
Wikibot留言 | 贡献
Wikibot留言 | 贡献
第3行: 第3行:
=== Goals ===
=== Goals ===
The goals of this page are...
The goals of this page are...
* to be a comprehensive list of DocBook-aware editor programs
* to be a comprehensive list of [[UbuntuHelp:DocBook|DocBook]]-aware editor programs
* to distinguish which programs are included in Ubuntu
* to distinguish which programs are included in Ubuntu
* to present this information in a consistent format
* to present this information in a consistent format
第14行: 第14行:
=== Test Suite ===
=== Test Suite ===
You can find many sample documents in the [[UbuntuHelp:DocBook|DocBook]] SourceForge CVS Repository which may be useful to exercise program features:
You can find many sample documents in the [[UbuntuHelp:DocBook|DocBook]] SourceForge CVS Repository which may be useful to exercise program features:
* http://cvs.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.py/docbook/testdocs/tests/
* https://docbook.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/docbook/trunk/testdocs/tests/
=== Supported ===
=== Supported ===
These programs are available from the Ubuntu package repositories.  Packages in the "main" repository should be well supported by the Ubuntu community.  Packages in the "universe" repository are contributed by smaller groups or individuals and may not be as well-supported.
These programs are available from the Ubuntu package repositories.  Packages in the "main" repository should be well supported by the Ubuntu community.  Packages in the "universe" repository are contributed by smaller groups or individuals and may not be as well-supported.
第38行: 第38行:
* community: http://www.conglomerate.org/getting_involved.html
* community: http://www.conglomerate.org/getting_involved.html
* comments: boxes don't display right on dapper with default settings
* comments: boxes don't display right on dapper with default settings
** some very interesting concepts for organizing the display vs. other editors
* some very interesting concepts for organizing the display vs. other editors
==== emacs + nxml ====
==== emacs + nxml ====
* repository: main / universe
* repository: main / universe
第46行: 第46行:
* community: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/emacs-nxml-mode/
* community: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/emacs-nxml-mode/
* comments: if you love emacs, this is the thing
* comments: if you love emacs, this is the thing
==== geany ====
* environment: GTK2
* homepage: http://geany.uvena.de/
* install: <code><nowiki>geany</nowiki></code>
* community: http://geany.uvena.de/support.html
* comments: very lightweight, but still includes syntax highlighting, auto tag-closing for xml, and more
==== kate ====
==== kate ====
* repository: main
* repository: main
第53行: 第59行:
* community: http://kate.kde.org/contact.php
* community: http://kate.kde.org/contact.php
* comments: installed by default with Kubuntu
* comments: installed by default with Kubuntu
** great option for kate, use it for all my editing
* great option for kate, use it for all my editing
** code folding / unfolding is handled very nicely
* code folding / unfolding is handled very nicely
==== gedit ====
==== gedit ====
* repository: main
* repository: main
第69行: 第75行:
* community: http://www.lyx.org/internet/
* community: http://www.lyx.org/internet/
* comments: [[UbuntuHelp:LaTeX|LaTeX]] oriented but can import / export [[UbuntuHelp:DocBook|DocBook]]
* comments: [[UbuntuHelp:LaTeX|LaTeX]] oriented but can import / export [[UbuntuHelp:DocBook|DocBook]]
** What You See Is What You Mean (WYSIWYM) works beautifully
* What You See Is What You Mean (WYSIWYM) works beautifully
** templates seem to be broken at the moment
* templates seem to be broken at the moment
==== mlview ====
==== mlview ====
* repository: universe
* repository: universe
第84行: 第90行:
* install: <code><nowiki>openoffice.org</nowiki></code>
* install: <code><nowiki>openoffice.org</nowiki></code>
* community: http://support.openoffice.org/index.html
* community: http://support.openoffice.org/index.html
* comments: I have not been able to get OOo to work with [[UbuntuHelp:DocBook|DocBook]] on Linux
* comments: OOo3 Writer allows to save (File/Save as…) any document (ODF or html) as docbook (defaults to an "article", not a "book") and reopen it for editing. The structuration of the docbook (sections) depends on the systematic use of the Heading 1, 2, 3, etc. of the word processor.
** WritingDocbookWithOpenOffice describes procedure to use OOo to edit [[UbuntuHelp:DocBook|DocBook]]
* WritingDocbookWithOpenOffice describes procedure to use OOo to edit [[UbuntuHelp:DocBook|DocBook]]
==== Quanta+ ====
