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== Installation report for a Dell Latitude X1 (aka Samsung Q30) ==
== Installation report for a Dell Latitude X1 (aka Samsung Q30) ==
'''with Ubuntu Hoary 5.10 and 5.04''' - written by Franko30
'''with Ubuntu Feisty 7.04''' - written by Franko30

A German version of this Guide can be found at * [http://www.ubuntu-de.org/wiki/wiki_und_community:testberichte:dell_latitude_x1 www.ubuntu-de.org]
I'm using nano in this report, but gedit is nice, too. :-)

I'm using gedit in this report, but nano is nice, too. :-)
I had an old version of this guide that covered 5.10 and 6.04 - I guess that's obsolete with Feisty being usable. But it can (hopefully) still be accessed via page history.

'''This laptop works great with Ubuntu: WLAN, display 1280×768, graphics driver, LAN, processor settings, standby/hibernate, Compact-Flash slot, modem, USB, Firewire, touchpad, sound, Bluetooth etc. work "out of the Hoary box" or can be configured as described in the following report.'''
'''This laptop works great with Ubuntu: WLAN, display 1280×768, graphics driver, LAN, processor settings, standby/hibernate, Compact-Flash slot, modem, USB, Firewire, touchpad, sound, SD card slot Bluetooth etc. work "out of the Feisty box" or can be configured as described in the following report.'''

'''The following hotkeys work right away: Standby (Fn+Esc), WLAN on/off (Fn+F2 - good for saving battery power), Num (Fn+F4), CRT/LCD (Fn+F8 - needs an external monitor to be connected), Print (Fn+F11, saves a screen snapshot, Pause Fn+F12 does the same), Display brightness (Fn+arrow-up or arrow-down). Mute, as well as volume up/down can be configured via Gnome System Settings (work right away in Ubuntu 5.10).'''
'''The following hotkeys work right away: Standby (Fn+Esc), Hibernate (Fn+F1), WLAN on/off (Fn+F2 - good for saving battery power), Num (Fn+F4), CRT/LCD (Fn+F8 - needs an external monitor to be connected), Print (Fn+F11, saves a screen snapshot), Display brightness (Fn+arrow-up or arrow-down). Mute, as well as volume up/down can be configured via Gnome System Settings.'''

My X1 was made in early July 2005 with BIOS A02, has a 60GB harddisc and 768MB RAM. ''In the meantime, A04 BIOS has appeared on the Dell support site. I wonder if this changes
My X1 was made in early July 2005 with BIOS A02, has a 60GB harddisc and 768MB RAM. ''In the meantime, A04 BIOS has appeared on the Dell support site. I wonder if this changes anything in respect of the available VBE modes?''
anything in respect of the available VBE modes?''

I completely removed Windows from my harddisc and made a 6GB primary partition for the Ubuntu system. A swap-partition with 2,2 GB (as suggested by the installer) is used and the rest of the harddisc was left unpartitioned for using it later when setting up the encrypted partition.
I completely removed Windows from my harddisc and made a 7,5 GB primary partition for the Ubuntu system. A swap-partition with 2,2 GB is used and the rest of the harddisc was partitioned as /home .
When using Ubuntu and Windows in a dual-boot setup, bear in mind that you can only have 4 primary partitions on the harddisc (and no logical volumes after that) or you just use 3 primary ones and then several logical volumes.
When using Ubuntu and Windows in a dual-boot setup, bear in mind that you can only have 4 primary partitions on the harddisc (and no logical volumes after that) or you just use 3 primary ones and then several logical volumes.

Note by other users:
(Sep 17 2005) After my Ubuntu's Update Manager updated some outdated packages, my screen and network went bad again - I had to reinstall the i810_drv.o (see below) to fix the display; ask for network I'm using WPA and it broken after the update manager's updates, I redo the whole wpa install procedure and it works fine now.
(Dec 29 2005) Another update of kernel (on hoary) and WPA was broken, it's caused by the new directory of kernel modules for new kernel, to fix it recompile the wpa stuff and it shall work.
(Feb 6 2006) Added some information about a working SD driver.

