
Firehare留言 | 贡献
Firehare留言 | 贡献
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ZABBIX 1.4 是来自 ZABBIX SIA 的下一代开源分布式监测系统。
ZABBIX 1.4 是来自 ZABBIX SIA 的下一代开源分布式监测系统。

These Release Notes cover what’s new, installation and upgrade notes for ZABBIX 1.4.
这些发布说明包括在 ZABBIX 1.4 中什么是新特性、安装和升级要点。
这些发布说明包括在 ZABBIX 1.4 中什么是新特性、安装和升级要点。

2007年7月18日 (三) 08:06的版本

{{#ifexist: :ZabbixManual1.4/Zabbix1.4/zh/zh | | {{#ifexist: ZabbixManual1.4/Zabbix1.4/zh/zh | | {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:ZabbixManual1.4/Zabbix1.4/zh|1|-1|}} | zh | | }} }} }} {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:ZabbixManual1.4/Zabbix1.4/zh|1|-1|}} | zh | | }}

ZABBIX 1.4 是来自 ZABBIX SIA 的下一代开源分布式监测系统。

这些发布说明包括在 ZABBIX 1.4 中什么是新特性、安装和升级要点。

1.4 中的新特性有哪些


ZABBIX distributed monitoring module allows to deploy ZABBIX systems easily.

The discovery supports IP ranges, service checks, agent and SNMP checks for efficient auto-discovery.


ZABBIX distributed monitoring is made for complex environments consisting of different locations.

ZABBIX supports monitoring of an unlimited number of nodes. Centralized configuration allows easy all the nodes to be configured from a single location easily.

WEB monitoring

WEB monitoring module enables flexible and easy monitoring of availability and performance of WEB sites and WEB-based applications. It supports passing of GET and POST variables.

Installation Wizard

Installation Wizard automatically checks pre-requisites, database connectivity and generates a configuration file for WEB front end.

Support of new database engines

SQLite support has been implemented. It allows to use ZABBIX in embedded environments.

WEB interface improvements

WEB interface speed and usability have been improved greatly.

New notification methods

Native support of Jabber messaging has been introduced.

Many-to-many template linkage

More flexible host-template linkage saves time and makes the configuration of hosts more flexible and straight forward.

Database watchdog

ZABBIX server will automatically warns the group of users if the database is down and continues normal operations when the database is back.

XML data import/export

New XML data import and export functionality is an excellent way of sharing templates, hosts configuration and items/triggers related information.

Windows Vista Support

ZABBIX Windows agent supports Windows Vista, both 32 and 64 bit versions.

More flexible actions

Multiple operations (notifications, script execution) per action are supported. The choice of action calculation algorithm was introduced.

Server-side external checks

The server-side external checks can be used to introduce custom checks executed on ZABBIX server side.

New user permission schema

The old user permission schema is no longer supported. It was replaced by a new more efficient, yet simple, schema working on the level of user groups and host groups.

Hysteresis support

ZABBIX supports the use of different trigger expressions for going to ON and OFF states.

Slide show support

Several screens can be grouped into a slide show for better presentation.

ZABBIX server can spread the workload

across several servers

Groups of server side processes (discoverer, poller, HTTP poller, trapper, etc) can be located on different physical servers for better performance and availability.

Other improvements

The same code for UNIX and Windows agents

Sharing of agent code means better testing and stability.

New communication protocol

New communication protocol, compatible with 1.0 and 1.1.x, was developed.

Increased maximum size of background images

Maximum size of background images for maps was increased to 1.5-2MB, depending on configuration settings in php.ini.

New default templates

Built-in template got new naming, several new templates were introduced.

Flexible refresh intervals

ZABBIX support different refresh intervals for items for different days of week and time.

Stacked graphs

Stacked graphs are supported.

More flexible log rotation

New parameter, LogFileSize, controls parameters of log rotation for ZABBIX server and agents.

Support of static linkage

Static linkage of server and agent binaries was fixed.

Colour selection for graphs

Graphs support moredefaul colors and selection of RGB style color.

Log filtering on agent side

Log filtering by Posix style regular expression was implemented for more efficient monitoring of log files.

Improved configuration script

ZABBIX sender to read configuration parameter from agent’s configuration file

ZABBIX sender (zabbix_sender) can read server related parameters from agent’s configuration file.

Support of macros in remote commands

Standard macros can be also used in remote commands.

New configuration parameters

Several server-side configuration parameters were introduced.

avg() will support integer type

Function avg() can be used for integer items.

An icon can be assigned to hosts having ‘unknown’ status

An icon for hosts in ‘unknown’ status can be defined for use in maps.

What’s no longer supported

Repeated actions and notifications

Repeated actions and notification, poorly working in 1.1.x, are no longer supported. This functionality will be replaced by new escalation module in future releases of ZABBIX.

Bulk loader was replaces by XML Data Import/Export

Plain text bulk loader was replaced by more flexible XML Data Import/Export module.

User permissions on per-element level

User permissions of per-element level are no longer supported. It has been replaces by new user permission schema.

Installation and Upgrade Notes


See the INSTALLATION section for full details.

Version compatibility

Agents from ZABBIX 1.0 and ZABBIX 1.1.x can be used with ZABBIX 1.4. No modification required.

ZABBIX 1.4 agents can be used with earlier versions of ZABBIX. Note that the newest agents do not support old keys of ZBABIX 1.0.

Upgrade procedure

The following steps have to be performed for successful upgrade from ZABBIX 1.3.x to 1.4.

The whole upgrade procedure may take several hours depending on size of ZABBIX database.

= Stop ZABBIX server

Stop ZABBIX server to make sure that no new data are coming to database.

Backup existing ZABBIX database

This is very important step. Make sure that you have backup of your database. It will help if upgrade procedure fails (lack of disk space, power off, any unexpected problem).

Backup configuration files, PHP files and ZABBIX binaries

Make a backup copy of ZABBIX binaries, configuration files and PHP files.

Install new server binaries

You may use pre-compiled binaries or compile your own.

Review Server configuration parameters

Some parameters of zabbix_server.conf were changed in 1.4, new parameters added. You may want to review them.

Upgrade database

Database upgrade scripts are located in directory upgrade/dbpatches/1.4/<db engine>:

MySQL: upgrade/dbpatches/1.4/mysql/patch.sql
Oracle: upgrade/dbpatches/1.4/oracle/patch.sql
PostgreSQL: upgrade/dbpatches/1.4/postgresql/patch.sql

   Database upgrade may take quite significant time, several hours or more.
   It is recommended to test the upgrade in test environment.

Make sure that you have enough permissions (create table, drop table, create index, drop index). Also make sure that you have enough free disk space.

Normally you should have at least 2x more disk space than size of existing database.

Note: These scripts are for upgrade from ZABBIX 1.1.x to 1.4 only!

Install new ZABBIX GUI

Follow Installation Instructions.

Start new ZABBIX binaries

Start new binaries. Check log files to see if the binaries are started successfully.

Commercial support

ZABBIX SIA offers a full range of support options to meet your specific needs.

ZABBIX Support Services provide direct access to our expert Support Engineers who are ready to assist you in the development, deployment, and management of ZABBIX.

Visit or contact [email protected] for more details.