(未显示2个用户的62个中间版本) |
第1行: |
第1行: |
| ==f==
| | {{Note|This text should be noted.}} |
| <s>fdsf</s>
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| sudo apt-get remove akonadi-server dolphin exiv2 kappfinder kde-icons-oxygen kde-minimal kde-window-manager kdebase kdebase-bin kdebase-data kdebase-runtime kdebase-runtime-bin-kde4 kdebase-runtime-data kdebase-runtime-data-common kdebase-workspace kdebase-workspace-bin kdebase-workspace-data kdebase-workspace-kgreet-plugins kdebase-workspace-libs4+5 kdelibs-bin kdelibs5 kdelibs5-data kdepasswd kdepim-runtime kdepim-runtime-data kdepim-runtime-libs4 kdepimlibs-data kdepimlibs5 kdm kfind khelpcenter4 klipper konqueror konqueror-nsplugins konsole ksysguard ksysguardd kwrite libakonadiprivate1 libaudio2 libboost-program-options1.38.0 libclucene0ldbl libexiv2-5 libkdecorations4 libknotificationitem1 libkonq5 libkonq5-templates libkonqsidebarplugin4 libkwineffects1 liblzma0 libplasma3 libpolkit-dbus2 libpolkit-grant2 libpolkit-qt0 libpolkit2 libqimageblitz4 libqt4-assistant libqt4-dbus libqt4-designer libqt4-help libqt4-network libqt4-opengl libqt4-phonon libqt4-qt3support libqt4-script libqt4-scripttools libqt4-sql libqt4-sql-mysql libqt4-svg libqt4-test libqt4-webkit libqt4-xml libqt4-xmlpatterns libqtcore4 libqtgui4 libsoprano4 libstreamanalyzer0 libstreams0 libstrigiqtdbusclient0 libxcb-shape0 libxcb-shm0 libxcb-xv0 libxine1 libxine1-bin libxine1-console libxine1-misc-plugins libxine1-x mysql-server-core-5.1 phonon-backend-xine plasma-dataengines-workspace plasma-widget-folderview plasma-widgets-workspace policykit python-kde4 python-qt4 python-sip4 soprano-daemon systemsettings ttf-dejavu ttf-dejavu-extra
| |
| |
| | 软件 |
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| | 硬件 |
| |
| | 互联网 |
| |
| sudo apt-get remove adept adept-batch adept-common adept-installer adept-manager adept-notifier adept-updater akregator amarok amarok-xine apport-qt ark arts bogofilter bogofilter-bdb bogofilter-common debtags digikam enscript fftw3 gtk-qt-engine gwenview hwdb-client-kde k3b kaddressbook kaffeine kaffeine-xine kamera karm katapult kate kbstate kcontrol kcron kde-guidance kde-guidance-powermanager kde-icons-mono kde-style-polyester kde-systemsettings kdeadmin-kfile-plugins kdebase-bin kdebase-data kdebase-kio-plugins kdebluetooth kdegraphics-kfile-plugins kdelibs-data kdelibs4c2a kdemultimedia-kfile-plugins kdemultimedia-kio-plugins kdenetwork-filesharing kdenetwork-kfile-plugins kdepasswd kdepim-kio-plugins kdepim-kresources kdepim-wizards kdeprint kdesktop kdm kdnssd keep kexi kfind kghostview khelpcenter kicker kio-apt kio-locate kipi-plugins klipper kmag kmail kmailcvt kmenuedit kmilo kmix kmousetool kmplayer-base kmplayer-konq-plugins knetworkconf knetworkmanager knotes koffice-data koffice-libs konq-plugins konqueror konqueror-nsplugins konsole kontact konversation kooka kopete korganizer kpdf kpf kppp krdc krfb kscreensaver ksmserver ksnapshot ksplash ksplash-engine-moodin ksvg ksysguard ksysguardd ksystemlog ktorrent kubuntu-artwork-usplash kubuntu-default-settings kubuntu-desktop kubuntu-docs kubuntu-konqueror-shortcuts kwalletmanager kwin kwin-style-crystal language-selector-qt libakode2 libarts1-akode libarts1c2a libavahi-compat-libdnssd1 libavahi-qt3-1 libdbus-qt-1-1c2 libexiv2-0.12 libflac++5c2 libgmp3c2 libgpgme11 libgsl0 libifp4 libimlib2 libjasper-runtime libk3b2 libkcal2b libkcddb1 libkdepim1a libkexiv2-0 libkipi0 libkleopatra1 libkmime2 libkonq4 libkpimexchange1 libkpimidentities1 libkscan1 libksieve0 libktnef1 liblockdev1 libmeanwhile1 libmimelib1c2a libmodplug0c2 libmtp5 libmysqlclient15off libnjb5 libofa0 libopenexr2c2a libopenobex1 libpcre3 libpoppler1-qt libpq5 libpythonize0 libqt-perl libqt4-core libqt4-gui libqt4-qt3support libqt4-sql librsync1 libruby1.8 libsamplerate0 libskim0 libsmokeqt1 libsqlite0 libtdb1 libtunepimp5 libxine1 mysql-common networkstatus openoffice.org-kde openoffice.org-style-crystal perl-suid pmount poster psutils pykdeextensions python-kde3 python-qt3 python-qt4 python-sip4 qca-tls qobex rdiff-backup ruby ruby1.8 scim-qtimm skim software-properties-kde speedcrunch
