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第1行: 第1行:
链接 http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2194<br>
exe &amp; dll<br>---------<br>ctags.exe<br>gvimext.dll<br>iconv.dll<br>intl2.dll<br>msvcr71.dll<br>libint.dll<br>VisVim.dll
[[Image:Vim marks.PNG|vim marks]]
====================================================<br>"args **/*.jsp<br>"argdo %s/old/target/c | update
" Section: utillity tools {{{1<br>" ===================================================<br>func Search_Word()<br> let w = expand("&lt;cword&gt;")<br> "exe "vimgrep " w "*.java *.jsp *.php *.c *.h *.htm" <br> exe "vimgrep " w "**/*.*" <br> exe 'copen' <br>endfun
func TrimSpaceLine()<br> execute 'g/^\s*$/d'<br>endfun<br>func TrimEndSpace()<br> execute '%s/\s*$//'<br>endfun
func SelectTabpage()<br> execute 'tabn'<br>endfun
func NewTabpage()<br> execute 'tabnew'<br>endfun
func Insert_0_Number()<br> execute 'g/^/exec "s/^/".strpart("000000000000".line("."). " ",<br> len("000000000000".line("."). " ")-len(line("$"))-1 ) '<br>endfun
func Insert_Number()<br> execute 'g/^/exec "s/^/".strpart(line(".")." ", 0, len(line("$")) + 1)'<br>endfun
func SaveP()<br> <br> call inputsave()<br> let Pname = input('Save Project name?')<br> call inputrestore()
execute 'mksession! ~\'.Pname.'.vim'<br> execute 'wviminfo! ~\'.Pname.'.viminfo'<br>endfun
func ReloadP()<br> <br> call inputsave()<br> let Pbname = input('Load Project name?')<br> call inputrestore()<br> <br> execute 'source ~\'.Pbname.'.vim'<br> execute 'rviminfo ~\'.Pbname.'.viminfo'<br>endfun
func CancleHighlightCurrentLine()<br> au! Cursorhold<br> match none<br>endfun
func SetHighlightUnderLine()<br> call CancleHighlightCurrentLine()<br> "highlight CurrentLine guibg=darkgrey guifg=white (or whatever colors you want)<br> hi CurrentLine term=underline cterm=underline gui=underline ctermbg=NONE guibg=NONE<br> au! Cursorhold * exe 'match CurrentLine /\%' . line('.') . 'l.*/'<br> au! InsertEnter * match none<br> set ut=60<br>endfun
func SetHighlightCurrentLine()<br> call CancleHighlightCurrentLine()<br> hi CurrentLine ctermbg=darkgrey guibg=darkgrey term=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE<br> au! Cursorhold * exe 'match CurrentLine /\%' . line('.') . 'l.*/'<br> au! InsertEnter * match none<br> set ut=60<br>endfun
" Section: Comment mapping setup {{{1<br>" ===========================================================================<br>" This is where the mappings calls are made that set up the commenting key<br>" mappings.<br>" set up the mappings to trim space at the line's end<br>execute 'nnoremap &lt;silent&gt;' . ',te' . '&nbsp;:call TrimEndSpace()&lt;cr&gt;'<br>execute 'vnoremap &lt;silent&gt;' . ',te' . ' &lt;ESC&gt;:call TrimEndSpace()&lt;cr&gt;'
" set up the mappings to trim space line<br>execute 'nnoremap &lt;silent&gt;' . ',tl' . '&nbsp;:call TrimSpaceLine()&lt;cr&gt;'<br>execute 'vnoremap &lt;silent&gt;' . ',tl' . ' &lt;ESC&gt;:call TrimSpaceLine()&lt;cr&gt;'
" set up the mappings to Cancle and set Highlight Current Line<br>execute 'nnoremap &lt;silent&gt;' . 'mm' . '&nbsp;:call CancleHighlightCurrentLine()&lt;cr&gt;'<br>execute 'vnoremap &lt;silent&gt;' . 'mm' . ' &lt;ESC&gt;:call CancleHighlightCurrentLine()&lt;cr&gt;'
