
Wikibot留言 | 贡献
Wikibot留言 | 贡献
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== Introduction ==
A great deal of effort has been made to allow automatic configuration of the X window system without asking questions of the user.  However, there is an astounding variety of hardware in use around the world, and so it is impossible to test every combination of devices...at least, without your help!
A great deal of effort has been made to allow automatic configuration of the X window system without asking questions of the user.  However, there is an astounding variety of hardware in use around the world, and so it is impossible to test every combination of devices...at least, without your help!
=== Common Known Issues ===
== Reporting X Bugs ==
'''"Error activating XKB configuration." after upgrade''' - After upgrading from 6.10 to 7.04, the following error message can appear on reboot or when trying to change keyboard preferences:
An easy way to report bugs in 8.10 and newer is:
Error activating XKB configuration.
It can happen under various circumstances:
* a bug in libxklavier library
* a bug in X server (xkbcomp, xmodmap utilities)
* X server with incompatible libxkbfile implementation
There are a few causes for this behavior, and several possible solutions to try:
#  Disable the following option in /etc/X11/xorg.conf:
# Option "XkbVariant" "qwerty"
#  Especially if you have a non-us keyboard, doublecheck the XkbLayout option.  Change the value to one that matches your language (for example, "pl" for Polish, "gb" for British, etc.)
Option "XkbLayout" "ie"
#  Using gconf-editor, clear both the "layouts" and "options" parameters located at  /desktop/gnome/peripherals/keyboard/kbd.  See [http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-gnome/2005-December/013059.html]
'''"Error in I830WaitLpRing(), now is...FatalError re-entered, aborting...lockup" on Intel video''' - These kinds of error messages are produced by a variety of causes.  Generally, Xorg upstream encourages upgrading to the latest -intel driver (Kylem has been providing a [http://people.ubuntu.com/~kyle/testing/crestline/ -intel 2.0.0 driver for Feisty]).  Some other ways to work around it that some users have reported success with:
* Turn off DRI.  Add to the Device section of xorg.conf, Option "DRI" "false".  (Note that this will likely make X run slower).
* Turn off all power management / acpi, and screensavers that use GL
=== Howto Debug Display Issues ===
# Log out from GNOME, if you are logged in
# Log in on the text console (Control-Alt-F1):  
Ubuntu 7.04 "Feisty Fawn" computer_name tty1
ubuntu-bug xorg
computer_name login: your_username
Password: your_password
Linux computer_name 2.6.20-16-generic #2 SMP Thu Jun 7 20:19:32 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux
The programs included with the Ubuntu system are free software;
the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.
Ubuntu comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by
applicable law.
your_username@computer_name ~ $
# Stop the GNOME display manager:
This command will make sure all the appropriate files and stuff are attached to your bug report.
== Debugging X ==
your_username@computer_name ~ $ sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop
Lots of info on reporting X bugs, common issues, troubleshooting, etc.:
Password: your_password
* [[UbuntuWiki:X/Debugging|X/Debugging]] - The Ubuntu X Debugger's Handbook
* Stopping GNOME Display Manager...                                    [ ok ]
# `sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg`
# Attach:
#* Output of `uname -a`
#* Output of `lspci -vvnn`
#* Output of `sudo discover --disable=parallel,serial,usb,ide,scsi,pcmcia --format="%M\t%S\t%D\t%i\n" video`
#* Output of `sudo xresprobe <driver>`
#* `/var/log/Xorg.0.log`
#* `/etc/X11/xorg.conf` and `/etc/X11/xorg.conf.*`
#* preferably a good description of what went wrong -- server failed to start, server started with blank screen, server started with mangled screen, server started with weird colours, et al
# Things to try:
#* Move your /etc/xorg.conf file aside and try running X with no config file
#* Get your monitor's manual and look up the HorizSync and VertRefresh settings and add them to the Monitor section of xorg.conf.
#* If you can't find them, try adding HorizSync 36-x, and VertRefresh 36-60, to the Monitor section of xorg.conf, where x is defined as (horizontal res)/20; for example, for 1024x768, x = 1024/20 ~= 52 (round up), so the Monitor section would need 'HorizSync 36-52' and 'VertRefresh 36-60'.  No quotes, no Option.
#* Or, if HorizSync and VertRefresh lines are already there, removing them.
#* Dropping bit depth to 16.
#* If it's a weird screen (Apple LCDs come to mind here, so do some strange laptop screens), Google for a modeline for that particular screen.  If this helps, please report the specific modeline in a bug.
#* 'Option "NoAccel"' in the Device section, if it comes up but is rather weird.
#* Option "IgnoreEDID" or Option "NoDDC", but remember to add sync ranges.
#* If the log suggests that any particular option may help (e.g. i810 suggests that Option "DisplayInfo" "FALSE" might prevent hangs), try that.
#* Start Xorg with a lot of verbosity: sudo Xorg :1 -ac -logverbose 999.  This will give you a lot of output in the log to check out.
#* Search https://bugs.freedesktop.org for any bugs reported upstream on xorg.
#* Check out http://gitweb.freedesktop.org/ xorg/driver/xf86-video-<driver name> for any recent commits that look like they might just be useful.
== Also See ==
* [[UbuntuHelp:X/Debugging]] - The Ubuntu X Debugger's Handbook
[[category:CategoryDocumentation]] [[category:CategoryCleanup]]
[[UbuntuHelp:DebuggingXAutoconfiguration/PageDiscussion|Discuss this page.]]


2009年11月17日 (二) 18:52的最新版本

{{#ifexist: :DebuggingXAutoconfiguration/zh | | {{#ifexist: DebuggingXAutoconfiguration/zh | | {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:DebuggingXAutoconfiguration|1|-1|}} | zh | | }} }} }} {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:DebuggingXAutoconfiguration|1|-1|}} | zh | | }}



A great deal of effort has been made to allow automatic configuration of the X window system without asking questions of the user. However, there is an astounding variety of hardware in use around the world, and so it is impossible to test every combination of devices...at least, without your help!

Reporting X Bugs

An easy way to report bugs in 8.10 and newer is:

ubuntu-bug xorg

This command will make sure all the appropriate files and stuff are attached to your bug report.

Debugging X

Lots of info on reporting X bugs, common issues, troubleshooting, etc.:

Discuss this page.