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New page: Introduction The Play``Station 3 is a video game console created by Sony Corp. Aside from playing games, it also offers an option to install other operating systems such as Linux. This p...

2007年5月18日 (五) 14:53的版本


The Play``Station 3 is a video game console created by Sony Corp. Aside from playing games, it also offers an option to install other operating systems such as Linux. This page gives instructions on how to install Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, and Edubuntu onto a Play``Station 3. The instructions contained in this page will work if you have the Play``Station 3 firmware version 1.60 or greater installed. [编辑] Download Distribution 下载发行版

Users of standard definition TVs are recommended to use the alternate installer discs to install Ubuntu as you will have a very low resolution to go through the installer wizard of the desktop installer discs. 推荐使用普通分辨率电视的用户使用alternate版的安装CD来安装Ubuntu,因为使用desktop版安装程序,这些用户就必须在很低的分辨率上显示的安装向导来进行安装。

The links below are where the Live-CD images are located. Download the Ubuntu distribution you intend to install on the Play``Station 3. 以下的链接是Live-CD镜像的下载地址,下载你需要安装在PS3上的Ubuntu发行版。

   * Ubuntu: 


   * Kubuntu: 


   * Xubuntu: 


   * Edubuntu: 


Once you have downloaded the CD images, burn the images onto a CD. 下载CD镜像后,把镜像刻录到一张CD上。 NOTE: There is currently a problem with the desktop installer (Bug 106683). You will have to manually setup the partitions during the setup, else the entire system will lock up during the setup wizard. When manually setting up the partitions, select 10GB for the main partition and setup the rest to be used for the swap area (i.e. filesystem type SWAP). 注意:desktop版的安装程序存在一个问题,你必须在安装的过程中手动设置分区,否则安装过程中系统会发生锁死。当手动设置分区的时候,选择10GB的空间作为主分区,剩下的空间作为交换分区(文件系统类型是SWAP)。

[编辑] Prepare the PlayStation 3 准备PS3

WARNING: These next operations WILL ERASE EVERYTHING on your Play``Station 3. Be sure to back up the data that you want to restore later once you've formatted the Play``Station 3 hard drive (i.e. your game save data, configuration data, etc.). 警告:以下的操作将会删除PS3上所有的用户数据。在格式化了PS3的硬盘之前,必须确保你要恢复的数据已经备份好(例如你的游戏存档数据,配置数据)。

  1. In the XMB of the Play``Station 3, go to [Settings] > [System Settings] > [Format Utility] > [Format Hard Disk]. 

在XMB界面上,进入[Setting] > [System Settings] > [Format Utility] > [Format Hard Disk]。

  1. In the following prompt, choose "Yes". 


  1. Next choose "Custom" to choose a custom partition setting. 


  1. At the following prompt, choose "Allot 10GB to the Other OS" to choose 10GB of hard drive space for use with the other OS. (NOTE: You may also choose to "Allot 10GB to the PS3" however it is not necessary as 10GB is enough to run Ubuntu.) 

接下来的提示框中,选择"Allot 10GB to the Other OS"来分配10GB的硬盘空间给其他OS。(注意:你可以选择"Allot 10GB to the PS3",不过这是不必要的,因为10GB已经足够去运行Ubuntu了)。

  1. At the next prompt, choose "Quick Format". (Choosing "Full Format" will take longer to complete than a "Quick Format.") 

在下一个提示中,选择"Quick Format(快速格式化)"。(选择"Full Format(完全格式化)"会比"Quick Format(快速格式化)"花费更多的时间。)

  1. Once you choose a partition setting from the previous step, the Play``Station 3 will format the entire drive and create two partitions, one for the XMB and the other for use with the other OS. Once formatting is completed, the Play``Station 3 will prompt you to restart the system. Press "X" on the controller and your system will reboot. 


Install kboot and Boot into the Live CD 安装kboot和引导到LiveCD

  1. Insert the CD you burned the Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, or Edubuntu image into the Play``Station 3. 


  1. In the XMB, go to [Settings] > [System Settings] > [Install Other OS]. 

在XMB界面中,进入[Settings]>[System Settings]>[Install Other OS]

  1. The "otheros.bld" file will be detected on the CD by the Play``Station 3. Press "X" on the controller to select "OK" which is automatically highlighted at this prompt. After selecting "OK", the kboot boot loader will be installed. 


  1. In the XMB, go to [Settings] > [System Settings] > [Default System]. 

在XMB界面中,进入[Settings] > [System Settings] > [Default System]

  1. Choose "Other OS" as the default. 

选择"Other OS"作为默认选项。

  1. At the following prompt you will be asked if you want to boot into the Other OS now. Choose "Yes." 


  1. The Play``Station 3 will restart and boot into a command line prompt. The prompt will look like this. 

PS3会重启并引导到一个命令行提示符,如下面显示的: kboot:

  1. At this prompt just hit enter. A live session of either Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, or Edubuntu will run (depending on what Ubuntu derivative you burned onto the CD). 


