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== Introduction ==
== Thunderbird 2.0 for Gutsy Gibbon 7.10 ==
When a new version of Thunderbird comes out, there is some delay until it can be downloaded and run. This page will explain how to install Thunderbird as soon as possible.
Gutsy Gibbon 7.10 provides currently released version of '''Thunderbird 2.0'''.  Simply install the software from repositories.
Currently, all supported and development versions of Ubuntu provide only Thunderbird 2.0. There are plans to support Thunderbird 3.X in Lucid Lynx 10.04.
== Thunderbird 3.0.X Installation ==
sudo apt-get install thunderbird thunderbird-gnome-support
{|border="1" cellspacing="0"
|https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IconsPage?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=IconWarning3.png||This section explains how to install packages that ''have not been fully tested''.  If you encounter bugs, please file against the [https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/thunderbird thunderbird] package and tag PPA.
If you are interested in the pre-release version of '''Thunderbird 3.0''', keep reading.
== Thunderbird 1.5 for Fiesty Fawn 7.04 ==
You can track the progress of Thunderbird 3.0 integration with Ubuntu using [https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/thunderbird/+bug/314668 this bug report].
If you don't mind having the slightly older version of Thunderbird (don't worry--it still gets security patches within a week or two), you can use the one available through the repositories. Just paste this command into [[UbuntuHelp:UsingTheTerminal#head-2fa31364ee2acb07982a2fd5f52c983130565f8f|the|terminal]]:
=== Daily updates ===
'''Medium difficulty, low safety''': daily packages have not undergone any quality assurance.  Daily packages are sometimes very safe, and sometimes don't work at all.
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install mozilla-thunderbird
Users of recent Ubuntu releases can get the latest development version of Thunderbird from the semi-official ''ubuntu-mozilla-daily'' archive.  This archive holds updates to the Mozilla suite (including Thunderbird) that are ''under active development'' - for example, ''unreleased build of Thunderbird 3.0 and development build Thunderbird 3.1'' were available at the time of writing.  Although these packages will work well most of the time, you should expect crashes and other problems. To get packages that are only half-finished:
<ol><li>Go to the [https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily/+archive/ppa ubuntu-mozilla-daily personal package archive].
== Installing the newest version of Thunderbird from Mozilla ==
</li><li>Karmic 9.10 or later: Add '''ppa:ubuntu-mozilla-daily/ppa''' to your system's Software Sources.
This is designed to help you use newer versions of the Mozilla Thunderbird than those available from the Ubuntu repositories.  
</li><li>Jaunty 9.04 or earlier: Follow the [https://edge.launchpad.net/+help/soyuz/ppa-sources-list.html official instructions] on how to use software from a PPA.
At present, version 1.5 of Thunderbird is the latest version available for Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) in the repositories. Newer versions contain some new features and immediate security patches.  Thunderbird 2.0 is the current release (as of April 18, 2007) from Mozilla. It is covered in this Howto.
</li><li>Install the package for the new version of Thunderbird (e.g. this was ''thunderbird-3.0'' at the time of writing)
Thunderbird 3.0 is in alpha testing and is available as nightly builds. It is not covered in this Howto, although steps laid out in '''Manual Installation''' section generally apply.
</li><li>A snapshot of a recent development version will be available immediately
Ubuntu-Mozillateam will provide supported repos for newer versions of packages found in the Ubuntu repos [[UbuntuWiki:MozillaTeam/PreviewArchives|here]].|All other methods will be unsupported by Ubuntu-* teams and we will discourage People from using them. The Ubuntu Mozillateam packages and maintains Mozilla products in Ubuntu repos. The packages adhere the same packaging standards as the official releases. Of course, they lack the amount of testing and thus might have undiscovered bugs. If you find a bug in our packages please go to [[UbuntuWiki:MozillaTeam/PreviewArchives/Bugs|Bugs]] to see how to report them. At the time of writing on October 29, 2007, Mozillateam does not provide support for Thunderbird 3.0 and Lightning 0.7. Stay tuned for Mozillateam updates.
</li><li>[[UbuntuWiki:MozillaTeam/Bugs|Report|any bugs]] that you experience</li></ol>
=== Notes ===
* Nearly all extensions are now compatible with version 2.0.  However, many extensions may be incompatible with trunk (3.0) versions.  
== Installing from the Mozilla website ==
'''Medium difficulty, medium safety'''
https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IconsPage?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=IconWarning3.png Sharing the same Thunderbird profile between different versions of Thunderbird (e.g., 2.0 and 3.0) may cause problems. As long as you avoid sharing a profile between versions (something which applies to the above method, as well), Mozilla builds are safe to use, since they have undergone extensive QA prior to release.