execute 'nnoremap &lt;silent&gt;' . 'mn' . '&nbsp;:call SetHighlightCurrentLine()&lt;cr&gt;'<br>execute 'vnoremap &lt;silent&gt;' . 'mn' . ' &lt;ESC&gt;:call SetHighlightCurrentLine()&lt;cr&gt;'
execute 'nnoremap &lt;silent&gt;' . 'mv' . '&nbsp;:call SetHighlightUnderLine()&lt;cr&gt;'<br>execute 'vnoremap &lt;silent&gt;' . 'mv' . ' &lt;ESC&gt;:call SetHighlightUnderLine()&lt;cr&gt;'
"NewTabpage<br>execute 'nnoremap &lt;silent&gt;' . 'tt' . '&nbsp;:call NewTabpage()&lt;cr&gt;'<br>execute 'vnoremap &lt;silent&gt;' . 'tt' . ' &lt;ESC&gt;:call NewTabpage()&lt;cr&gt;'
" Section: Menu item setup {{{1<br>" ===========================================================================<br>"check if the user wants the menu to be displayed <br>if 1&nbsp;!= 0
let menuRoot = '&amp;Plugin.&amp;util'<br> <br> execute 'menu &lt;silent&gt; '. menuRoot .'.-Sep-&nbsp;:'<br> execute 'nmenu &lt;silent&gt; '. menuRoot .'.Trim\ End\ Space&lt;TAB&gt;' .<br>escape(',te', '\') . '&nbsp;:call TrimEndSpace()&lt;CR&gt;'<br> execute 'nmenu &lt;silent&gt; '. menuRoot .'.Trim\ Space\ Line&lt;TAB&gt;' . <br>escape(',tl', '\') . '&nbsp;:call TrimSpaceLine()&lt;CR&gt;'
execute 'menu &lt;silent&gt; '. menuRoot .'.-Sep2-&nbsp;:'<br> execute 'nmenu &lt;silent&gt; '. menuRoot .'.Cancle\ Highlight\ CurrentLine&lt;TAB&gt;' .<br> escape('mm', '\') . '&nbsp;:call CancleHighlightCurrentLine()&lt;CR&gt;'<br> execute 'nmenu &lt;silent&gt; '. menuRoot .'.Set\ Highlight\ CurrentLine&lt;TAB&gt;' .<br> escape('mn', '\') . '&nbsp;:call SetHighlightCurrentLine()&lt;CR&gt;'<br> execute 'nmenu &lt;silent&gt; '. menuRoot .'.Set\ Underline\ CurrentLine&lt;TAB&gt;' .<br> escape('mv', '\') . '&nbsp;:call SetHighlightUnderLine()&lt;CR&gt;'
execute 'menu &lt;silent&gt; '. menuRoot .'.-Sep3-&nbsp;:'<br> execute 'nmenu &lt;silent&gt; '. menuRoot .'.New\ Tabpage&lt;TAB&gt;' . escape('tt', '\') .<br> '&nbsp;:call NewTabpage()&lt;CR&gt;'<br> execute 'nmenu &lt;silent&gt; '. menuRoot .'.Insert\ Number,\ 0\ Ahead&lt;TAB&gt;' .<br> escape(' ', '\') . '&nbsp;:call Insert_0_Number()&lt;CR&gt;'<br> execute 'nmenu &lt;silent&gt; '. menuRoot .'.Insert\ Number,\ No\ 0&lt;TAB&gt;' .<br> escape(' ', '\') . '&nbsp;:call Insert_Number()&lt;CR&gt;'
endif<br>" vim: set foldmethod=marker&nbsp;:
gvimrc---------------------<br>set nowrap<br>set expandtab<br>set noignorecase<br>set guioptions+=b
:call SetHighlightUnderLine()
"au GUIEnter * simalt ~x "maximum the initial window
map &lt;C-tab&gt;&nbsp;:call SelectTabpage()&lt;CR&gt;<br>map &lt;F6&gt;&nbsp;:call SaveP()&lt;CR&gt;<br>map &lt;F5&gt;&nbsp;:call ReloadP()&lt;CR&gt;<br>" input the tab, need to comment out [set expandtab]<br>inoremap &lt;S-t&gt; &lt;tab&gt;
if has("statusline")<br> set statusline=%&lt;%f\ %h%m%r%=%{\"[\".<br> (&amp;fenc==\"\"?&amp;enc:&amp;fenc).\"]\ \"}%k\ %-14.(%l,%c%V%)\ %P<br>endif<br>" ==========================================================================<br>
# NSIS file to create a self-installing exe for Vim.<br># It requires NSIS version 2.0 or later.<br># Last change: 2004 May 02
# WARNING: if you make changes to this script, look out for $0 to be valid,<br># because uninstall deletes most files in $0.