=== 1. Display and graphics controller ===
=== 1. Display and graphics controller ===
Standard installation of Ubuntu 5.04 was made with suggesting 1280x768 for the X-server, 5.10 doesn't offer any options during install.
Standard installation of Ubuntu 7.04 was made.
After installation, Ubuntu 5.10 starts up fine with the graphical user interface, but with a resolution of 1024x768. Please proceed to the '''915resolution patch'''.
'''The following up to the installation of the 915resolution patch applies only to an Ubuntu 5.04 installation'''
The problem after an Ubuntu 5.04 installation: The display stays black after startup.
It is said that BIOS A01 (before June 2005) works OK with the standard setup (according to remarks on Martin's Linux on a Dell Latitude X1 page – see Thanks section of this report), but mine is an A02.

First thing to do is change the display driver from <code><nowiki>i810</nowiki></code> to <code><nowiki>vesa</nowiki></code> in the <code><nowiki>xorg.conf</nowiki></code>:
After installation, Ubuntu 7.04 starts up fine with the graphical user interface, but with a resolution of 1024x768. Please install the '''915resolution patch''' via Synaptics or typing
To do this, use <code><nowiki>CTRL+ALT+F1</nowiki></code> to get to a text console. Login and enter:

sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf
sudo agt-get install 915resolution

scroll to:
in a terminal. Restart your system.

Section "Device"
Identifier "Intel Corporation Intel Default Card"
Driver "i810"

Here you exchange <code><nowiki>i810</nowiki></code> with <code><nowiki>vesa</nowiki></code>
=== 2. Automatix ===
If you want to, you can install a lot of stuff automagically with Automatix
It saves you a lot of work that otherwise would have to be done manually.
But beware! '''Some people recommend not using Automatix as it might screw up your system big time.''' Didn't happen to mine yet, but you never know ;-)

Restart X11 with <code><nowiki>CTRL+ALT+Backspace</nowiki></code> (or reboot with CTRL+ALT+Delete) and the display is working in 1024x768 resolution.

glxgears now runs with up to 310 fps.
=== 3.Synaptics Touchpad ===
The touchpad works fine after the Ubuntu 7.04 installation.

Still, movies and 3D applications run slow, as the CPU and not the GPU computes this stuff.
If not already enabled, you can disable horizontal scrolling via 'sliding finger' in your Synaptics section of the xorg.conf via

Download i810_drv.o from here
and overwrite the old one by opening a terminal (assuming i810_drv.o is in your home directory) and doing
sudo mv -f /home/username/i810_drv.o /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers/
sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf
After that you can change the <code><nowiki>xorg.conf</nowiki></code> again, back to using the <code><nowiki>i810</nowiki></code> driver. Restart X using Ctrl+Alt+Backspace or restart the system.
glxgears now should run at about 930 fps - but only in Ubuntu 5.04 - strange thing is that the exchange of the i810 driver doesn't work in 5.10 - any ideas?
'''Welcome back Ubuntu 5.10 users:'''
To get the '''correct WXGA 1280x768 resolution''', a change has to be made during bootup using the '''915resolution Patch'''.
Download the source code of the 915resolution patch from
and extract into its own directory.
To install 915resolution, you first have to install <code><nowiki>build-essential</nowiki></code> with '''Synaptic''' (so you can do the make and make install process). After that, open a terminal, change to the 915resolution directory, install with
sudo make install
(Ubuntu 5.04 users can download http://www.freshnet.org/debian/hoary/915resolution_0.4.6-1_i386.deb
and install with sudo dpkg -i paketname.deb where packetname is to be substituted with the actual 915resolution packet name)
Now run
915resolution -l
to get a display of the recognized possible resolutions. Strangely enough, 1280x768 isn't among them (see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam/DellLatitudeX1), so we have to 'patch' one of the higher resolutions we might never need to 'be' 1280x768. How this works is described in the readme of the 915resolution patch and is done, for instance, by typing:
915resolution 4d 1280 768

