
Stephenlilinux留言 | 贡献
Dbzhang800留言 | 贡献
第1行: 第1行:
== nVidia 显卡安装配置指南 ==
* [http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/ 创作共用协议Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0]
* [http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html GNU自由文档许可证]
=== 系统需求 ===
* 命令 lspci | grep nVidia 输出一行文字
* 您需要3D硬件加速支持
* 您需要 TV-Out 支持
=== 安装 ===
==== 允许 restricted 软件包 ====
Note: If you are running Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) or later, the Restricted repositories might already be enabled. Also if you are running Kubuntu, gedit is not installed by default, so you should use kate instead of gedit.<br>
注意:如果您正在运行的是 Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) 或以后版本,Restricted 软件库则已被允许。如果您正在运行 Kubuntu 的话,gedit 缺省是没有安装的,您可以使用 kate 来代替 gedit。
NVIDIA驱动位于Ubuntu软件仓库的 "restricted" 模块中.因此,在准备安装该驱动前,请在您的系统中允许 restricted 软件库.
* 选择屏幕上方的'''系统'''菜单.
* 选择'''系统管理''', '''新立得软件包管理器'''. 当提示消息时请输入密码.
* 在软件包管理器中, 选择'''设置'''菜单,然后选择'''软件库'''.
* 当出现'''软件源'''窗口时,点击'''添加'''按钮.
* 在 '''编辑软件库''' 窗口中,请确保选择了 '''Restricted copyright''' 复选框,然后按下'''确定'''按钮.
* 按下'''确定'''按钮以关闭'''软件源'''对话框, 当新立得软件包管理器问您是否重新加载软件源时,请选择 是 .
==== 安装并激活驱动  ====
*单击 '''搜索'''''''''按钮,并搜索 "linux-restricted-modules"。你必须启用受限模块(见上文)。''
*Find the appropriate module for your kernel. For example, if you have '''linux-image-amd64-k8''' installed, then you should install '''linux-restricted-modules-amd64-k8'''. Selecting one will also install nvidia-kernel-common. (Note: you have to select the restricted modules first because the nvidia-glx package automatically installs the i386 one - and if you have a generic kernel image, the X will not work.)
*单击 '''搜索'''''''''按钮并搜索“nvidia”。''
*你可以安装 '''nvidia-glx-legacy'''''''''&nbsp;或 '''nvidia-glx。''''''''' 如果你的显卡在 [http://download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/1.0-8762/README/appendix-a.html 此列表][http://download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/1.0-8762/README/appendix-a.html] 的末尾(标记为 "legacy"),你就需要安装 '''nvidia-glx-legacy。'''''''''否则就安装 '''nvidia-glx。'''''
*如果你需要编译 3D 应用程序,请安装 '''nvidia-glx-dev。'''
*If you are running Hoary Hedgehog or Breezy Badger, then install '''nvidia-settings''' and '''nvidia-xconfig'''. ''DO NOT'' install either package in Ubuntu 6.06 LTS because it will remove '''nvidia-glx'''. These programs are now provided in '''nvidia-glx'''.
*Click the '''Apply''' button to install the new packages.
*Once Synaptic has finished applying your changes, exit the application.
*Select the '''Applications''' menu at the top of the screen, then '''Accessories''', then '''Terminal'''.
*In the terminal window, if you are running Ubuntu 6.10 Edgy, type the following:
<pre>sudo nvidia-xconfig</pre>
If you are running an earlier version, type the following instead:
<pre>sudo nvidia-glx-config enable</pre>
*Close all your applications, then press '''Ctrl-Alt-Backspace''', or restart your computer, to restart the X server. If you see an NVIDIA splashscreen after hitting '''Ctrl-Alt-Backspace''', your drivers are properly installed.
*单击 '''Search''' '''搜索'''按钮并搜索 "linux-restricted-modules"。您必须要启用 restricted 软件库(参见上节)
*找到与您内核匹配的模块。例如,如果您安装了 '''linux-image-amd64-k8''',那么您将
*如果您的显卡为 TNT, TNT2, TNT Ultra, GeForce1, 或 GeForce2, 请安装 '''nvidia-glx-legacy''', 否则,请安装 '''nvidia-glx''' 软件包.