# Location of gvim_ole.exe, vimd32.exe, GvimExt/*, etc.<br>!define VIMSRC "..\src"
# Location of runtime files<br>!define VIMRT ".."
# Location of extra tools: diff.exe<br> !define VIMTOOLS ..\..
# Comment the next line if you don't have UPX.<br># Get it at http://upx.sourceforge.net<br># !define HAVE_UPX
# comment the next line if you do not want to add Native Language Support<br>!define HAVE_NLS
!define VER_MAJOR 7<br>!define VER_MINOR 1
# ----------- No configurable settings below this line -----------
!include UpgradeDLL.nsh # for VisVim.dll
Name "Vim ${VER_MAJOR}.${VER_MINOR}"<br>OutFile gvim${VER_MAJOR}${VER_MINOR}.exe<br>CRCCheck force<br>SetCompressor lzma<br>SetDatablockOptimize on
ComponentText "This will install Vim ${VER_MAJOR}.${VER_MINOR} on your computer."<br>DirText "Choose a directory to install Vim (must end in 'vim')"<br>Icon icons\vim_16i.ico<br># NSIS2 uses a different strategy with six diferent images in a strip...<br>#EnabledBitmap icons\enabled.bmp<br>#DisabledBitmap icons\disabled.bmp<br>UninstallText "This will uninstall Vim ${VER_MAJOR}.${VER_MINOR} from your system."<br>UninstallIcon icons\vim_uninst_16c.ico
# On NSIS 2 using the BGGradient causes trouble on Windows 98, in combination<br># with the BringToFront.<br># BGGradient 004000 008200 FFFFFF<br>LicenseText "You should read the following before installing:"<br>LicenseData ${VIMRT}\doc\uganda.nsis.txt
!ifdef HAVE_UPX<br> !packhdr temp.dat "upx --best --compress-icons=1 temp.dat"<br>!endif
# This adds '\vim' to the user choice automagically. The actual value is<br># obtained below with ReadINIStr.<br>InstallDir "$PROGRAMFILES\Vim"
# Types of installs we can perform:<br>InstType Typical<br>InstType Minimal<br>InstType Full
SilentInstall normal
# These are the pages we use<br>Page license<br>Page components<br>Page directory "" "" CheckInstallDir<br>Page instfiles<br>UninstPage uninstConfirm<br>UninstPage instfiles
##########################################################<br># Functions
Function .onInit<br> MessageBox MB_YESNO|MB_ICONQUESTION \<br> "This will install Vim ${VER_MAJOR}.${VER_MINOR} on your computer.$\n Continue?" \<br> IDYES NoAbort<br> Abort ; causes installer to quit.<br> NoAbort:
# run the install program to check for already installed versions<br> SetOutPath $TEMP<br># File /oname=install.exe ${VIMSRC}\installw32.exe<br> File ${VIMRT}\install.exe<br> ExecWait "$TEMP\install.exe -uninstall-check"<br> Delete $TEMP\install.exe
# We may have been put to the background when uninstall did something.<br> BringToFront
# Install will have created a file for us that contains the directory where<br> # we should install. This is $VIM if it's set. This appears to be the only<br> # way to get the value of $VIM here!?<br> ReadINIStr $INSTDIR $TEMP\vimini.ini vimini dir<br> Delete $TEMP\vimini.ini
# If ReadINIStr failed or did not find a path: use the default dir.<br> StrCmp $INSTDIR "" 0 IniOK<br> StrCpy $INSTDIR "$PROGRAMFILES\Vim"<br> IniOK:
# Should check for the value of $VIM and use it. Unfortunately I don't know<br> # how to obtain the value of $VIM<br> # IfFileExists "$VIM" 0 No_Vim<br> # StrCpy $INSTDIR "$VIM"<br> # No_Vim:
# User variables:<br> # $0 - holds the directory the executables are installed to<br> # $1 - holds the parameters to be passed to install.exe. Starts with OLE<br> # registration (since a non-OLE gvim will not complain, and we want to<br> # always register an OLE gvim).