Now the 1900 resolutions are exchanged by 1280x768 resolutions.
The SHMConfig section (explained below) is also included
After that, add the following line to
(at the end, before "exit"):
/usr/sbin/915resolution 4d 1280 768
Restart your system.
Annotation by other user:
I am not sure if everyone on X1 with this setup have the same problem - when playing with xine or variants like gxine or totem, if you exit and run it again, the color are all messed up.  It remain so until you restart the X windows (logout then ctrl-alt-backspace), or - I discovered that if you kill xine/gxine/totem with "kill -9" or "killall" command, this problem with color would not happen.  This may be related to how graphic subsystem deallocate its resources, any takers?
When cloning the main display to second display (vgaout), stuff like xine would not show on both monitors, e.g. I'm using the xorg.conf from the Gentoo X1 page.  This could just be configuration problem.  However, I was able to get dual-head working, but since my output device was to be 1024x768 I had to overwrite 4d instead of 45 in 915resolution section above.  Also you'll need add a modeline e.g. for 1024x768 for external vga output, I'm referring relative to the example xorg.conf from X1 Gentoo page http://gentoo-wiki.com/HARDWARE_Dell_Latitude_X1#Graphics_controller.
Dec 29 2005: Latest version of i810.o (244359 bytes) occasionally fail to startup right on the x1 lcd screen, where earlier version had worked fine; if you got the same problem simply ctrl-alt-backspace to restart X, that should get it working (for that session).
=== 2. ubuntusetup.sh ===
If you want to, you can install Java and other useful stuff automagically with this script
It saves you a lot of work that otherwise would have to be done manually. The script installs (among others):
build-essential - Compilers needed to build programs
beep-media-player - XMMS gtk2 clone. Compatible with XMMS plugins/skins
gstreamer0.8-mad - Add MP3 support for Rhythmbox
w32codecs - Windows codecs for playing various files
streamtuner - Online music streamer from shoutcast and a few others
xine-ui - The xine video player, user interface for playing dvd's and such
totem-xine - Have totem use xine so you can actually use it to play videos etc.
msttcorefonts - Windows True Type Fonts
gnomebaker - The best gnome/gtk2 cd/dvd/cdrw burning software
gftp - Ftp Client
flashplayer-mozilla - Flash plugin for firefox
Java JRE 1.5 - Latest version of Java
Custom Firefox Forms - Make you firefox form widgets look decent
/etc/apt/sources.list - Add in universe, multiverse and misc repositories
Misc Windows Fonts - Misc fonts that are missing in the msttcorefonts package
But beware! '''Save your /etc/apt/sources.list''' before running the script, just in case you might want to continue using Ubuntu without backport repositories. ;-)
=== 3.Synaptics Touchpad ===
The touchpad works fine after the Ubuntu 5.10 installation - '''only 5.04 users might experience''' weird things when using the finger to tap. It's especially strange when tapping the dynamic bookmark "Latest Headlines" in Firefox. A tap opens all news as extra tabs...
'''5.04 users, paste the following''' lines into your <code><nowiki>xorg.conf</nowiki></code> and the touchpad works fine. Finger taps will be OK, vertical scrolling then works fine and accidental taps when writing (and touching the tochpad with your hand) will be prevented.
Section "InputDevice"
Section "InputDevice"
第159行: 第58行:
Option          "Protocol"              "auto-dev"
Option          "Protocol"              "auto-dev"
Option "HorizScrollDelta" "0"
Option "HorizScrollDelta" "0"
Option        "LeftEdge"      "1700"
Option        "RightEdge"    "5300"
Option        "TopEdge"      "1700"
Option        "BottomEdge"    "4200"
Option        "FingerLow"    "25"
Option        "FingerHigh"    "40"
Option        "MaxTapTime"    "180"
Option        "MaxTapMove"    "220"
Option        "VertScrollDelta" "100"
Option        "MinSpeed"      "0.06"
Option        "MaxSpeed"      "0.15"
Option        "AccelFactor"  "0.0015"
# SHMConfig is required if you want to disable the mousepad while typing, syndaemon has to be running, too.
# SHMConfig is required if you want to disable the mousepad while typing, syndaemon has to be running, too.
Option        "SHMConfig"    "on"
Option        "SHMConfig"    "on"
Option        "TapButton1" "1"
Option        "TapButton2" "1"
Option        "TapButton3" "1"
# leave all the TapButton values at 1 or the Touchpad goes haywire again.
Option        "LTCornerButton" "2"

If you want to disable the touchpad while typing text, you have to do two things: First you copy the <code><nowiki>SHMConfig</nowiki></code> line from the sample above to the Synaptics part of your own xorg.conf. Then you have to make sure that the syndaemon is running. The best way for a newbie (like me) is to use the Gnome menu System -> Settings -> Sessions. There you find a tab named 'Startup Applications'. Add
If you want to disable the touchpad while typing text, you have to do two things: First you copy the <code><nowiki>SHMConfig</nowiki></code> line from the sample above to the Synaptics part of your own xorg.conf. Then you have to make sure that the syndaemon is running. The best way for a newbie is to use the Gnome menu System -> Settings -> Sessions. There you find a tab named 'Startup Applications'. Add
/usr/bin/syndaemon -i 1 -d
/usr/bin/syndaemon -i 1 -d
第189行: 第71行:

