
Wikibot留言 | 贡献
Wikibot留言 | 贡献
第43行: 第43行:
<pre><nowiki>$ mtp-detect  
<pre><nowiki>$ mtp-detect  
libmtp version: 0.2.1
libmtp version: 0.2.1
Attempting to connect device(s)
Attempting to connect device(s)
Potential MTP Device with VendorID:18f6 and ProductID:0102 responded to control message 2 with a response that was too short. Problems may arrise but continuing
Potential MTP Device with VendorID:18f6 and ProductID:0102 responded to control message 2 with a response that was too short. Problems may arrise but continuing
第49行: 第50行:
PTP: Opening session
PTP: Opening session
LIBMTP PANIC: Could not open session! (Return code 767)
LIBMTP PANIC: Could not open session! (Return code 767)
Try to reset the device.
  Try to reset the device.
LIBMTP PANIC: configure_usb_devices() error code: 7 on line 1806
LIBMTP PANIC: configure_usb_devices() error code: 7 on line 1806
Detect: There has been an error connecting. Exiting
Detect: There has been an error connecting. Exiting
第56行: 第57行:
PTP: Opening session
PTP: Opening session
LIBMTP PANIC: Could not open session! (Return code 767)
LIBMTP PANIC: Could not open session! (Return code 767)
Try to reset the device.
  Try to reset the device.
LIBMTP PANIC: configure_usb_devices() error code: 7 on line 1806
LIBMTP PANIC: configure_usb_devices() error code: 7 on line 1806
Detect: There has been an error connecting. Exiting
Detect: There has been an error connecting. Exiting

2007年12月6日 (四) 10:50的版本

{{#ifexist: :PortableDevices/Stiletto100/zh | | {{#ifexist: PortableDevices/Stiletto100/zh | | {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:PortableDevices/Stiletto100|1|-1|}} | zh | | }} }} }} {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:PortableDevices/Stiletto100|1|-1|}} | zh | | }}

Sirius Stiletto 100

The Sirius Stiletto 100 is a Media Transfer Protocol ("MTP") device that is compatible with Ubuntu and MP3 files that are created with the Ubuntu RestrictedFormats packages. This document describes the method for connecting a Stiletto 100 portable music player to an Ubuntu computer.

Step 1: Firmware Upgrade

First, check the firmware revision in the Stiletto 100.

  • Push the home button.
  • Choose Settings from the main menu.
  • Choose Device from the Settings menu.
  • Choose Device Info from the Device Settings menu.
  • Note the ZAP and OS version numbers.

If the ZAP or OS version numbers are less than then you must upgrade the Stiletto 100 firmware. Upgrade the firmware on the Stiletto 100 by connecting it to a computer with the My Sirius Studio software or by enabling the Internet Radio feature and connecting it directly to the Internet. Review the Stiletto 100 manual for specific firmware upgrade instructions.

Step 2: Install the Rhythmbox Music Player

  • Click Applications from the main desktop panel.
  • Choose Add/Remove Applications from the menu.
  • Choose Sound and Video in the left pane.
  • Check Rhythmbox Music Player in the right pane.
  • Click the 'Apply Changes button.

Close the Add/Remove Applications window if Rhythymbox is already installed on the computer.

Step 3: Enable the MTP Plugin for Rhythmbox

  • Click Applications from the main desktop panel.
  • Choose Sound and Video from the menu.
  • Choose Rhythymbox Music Player from the submenu.
  • Rhythymbox will start and the Music Player window will open.
  • Click the Edit pulldown menu in the Music Player window.
  • Choose Plugins... from the Edit pulldown menu and the Configure Plugins dialog will open.
  • Find Portable Players - MTP in the list and enable it.
  • Click the Close button.
  • Close the Music Player window.

Step 4: Attach the Stiletto 100 to the computer.

  • Connect the Stiletto 100 to the Ubuntu computer with an appropriate USB cable.
  • Rhythymbox should automatically start and detect the Stiletto 100.

External Resources

Troubleshooting Notes

  • Hard-reset the Stiletto 100 by holding the power button while the device goes to sleep. Alternatively, remove the Stiletto 100 battery and wait 60 seconds.
  • You must upgrade the Stiletto 100 firmware if the mtp-detect utility fails with this error:
$ mtp-detect 
libmtp version: 0.2.1

Attempting to connect device(s)
Potential MTP Device with VendorID:18f6 and ProductID:0102 responded to control message 2 with a response that was too short. Problems may arrise but continuing
PTP: Opening session
PTP_ERROR_IO: Trying again after resetting USB
PTP: Opening session
LIBMTP PANIC: Could not open session! (Return code 767)
  Try to reset the device.
LIBMTP PANIC: configure_usb_devices() error code: 7 on line 1806
Detect: There has been an error connecting. Exiting
PTP: Opening session
PTP_ERROR_IO: Trying again after resetting USB
PTP: Opening session
LIBMTP PANIC: Could not open session! (Return code 767)
  Try to reset the device.
LIBMTP PANIC: configure_usb_devices() error code: 7 on line 1806
Detect: There has been an error connecting. Exiting
  • The Stiletto 100 firmware is generally buggy. Reset and erase the Stiletto 100 from the built-in Device Settings menu if you have ongoing compatibility problems.
  • The proprietary Stiletto 100 USB cable is fragile. Use the Stiletto dock or replace the USB cable if your computer has problems recognizing the the Stiletto 100.
  • Recent Stiletto 100 firmware upgrades contain DRM fixes that will prevent you from extracting "loved" ePAC files or using the Stiletto 100 as general storage.