An easy way of installing a Mozilla build is to use the [http://ubuntuzilla.sourceforge.net/ Ubuntuzilla] project repository. Ubuntuzilla is for ordinary users that want to use the latest Mozilla builds of Mozilla software.
The Ubuntuzilla project's repository contains .deb repacks of the unmodified official Mozilla builds of Firefox, Thunderbird, and ![[UbuntuHelp:SeaMonkey|SeaMonkey]]. Just add the repository to your sources, and you'll be kept up to date on the latest Mozilla releases through the package manager.
See [http://ubuntuzilla.sourceforge.net/ the Ubuntuzilla website] for details and usage instructions.
== Notes ==
* All extensions are compatible with version 2.0.  Nearly all extensions are compatible with 3.0.X version.  Some extensions work well with 32-bit, but have problems with 64-bit version of 3.0.XMost extensions are not compatible with version 3.1. 
* Lightning 0.9 works only with Thunderbird 2.0. 
* Thunderbird 3.0 requires Lightning version greater than 1.0.  More info [[UbuntuHelp:ThunderbirdLightning|here]].
* You may be able to use extensions marked as incompatible using the [https://addons.mozilla.org/extensions/moreinfo.php?id=958 Nightly Tester Tools] extension.  
* You may be able to use extensions marked as incompatible using the [https://addons.mozilla.org/extensions/moreinfo.php?id=958 Nightly Tester Tools] extension.  
* This is loosely based on/inspired by the [[UbuntuHelp:FirefoxNewVersion|FirefoxNewVersion]] [[UbuntuHelp:HowTo|HowTo]]
* This is loosely based on/inspired by the [[UbuntuHelp:FirefoxNewVersion|FirefoxNewVersion]] ![[UbuntuHelp:HowTo|HowTo]]
* In some cases (e.g. Thunderbird crashes because of SCIM, InputMethods/SCIM), you might consider compile the source code directly, see CompileThunderbirdNewVersion
== Troubleshooting ==
=== Automated installation of the latest Thunderbird ===
=== New Account Setup Wizard comes up ===
There are two methods to avoid manual installation - using the [http://ubuntuzilla.wiki.sourceforge.net/ Ubuntuzilla] installation script, or using a [http://ubuntu.iuculano.it/ third-party repository from Iuculano].
The repository method is preferred under the following conditions: you are using Ubuntu Feisty, you are OK with being one or two minor versions behind the latest, you are not looking for the official Mozilla build of the software (the packages in the repository are built from source by the repository maintainer, not by the Mozilla developers). The benefit of using the repo over the script is that using a repository is a clean and officially-sanctioned method of software installation on Ubuntu.
The script method is your choice if you are using any version of Ubuntu, are looking for the very latest Mozilla release, want the official Mozilla-built binaries, and do not mind going out-of-repo for your software. The benefit of the script over the repository is that you get the very latest release without delay, and are subsequently able to use the built-in updater in Thunderbird.
==== Automated script-based installation of the newest Thunderbird (32-bit and 64-bit) ====
The [http://ubuntuzilla.sourceforge.net/ Ubuntuzilla] project maintains an automated script that backs up your Thunderbird profile if you have one, locates and downloads the latest Thunderbird release, allows you to select a locale, verifies download integrity with Mozilla Software Releases GPG signature, and installs Thunderbird to /opt/thunderbird with all the proper symlinks in /usr/bin.
In other words, it does everything this step-by-step tutorial does and more... but with less copying and pasting and more error checking.
Detailed usage instructions and more information are available on [http://ubuntuzilla.sourceforge.net/ Ubuntuzilla] project site. 64-bit users, you'll need some extra 32-bit compatibility packages ([http://ubuntuzilla.wiki.sourceforge.net/#usersof64bitubuntu see this note for 64 bit users]).
If you run into any problems with this script, or have feature requests, comments, suggestions, please feel free to post on the [http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=251 Ubuntuzilla project forum], now officially hosted on the Ubuntu forums in the [http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=46 3rd Party Projects] area.
==== Thunderbird 2.0 for Fiesty Fawn 7.04 (32-bit and 64-bit versions -- preferred method) ====
Repository packages for the 32bit and 64 bit version of Thunderbird 2.0.latest for Ubuntu Feisty (7.04) are now available.  This is a summary of instructions posted by the author for [http://ubuntu.iuculano.it/ this repository].
First, open a terminal window. Then add the repository's key to your system's list of trusted APT keys by copy and pasting the following:
wget http://ubuntu.iuculano.it/AE3BE9AA.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add -
Second, add a third party repository to your /etc/apt/sources.list. (Help for this available at [[UbuntuHelp:AddingRepositoriesHowto|AddingRepositoriesHowto]])
deb http://ubuntu.iuculano.it feisty thunderbird
deb-src http://ubuntu.iuculano.it feisty thunderbird
After adding the repository, you can install Thunderbird 2.0 like it were any other package, such as by using the Synaptic Package Manager under System->Administration.  You will need to select packages named
</li><li>thunderbird-locale-<your language package>, for example, '''thunderbird-locale-en-gb''' for English
</li><li>''(optional, not for kubuntu users)'' '''thunderbird-gnome-support'''</li></ol>