<br> # $2 - holds the names to create batch files for<br> StrCpy $0 "$INSTDIR\vim${VER_MAJOR}${VER_MINOR}"<br> StrCpy $1 "-register-OLE"<br> StrCpy $2 "gvim evim gview gvimdiff vimtutor"
Function .onUserAbort<br> MessageBox MB_YESNO|MB_ICONQUESTION "Abort install?" IDYES NoCancelAbort<br> Abort ; causes installer to not quit.<br> NoCancelAbort:<br>FunctionEnd
# We only accept the directory if it ends in "vim". Using .onVerifyInstDir has<br># the disadvantage that the browse dialog is difficult to use.<br>Function CheckInstallDir<br> StrCpy $0 $INSTDIR 3 -3<br> StrCmp $0 "vim" PathGood<br> MessageBox MB_OK "The path must end in 'vim'."<br> Abort<br> PathGood:<br>FunctionEnd
Function .onInstSuccess<br> WriteUninstaller vim${VER_MAJOR}${VER_MINOR}\uninstall-gui.exe<br> MessageBox MB_YESNO|MB_ICONQUESTION \<br> "The installation process has been successfull. Happy Vimming! \<br> $\n$\n Do you want to see the README file now?" IDNO NoReadme<br> Exec '$0\gvim.exe -R "$0\README.txt"'<br> NoReadme:<br>FunctionEnd
Function .onInstFailed<br> MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION "Installation failed. Better luck next time."<br>FunctionEnd
Function un.onUnInstSuccess<br> MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION \<br> "Vim ${VER_MAJOR}.${VER_MINOR} has been (partly) removed from your system"<br>FunctionEnd
Function un.GetParent<br> Exch $0 ; old $0 is on top of stack<br> Push $1<br> Push $2<br> StrCpy $1 -1<br> loop:<br> StrCpy $2 $0 1 $1<br> StrCmp $2 "" exit<br> StrCmp $2 "\" exit<br> IntOp $1 $1 - 1<br> Goto loop<br> exit:<br> StrCpy $0 $0 $1<br> Pop $2<br> Pop $1<br> Exch $0 ; put $0 on top of stack, restore $0 to original value<br>FunctionEnd
##########################################################<br>Section "Vim executables and runtime files"<br> SectionIn 1 2 3
# we need also this here if the user changes the instdir<br> StrCpy $0 "$INSTDIR\vim${VER_MAJOR}${VER_MINOR}"
SetOutPath $0<br> File ${VIMRT}\gvim.exe<br> File ${VIMRT}\install.exe<br> File ${VIMRT}\uninstal.exe<br> File ${VIMRT}\vimrun.exe<br> File ${VIMRT}\xxd.exe<br> File ${VIMRT}\diff.exe<br> File ${VIMRT}\vimtutor.bat<br> File ${VIMRT}\README.txt<br> File ${VIMRT}\uninstal.txt<br> File ${VIMRT}\*.vim<br> File ${VIMRT}\rgb.txt<br> File ${VIMRT}\ctags.exe<br> File ${VIMRT}\iconv.dll<br> File ${VIMRT}\intl2.dll<br> File ${VIMRT}\msvcr71.dll
<br> SetOutPath $INSTDIR<br> File ${VIMRT}\gvimrc
SetOutPath $0\colors<br> File ${VIMRT}\colors\*.*
SetOutPath $0\compiler<br> File ${VIMRT}\compiler\*.*
SetOutPath $0\doc<br> File ${VIMRT}\doc\*.txt<br> File ${VIMRT}\doc\tags
SetOutPath $0\ftplugin<br> File ${VIMRT}\ftplugin\*.*
SetOutPath $0\indent<br> File ${VIMRT}\indent\*.*
SetOutPath $0\macros<br> File ${VIMRT}\macros\*.*
SetOutPath $0\plugin<br> File ${VIMRT}\plugin\*.*
SetOutPath $0\autoload<br> File ${VIMRT}\autoload\*.*
SetOutPath $0\autoload\xml<br> File ${VIMRT}\autoload\xml\*.*
SetOutPath $0\syntax<br> File ${VIMRT}\syntax\*.*
