
Oneleaf留言 | 贡献
Wikibot留言 | 贡献
第57行: 第57行:

=== Searching for packages ===
=== Searching for packages ===
'''/''' - (forward slash) search for search term or partial package name
'''/''' - (forward slash) search forward for search term or partial package name

'''\''' - (back slash) repeat last search
'''\''' - (back slash) search backwards for search term or partial package name

'''l''' - (lower case L) limit the view to packages matching the search expression.
'''l''' - (lower case L) limit the view to packages matching the search expression.
第89行: 第89行:
# aptitude search gnuplot
# aptitude search gnuplot
Search for packages from the section "gnome" that are not installed
# aptitude search \!~i~sgnome

2007年11月22日 (四) 12:02的版本

{{#ifexist: :AptitudeSurvivalGuide/zh | | {{#ifexist: AptitudeSurvivalGuide/zh | | {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:AptitudeSurvivalGuide|1|-1|}} | zh | | }} }} }} {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:AptitudeSurvivalGuide|1|-1|}} | zh | | }}


Aptitude can give you fine grained package management, and will give you an easily traversed map of the ubuntu packages available to you. This page is meant to be a quick reference to aptitude's interactive mode, and should be enough for you to get started. Aptitude's manuals are linked under Further Information.

Navigating the Ubuntu package pool

The startup view for aptitude displays a list of the top level groups.

Key commands available when a group is selected

[ - Expand the currently selected group, and all its subgroups

] - Collapse the currently selected group, and all its subgroups

Enter - Expand or collapse the currently selected group.

Key commands available when a package is selected

d - view the package dependencies (packages that this package uses)

r - view the reverse dependencies (packages that use this package)

Shift-c - download and view the changelog

Enter - view information about the selected package

Key commands available everywhere

u - update the package lists

j - move down one line

k - move up one line

q - retreat to the previous view (and exit aptitude if at the top view)

The navigation keys (Page'Up, Home, Page'Down, etc.) work pretty much as expected.

You can navigate through the dependencies of the packages available to you by selecting a package that interests you, and following it's dependencies or reverse dependencies. Repeat as desired.

Package Management

Aptitude provides straightforward package managment, and artistic use of the available actions (combined with apt-pinning, see PinningHowto) will help you manage unusual repositories, such as backports.

Most common actions on a package

+ (plus) mark package for installation

- (minus) mark package for removal

_ (underscore) mark package for purging

= (equals sign) mark package as held

Committing your actions

Press g once to view the marked actions

Press g a second time to act

Searching for packages

/ - (forward slash) search forward for search term or partial package name

\ - (back slash) search backwards for search term or partial package name

l - (lower case L) limit the view to packages matching the search expression.

Useful search terms

~ is 'tilde'

~b - matches broken packages

~c - matches partially uninstalled packages ('configured, but not installed')

~ahold - matches held packages

Aptitude from the command line

You can also run aptitude from the command line

aptitude update

# aptitude update

aptitude upgrade

# aptitude upgrade

aptitude search

Search for packages with "gnuplot" in the name

# aptitude search gnuplot

Search for packages from the section "gnome" that are not installed

# aptitude search \!~i~sgnome

How to free disk space

# aptitude clean --purge-unused

Further information

"man aptitude" at a command prompt.




If more than one version is available for a particular package (look at the bottom of the package's information view), apt-cache policy <package> seems to be the best way to see which comes from which repository.