* Note: Make sure you select '''thunderbird''' packages, which are version 2.0, not '''mozilla-thunderbird''', which are version 1.5 packages.
Alternatively, run the following command in [[UbuntuHelp:UsingTheTerminal#head-2fa31364ee2acb07982a2fd5f52c983130565f8f|the|terminal]]:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade && sudo apt-get install thunderbird-locale-en-gb thunderbird thunderbird-gnome-support
=== Manual instructions for installing the newest Thunderbird (32-bit only) ===
'''This method will work for Thunderbird 3.0 granted you download the latest version'''
==== Moving your current Thunderbird mail into the new location for Thunderbird ====
* These versions of Thunderbird are configured to look in ~/.thunderbird for your profile data and settings, unlike the package from Synaptic which is set up to look in ~/.mozilla-thunderbird. So if you've currently got a profile, copy it to ~/.thunderbird. (If you're installing from scratch, you can skip this step). Paste these commands into [[UbuntuHelp:UsingTheTerminal#head-2fa31364ee2acb07982a2fd5f52c983130565f8f|the|terminal]]:
cp -r .mozilla-thunderbird .thunderbird
* Copying rather than moving is recommended: this preserves your old settings as a backup, and ensures that you can continue to use the stable version while using/testing the newer versions. The two directories can coexist without a problem.
==== Installing instructions for newest Thunderbird ====
===== Download the gzipped tarball for version you want to install =====
As of this writing, the latest version is
wget -c http://releases.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/thunderbird/releases/
If you are interested in the latest nightly build of Thunderbird 3.0 '''(DANGEROUS)'''
wget -c http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/thunderbird/nightly/latest-trunk/thunderbird-3.0a1pre.en-US.linux-i686.tar.bz2
</nowiki></pre>and substitute the package name in the instructions below accordingly.
===== Extract the zipped archive =====
sudo tar -C /opt -zxvf thunderbird-
===== Make launcher command available to all users =====
sudo dpkg-divert --divert /usr/bin/mozilla-thunderbird.ubuntu --rename /usr/bin/mozilla-thunderbird
sudo ln -s /opt/thunderbird/thunderbird /usr/bin/mozilla-thunderbird
sudo ln -s /opt/thunderbird/thunderbird /usr/bin/thunderbird
sudo ln -s /opt/thunderbird/thunderbird-bin /opt/thunderbird/mozilla-thunderbird-bin
This "divert" business allows you to still run the old Thunderbird version using the command <pre><nowiki>
=== Running the new Thunderbird ===
* You can now launch the new version with your old profile from the command-line. By running:
* If you decided to use `thunderbird` from the command line, you may need to adjust the properties of your Gnome panel & menu launchers accordingly. To modify Gnome panel launchers right click and select '''Properties'''. Then change the old command to the new command if you changed it from mozilla-thunderbird to thunderbird. To change your link in the Applications menu, use '''Applications''' > '''System Tools''' > '''Application Menu Editor'''.  This lets you use the official icons if you've gone through the trouble of updating them (see the [http://ubuntuguide.org/#restoreoriginaliconsthunderbird Unofficial Ubuntu Guide]).
* Should you need it, the Thunderbird profile manager can still be accessed via:
thunderbird -P
=== Install dictionaries ===
To install dictionaries in the new Thunderbird you need to run it as superuser.
<ol><li>First, download the desired dictionaries from http://www.mozilla.com/thunderbird/dictionaries.html
</li><li>Just to be on the safe site, make a backup of your mail and settings:</li></ol>
cp -R ~/.thunderbird ~/.thunderbird-backup
3.#3 Then start
sudo -H thunderbird
4.#4 Ignore all the import and account setups, go to the extension manager, install the dictionaries.
<ol><li>Close Thunderbird
</li><li>Start it as regular user, et voila.</li></ol>
=== Troubleshooting ===
==== New Account Setup Wizard comes up ====
It seems that some people are having problems with the "New Account Setup Wizard" coming up when it is not supposed to.
It seems that some people are having problems with the "New Account Setup Wizard" coming up when it is not supposed to.
The workaround that people have found is to rename the .thunderbird folder, re-setup your account and then copy back your mail.
The workaround that people have found is to rename the .thunderbird folder, re-setup your account and then copy back your mail.
第119行: 第38行:
<ol><li>Go to your home folder in the File Manager.
<ol><li>Go to your home folder in the File Manager.
</li><li>Click "View->Show Hidden Files"
</li><li>Click "View->Show Hidden Files"
</li><li>Find the ".thunderbird" folder and rename it to something like ".thunderbird-backup"
</li><li>Find the ".thunderbird" folder and rename it to something like ".thunderbird-backup".
</li><li>Watch out for .thunderbird-3.0 folder which was created by development builds of Thunderbird 3.0. Delete or update it as necessary.
</li><li>Try re-running Thunderbird and reset up your account and see if things work.
</li><li>Try re-running Thunderbird and reset up your account and see if things work.
</li><li>You can copy back mail from your .thunderbird-backup folder into your .thunderbird folder.</li></ol>
</li><li>You can copy back mail from your .thunderbird-backup folder into your .thunderbird folder.</li></ol>