=== 4. CF Slot ===
=== 4. CF Slot ===
The Compact Flash slot is installed correctly but it doesn't automount in 5.04 - in 5.10 it has erratic behaviour (automounts and disappears half a second later)
The Compact Flash slot is installed correctly out of the box.
''This is [http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=14495 bug #14495]''
In 5.04 use a terminal and type:
gksudo gedit /etc/fstab
add the following line:
/dev/hdc1  /media/cf  vfat  user,auto,rw  0    0
and save.
After rebooting the system, your CF slot is now of the automounting persuasion in 5.04. This is a "quick and dirty hack": you can see a short error notice during startup if you don't have a CF card inserted. ;-)
In 5.10 the behaviour stays erratic. Therefore don't use the fstab entry, you have to mount the card manually after inserting.
For instance, make a new directory called 'cf' in your home directory. After that (the card still in the slot) mount it with (assuming it's formatted with FAT and it is /dev/hdc1):
sudo mount -t vfat /dev/hdc1 /home/yourusername/cf -o uid=yourusername,gid=yourusername
and unmount it with
sudo umount -l /home/yourusername/cf

=== 5. WLAN ===
=== 5. WLAN ===
The standard driver works, but some people recommend to exchange it. It is said that the '''5.04''' standard driver loses the connection after about an hour (never could confirm this, though) and it doesn't support WPA encryption.
The standard driver works fine with the (finally working) network manager - even WPA2 encryption of wireless connections works.
If you don't care for these two problems, you can keep the standard driver.
Keep in mind that the following stuff has to be installed before you start to install the new driver:
build-essential, gcc, linux-headers-yourKernelVersion
Follow this installation guide http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26623

Only the ieee80211 has to be removed manuall as the script remove-old didn't work. The command:
One problem, though, with WLAN: If you switch WLAN off via the hotkey and then go to Standby, WLAN doens't work anymore after wakeup and turning it on again. Workaround: Leave  WLAN turned on and got to hibernate - after wakeup, WLAN works again.
rm -R /lib/modules/2.6.10-5-386/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/ieee80211
does the trick

To create valid Ubuntu packets use the module-assistant. To view a manual for this application, type
man module-assistant
To uninstall the new driver (if needed) type
make uninstall ipw2200.

=== 6. Hibernate/Standby ===
=== 6. Hibernate/Standby ===

Standby (to RAM) and hibernate (to disk) works out of the box in 5.10, for 5.04 set it up according to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HoaryPM.
Standby (to RAM) and hibernate (to disk) works out of the box.

Although standby works, the LCD backlight stays dark during wakeup.
Although standby works, the LCD backlight stays dark during wakeup.
Changing brightness <code><nowiki>Fn+arrow-down</nowiki></code> helps (and so does setting a BIOS password).
Changing brightness <code><nowiki>Fn+arrow-down</nowiki></code> helps (and so does setting a BIOS password).

Beware! After installing the Linuxant modem driver, standby support is broken because of some modules. On how to fix that read the modem install section of this report.
Beware! After installing the Linuxant modem driver in 6.04, standby support is broken because of some modules. Don't know if this problem still exists, as I did't install a Linuxant driver anymore.

Wakeup from hibernate doesn't work as expected, but it can be fixed.
'''When using hiberbate to change the laptop battery''', keep in mind that the hibernate process takes about 1 minute to complete. Thus, be sure to start hibernate when your Gnome battery applet shows at least 3 minutes to go. Once the little battery icon left of the touchpad starts to appear solid orange (without the flashing) it's almost too late for a hibernate – use standby and find an AC outlet. :-) This description applies to the small 2400mAh batteries.

