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First we declare the apache site configuration in <code><nowiki>/etc/apache2/sites-available/example.com</nowiki></code> and enable it. As mentioned earlier, this is explained in the [https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/httpd.html official Ubuntu documentation].
First we declare the apache site configuration in <code><nowiki>/etc/apache2/sites-available/example.com</nowiki></code> and enable it. As mentioned earlier, this is explained in the [https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/httpd.html official Ubuntu documentation].
ServerName example.com
        ServerName example.com
DocumentRoot /var/www/example.com/
<Directory /var/www/example.com/>
        DocumentRoot /var/www/example.com/
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
AllowOverride All
        <Directory /var/www/example.com/>
Order allow,deny
                Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
Allow from all
                AllowOverride All
SetHandler mono
                Order allow,deny
DirectoryIndex index.aspx index.html
                Allow from all
                SetHandler mono
                DirectoryIndex index.aspx index.html
With this configuration, our asp.net application (the aspx files, etc.) would be placed in <code><nowiki>/var/example.com/moo/</nowiki></code>.
With this configuration, our asp.net application (the aspx files, etc.) would be placed in <code><nowiki>/var/example.com/moo/</nowiki></code>.
Next, you would create a corresponding webapp file. Let's pretend that we are using ASP.NET 1.x, so we are goint to create <code><nowiki>/etc/mono-server/example.com-moo.webapp</nowiki></code>:
Next, you would create a corresponding webapp file. Let's pretend that we are using ASP.NET 1.x, so we are goint to create <code><nowiki>/etc/mono-server/example.com-moo.webapp</nowiki></code>:
Reload apache, and you should be done!
Reload apache, and you should be done!

2007年12月6日 (四) 10:43的版本

{{#ifexist: :ModMono/zh | | {{#ifexist: ModMono/zh | | {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:ModMono|1|-1|}} | zh | | }} }} }} {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:ModMono|1|-1|}} | zh | | }}

Mod_Mono is an Apache 1.3/2.0/2.2 module that provides ASP.NET support for the web's favorite server, Apache (http://httpd.apache.org).

Configuring Mod_Mono on Ubuntu

Ubuntu packages mod_mono very differently than the official distribution. This guide assumes that you have read the official Ubuntu Apache 2 Documentation and understand how ubuntu manages modules and virtual hosts. 1) Install packages To begin, you can easily install mod_mono using apt: (universe package sources must be active in /etc/apt/sources.list, see for example here)

sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-mono

Optionally, if you would like to use ASP.NET 2.0, you need to install an additional package:

sudo apt-get install mono-apache-server2

2) Activate the module:

sudo a2enmod mod_mono

3) Select the ASP.NET version The /etc/apache2/mods-available/mod_mono.conf file controls which version of ASP.NET is to be used. If you would like to use 2.0, and you installed the package as explained above, open this file in a text editor and follow the directions. 4) Configure your web applications Applications are defined in .webapp files, located in either /etc/mono-server/ or /etc/mono-server2/ depending on which version of ASP.NET you are using. The format of these files are explained in the xsp man page.

man xsp

5) Restart apache Restart apache so the new configuration is loaded.

sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

Example Configuration

Say we have an apache vhost example.com and we would like the URL http://example.com/moo to be an ASP.net application. First we declare the apache site configuration in /etc/apache2/sites-available/example.com and enable it. As mentioned earlier, this is explained in the official Ubuntu documentation.

        ServerName example.com

        DocumentRoot /var/www/example.com/

        <Directory /var/www/example.com/>
                Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
                AllowOverride All
                Order allow,deny
                Allow from all
                SetHandler mono
                DirectoryIndex index.aspx index.html

With this configuration, our asp.net application (the aspx files, etc.) would be placed in /var/example.com/moo/. Next, you would create a corresponding webapp file. Let's pretend that we are using ASP.NET 1.x, so we are goint to create /etc/mono-server/example.com-moo.webapp:


Reload apache, and you should be done!

Additional Information