==== "(QFA)Talkback error: Can't initialize." error ====
=== "(QFA)Talkback error: Can't initialize." error ===
I'm pretty sure it is safe to just ignore this error.
I'm pretty sure it is safe to just ignore this error.
==== My Thunderbird was configured with version 1.5, but now it's prompting me for my mail account ====
=== "Failed to connect to server mail.xxx.com" ===
* Versions of Thunderbird from mozilla.org are configured to look in ~/.thunderbird for your profile data and settings.  Versions from Synaptic are set up to look in ~/.mozilla-thunderbird.   If you are unsure, where your profile is, run the following two commands in the [[UbuntuHelp:UsingTheTerminal#head-2fa31364ee2acb07982a2fd5f52c983130565f8f|the|terminal]] to determine which one contains your configuration.
This problem affects users of 32-bit Thunderbird and Firefox on 64-bit systems.
Go to the detailed config editor (edit -> preferences -> advanced -> general -> config editor button), and set "network.dns.disableIPv6" to true.
ls ~/.thunderbird/*.default/*Mail
ls ~/.mozilla-thunderbird/*.default/*Mail
Depending where your profile is, Paste these commands into [[UbuntuHelp:UsingTheTerminal#head-2fa31364ee2acb07982a2fd5f52c983130565f8f|the|terminal]]:
* copy the profile from .mozilla-thunderbird to .thunderbird
cp -r .mozilla-thunderbird .thunderbird
* copy the profile from .thunderbird to .mozilla-thunderbird
cp -r .thunderbird .mozilla-thunderbird
* Copying rather than moving is recommended: this preserves your old settings as a backup, and ensures that you can continue to use the stable version while using/testing the newer versions. The two directories can coexist without a problem.
* Advanced users only:  You can share the profile between two different versions.  Note that such configuration may break some extensions.  Use the following commands:
ln -s .thunderbird .mozilla-thunderbird
ln -s .mozilla-thunderbird .thunderbird
== Further Reading ==
== Further Reading ==
* '''[http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/thunderbird/ Mozilla Thunderbird]'''
* '''[http://www.mozillamessaging.com/en-US/thunderbird/ Mozilla Thunderbird]'''
* '''[http://www.mozilla.org/projects/thunderbird/ Mozilla Thunderbird (Development information and Roadmap)]'''
* '''[https://wiki.mozilla.org/Thunderbird Mozilla Thunderbird (Development information and Roadmap)]'''
* '''[http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/thunderbird/nightly/ Nightly Thunderbird Builds]'''
* '''[http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/thunderbird/nightly/ Nightly Thunderbird Builds]'''
==== Still having problems? ====
==== Still having problems? ====