The problem was, that the computer seemed to stop waking up at one point – but actually the display could not be brought back to life. After trying to enter my login password (blind) the screen came back to life in a firework of bright/dark changes and nothing worked anymore... Even falling back to the vesa driver didn't help with that problem.
'''Important note:''' Automatic standby via the energy settings doesn't work while using batteries. The corresponding part in the configuration of the gnome-power-manager called 'action_battery_sleep_type' is disabled and has to be set to 'standby' or 'hibernate'. Type

'''The solution:'''
Add the 915resolution Patch to the resume script.
gksudo gedit /etc/acpi/resume.sh
in a terminal (and navigate to the gnome-power-manager settings as explained in the powernowd section of this report) to change this setting. '''This happened on two different laptops, so I consider this an "installation-software bug".'''
/usr/sbin/915resolution 4d 1280 768
somewhere at the beginning of this script. After saving, the 915resolution patch is applied again during resume and everything works fine.
'''When using hiberbate to change the battery''', keep in mind that in 5.04 the hibernate process takes about 2 minutes to complete (in 5.10 less than a minute). Thus, be sure to start hibernate when your Gnome battery applet shows at least 3 minutes to go. Once the little battery icon left of the touchpad starts to appear solid orange (without the flashing) it's too late for a hibernate – use standby and find an AC outlet. :-) This description applies to the small 2400mAh batteries, I don't have a big one. And one more thing: After hibernate, the Gnome battery applet seems to be frozen and has to be restarted (however that might be done). I just remove it from the panel and then put it back into the panel and it works again.
'''Another important thing with hibernate:''' For me, there's a problem with hibernate not working correctly when invoked in 5.04 via the Gnome menu. I have to use the /etc/acpi/hibernate.sh script.

'''To power off the LCD when closing the lid in 5.04''', edit /etc/acpi/lid.sh, and comment out the chvt lines to power off the screen.

=== 7. Modem ===
=== 7. Modem ===
For me only the HSFModem from Linuxant.com is working.  The free version is limited to 14K, when buying a licence for 14,99 US$ (12,5 €) the whole 56K are available.
Didn't set up a modem this time, not even by using a Linuxant driver. For those darig to try, take a look at this Ubuntu wiki page:
Before installing the modem I recommend to apply this little change in 5.04: http://ubuntuguide.org/#configuresoundproperly
A special Ubuntu *.deb installation file is available from
http://www.linuxant.com/drivers/hsf/full/downloads.php - choose your actual kernel version (you can find it by typing uname -r in a terminal).
Install *.deb packages with
sudo dpkg -i packagename.deb
Unfortunately this didn't work for me in 5.04, only in 5.10.
So, for 5.04 I downloaded the driver as a source (hsfmodem- or newer). I unpacked it, ran
sudo make install
in the directory it was unpacked to, then did
sudo /usr/sbin/hsfconfig
and after that I could configure the modem via
System -> Administration -> Networking
I used auto-detect, added a number to dial and it worked!
For actually dialing out you can use the network manager or the Gnome applet that monitors the modem – don't know the English name, as I run a German localization of Ubuntu. <code><nowiki>wvdial</nowiki></code> can also be run from the terminal, use <code><nowiki>man wvdial</nowiki></code> for infos.
Linuxant also has a manual on how to install the source available on their website. And keep in mind: When installing from the source there's always a possibility that some required packages are not installed yet. After the error message use apt-get or Synaptic to install the missing packages and restart.
'''Unfortunately, the modem installation breaks the Standby support...'''
Thus, I tried putting one hsfmodem after the other (have a look with cat /proc/modules) in the
<code><nowiki>/etc/default/acpi-support</nowiki></code> file. The one that actuall seems to be responsible in 5.10 is hsfmc97ich, so the acpi-support section looks like this:
# Add modules to this list to have them removed before suspend and reloaded
# on resume. It should look something like MODULES="e8300 yenta_socket"
Maybe in other settings. other HSF modules prevent the standby, just keep trying to find out which one is responsible for the problem. After saving the file, these modules get unloaded before standby/hibernate and are loaded again during resume.
There's a rumor that the <code><nowiki>sl-modem</nowiki></code> drivers work on the X1. They didn't work for me, but it is possible that Dell uses different kinds of modem hardware even in the same model, so others might be successful.
For those darig to try, take a look at those two Ubuntu wiki pages:

第324行: 第106行:

=== 8. Powernowd ===
=== 8. Powernowd ===
It's installed and working – but it's configured to "rise CPU frequency quickly and drop slowly" (the aggressive setting) whereas I want the opposite, being the passive setting.
It's installed and working in the 'ondemand' mode which is OK. To use 'conservative' or 'powersave' type

Let's have a look at powernowd's manpage:
man powernowd
gives us the following options:
in a terminal and click through to 'gnome-power-manager' in 'apps' in the left pane to configure this and even more power features.
- sine = 0
- aggressive = 1
- passive = 2
- leap = 3
To try how the different values work, first do
sudo /etc/init.d/powernowd stop
so you don't end up with two instances of <code><nowiki>powernowd</nowiki></code> running and interfering.