==== Quanta+ ====
* repository: main
* repository: main
第93行: 第99行:
* community: http://quanta.kdewebdev.org/bugs.php
* community: http://quanta.kdewebdev.org/bugs.php
* comments: looks similar to kate, but has some nice tools for validation etc.
* comments: looks similar to kate, but has some nice tools for validation etc.
** doesn't have the [[UbuntuHelp:DocBook|DocBook]] 4.3 XML DTD out of the box
* doesn't have the [[UbuntuHelp:DocBook|DocBook]] 4.3 XML DTD out of the box
** no missing dependencies in Kubuntu dapper
* no missing dependencies in Kubuntu dapper
** in Ubuntu dapper, a few dependency problems
* in Ubuntu dapper, a few dependency problems
*** a few needed packages are not installed by "apt-get quanta"
* a few needed packages are not installed by "apt-get quanta"
*** installing kubuntu-desktop is one easy way to fix it
* installing kubuntu-desktop is one easy way to fix it
*** I should try to find out what extra packages I needed to install
* I should try to find out what extra packages I needed to install
**** then I should report it as a bug!
* then I should report it as a bug!
** on Ubuntu dapper, sometimes it freezes for me
* on Ubuntu dapper, sometimes it freezes for me
** excellent tutorial http://quanta.kdewebdev.org/tutorials/quanta-docbook/quanta.html
* excellent tutorial http://quanta.kdewebdev.org/tutorials/quanta-docbook/quanta.html
==== SciTE ====
==== SciTE ====
* repository: universe
* repository: universe
第109行: 第115行:
* community: http://mailman.lyra.org/mailman/listinfo/scite-interest
* community: http://mailman.lyra.org/mailman/listinfo/scite-interest
* comments: on dapper SciTE crashes for me, maybe OK on breezy?
* comments: on dapper SciTE crashes for me, maybe OK on breezy?
** scriptable and extensible through Python
* scriptable and extensible through Python
==== vim + xmledit ====
==== vim + xmledit ====
* repository: main
* repository: main
第117行: 第123行:
* community: http://www.vim.org/community.php
* community: http://www.vim.org/community.php
* comments:  
* comments:  
** [[UbuntuHelp:VimHowto|VimHowto]]  
* [[UbuntuHelp:VimHowto|VimHowto]]  
** [http://www.pinkjuice.com/howto/vimxml/tasks.xml Vim as an XML Editor]
* [http://www.pinkjuice.com/howto/vimxml/tasks.xml Vim as an XML Editor]
** [http://www.vim.org/tips/tip.php?tip_id=583 Vim Tip 583 (see comments)]
* [http://www.vim.org/tips/tip.php?tip_id=583 Vim Tip 583 (see comments)]
** Vim also supports many features like code folding, spell checking, <your favourite feature>
* Vim also supports many features like code folding, spell checking, <your favourite feature>
=== Unsupported ===
=== Unsupported ===
These programs are not available in the Ubuntu package repositories.  Some packages may not be included due to licensing restrictions.  Perhaps you would like to volunteer to package one of these programs for Ubuntu?  There is certainly nothing wrong with using these programs, but you may need to turn to their own user community if you need assistance.
These programs are not available in the Ubuntu package repositories.  Some packages may not be included due to licensing restrictions.  Perhaps you would like to volunteer to package one of these programs for Ubuntu?  There is certainly nothing wrong with using these programs, but you may need to turn to their own user community if you need assistance.
第129行: 第135行:
* community: http://www.butterflyxml.org/modules.php?name=Forums
* community: http://www.butterflyxml.org/modules.php?name=Forums
* comments: screenshots look intriguing, haven't tried it yet
* comments: screenshots look intriguing, haven't tried it yet
==== Geany ====
* environment: GTK2
* homepage: http://geany.uvena.de/
* install: http://geany.uvena.de/manual/index.html
* community: http://geany.uvena.de/support.html
* comments: must be built form source code, haven't tried it yet
==== jEdit + XML / XmlIndenter / XQuery / XSLT / JTidyPlugin ====
==== jEdit + XML / XmlIndenter / XQuery / XSLT / JTidyPlugin ====
* environment: Java
* environment: Java
第141行: 第141行:
* community: http://community.jedit.org/
* community: http://community.jedit.org/
* comments: nice if you use both Linux and Windows
* comments: nice if you use both Linux and Windows
** once I got the hang of the XML plugins and debug functions, I think this is my favorite XML editor so far
* once I got the hang of the XML plugins and debug functions, I think this is my favorite XML editor so far
==== Vex ====
==== Vex ====
* environment: Java / Eclipse
* environment: Java / Eclipse
第149行: 第149行:
* community: http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?forum_id=41623
