
Lyp069留言 | 贡献
Gdbdzgd留言 | 贡献
第1行: 第1行:
Some graphics hardware (aka video cards) may need non-free drivers, even though these drivers are not part of the open source community and cannot be fixed by open source software developers. If you encounter bugs with these closed-source drivers, developers '''will not be able or even willing''' to assist you in resolving your issues. Use at your own risk.
Some graphics hardware (aka video cards) may need non-free drivers, even though these drivers are not part of the open source community and cannot be fixed by open source software developers. If you encounter bugs with these closed-source drivers, developers '''will not be able or even willing''' to assist you in resolving your issues. Use at your own risk.
第7行: 第9行:

=== Identifying your card ===
== 新驱动程序安装说明 ==
==== ATI (fglrx) Driver ====
* `lspci` reveals a card with "Radeon" in it, or you know you own a Radeon card
* The model number for your Radeon card is a 9500 pro or above (this includes model numbers that start with an X, like X300, X1600, etc., and it also includes the Xpress 200)
* `glxinfo |grep direct` outputs `direct rendering: No`, '''or''' it outputs `direct rendering: Yes`, but performance in 3D applications such as games is unacceptable
对于Kubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon,打开K主菜单->系统设置->高级选项卡。对于In Kubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron打开K主菜单->系统。
See [[UbuntuHelp:BinaryDriverHowto/ATI|BinaryDriverHowto/ATI]] for installation instructions.
==== NVIDIA (nvidia) Driver ====
== 旧的安装指南 (Ubuntu 6.10 and earlier) ==
* You know you own a "Ge``Force", "Quadro", "TNT" or "Vanta" graphics card.
* `lspci | grep -i nvidia` reveals a card with "NVIDIA" in it
=== 如何确认你的显卡型号 ===
See [[UbuntuHelp:BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia|BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia]] for installation instructions.
看[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Video#head-c4e0a733e1cfcb17ea5c8c43a7e08053233b9807 教程]
==== Matrox driver ====
==== ATI (fglrx) 驱动 ====
* You know you own a Matrox Parhelia-based (P650, P750 or Parhelia-512) graphics card.
* `lspci` 命令中显示“Radeon”字样,或者你已知自己使用Radeon显卡
* When you first turn the computer on you see a flashing logo with Matrox.
* Radeon显卡显示硬件参数是9500 pro 或者更高,(这个硬件参数是指显卡的型号类似X系列,如X300、X1600等,还有的是Xpress 200)
* `lspci | grep -i matrox` reveals a card "MGA XXX" where XXX is G650, G750 or Parhelia.
* `glxinfo |grep direct` 输出 `direct rendering: No`, '''或者''' 输出 `direct rendering: Yes`, 但是3D应用程序如游戏表现无法让人满意
See [[UbuntuHelp:BinaryDriverHowto/MatroxParhelia|BinaryDriverHowto/MatroxParhelia]] for installation instructions.
参阅 [[UbuntuHelp:BinaryDriverHowto/ATI/zh|HOW-TO ATI显卡驱动安装]]条目的 安装说明
See also pages of Unofficial Matrox Technical Support Forum: http://matrox.tuxx-home.at/
==== NVIDIA (nvidia) 驱动 ====
* 你拥有的显卡是 "Ge``Force", "Quadro", "TNT" 或者"Vanta"
* `lspci | grep -i nvidia` 命令显示带有"NVIDIA"字样
参阅[[UbuntuHelp:BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia/zh|HOW-TO NVIDIA显卡驱动安装]]条目的安装说明
==== Matrox 驱动 ====
* 已知你使用Matrox Parhelia-based (P650, P750 或者 Parhelia-512)显卡
* 当你第一部开启电脑你能看到一个Matrox的Flash LOGO
* `lspci | grep -i matrox` 命令显示"MGA XXX" 这里的XXX是指G650, G750 或者Parhelia
参阅[[UbuntuHelp:BinaryDriverHowto/MatroxParhelia|How-To MatroxParhelia显卡驱动安装]]条目的说明
参看非官方的Matrox技术支持论坛 http://matrox.tuxx-home.at/
==== VIA 驱动 ====
VIA has recently began to work with the Open Source community by providing source code and binary drivers that are available for download from their website. The details are still sparce (May 27th, 2008) but the following lists some sources of information that may be useful:
VIA 近期开始与开源组织合作并提供了源代码和2进制驱动,这些驱动可以去via的网站上下载。这条信息还不完整但是可以从下面的列表中找到更多可能有用的信息:
* [http://wiki.openchrome.org/tikiwiki/tiki-index.php?page=The+Different+Unichrome+family+display+drivers The Different Unichrome family display drivers] - This is the wiki of the OpenChrome project and it describes the different drivers that are available for video cards with the VIA chipset. This will be your best bet for starter information
* [http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=485646 HOW TO: Compiling and Installing the OpenChrome Graphical VIA Driver] - This forum discusses using the Open Source 'OpenChrome' driver for VIA video cards.
* [http://linux.via.com.tw/ VIA Linux Portal] - Listed here is where you may downloaded the source code/binary drivers for VIA based graphics chipsets. As of May 2008, the forum is under construction.
* [http://www.tkarena.com/forums/linux-arena/33391-setting-up-via-graphics-drivers-cx700-ex10000eg-ubuntu-7-04-linux.html#post215782 Setting up VIA graphics drivers for cx700 (EX10000EG) on Ubuntu 7.04] - This user listed his procedures for setup of VIA video card drivers. This may or may not be useful - Use at your own discretion
* [http://www.viaarena.com/default.aspx?PageID=2 VIA Arena Drivers Section] - The VIA Arena provides drivers for VIA based products (video cards, ethernet, IDE, RAID, SATA, Audio) that may be useful.
Should any user find additional information, please update this post.


