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New page: {{From|https://wiki.ubuntu.com/bureado}} {{Languages|php5}} == José Miguel Parrella Romero == * Sophomore undergraduate student at the Electrical Engineering School, [http://www.ucv.ve U...
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== José Miguel Parrella Romero ==
== José Miguel Parrella Romero ==

2007年5月14日 (一) 15:21的最新版本

{{#ifexist: :bureado/zh | | {{#ifexist: bureado/zh | | {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:bureado|1|-1|}} | zh | | }} }} }} {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:bureado|1|-1|}} | zh | | }}

José Miguel Parrella Romero

  • Sophomore undergraduate student at the Electrical Engineering School, Universidad Central de Venezuela.
  • Systems Administrator at the Intellectual Property Office in Venezuela.
  • Independent consultant, working since 2004 in corporate solutions using GNU/Linux, mainly Debian, including domain controllers, network servers, mail servers, web servers, network security and virtualization.


  • I would like to get involved in Debian-Ubuntu integration, specially in the following areas: security, documentation, packaging policies, bug handling and packaging techniques.
  • I would like to get some fresh software into Ubuntu, as I've been trying to do in Debian, with all the restrictions due to being a non-Developer maintainer.
  • I would like to take part into the QA processes inside Ubuntu in order to improve communication and to embrace participation of the users in the bug-resolution cycle.


  • I maintain three packages in the Debian Archive (falselogin, rocklight and libdebian-package-html-perl) and I'm glad to work as a comaintainer for XMMS. I'm going through the NM process, currently on hold until November 2006.
  • I spend an important part of my time helping out in local user and developer communities, mainly the two biggest LUG's at Venezuela (VELUG and UNPLUG) as well as the University LUG (UCVLUG) and local development groups like Debian Venezuela.
  • While development is not my main field of interest, I do care as upstream for small pieces of software, mainly Perl programs. I'm a CPAN uploader, and I'm part (both as an attendant and as a speaker) of the Caracas Perl Mongers. I've also been flirting around with Ruby and Python lately, including some brief hacks for cplay, and my own test scripts.
  • I try to keep up a small home server network (g33k!) in my house, made up by Debian, Gentoo, Arch and Ubuntu machines. Around ten people can access the servers and they can work learning a programming language, playing around with virtualization and learning about security, OpenLDAP integration and maintaining Debian packages for internal use. Of this people, two are female, two are minor of age and almost every of them live in the countryside of Venezuela. The goal is to provide a harmless environment where to test and ask things without fears, therefore learning and providing strong grounds to think out of the box in the harsh FLOSS environment.


  • I have a Debian-related webpage in english, as well as my homepage in spanish and english.
  • I write in a weblog which is syndicated in Planet Debian, therefore it has a fully-Debian-related english category.
  • My GPG key ID is 005C3B82, signed by several Debian Developers (as well as Mark) in the latest Debconf in Mexico.