*如果您准备编译3D应用程序,请安装 '''nvidia-glx-dev''' 软件包.
*如果您的系统为 Hoary Hedgehog 或 Breezy Badger, 请安装 '''nvidia-settings''' 和 '''nvidia-xconfig''' 软件包. 在 Ubuntu 6.06 LTS中 ''不要'' 安装其他软件包因为其会删除 '''nvidia-glx''' 软件包.
*单击 '''Search''' '''搜索''' 按钮并搜索 "linux-restricted-modules". 您必须确保在Ubuntu软件仓库中选择了 restricted 模块 (见上方说明).
*选择适合您内核的相关模块.例如如果您安装了 '''linux-image-amd64-k8''' 内核,您应该安装 '''linux-restricted-modules-amd64-k8'''软件包.
*单击 '''Apply''' '''应用''' 按钮来安装新的(已标记的)软件包.
*选择屏幕上方的 '''Applications''' '''应用程序'''菜单,然后选择 '''Accessories''' '''附件''', '''Terminal''' '''终端'''.
<pre>sudo nvidia-xconfig</pre>
*关闭所有程序,按下 '''Ctrl-Alt-Backspace''' 以重启 X server. 如果您在按下'''Ctrl-Alt-Backspace'''后看见 NVIDIA 标志的屏幕闪过, 则说明您的驱动已经安装正确了.
==== Nvidia Legacy Driver in Edgy ====
笔者在Edgy版Ubuntu下安装nvidia-glx-legacy 1.0.7184+后, 用以上方法并不能驱动GeForce 1,必须自己修改配置文件<code><nowiki>/etc/X11/xorg.conf</nowiki></code>的如下段落。
<pre><nowiki> Section "Device"
Identifier      "NVIDIA Corporation NV10DDR [GeForce 256 DDR]"
Driver          "nv"
BusID          "PCI:1:0:0"
EndSection </nowiki></pre>
<pre><nowiki> Section "Device"
Identifier      "NVIDIA Corporation NV10DDR [GeForce 256 DDR]"
Driver          "nvidia"
BusID          "PCI:1:0:0"
EndSection </nowiki></pre>
如果在Section "Device"部分没有发现标为"nvidia"的驱动(注:说明驱动没有被正确安装或识别), 那运行modprobe nvidia会产生错误信息,sudo nvidia-glx-config也不能运行。做了以上修改后, 还要在文件末尾再加一个段落:
<pre><nowiki> Section "Extensions"
Option  "Composite" "Disable"
加这个段落的操作并没有在legacy drivers中提到,但我们可以从/var/log/Xorg.0.log中的一个错误信息判断出来, 添加Extension段是有理由的。错误信息是:
<pre><nowiki>(EE) GLX is not supported with the Composite extension
默认情况下, Composite选项是打开的,这会禁止OpenGL的运行。以上设置会关闭Composite, 并且貌似只有legacy类型的驱动需要做这样的修改。
==== 删除nvidia标志 ====
* 在桌面顶部依次选择》应用程序》附件》终端
* 输入下列命令:
gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf</nowiki></pre>
kdesu kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf</nowiki></pre>
* 在Device section中找到Driver "nvidia"这行:
* 在这行下面加上一行:
Option "NoLogo"</nowiki></pre>
* 保存退出
* 关闭所有程序,然后按”Ctrl-Alt-Backspace“重启X Server。如果没有就成功了!
=== 故障排除:  ===
*If you have the right version of linux-restricted-modules installed and 3D acceleration still isn't working, open your&nbsp; file for editing with&nbsp; or&nbsp; if using Kubuntu. Be sure that the <code><nowiki>Driver</nowiki></code> entry under <code><nowiki>Section "Device"</nowiki></code> is set to <code><nowiki>"nvidia"</nowiki></code>.