2008年10月8日 (三) 21:17的最新版本

{{#ifexist: :BinaryDriverHowto/zh/zh | | {{#ifexist: BinaryDriverHowto/zh/zh | | {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:BinaryDriverHowto/zh|1|-1|}} | zh | | }} }} }} {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:BinaryDriverHowto/zh|1|-1|}} | zh | | }}

Some graphics hardware (aka video cards) may need non-free drivers, even though these drivers are not part of the open source community and cannot be fixed by open source software developers. If you encounter bugs with these closed-source drivers, developers will not be able or even willing to assist you in resolving your issues. Use at your own risk. As of 7.04 ( Feisty ) the easiest way to install binary drivers is to use the built in Restricted Driver Manager from System -> Administration -> Restricted Driver Manager ( in Gnome )

一些显卡可能需要私有驱动程序,尽管这些驱动程序不是开源社区的一部分也不能被开源软件开发者支持。如果你使用这些闭源驱动遇到Bugs,开发者“将不能”帮助你解决你的问题。使用它们给你带来的风险,由你自己承担。 7.04版本安装二进制驱动很方便于使用受限驱动管理器。打开“系统->管理工具->受限驱动管理器(GNOME环境)”



对于Kubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon,打开K主菜单->系统设置->高级选项卡。对于In Kubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron打开K主菜单->系统。

旧的安装指南 (Ubuntu 6.10 and earlier)




ATI (fglrx) 驱动

  • `lspci` 命令中显示“Radeon”字样,或者你已知自己使用Radeon显卡
  • Radeon显卡显示硬件参数是9500 pro 或者更高,(这个硬件参数是指显卡的型号类似X系列,如X300、X1600等,还有的是Xpress 200)
  • `glxinfo |grep direct` 输出 `direct rendering: No`, 或者 输出 `direct rendering: Yes`, 但是3D应用程序如游戏表现无法让人满意

参阅 HOW-TO ATI显卡驱动安装条目的 安装说明

NVIDIA (nvidia) 驱动

  • 你拥有的显卡是 "Ge``Force", "Quadro", "TNT" 或者"Vanta"
  • `lspci | grep -i nvidia` 命令显示带有"NVIDIA"字样

参阅HOW-TO NVIDIA显卡驱动安装条目的安装说明

Matrox 驱动

  • 已知你使用Matrox Parhelia-based (P650, P750 或者 Parhelia-512)显卡
  • 当你第一部开启电脑你能看到一个Matrox的Flash LOGO
  • `lspci | grep -i matrox` 命令显示"MGA XXX" 这里的XXX是指G650, G750 或者Parhelia

参阅How-To MatroxParhelia显卡驱动安装条目的说明 参看非官方的Matrox技术支持论坛 http://matrox.tuxx-home.at/

VIA 驱动

VIA has recently began to work with the Open Source community by providing source code and binary drivers that are available for download from their website. The details are still sparce (May 27th, 2008) but the following lists some sources of information that may be useful:

VIA 近期开始与开源组织合作并提供了源代码和2进制驱动,这些驱动可以去via的网站上下载。这条信息还不完整但是可以从下面的列表中找到更多可能有用的信息:

Should any user find additional information, please update this post.