Now you can try the options given in the manpage <code><nowiki>man powernowd</nowiki></code>.
=== 9. SD slot ===
The SD card slot works out of the box.

I ended up with
=== 10. Bluetooth ===
The modules are loaded (meaning: hardware is recognized), but I didn't go through the pain of setting up Bluetooth connections and stuff...
sudo powernowd -m 2 -l 50 -u 90 -s 50000 -v
as my desired value, giving the following output:
powernowd: Settings:
powernowd:  verbosity:        1
powernowd:  mode:            2    (PASSIVE)
powernowd:   step:            50 MHz (50000 kHz)
powernowd:  lowwater:        50 %
powernowd:  highwater:      90 %
powernowd:  poll interval: 1000 ms
powernowd: Found 1 cpu:
powernowd:  cpu0: 600Mhz - 1600Mhz
In order to load these values at startup, a powernowd configuration file has to be made with
gksudo gedit /etc/default/powernowd
The options to enter in this file:
OPTIONS="-q -m 2 -l 50 -u 90 -s 50000"
Save the file, and restart the system.

=== 9. Encryption ===
=== 11. Thanks ===
In my opinion every laptop computer should have an encrypted partition for one's private data files. Thus no one might gain access to your data in case of theft, or losing the laptop - it's just the hardware that will be gone.
That's it - a lot more works 'automagically' than in previous versions!
Of course, the SWAP and tmp files might reveal some personal files - but for the ordinary thief or finder this is safe enough.

Thanks to http://www.ubuntu-de.org/wiki/sicherheit:twofish (not available anymore, as they say cryptoloop is old fashioned) the guide I used to setup my encrypted partition and from which I use parts in the following. :-)
'''Thanks to all the nice people (especially in the Ubuntu forums) who helped me through using Ubuntu from it's very first release!!!'''

First, load the modules <code><nowiki>cryptoloop</nowiki></code> and <code><nowiki>twofish</nowiki></code> with
sudo  modprobe cryptoloop
sudo  modprobe twofish
Also add these to the <code><nowiki>/etc/modules</nowiki></code> with
gksudo gedit /etc/modules
add <code><nowiki>cryptoloop</nowiki></code> and <code><nowiki>twofish</nowiki></code>.

All through this encrypted partition setup '''username''' will have to be exchanged with your actual username while installing this.

Now make a directory in which to mount the encrypted partition we are about to create (for instance /home/username/encrypted).
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2007年11月22日 (四) 13:14的版本

{{#ifexist: :InstallingUbuntuOnADellLatitudeX1/zh | | {{#ifexist: InstallingUbuntuOnADellLatitudeX1/zh | | {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:InstallingUbuntuOnADellLatitudeX1|1|-1|}} | zh | | }} }} }} {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:InstallingUbuntuOnADellLatitudeX1|1|-1|}} | zh | | }}

Installation report for a Dell Latitude X1 (aka Samsung Q30)

with Ubuntu Feisty 7.04 - written by Franko30

I'm using nano in this report, but gedit is nice, too. :-)

I had an old version of this guide that covered 5.10 and 6.04 - I guess that's obsolete with Feisty being usable. But it can (hopefully) still be accessed via page history.

This laptop works great with Ubuntu: WLAN, display 1280×768, graphics driver, LAN, processor settings, standby/hibernate, Compact-Flash slot, modem, USB, Firewire, touchpad, sound, SD card slot Bluetooth etc. work "out of the Feisty box" or can be configured as described in the following report.

The following hotkeys work right away: Standby (Fn+Esc), Hibernate (Fn+F1), WLAN on/off (Fn+F2 - good for saving battery power), Num (Fn+F4), CRT/LCD (Fn+F8 - needs an external monitor to be connected), Print (Fn+F11, saves a screen snapshot), Display brightness (Fn+arrow-up or arrow-down). Mute, as well as volume up/down can be configured via Gnome System Settings.

My X1 was made in early July 2005 with BIOS A02, has a 60GB harddisc and 768MB RAM. In the meantime, A04 BIOS has appeared on the Dell support site. I wonder if this changes anything in respect of the available VBE modes?