| | 社区 |
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| | 操作系统 |
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| | 窗口管理器 |
| | sudo pptpsetup --create test --server 172.*.132.* --username ** --password ** --start |
| |
| | | ==声卡型号== |
| | | <pre>qii@qii-K40IN:~$ lspci -v | grep -i audio |
| | | 00:08.0 Audio device: nVidia Corporation MCP79 High Definition Audio (rev b1) |
| | | </pre> |
| ---------------------------------
| | ==ALSA== |
| 你有什么不开心的事情说来给我开心下。
| | <pre>qii@qii-K40IN:~$ cat /proc/asound/version |
| <pre>bash-4.0# ls -al /dev/disk/by-uuid | | Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Version 1.0.23. |
| total 0
| | </pre> |
| drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 0 2009-07-25 14:36 .
| | <pre>qii@qii-K40IN:~$ alsactl -v |
| drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 0 2009-07-25 14:30 ..
| | alsactl version 1.0.23 |
| lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 2009-07-25 14:30 01e8c753-1d92-4e5e-839a-f60e811be5ed -> ../../sda6
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| lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 2009-07-25 14:30 2A1D-0905 -> ../../sda1
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| lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 2009-07-25 14:30 2ede7f0a-fdef-444d-8a1b-f5cae482a99c -> ../../sda4
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| lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 2009-07-25 14:30 50D49727D4970E7A -> ../../sda7
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| lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 2009-07-25 14:30 DED8F605D8F5DC29 -> ../../sda5
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| lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 2009-07-25 14:30 e8eed372-250d-457d-8227-9cfdebd085b8 -> ../../sda3
| |
| </pre> | | </pre> |
| | ==f== |
| | ./configure --prefix=/usr |
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| www.twitter.com/qiheizhiya
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| ----------------------------
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| {{TOCright}} {{Qref}}
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| == Kubuntu 9.10 速配指南 ==
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| <!--'''本文有待完善,建议对linux不熟悉的新手请勿盲目按照本页内容操作'''-->
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| {{Qref Info}} '''本文作用:'''针对已成功安装 Kubuntu 9.10的用户,快速完成系统初始化配置。<br> {{Qref Info}} '''系统需求:'''联入互联网。指南中提到的所有软件包,软件源更新都需要网络的支持。<br> {{Qref Info}} '''涉及软件:''' 指南将使用到以下工具配置系统
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| :#[[Konsole|Konsole终端]]:以下称''终端'',单击“K菜单/应用程序/系统/Konsole”即可打开。注意:在终端运行的程序会随着终端关闭而关闭。
| |
| :#[[Kate|Kate高级文本编辑器]]:单击“K菜单/应用程序/工具/Kate”即可打开。输入kate命令也可打开。
| |
| |
| {{Qref Info}} '''本文适用:'''Kubuntu 9.10 (i386/amd64),对本文的看法、建议、请求欢迎在'''[[Talk:Qref/Jaunty/Kubuntu|讨论页]]'''中发表。<br> {{Qref Info}} 为了表述方便,使用命令行表示大部分操作
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| == 更新整个系统 ==
| |
| |
| === 准备 ===
| |
| |
| 1. 请确保你的系统已联入互联网。如有困难请参考[[UbuntuHelp:InternetHowto/zh|HOW-TO连接到互联网]]或到[http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn 论坛]寻求帮助。 <br> 2. 备份源列表,以便在需要时恢复。<br>
| |
| |
| *在终端中粘贴以下命令,执行<pre>sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.bak</pre>
| |
| *后续要恢复的话,执行<pre>sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list.bak /etc/apt/sources.list</pre>
| |
| |
| === 配置官方源 ===
| |
| |
| 用Kate编辑器打开sources.list
| |
| <pre>sudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list </pre>清空,然后粘贴下列进去 ,然后保存关闭([[Qref/Source|源列表]] 有很多源可以选择,如果慢,挑一个合适的)。
| |
| <pre>deb http://ubuntu.srt.cn/ubuntu/ karmic main restricted universe multiverse
| |
| deb http://ubuntu.srt.cn/ubuntu/ karmic-security main restricted universe multiverse
| |