* community: http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?forum_id=41623
* comments: doesn't support Xinclude, other than that a very nice editor interface based on Eclipse 3.0
* comments: doesn't support Xinclude, other than that a very nice editor interface based on Eclipse 3.0
** can also be used as a plugin for Eclipse, but works best with 1.4 JVM and Eclipse 3.0
* can also be used as a plugin for Eclipse, but works best with 1.4 JVM and Eclipse 3.0
** I couldn't get it to work with 1.5 JVM and Eclipse 3.1.2
* I couldn't get it to work with 1.5 JVM and Eclipse 3.1.2
** interesting whitepaper from IBM http://www.eclipse.org/articles/Article-Authoring-With-Eclipse/AuthoringWithEclipse.html
* interesting whitepaper from IBM http://www.eclipse.org/articles/Article-Authoring-With-Eclipse/AuthoringWithEclipse.html
=== Commercial Applications ===
=== Commercial Applications ===
These programs require you to pay money for a license, but usually included in that price is professional support from the program vendor.  Several of these programs also have a Lite version with several features disabled.  Lite versions are usually free for personal use but restricted.
These programs require you to pay money for a license, but usually included in that price is professional support from the program vendor.  Several of these programs also have a Lite version with several features disabled.  Lite versions are usually free for personal use but restricted.
第160行: 第160行:
* community: http://www.editix.com/contact.html
* community: http://www.editix.com/contact.html
* comments: ~+not+~ Open Source, no free version only 30 day trial
* comments: ~+not+~ Open Source, no free version only 30 day trial
** haven't tried it yet
* haven't tried it yet
==== Exchanger XML Editor (EXE) ====
==== Exchanger XML Editor (EXE) ====
* environment: Java
* environment: Java
第167行: 第167行:
* community: http://exchangerxml.com/phpBB2/
* community: http://exchangerxml.com/phpBB2/
* comments: ~+not+~ Open Source, free to use but restricted
* comments: ~+not+~ Open Source, free to use but restricted
** haven't tried it yet
* haven't tried it yet
==== oXygen XML Editor ====
==== oXygen XML Editor ====
* environment: Java
* environment: Java
第181行: 第181行:
* community: ?
* community: ?
* comments: looks like it could be a little old (2003?) but will give it a try
* comments: looks like it could be a little old (2003?) but will give it a try
** if the company name was "boca loca" that would mean "crazy mouth" in Spanish
* if the company name was "boca loca" that would mean "crazy mouth" in Spanish
==== XMLmind XML Editor (XXE) ====
==== XMLmind XML Editor (XXE) ====
* environment: Java
* environment: Java
第188行: 第188行:
* community: http://www.xmlmind.com/mailman/listinfo/xmleditor-support
* community: http://www.xmlmind.com/mailman/listinfo/xmleditor-support
* comments: ~+not+~ Open Source, free to use but restricted
* comments: ~+not+~ Open Source, free to use but restricted
** very nice interface nearly WYSIWYG, I think this is my 2nd favorite
* very nice interface nearly WYSIWYG, I think this is my 2nd favorite
** supports Xincludes and can inline content including most graphics
* supports Xincludes and can inline content including most graphics
** sometimes adds blank lines or messes up indents when you look at the raw XML
* sometimes adds blank lines or messes up indents when you look at the raw XML
=== Dead Projects ===
=== Dead Projects ===
These are programs which appear to be abandoned by the author.  I have included them here to answer the question, "But what about program <X>?"  If you are a developer and you really like the program, perhaps you could contact the author to ask about resuming development or creating a fork.
These are programs which appear to be abandoned by the author.  I have included them here to answer the question, "But what about program <X>?"  If you are a developer and you really like the program, perhaps you could contact the author to ask about resuming development or creating a fork.
第208行: 第208行:
* nice list on http://www.tldp.org/LDP/LDP-Author-Guide/html/tools-edit.html
* nice list on http://www.tldp.org/LDP/LDP-Author-Guide/html/tools-edit.html
* check programs listed on http://scintilla.sourceforge.net/ScintillaRelated.html
* check programs listed on http://scintilla.sourceforge.net/ScintillaRelated.html
** PyPE
* PyPE
** CUTE http://cute.sourceforge.net/index.html
* CUTE http://cute.sourceforge.net/index.html
* any other editor components akin to Scintilla?
* any other editor components akin to Scintilla?
* Jext http://www.jext.org/
* Jext http://www.jext.org/
第217行: 第217行:
* adobe pagemaker ?
* adobe pagemaker ?