I completely removed Windows from my harddisc and made a 7,5 GB primary partition for the Ubuntu system. A swap-partition with 2,2 GB is used and the rest of the harddisc was partitioned as /home . When using Ubuntu and Windows in a dual-boot setup, bear in mind that you can only have 4 primary partitions on the harddisc (and no logical volumes after that) or you just use 3 primary ones and then several logical volumes.

1. Display and graphics controller

Standard installation of Ubuntu 7.04 was made.

After installation, Ubuntu 7.04 starts up fine with the graphical user interface, but with a resolution of 1024x768. Please install the 915resolution patch via Synaptics or typing

sudo agt-get install 915resolution

in a terminal. Restart your system.

2. Automatix

If you want to, you can install a lot of stuff automagically with Automatix http://getautomatix.com/ It saves you a lot of work that otherwise would have to be done manually. But beware! Some people recommend not using Automatix as it might screw up your system big time. Didn't happen to mine yet, but you never know ;-)

3.Synaptics Touchpad

The touchpad works fine after the Ubuntu 7.04 installation.

If not already enabled, you can disable horizontal scrolling via 'sliding finger' in your Synaptics section of the xorg.conf via

sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf

The SHMConfig section (explained below) is also included

Section "InputDevice"
Identifier      "Synaptics Touchpad"
Driver          "synaptics"
Option          "SendCoreEvents"        "true"
Option          "Device"                "/dev/psaux"
Option          "Protocol"              "auto-dev"
Option		"HorizScrollDelta"	"0"
# SHMConfig is required if you want to disable the mousepad while typing, syndaemon has to be running, too.
Option        "SHMConfig"     "on"

If you want to disable the touchpad while typing text, you have to do two things: First you copy the SHMConfig line from the sample above to the Synaptics part of your own xorg.conf. Then you have to make sure that the syndaemon is running. The best way for a newbie is to use the Gnome menu System -> Settings -> Sessions. There you find a tab named 'Startup Applications'. Add

/usr/bin/syndaemon -i 1 -d

This starts syndaemon as a deamon (silent). Syndaemon keeps you from accidentally using the touchpad for one second after every last keystroke. Type man syndaemon in a terminal to see the manpage of this very handy feature.

4. CF Slot

The Compact Flash slot is installed correctly out of the box.


The standard driver works fine with the (finally working) network manager - even WPA2 encryption of wireless connections works.

One problem, though, with WLAN: If you switch WLAN off via the hotkey and then go to Standby, WLAN doens't work anymore after wakeup and turning it on again. Workaround: Leave WLAN turned on and got to hibernate - after wakeup, WLAN works again.

6. Hibernate/Standby

Standby (to RAM) and hibernate (to disk) works out of the box.

Although standby works, the LCD backlight stays dark during wakeup. Changing brightness Fn+arrow-down helps (and so does setting a BIOS password).

Beware! After installing the Linuxant modem driver in 6.04, standby support is broken because of some modules. Don't know if this problem still exists, as I did't install a Linuxant driver anymore.

When using hiberbate to change the laptop battery, keep in mind that the hibernate process takes about 1 minute to complete. Thus, be sure to start hibernate when your Gnome battery applet shows at least 3 minutes to go. Once the little battery icon left of the touchpad starts to appear solid orange (without the flashing) it's almost too late for a hibernate – use standby and find an AC outlet. :-) This description applies to the small 2400mAh batteries.

Important note: Automatic standby via the energy settings doesn't work while using batteries. The corresponding part in the configuration of the gnome-power-manager called 'action_battery_sleep_type' is disabled and has to be set to 'standby' or 'hibernate'. Type


in a terminal (and navigate to the gnome-power-manager settings as explained in the powernowd section of this report) to change this setting. This happened on two different laptops, so I consider this an "installation-software bug".

7. Modem

Didn't set up a modem this time, not even by using a Linuxant driver. For those darig to try, take a look at this Ubuntu wiki page:


8. Powernowd

It's installed and working in the 'ondemand' mode which is OK. To use 'conservative' or 'powersave' type


in a terminal and click through to 'gnome-power-manager' in 'apps' in the left pane to configure this and even more power features.

9. SD slot

The SD card slot works out of the box.

10. Bluetooth

The modules are loaded (meaning: hardware is recognized), but I didn't go through the pain of setting up Bluetooth connections and stuff...

11. Thanks

That's it - a lot more works 'automagically' than in previous versions!

Thanks to all the nice people (especially in the Ubuntu forums) who helped me through using Ubuntu from it's very first release!!!