SetOutPath $0\spell<br> File ${VIMRT}\spell\*.txt<br> File ${VIMRT}\spell\*.vim<br> File ${VIMRT}\spell\*.spl<br> File ${VIMRT}\spell\*.sug
SetOutPath $0\tools<br> File ${VIMRT}\tools\*.*
SetOutPath $0\tutor<br> File ${VIMRT}\tutor\*.*<br>SectionEnd
##########################################################<br>Section "Vim console program (vim.exe)"<br> SectionIn 1 3
SetOutPath $0<br> ReadRegStr $R0 HKLM \<br> "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" CurrentVersion<br> IfErrors 0 lbl_winnt<br> # Windows 95/98/ME<br> File ${VIMRT}\vim.exe<br> Goto lbl_done<br> lbl_winnt:<br> # Windows NT/2000/XT<br> File ${VIMRT}\vim.exe<br> lbl_done:<br> StrCpy $2 "$2 vim view vimdiff"<br>SectionEnd
##########################################################<br>Section "Create .bat files for command line use"<br> SectionIn 3
StrCpy $1 "$1 -create-batfiles $2"<br>SectionEnd
##########################################################<br>Section "Create icons on the Desktop"<br> SectionIn 1 3
StrCpy $1 "$1 -install-icons"<br>SectionEnd
##########################################################<br>Section "Add Vim to the Start Menu"<br> SectionIn 1 3
StrCpy $1 "$1 -add-start-menu"<br>SectionEnd
##########################################################<br>Section "Add an Edit-with-Vim context menu entry"<br> SectionIn 1 3
# Be aware of this sequence of events:<br> # - user uninstalls Vim, gvimext.dll can't be removed (it's in use) and<br> # is scheduled to be removed at next reboot.<br> # - user installs Vim in same directory, gvimext.dll still exists.<br> # If we now skip installing gvimext.dll, it will disappear at the next<br> # reboot. Thus when copying gvimext.dll fails always schedule it to be<br> # installed at the next reboot. Can't use UpgradeDLL!<br> # We don't ask the user to reboot, the old dll will keep on working.<br> SetOutPath $0<br> ClearErrors<br> SetOverwrite try<br> File ${VIMRT}\gvimext.dll<br> IfErrors 0 GvimExtDone
# Can't copy gvimext.dll, create it under another name and rename it on<br> # next reboot.<br> GetTempFileName $3 $0<br> File /oname=$3 ${VIMRT}\gvimext.dll<br> Rename /REBOOTOK $3 $0\gvimext.dll
GvimExtDone:<br> SetOverwrite lastused
# We don't have a separate entry for the "Open With..." menu, assume<br> # the user wants either both or none.<br> StrCpy $1 "$1 -install-popup -install-openwith"<br>SectionEnd
##########################################################<br>Section "Create a _vimrc if it doesn't exist"<br> SectionIn 1 3
StrCpy $1 "$1 -create-vimrc"<br>SectionEnd
##########################################################<br>Section "Create plugin directories in HOME or VIM"<br> SectionIn 1 3
StrCpy $1 "$1 -create-directories home"<br>SectionEnd
##########################################################<br>Section "Create plugin directories in VIM"<br> SectionIn 3
StrCpy $1 "$1 -create-directories vim"<br>SectionEnd
##########################################################<br>Section "VisVim Extension for MS Visual Studio"<br> SectionIn 3
SetOutPath $0<br> !insertmacro UpgradeDLL "${VIMSRC}\VisVim\VisVim.dll" "$0\VisVim.dll" "$0"<br> File ${VIMSRC}\VisVim\README_VisVim.txt<br>SectionEnd
##########################################################<br>!ifdef HAVE_NLS<br> Section "Native Language Support"<br> SectionIn 1 3