At this point you will have a complete desktop session of Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, or Edubuntu running off the CD on your Play``Station 3. From here you may choose to do a hard drive installation. Just double-click on the "Install" icon and a wizard will guide you through the setup process. 到了这一步,你就可以在PS3使用一个运行在CD上完整的Ubuntu、Kubuntu、Xubuntu或者Edubuntu的桌面会话。在这里,你可以选择把系统安装到硬盘中,只需要双击桌面上的"Install"图标,一个安装向导就会引导你完成安装的过程。

Booting Back to the XMB 引导到XMB界面

To boot back into the Play``Station 3 XMB, you must be at the kboot prompt. At the prompt, type "boot-game-os". 要引导到XMB界面,你必须要到kboot的提示符,输入"boot-game-os"。

kboot: boot-game-os

An alternative in case the above doesn't work is to turn off the Play``Station 3. Then hold down the power button on the PS3 until the PS3 beeps twice. The PS3 will boot into the XMB and prompt you to choose the default video setting. 以上的命令不起作用的话还有一钟方法,你可以先关闭PS3,然后按着PS3的电源开关直到PS3发出两次响声,PS3会引导到XMB界面并且提示你选择默认的视频设置。

Alternate Install Discs Alternate安装光碟

There are alternate (non-live) install CDs available for Ubuntu, Kubuntu, and Xubuntu. They are located at the following addresses. Ubuntu、Kubuntu、Xubunu或者Edubuntu有alternate(非Live)版的安装CD,可以从下面的链接下载这些CD镜像。

   * Ubuntu: 


   * Kubuntu: 


   * Xubuntu: 


NOTE: At this moment there is a bug (Bug 106694) that may leave you at the initramfs prompt instead of booting into Ubuntu. After installing Ubuntu, at the kboot prompt, type:

/boot/vmlinux initrd=/boot/initrd.img root=/dev/sda1


/boot/vmlinux initrd=/boot/initrd.img root=/dev/sda1

This will get you booted into Ubuntu. A quick fix for this issue so that you don't have to type the above command to boot into Ubuntu everytime you boot is to go into a terminal session and type the following. 这样就能够引导进入Ubuntu了,有一个快速修复这个错误的方法,使得你不需要每次启动都要输入上面的命令来进入Ubuntu。方法是打开一个终端,输入以下的命令:

sudo sed -e 's/sdd1/sda1/' -i /etc/kboot.conf

Below is what the system's /etc/kboot.conf should contain. 以下是系统的/etc/kboot.conf文件中应该包含的内容:

message=/etc/kboot.msg default=linux timeout=100 linux='/boot/vmlinux initrd=/boot/initrd.img root=/dev/sda1 quiet splash' old='/boot/vmlinux.old initrd=/boot/initrd.img.old root=/dev/sda1 quiet splash'

Playing Blu-Ray Films 播放蓝光电影 It should be possible to play Blu Ray film under Linux in a manner similar to HD DVD (which shares the same ineffective DRM restrictions). See Blu-Ray and HD DVD. 在Linux下,应该可以像播放HD DVD类似的方法来播放蓝光电影(它们都使用相同的失效的DRM限制)。可以参考Blu-Ray and HD DVD。

Known Bugs 已知的程序错误

Currently Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, and Edubuntu Feisty Fawn is still in beta so there will be numerous issues with running these distros on any system at the moment. Here is a list of known bugs that affect these distros with the Play``Station 3. 目前Ubuntu、Kubuntu、Xubuntu和Edubuntu Feisty Fawn还处以beta阶段(现在已经有正式版),所以会有很多问题。这里有一个会影响在PS3运行已知的程序错误的列表。

   * Bug 102044: Kernel floods log and console with error messages from the card readers.
   * Bug 106683: Setup will cause the system to lock up unless you manually configure the system's partitions.除非你手动配置系统的分区,否则安装会引起系统锁死。
   * Bug 106694: After installing with an alternate CD, you will go no further from the initramfs prompt unless you type /boot/vmlinux initrd=/boot/initrd.img root=/dev/sda1 at the kboot prompt. 使用alternateCD安装后,一定要在kboot的提示符输入/boot/vmlinux initrd=/boot/initrd.img root=/dev/sda1才能引导系统。

If you find other bugs or problems with Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, or Edubuntu running on the Play``Station 3, please report them at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug.

如果你发现其他关于在PS3上运行Ubuntu、Kubuntu、Xubuntu或者Edubuntu的错误和问题,请向他们 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug 报告。 References 参考

   * http://www.playstation.com/ps3-openplatform/index.html - Open Platform for PLAYSTATION 3
   * http://manuals.playstation.net/document/en/ps3/current/index.html - PLAYSTATION 3 System Software User's Guide 

Links 链接

   * http://psubuntu.com PSUbuntu.com 

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   * 最后修改 2007年5月14日 10:57 由 Oneleaf.
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