*如果你确信你已经安装了正确的版本,但3D依然没有运行,打开编辑 <nowiki>/etc/X11/xorg.conf</nowiki>&nbsp;文件 ,在gnome环境下使用以下命令:<nowiki>gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf</nowiki>;如果在Kubuntu KDE环境下使用以下命令:<nowiki>kdesu kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf</nowiki>&nbsp;。
*You may need to activate the "kernel framebuffer device interface" in X server. Copy/paste the below command into the terminal. The terminal will then start stepping you through each configuration setting. Most of the settings can be left at their defaults by pressing the ENTER button, but when you get to "Select the desired X server driver" (question 2), make sure to select "nvidia" and NOT "nv". At question 7 ("Activate kernel framebuffer device interface?") select "yes". Finish the rest of the questions (the rest of the settings can be left at their defaults) and then restart X server (or just restart your computer). If, when you reboot, you can't see the login screen, but instead get a message saying "X server failed to start (etc. etc.)", you will start in text mode (white text on black background) and it will ask you to login. After logging you will still be in text mode. Retype the same command below (make sure to write it down!) and then the configuration sequence will start again. This time at the "Activate kernel framebuffer device interface?") select "no" then restart your computer and your login screen will be restored.
<pre>sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
*If you get an error while loading NVIDIA module try to rebuild module dependencies by running depmod.
<pre>sudo depmod
*If suspend no longer works, see NvidiaLaptopBinaryDriverSuspend
*If you're feeling frisky and decide to fiddle around with the X Server '''Option'''s for your '''Device''' in <code><nowiki>/etc/X11/xorg.conf</nowiki></code> and Firefox refuses to load (returns <code><nowiki>segmentation fault</nowiki></code> when launched from a terminal), this line may be the culprit:
<pre>Option "NoRenderExtension" "On"
Either comment it out (using a # at the beginning the line) or set it to '''Off'''.
*If you have problems with video playback, e.g. in mplayer, gxine, or mythtv frontend with a legacy card, it maybe too high a color depth (e.g. using NT6 Vanta/Vanta LT nvidia driver, I experienced flickering vertical bars &amp; blue screen flashing). To fix this, manually edit <code><nowiki>/etc/X11/xorg.conf</nowiki></code> and change DefaultDepth to 16.
*For other problems, please visit the forums at http://www.ubuntuforums.org
=== See Also ===
[http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Latest_Nvidia_Edgy Install Nvidia proprietary drivers, Howto @gwos]
Part of UserDocumentation
[[category:CategoryDocumentation]] [[category:CategoryCleanup]]
==== 删除 nVidia 标志 ====
如果您不想在启动界面之前显示 nVidia 标志,您需要手动编辑您的 Xorg 配置文件.
*选择屏幕上方的 '''Applications''' '''应用程序'''菜单,然后选择 '''Accessories''' '''附件''',  '''Terminal''' '''终端'''.
* 输入如下命令:
sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf</nowiki></pre>
* 在Device一节中找到 "nvidia" 所在行
* 在该行后添加
Option "NoLogo"</nowiki></pre>
* 保存文件并退出
* 关闭所有程序,按下 '''Ctrl-Alt-Backspace''' 以重启 X server. 如果标志消失且其他一切正常则说明更改已生效.
=== 故障排除 ===
* 某些情况下需要重新启动系统来使某些更改生效.如果3D加速没有起作用,请先重启试试.
* 如果3D加速在重启后依旧没有工作,请确保您选择了linux-restricted-modules软件包的正确版本.该版本必须与您的内核版本一致.
* 如果您的linux-restricted-modules版本正确但是3D加速依旧没有工作,打开 <code><nowiki>/etc/X11/xorg.conf</nowiki></code> 文件进行编辑 <code><nowiki>sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf</nowiki></code> 并确保<code><nowiki>Section "Device"</nowiki></code> 条目下面 <code><nowiki>Driver</nowiki></code> 项目设置成 <code><nowiki>"nvidia"</nowiki></code>.
* 如果您在加载NVIDIA模块时出现错误,请通过运行depmod命令来重建模块依赖关系.
sudo depmod
* 如果 suspend 模块不工作,请查看 NvidiaLaptopBinaryDriverSuspend
* 其他问题,请访问论坛 http://www.ubuntuforums.org

2008年11月3日 (一) 19:21的最新版本