SetOutPath $0\lang<br> File /r ${VIMRT}\lang\*.*<br> SetOutPath $0\keymap<br> File ${VIMRT}\keymap\README.txt<br> File ${VIMRT}\keymap\*.vim<br> SetOutPath $0<br> File ${VIMRT}\libintl.dll<br> SectionEnd<br>!endif
##########################################################<br>Section -call_install_exe<br> SetOutPath $0<br> ExecWait "$0\install.exe $1"<br>SectionEnd
##########################################################<br>Section -post<br> BringToFront<br>SectionEnd
##########################################################<br>Section Uninstall<br> # Apparently $INSTDIR is set to the directory where the uninstaller is<br> # created. Thus the "vim61" directory is included in it.<br> StrCpy $0 "$INSTDIR"
# If VisVim was installed, unregister the DLL.<br> IfFileExists "$0\VisVim.dll" Has_VisVim No_VisVim<br> Has_VisVim:<br> ExecWait "regsvr32.exe /u /s $0\VisVim.dll"
# delete the context menu entry and batch files<br> ExecWait "$0\uninstal.exe -nsis"
# We may have been put to the background when uninstall did something.<br> BringToFront
# ask the user if the Vim version dir must be removed<br> MessageBox MB_YESNO|MB_ICONQUESTION \<br> "Would you like to delete $0?$\n \<br> $\nIt contains the Vim executables and runtime files." IDNO NoRemoveExes
Delete /REBOOTOK $0\*.dll<br> ClearErrors<br> # Remove everything but *.dll files. Avoids that<br> # a lot remains when gvimext.dll cannot be deleted.<br> RMDir /r $0\autoload<br> RMDir /r $0\colors<br> RMDir /r $0\compiler<br> RMDir /r $0\doc<br> RMDir /r $0\ftplugin<br> RMDir /r $0\indent<br> RMDir /r $0\macros<br> RMDir /r $0\plugin<br> RMDir /r $0\spell<br> RMDir /r $0\syntax<br> RMDir /r $0\tools<br> RMDir /r $0\tutor<br> RMDir /r $0\VisVim<br> RMDir /r $0\lang<br> RMDir /r $0\keymap<br> Delete $0\*.exe<br> Delete $0\*.bat<br> Delete $0\*.vim<br> Delete $0\*.txt
IfErrors ErrorMess NoErrorMess<br> ErrorMess:<br> MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION \<br> "Some files in $0 have not been deleted!$\nYou must do it manually."<br> NoErrorMess:
# No error message if the "vim62" directory can't be removed, the<br> # gvimext.dll may still be there.<br> RMDir $0
NoRemoveExes:<br> # get the parent dir of the installation<br> Push $INSTDIR<br> Call un.GetParent<br> Pop $0<br> StrCpy $1 $0
# if a plugin dir was created at installation ask the user to remove it<br> # first look in the root of the installation then in HOME<br> IfFileExists $1\vimfiles AskRemove 0<br> ReadEnvStr $1 "HOME"<br> StrCmp $1 "" NoRemove 0
IfFileExists $1\vimfiles 0 NoRemove
AskRemove:<br> MessageBox MB_YESNO|MB_ICONQUESTION \<br> "Remove all files in your $1\vimfiles directory? \<br> $\nIf you have created something there that you want to keep, click No" IDNO Fin<br> RMDir /r $1\vimfiles<br> NoRemove:
# ask the user if the Vim root dir must be removed<br> MessageBox MB_YESNO|MB_ICONQUESTION \<br> "Would you like to remove $0?$\n \<br> $\nIt contains your Vim configuration files!" IDNO NoDelete<br> RMDir /r $0 ; skipped if no<br> NoDelete:
Fin:<br> Call un.onUnInstSuccess

2008年4月14日 (一) 20:52的最新版本



链接 http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2194

vim marks