| deb http://ubuntu.srt.cn/ubuntu/ karmic-updates main restricted universe multiverse
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| deb http://ubuntu.srt.cn/ubuntu/ karmic-proposed main restricted universe multiverse
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| deb http://ubuntu.srt.cn/ubuntu/ karmic-backports main restricted universe multiverse
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| deb-src http://ubuntu.srt.cn/ubuntu/ karmic main restricted universe multiverse
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| deb-src http://ubuntu.srt.cn/ubuntu/ karmic-security main restricted universe multiverse
| |
| deb-src http://ubuntu.srt.cn/ubuntu/ karmic-updates main restricted universe multiverse
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| deb-src http://ubuntu.srt.cn/ubuntu/ karmic-proposed main restricted universe multiverse
| |
| deb-src http://ubuntu.srt.cn/ubuntu/ karmic-backports main restricted universe multiverse </pre>
| |
| 更新
| |
| <pre>sudo apt-get update </pre>
| |
| <pre>sudo apt-get upgrade</pre>
| |
| |
| 如果提示错误:<pre>E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) </pre>
| |
| 输入
| |
| <pre>sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/lock</pre>
| |
| |
| ==中文==
| |
| === 设置中文环境 ===
| |
| <pre>sudo apt-get install language-pack-kde-zh language-pack-kde-zh-base language-pack-zh language-pack-zh-base
| |
| </pre>
| |
| 在打开的系统设置中选择“地区和语言”,单击“添加语言:”,选择“简体中文”,移动“简体中文”到最上方,然后重新登录。
| |
| |
| ===安装iBus输入法===
| |
| 通常之前设置中文环境的时候已经安装好了,如果没,这样
| |
| <pre>sudo apt-get install ibus ibus-pinyin ibus-wubi ibus-qt4</pre>
| |
| 默认没装上图标,这样安装。
| |
| <pre>sudo apt-get install librsvg2-common</pre>
| |
| <pre>sudo apt-get install qt4-qtconfig</pre>
| |
| <pre>qtconfig</pre>
| |
| Interface-Default Input Method改成ibus
| |
| <pre>ibus-daemon -x -r -d</pre>
| |
| 最后注销到登录画面,点左下角第二个按钮,重启x服务器,再登录。
| |
| <pre>sudo apt-get install cmake qt4-qmake</pre>
| |
| |
| == 安装显卡驱动 ==
| |
| [[Image:Kubgra.png|right]]
| |
| 打开 “K菜单/应用程序/系统/硬件驱动”System-Hardware Drivers。Kubuntu 自动开始查找可用的显卡驱动,请稍等,过一会儿,选中你需要启用的显卡驱动,Kubuntu将自动安装。完装完成后,请按系统提示重启操作系统。
| |
| |
| == 多媒体应用环境设置 ==
| |
| |
| ===== 安装 mp3 视频 flash 支持 =====
| |
| <pre>sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras</pre>
| |
| *flash乱码
| |
| <pre>sudo kate /etc/fonts/conf.d/49-sansserif.conf </pre>
| |
| 清空,粘贴下面进去,保存。
| |
| <pre><?xml version="1.0"?>
| |
| <!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "fonts.dtd">
| |
| <fontconfig>
| |
| <!--
| |
| If the font still has no generic name, add sans-serif
| |
| -->
| |
| <match target="pattern">
| |
| <test qual="all" name="family" compare="not_eq">
| |
| <string>wqy zenghei</string>
| |
| </test>
| |
| <test qual="all" name="family" compare="not_eq">
| |
| <string>wqy zenghei</string>
| |
| </test>
| |
| <test qual="all" name="family" compare="not_eq">
| |
| <string>monospace</string>
| |
| </test>
| |
| <edit name="family" mode="append_last">
| |
| <string>wqy zenghei</string>
| |
| </edit>
| |
| </match>
| |
| </fontconfig> </pre>
| |
| |
| 可以打开[http://www.google.cn/music/songscreener Google音乐泡泡挑歌] 以确认自己的 flashplayer 是否出现乱码。
| |
| |
| ===== 安装多媒体播放器 =====
| |
| 安装VLC ,mplayer<pre>sudo apt-get install vlc mplayer-nogui mozilla-mplayer mplayerthumbs</pre>
| |
| |
| == 设置工具软件 ==
| |
| ===== 安装Firefox=====
| |
| <pre>sudo apt-get install firefox </pre>
| |
| |
| ===== 设置压缩工具 =====
| |
| <pre>sudo apt-get install p7zip-full unrar cabextract p7zip-rar</pre>
| |
| |
| ==== 安装QQ====
| |
| <pre>
| |
| sudo apt-get install eva</pre>
| |
| |
| == 免的你郁闷 ==
| |
| *在'''完成上面步骤'''后,为避免你因为莫名其妙的崩溃这种事发生而骂娘,建议你删除这些软件(因为这些软件都是alpha阶段,极不稳定)
| |
| <pre>sudo apt-get remove dragonplayer konqueror</pre>
| |
| *同时建议删除KPackageKit,换用Synaptic(新利德,如果你之前是Ub用户应该很熟悉),虽然是GTK软件,但是要比默认的好用,KPackageKit太不稳定了。
| |
| <pre>sudo apt-get install synaptic</pre>
| |
| <pre>sudo apt-get remove kpackagekit</pre>
| |
| |
| == 热门设置 ==
| |
| |
| 大功告成,现在我们的系统已经能很好的工作了。请注销重新进入桌面!
