,以确保〜 Jordan_U
   * FIXED The generated .deb package does not have any dependencies listed. 固定产生。 deb软件包没有任何相依上市。
   * FIXED 'configure' is very slow due to AutoApt crazily looking for packages (while only one search would be really needed) 定额 '设定'是非常缓慢的原因AutoApt摇摇晃晃地寻找包(只有一个搜索将是真正需要的)
   * Only dependencies that are not already installed are added as dependencies for the .deb file.只有相依尚未安装的补充相依的。 deb文件。 This can be a problem when sharing the file with others who do not have the same packages already installed.这可能是一个问题时,共享文件与其他人谁不具有相同的包已安装。 -- This is definitely not intended behavior for runtime dependencies (it works like this for build dependencies, but those aren't listed at all, since only binary packages are created). -这肯定是不打算行为运行相依(它的运作方式如为建立依存关系,但那些没有列出所有的,因为只有二进制软件包创建) 。 Could you send me ([email protected]) the autodeb.log of a build exhibiting the bug, the output of "dpkg -I package.deb" and, if you don't mind, the output of "dpkg -l"?你能不能给我( [email protected] )的autodeb.log的建立展出错误,输出的使用“ dpkg -我package.deb ” ,如果你不介意的,输出的使用“ dpkg - 1 ” ?
   * Add your problems here (or contact me directly at [email protected] if you can't edit this page; attaching autodeb.log is appreciated)... 请将您的问题在这里(或直接与我联系在[email protected]如果您不能编辑此页;附加autodeb.log赞赏) ... 

[ 编辑 ] Use cases [ 编辑 ] 用例

John doesn't have any experience compiling software from sources, but still he wants to install a program that isn't in any repository.约翰没有任何经验汇编软件的来源,但他仍然想安装一个程序,不以任何存放。 He can run "autodeb tarball" and, with a bit of luck, he'll have the program packaged and installed without doing anything else. Mary has been using GNU/Linux for a long time, and she's used to the intricacies of autoconf and compiling.他可以运行“ autodeb包” ,并有一点运气,他将有计划,包装和安装没有做什么。玛丽一直使用GNU / Linux的很长一段时间,她用的复杂性的autoconf和汇编。 However, she's a little busy at the moment and she doesn't have time to manually look for a program's dependencies to compile it.然而,她有点忙的时刻,她没有时间来手动查找程序的依赖性来编译它。 With the help of AutoDeb, she can do something else while AutoDeb builds her program for her.的帮助下, AutoDeb ,她可以做些别的事情,而她的计划的基础AutoDeb她。 [ 编辑 ] Changelog [ 编辑 ] 修改

   * 5 August 2007 Some trivial but vital logfile related bugfixes 2007年8月5日有些微不足道,但重要的日志文件有关的错误修正
   * 4 August 2007 Ad-hoc support for pkg-config (which for some reason isn't caught by strace). 2007年8月4日特设支持的pkg配置(这是因为某些原因没有抓到strace ) 。 Package name and version are now correctly guessed even when '.'包名称和版本现在正确猜中即使' 。 is given as directory.给出目录。
   * 3 August 2007 Check for apt-get errors. 2007年8月3检查和apt - get错误。 A log file of the build is generated in the current directory.日志文件的建立是产生在当前目录中。 The generated Debian package is copied to the current directory.所产生的Debian软件包复制到当前目录。
   * 2 August 2007 Rewritten from scratch. 2007年8月2重写从零开始。 Now uses strace instead of auto-apt, faster and with hopefully better heuristics.现在使用strace不是auto - apt的,更快,更好的启发式与希望。 Runs as root, although it steps back to a normal user for sensitive operations.以root运行,但它的步骤恢复正常用户敏感的行动。 Two GUIs are available thanks to Zenity and KDialog.有两个GUIs感谢Zenity和KDialog 。
   * 27 July 2007 Moved back from aptitude to apt-get, since it now supports dependency tracking. 2007年7月27搬回从aptitude来和apt - get ,因为它现在支持的依赖跟踪。 Preliminary implementation of strace -based backend, which should be faster than auto-apt, allow for more heuristics and avoid having to hack the auto-apt scripts; auto-apt is still used for searching for packages.初步实施strace的后端,应该快于auto - apt的,允许有更多的启发和避免黑客的auto - apt的脚本; auto - apt是仍然用于寻找软件包。 The variable USE_STRACE can be unset to revert to the old method.可变USE_STRACE可以取消还原到旧的方法。
   * 26 November 2005 Finally implemented runtime dependency installing and listing in the Depends: line of created packages. 05年11月26日最后实施运行依赖安装和上市的依赖:行创建软件包。
   * 25 November 2005 Now creating a "custom" auto-apt database that only lists "-dev" packages, making "configure" much faster; implemented gzip and bzip2 archive extraction; fixed name and version extraction from archive name; various miscellaneous fixes. 2005年11月25现在建立一个“自定义” auto - apt的数据库,仅列出“ - dev ”结尾的软件包,使“配置”得更快;实施和bzip2 gzip或存档提取;固定的名称和版本提取档案名称;各种杂项修正。
   * 16 November 2005 Now using aptitude for everything, which should make the script safer, as the black magic I was using previously to find out what packages to remove at program end is no longer needed. 2005年11月16现在使用aptitude的一切,这应该使脚本安全的,因为巫术我使用以前找出套件移除程序结束时不再需要。