2010年5月20日 (四) 00:25的最新版本

{{#ifexist: :ThunderbirdNewVersion/zh | | {{#ifexist: ThunderbirdNewVersion/zh | | {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:ThunderbirdNewVersion|1|-1|}} | zh | | }} }} }} {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:ThunderbirdNewVersion|1|-1|}} | zh | | }}


When a new version of Thunderbird comes out, there is some delay until it can be downloaded and run. This page will explain how to install Thunderbird as soon as possible. Currently, all supported and development versions of Ubuntu provide only Thunderbird 2.0. There are plans to support Thunderbird 3.X in Lucid Lynx 10.04.

Thunderbird 3.0.X Installation

IconsPage?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=IconWarning3.png This section explains how to install packages that have not been fully tested. If you encounter bugs, please file against the thunderbird package and tag PPA.

You can track the progress of Thunderbird 3.0 integration with Ubuntu using this bug report.

Daily updates

Medium difficulty, low safety: daily packages have not undergone any quality assurance. Daily packages are sometimes very safe, and sometimes don't work at all. Users of recent Ubuntu releases can get the latest development version of Thunderbird from the semi-official ubuntu-mozilla-daily archive. This archive holds updates to the Mozilla suite (including Thunderbird) that are under active development - for example, unreleased build of Thunderbird 3.0 and development build Thunderbird 3.1 were available at the time of writing. Although these packages will work well most of the time, you should expect crashes and other problems. To get packages that are only half-finished:

  1. Go to the ubuntu-mozilla-daily personal package archive.
  2. Karmic 9.10 or later: Add ppa:ubuntu-mozilla-daily/ppa to your system's Software Sources.
  3. Jaunty 9.04 or earlier: Follow the official instructions on how to use software from a PPA.
  4. Install the package for the new version of Thunderbird (e.g. this was thunderbird-3.0 at the time of writing)
  5. A snapshot of a recent development version will be available immediately
  6. Report|any bugs that you experience

Installing from the Mozilla website

Medium difficulty, medium safety IconsPage?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=IconWarning3.png Sharing the same Thunderbird profile between different versions of Thunderbird (e.g., 2.0 and 3.0) may cause problems. As long as you avoid sharing a profile between versions (something which applies to the above method, as well), Mozilla builds are safe to use, since they have undergone extensive QA prior to release. An easy way of installing a Mozilla build is to use the Ubuntuzilla project repository. Ubuntuzilla is for ordinary users that want to use the latest Mozilla builds of Mozilla software. The Ubuntuzilla project's repository contains .deb repacks of the unmodified official Mozilla builds of Firefox, Thunderbird, and !SeaMonkey. Just add the repository to your sources, and you'll be kept up to date on the latest Mozilla releases through the package manager. See the Ubuntuzilla website for details and usage instructions.


  • All extensions are compatible with version 2.0. Nearly all extensions are compatible with 3.0.X version. Some extensions work well with 32-bit, but have problems with 64-bit version of 3.0.X. Most extensions are not compatible with version 3.1.
  • Lightning 0.9 works only with Thunderbird 2.0.
  • Thunderbird 3.0 requires Lightning version greater than 1.0. More info here.
  • You may be able to use extensions marked as incompatible using the Nightly Tester Tools extension.
  • This is loosely based on/inspired by the FirefoxNewVersion !HowTo


New Account Setup Wizard comes up

It seems that some people are having problems with the "New Account Setup Wizard" coming up when it is not supposed to. The workaround that people have found is to rename the .thunderbird folder, re-setup your account and then copy back your mail. Here's how:

  1. Go to your home folder in the File Manager.
  2. Click "View->Show Hidden Files"
  3. Find the ".thunderbird" folder and rename it to something like ".thunderbird-backup".
  4. Watch out for .thunderbird-3.0 folder which was created by development builds of Thunderbird 3.0. Delete or update it as necessary.
  5. Try re-running Thunderbird and reset up your account and see if things work.
  6. You can copy back mail from your .thunderbird-backup folder into your .thunderbird folder.

"(QFA)Talkback error: Can't initialize." error

I'm pretty sure it is safe to just ignore this error.

"Failed to connect to server mail.xxx.com"

This problem affects users of 32-bit Thunderbird and Firefox on 64-bit systems. Go to the detailed config editor (edit -> preferences -> advanced -> general -> config editor button), and set "network.dns.disableIPv6" to true.

Further Reading

Still having problems?

Post your questions in : the Ubuntu Forums and we will try to help you.