特殊:Badtitle/NS100:WifiDocs/Driver/Intel 4965 AGN WiFi Driver/Fiesty:修订间差异

Wikibot留言 | 贡献
Wikibot留言 | 贡献
第35行: 第35行:
|unzip -a V11.1.0.0_XP_DRIVERS.ZIP
|unzip -a V11.1.0.0_XP_DRIVERS.ZIP
See also [[UbuntuHelp:FileCompression|FileCompression]].
=== Step 4 - Install and configure ndiswrapper ===
=== Step 4 - Install and configure ndiswrapper ===
In the terminal window, change directories to the directory where you extracted the ndis program from the .rar above.  Assuming your terminal windows tarts in your home directory (the default for Ubuntu)
In the terminal window, change directories to the directory where you extracted the ndis program from the .rar above.  Assuming your terminal windows tarts in your home directory (the default for Ubuntu)

2008年10月20日 (一) 01:13的最新版本

{{#ifexist: :WifiDocs/Driver/Intel 4965 AGN WiFi Driver/Fiesty/zh | | {{#ifexist: WifiDocs/Driver/Intel 4965 AGN WiFi Driver/Fiesty/zh | | {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:WifiDocs/Driver/Intel 4965 AGN WiFi Driver/Fiesty|1|-1|}} | zh | | }} }} }} {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:WifiDocs/Driver/Intel 4965 AGN WiFi Driver/Fiesty|1|-1|}} | zh | | }}

This walkthrough is how I got my wireless card up and running using ndiswrapper and Windows drivers, after more than a little frustration and searching.

Before you Start

This guide was written borrowing heavily from the work of paperdiesel; and his HOWTO: Dell Inspiron E1505 Wireless (Broadcom 1390 WLAN). thanks to him for getting me started with his thorough documentation. Some parts of this doc are taken right from his post. There is another howto that doesn't require ndiswrapper located here. This card got up and running on a Dell e1705. I cannot vouch for interoperability elsewhere. Before you do anything listed below, you need to go into the BIOS of your machine. In the BIOS, you must enable the Wireless hotkey. As the O/S is booting, and before you shut down, you have to use this hotkey (Fn+F2 for Dell laptops; find yours, it's either on the keyboard or has a separate button/switch) to disable the wireless card. You can turn it on once you have verified that ndiswrapper is loaded correctly.


  • an internet connection other than your wireless card you are trying to get working
  • a fresh install
  • windows drivers for the Intel 4965. Dell currently does not have a live link for any O/S other than Vista on their site. I used the drivers at Intel's Site
  • ndiswrapper version 1.43


Be sure you have set your BIOS flags for the Wireless hotkey and disabled your wireless card.

Step 1 - Remove other Ndiswrapper remnants

In a terminal window:

sudo rmmod ndiswrapper
sudo apt-get remove ndiswrapper-utils

Step 2 - Get Compiling Packages

In a terminal window:

sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-$(uname -r)

you need these packages to install ndiswrapper.

Step 3 - Download and Unpack ndiswrapper and Intel Drivers

Download the drivers from the links above. If you know how to do this via the GUI, extract the .rar file and the .zip file to their own directories in your home directory. If not, this can be done using the following terminal commands: In a terminal window:

tar -xzvf ndiswrapper-1.43.tar.gz
unzip -a V11.1.0.0_XP_DRIVERS.ZIP

See also FileCompression.

Step 4 - Install and configure ndiswrapper

In the terminal window, change directories to the directory where you extracted the ndis program from the .rar above. Assuming your terminal windows tarts in your home directory (the default for Ubuntu) In a terminal window:

cd ndiswrapper-1.43

From this directory execute the following: In a terminal window:

sudo make uninstall

Repeat this command until you get no "removal" messages. When you are not getting those messages anymore, proceed to the following commands: In a terminal window:

sudo make
sudo make install

This creates the install packages for ndiswrapper, and lets your system know that you want to be able to call the program. Once this step is complete, you should have successfully installed ndiswrapper. To test this, type ndis at a terminal window, and type tab. If the system auto completes the rest of the command for the program to the full word "ndiswrapper" you are halfway there! Now, you need to tell ndiswrapper what driver to load. Change directories to the folder where you extracted the Intel drivers above. Once in that directory, call ndiswrapper on the driver file, using the commands below: In a terminal window:

sudo ndiswrapper -i NETw4x32.INF

Note that this is case sensitive! Don't typo. Proceed to next command. In a terminal window:

sudo ndiswrapper -l

You should see a message that the driver is loaded, and that the hardware is detected. To verify, have ndiswrapper list what it currently has configured. Assuming you are O.K. up to this point, make sure to get ndiswrapper to set up an interface for a wireless connection, and have it load with your system. In a terminal window:

sudo ndiswrapper -m
sudo modprobe ndiswrapper

Step 5 - Enable Wireless and Re-Set Network Monitor

At this point, you should be able to enable the wireless card with the hotkey. Re-set the network monitor in the top right by right-clicking on it and unchecking "Enable Networking". Unplug your alternate internet connection. Wait a moment, then check "Enable Networking". Your wireless card light should pop on, and you should be able to connect to wireless networks!