特殊:Badtitle/NS100:Install IVTV Troubleshooting:修订间差异

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Wikibot留言 | 贡献
第34行: 第34行:
* Check dmesg to see if there are any errors loading firmware or anything like that.
* Check dmesg to see if there are any errors loading firmware or anything like that.
dmesg | tac | sed -n '/=\ \ END INIT IVTV\ \ =/,/== START INIT IVTV ==/p;/== START INIT IVTV ==/q' | tac
dmesg | tac | sed -n '/=\ \ END INIT IVTV\ \ =/,/= START INIT IVTV =/p;/= START INIT IVTV =/q' | tac
If you see any errors that are not covered below, go into #ubuntu and see if you can grab some help or post on the forums.
If you see any errors that are not covered below, go into #ubuntu and see if you can grab some help or post on the forums.
第88行: 第88行:


2010年5月19日 (三) 22:55的最新版本

{{#ifexist: :Install IVTV Troubleshooting/zh | | {{#ifexist: Install IVTV Troubleshooting/zh | | {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:Install IVTV Troubleshooting|1|-1|}} | zh | | }} }} }} {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:Install IVTV Troubleshooting|1|-1|}} | zh | | }}


Check IVTV is initialized


dmesg |grep Initialized

You should see something like:

ivtv: Initialized WinTV PVR 250, card #0
ivtv: Initialized WinTV PVR 350, card #1

This example shows two cards. If you only have one, you will see results similar to this:

ivtv: Initialized WinTV PVR 250, card #0 

This is a good way to identify if the card even initially loaded.

Testing Capture

  • After the driver is loaded, you can test it by doing a simple capture
cat /dev/video0 > /tmp/test_capture.mpg

Let this go for about 5 sec and then press <ctrl> + 'c'

  • Attempt to play this back using your favorite media player. (mplayer for the example)
mplayer /tmp/test_capture.mpg
  • See if you have some recorded content coming up in the test capture.

Poor Audio Quality on a PVR-500

If you are encountering distorted audio, this is a known issue with certain versions of the ivtv driver (and is apparent in the windows driver too). Follow the directions below on this page to upgrade to a newer version. Thanks to jlr4u for verifying that this solved the problem. If you encounter issues still, post in this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=345655

Diagnosing Problems

  • Check dmesg to see if there are any errors loading firmware or anything like that.
dmesg | tac | sed -n '/=\ \ END INIT IVTV\ \ =/,/= START INIT IVTV =/p;/= START INIT IVTV =/q' | tac

If you see any errors that are not covered below, go into #ubuntu and see if you can grab some help or post on the forums.

Errors during modprobe

If you encounter errors similar to:

sudo modprobe ivtv
FATAL: Error inserting ivtv (/lib/modules/2.6.17-10-generic/ivtv/ivtv.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)

and check dmesg to see similar things to this:

[17182375.312000] ivtv: disagrees about version of symbol video_unregister_device
[17182375.312000] ivtv: Unknown symbol video_unregister_device
[17182375.312000] ivtv: disagrees about version of symbol video_device_alloc
[17182375.312000] ivtv: Unknown symbol video_device_alloc
[17182375.312000] ivtv: disagrees about version of symbol video_register_device
[17182375.312000] ivtv: Unknown symbol video_register_device
[17182375.312000] ivtv: disagrees about version of symbol video_device_release
[17182375.312000] ivtv: Unknown symbol video_device_release
[17182762.044000] ivtv: disagrees about version of symbol video_unregister_device
[17182762.044000] ivtv: Unknown symbol video_unregister_device
[17182762.044000] ivtv: disagrees about version of symbol video_device_alloc
[17182762.044000] ivtv: Unknown symbol video_device_alloc
[17182762.044000] ivtv: disagrees about version of symbol video_register_device
[17182762.044000] ivtv: Unknown symbol video_register_device
[17182762.044000] ivtv: disagrees about version of symbol video_device_release
[17182762.044000] ivtv: Unknown symbol video_device_release

you will need to reinstall the running linux image. This can be caused by overwriting the modules necessary for ivtv to work. Reinstall the linux image:

sudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-`uname -r`
sudo depmod -a

Follow the steps to rebuild the modules.

Resource allocation errors

There are two possible solutions to resource allocation problems:

  • Be sure that you have enabled APIC on your machine's BIOS. This will guarantee enough resources are allocated for the device.

See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=284041 for more information.

  • Add vmalloc=192m to your kernel boot parameters.

First make a copy of your old grub configuration. You should do this everytime you make an edit of grub.

cp /boot/grub/menu.list /boot/grub/menu.list.backup

Edit /boot/grub/menu.lst to add the vmalloc=192 to the end of your kernel line:

title           Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.17-10-server
root            (hd0,0)
kernel          /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.17-10-server root=/dev/hda1 ro quiet splash vmalloc=192m
initrd          /boot/initrd.img-2.6.17-10-server