2010年5月19日 (三) 22:06的最新版本

{{#ifexist: :DocBookEditors/zh | | {{#ifexist: DocBookEditors/zh | | {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:DocBookEditors|1|-1|}} | zh | | }} }} }} {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:DocBookEditors|1|-1|}} | zh | | }}


The goals of this page are...

  • to be a comprehensive list of DocBook-aware editor programs
  • to distinguish which programs are included in Ubuntu
  • to present this information in a consistent format
  • ~+please try to stick to the format+~ thank you :)

The questions that I am trying to help you to answer for yourself are...

  • How easy or hard is it going to be for me to get this program?
  • How easy or hard is it going to be for me to install this program?
  • How much help am I going to need and will I be able to get it?
  • Will the look and feel of the app be comfortable to me?

Test Suite

You can find many sample documents in the DocBook SourceForge CVS Repository which may be useful to exercise program features:


These programs are available from the Ubuntu package repositories. Packages in the "main" repository should be well supported by the Ubuntu community. Packages in the "universe" repository are contributed by smaller groups or individuals and may not be as well-supported.




emacs + nxml



  • repository: main
  • environment: KDE
  • homepage: http://kate.kde.org/
  • install: kate kate-plugins
  • community: http://kate.kde.org/contact.php
  • comments: installed by default with Kubuntu
  • great option for kate, use it for all my editing
  • code folding / unfolding is handled very nicely




OpenOffice.org Writer

  • repository: main
  • environment: (originally Java, but now ?)
  • homepage: http://www.openoffice.org
  • install: openoffice.org
  • community: http://support.openoffice.org/index.html
  • comments: OOo3 Writer allows to save (File/Save as…) any document (ODF or html) as docbook (defaults to an "article", not a "book") and reopen it for editing. The structuration of the docbook (sections) depends on the systematic use of the Heading 1, 2, 3, etc. of the word processor.
  • WritingDocbookWithOpenOffice describes procedure to use OOo to edit DocBook


  • repository: main
  • environment: KDE
  • homepage: http://quanta.kdewebdev.org/
  • install: quanta
  • community: http://quanta.kdewebdev.org/bugs.php
  • comments: looks similar to kate, but has some nice tools for validation etc.
  • doesn't have the DocBook 4.3 XML DTD out of the box
  • no missing dependencies in Kubuntu dapper
  • in Ubuntu dapper, a few dependency problems
  • a few needed packages are not installed by "apt-get quanta"
  • installing kubuntu-desktop is one easy way to fix it
  • I should try to find out what extra packages I needed to install
  • then I should report it as a bug!
  • on Ubuntu dapper, sometimes it freezes for me
  • excellent tutorial http://quanta.kdewebdev.org/tutorials/quanta-docbook/quanta.html


vim + xmledit


These programs are not available in the Ubuntu package repositories. Some packages may not be included due to licensing restrictions. Perhaps you would like to volunteer to package one of these programs for Ubuntu? There is certainly nothing wrong with using these programs, but you may need to turn to their own user community if you need assistance.

Butterfly XML

jEdit + XML / XmlIndenter / XQuery / XSLT / JTidyPlugin


Commercial Applications

These programs require you to pay money for a license, but usually included in that price is professional support from the program vendor. Several of these programs also have a Lite version with several features disabled. Lite versions are usually free for personal use but restricted.

Editix XML Editor (EditiX)

Exchanger XML Editor (EXE)

oXygen XML Editor


  • environment Java / Eclipse
  • component: Eclipse
  • homepage: http://www.xmlbuddy.com/ (XMLBuddy Pro)
  • lite: http://www.xmlbuddy.com/ (XMLBuddy)
  • community: ?
  • comments: looks like it could be a little old (2003?) but will give it a try
  • if the company name was "boca loca" that would mean "crazy mouth" in Spanish

XMLmind XML Editor (XXE)

Dead Projects

These are programs which appear to be abandoned by the author. I have included them here to answer the question, "But what about program <X>?" If you are a developer and you really like the program, perhaps you could contact the author to ask about resuming development or creating a fork.


Editor Components

Peeking at the source code, I found there is similarity between many of the programs because they are based on the same widget set or editor component. For example SciTE and Geany are both based on the Scintilla code editor component, while bluefish and gedit are based on the GtkSourceView component. The component that is used controls how the editor displays and manages code folding and syntax highlighting for example. I think it would be a useful exercise to identify the editor component used by each application.

Related Pages

To Do List

Programs to add