| |
| |
| 对Kubuntu系统的基本设置,你已经完成。不过这些设置对于你来说远远不够,请参看[[Qref/More|热门设置]]条目继续对您的系统进行微调,当然[[Qref/More|热门设置]]里的内容不是所有人必须要做的。请针对自己的情况有选择的操作。
| |
| |
| 可选设置看完了,你一定还想安装自己需要的软件,例如ftp软件、[[LAMP]]环境、IDE等,[[Qref/Applications|软件推荐]]条目放置了一份清楚的清单,相信其中有你想要的软件。
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| <br>
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| *[http://userbase.kde.org/Welcome_to_KDE_UserBase_(zh_CN) KDE UserBase] KDE用户wiki ,包括各种介绍,入门,指南。
| |
| *[[Kubuntu美化]]
| |
| *[[Kubuntu加速]]
| |
| *[[Amarok]] 音乐管理播放软件
| |
| *[http://6.cn/profile/15253561.html KDE/Kubuntu视频]
| |
| {{KDE}}
| |
| -------------------------------------------
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| 装完Kubuntu后的微调设置
| |
| ==单击打开改成双击==
| |
| 系统设置(systemsettings)- 键盘和鼠标(Keyboard&Mouse)-鼠标(Mouse)-双击打开(Double-click to open XXXX)
| |
| ==换成传统桌面==
| |
| 如果你不喜欢Kub默认这种把桌面单独放置在小窗口内,可以这样:
| |
| |
| 右击桌面-桌面设置-类型,改成“文件夹视图”。再点击显示(Display),文字颜色改成白色。
| |
| |
| |
| ==开机就启用数字键==
| |
| 开机就启动小键盘的数字键。
| |
| |
| 系统设置-键盘和鼠标-键盘: KDE启动时候开启数字键。
| |
| |
| ==自动登录==
| |
| 系统设置-高级-登录管理器:便利-允许自动登录:选择你的用户名
| |
| ==开机空白会话==
| |
| Kubuntu默认是登录会恢复所有上次注销时没关的程序。如果不喜欢,这样:
| |
| |
| 系统设置-高级-会话管理器: 启动空白会话
| |
| |
| ==设置默认浏览器成firefox==
| | cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr . |
| 系统设置-默认程序-web浏览器,输入firefox
| |
| ==在线播放音乐会突然中断==
| |
| 在firefox的在线播放音乐的界面里右击,设置(configure),取消最后一项:隐藏视频的时候暂停。
| |
| ==取消默认的PCM静音==
| |
| 不然在线音乐会没声音:
| |
| |
| 右击右下角的混音器,把PCM拉到最大。
| | git clone git://android.git.kernel.org/kernel/common.git |
附注: This text should be noted.
sudo pptpsetup --create test --server 172.*.132.* --username ** --password ** --start
qii@qii-K40IN:~$ lspci -v | grep -i audio
00:08.0 Audio device: nVidia Corporation MCP79 High Definition Audio (rev b1)
qii@qii-K40IN:~$ cat /proc/asound/version
Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Version 1.0.23.
qii@qii-K40IN:~$ alsactl -v
alsactl version 1.0.23
./configure --prefix=/usr
git clone git://android.git.kernel.org/kernel/common.git