
Sue37留言 | 贡献
Sue37留言 | 贡献
第49行: 第49行:
* 确保合适的裁剪 - 你可以使用<Alt>+Print Screen来截取获得焦点的窗口。
* 确保合适的裁剪 - 你可以使用<Alt>+Print Screen来截取获得焦点的窗口。
* 尽可能使用Human主题/默认的Plastik/Glass combo 在KDE中.
* 尽可能使用Human主题/默认的Plastik/Glass combo 在KDE中.
* 如果我们能够遵从视频捕获的指导方针(guidelines)则更为理想,关于使用虚拟机,清理boot,生成菜单之类以便默认并干净地安装。
* 如果我们能够遵从视频捕获的指导方针(guidelines)则更为理想,使用虚拟机,清理boot,生成菜单之类以便默认并干净地安装。

“”使用虚拟机而不用当前的桌面的原因是" is to ensure the screenshots are showing what a user would see. Most developers (or even experienced users) have additional software installed (such as the video recording application), have customised their desktop, or are running a version of Ubuntu (such as the current development version) which users might be less likely to use. It also allows for a "gold" build to be kept in a disk image which can be re-used after the screenshots are. This means each set of screenshots starts from the same basic starting point of a fresh (new) installation of Ubuntu. If screenshots and howtos are made which assume levels of knowledge or that certain software is already installed then it's possible users will get lost or give up when they see that the screenshots doesn't match what they see." - Modified Excerpt from screencasting team article.
“”使用虚拟机而不用当前的桌面的原因是保证截屏显示的是用户真正看到的。大多数开发人员(或者有经验的用户)有附加的软件需要安装(比如视频记录应用),自定义了他们的桌面,或者运行在一个用户可能不喜欢的Ubuntu版本(比如正在开发的版本)。"   It also allows for a "gold" build to be kept in a disk image which can be re-used after the screenshots are. This means each set of screenshots starts from the same basic starting point of a fresh (new) installation of Ubuntu. If screenshots and howtos are made which assume levels of knowledge or that certain software is already installed then it's possible users will get lost or give up when they see that the screenshots doesn't match what they see." - Modified Excerpt from screencasting team article.

=== Guidelines for Screenshots ===
=== Guidelines for Screenshots ===

2008年4月1日 (二) 14:01的版本

{{#ifexist: :Beginners/Development/zh/zh | | {{#ifexist: Beginners/Development/zh/zh | | {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:Beginners/Development/zh|1|-1|}} | zh | | }} }} }} {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:Beginners/Development/zh|1|-1|}} | zh | | }}



此文档应该始终反应最新的版本,如果有任何版本存在特殊的不同点,这些不同点应该并且仅应该被安放于共同的类别下其自己的页面与连接中。  因此,举例来说:如果Dapper版本的编解码器(codec)安装方法是不同的,则它应该在Media/Dapper下,或Media/Video/Dapper下如果Video恰巧是一个子类。 1. 常见问题(FAQ)应该针对问题而不应该是所有的任务。所列出的条目应链接至其自己的页面中,并且在向导(guide)中加以连接,或放入某个硬件故障检修器(troubleshooter)中。2. 命令行界面(CLI)应尽可精简。3.通过移动所有信息到向导(guide)或常用wiki中以去除以下所有页面,或者去除他们。

Beginners/Guide/Dapper Beginners/Guide/Edgy Beginners/Guide/Feisty Beginners/Guide/Feisty/Gaim Beginners/Guide/Feisty/Multimedia


桌面向导(Desktop Guide)

  • 应大致包括怎样浏览gnome-look/kde-look,如何保存与选中。
  • 主题-- 其中不要包含Beryl,将compiz作为默认。
  • 引擎?
  • 声音
  • Splashes (DE, 也可能是usplash)
  • 谨慎选择获取定制配置的专业网站列表。


  • 如果可能的话以提取包的方式使用程序。



  • 这意味着要做的首先是寻找有关我们需要了解事情的文章,试着改进并链接它。
  • 彻底地搜索以确定你要找的相关主题是否存在。
  • 不要把网页弄乱,保持简洁的风格并提供链接。
  • 尽可能多地使用内部链接。
  • 如果可能的话,链接到视频画面捕捉组的杰出工作:http://doc.ubuntu.com/screencasts/


  • 这意味着尽可能不使用命令行操作。
  • 引入的新东西越多,就越容易产生困惑。
  • 对已经干过多次的事情,确保你检查过。简单起见:




  • 确保合适的裁剪 - 你可以使用<Alt>+Print Screen来截取获得焦点的窗口。
  • 尽可能使用Human主题/默认的Plastik/Glass combo 在KDE中.
  • 如果我们能够遵从视频捕获的指导方针(guidelines)则更为理想,使用虚拟机,清理boot,生成菜单之类以便默认并干净地安装。

“”使用虚拟机而不用当前的桌面的原因是保证截屏显示的是用户真正看到的。大多数开发人员(或者有经验的用户)有附加的软件需要安装(比如视频记录应用),自定义了他们的桌面,或者运行在一个用户可能不喜欢的Ubuntu版本(比如正在开发的版本)。"   It also allows for a "gold" build to be kept in a disk image which can be re-used after the screenshots are. This means each set of screenshots starts from the same basic starting point of a fresh (new) installation of Ubuntu. If screenshots and howtos are made which assume levels of knowledge or that certain software is already installed then it's possible users will get lost or give up when they see that the screenshots doesn't match what they see." - Modified Excerpt from screencasting team article.

Guidelines for Screenshots

Screen shots should be done with a default install ~ This means default background, default menus, default icons, etc. This is best accomplished with a virtual machine with no customization. Options include qemu, vmware, and virtual box.

Wiki Guidelines

To help new users feel at ease we do not want to over-burden them with inaccessible jargon. The glossary, explained below, will take care of some of the problems associated with new terms, but as a team we need to ensure that we keep our language and explanations as lucid as possible. We want clear-cut phrases, avoiding high densities of technical terms.


Please look at these pages : Ubuntu Documentation Style Guide WikiGuide HelpOnEditing


We have started a basic terms glossary: Terms. In order that we can start to build up a bank of concise and useful definitions, it is recommended that as you add articles to our section of this wiki, you gloss key terms and link to them as you add them to your articles. This will ensure that we have the inter-linking in place that is necessary to make the process of finding and understanding information as intuitive as possible.