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以内容'{{From|https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEC/PackageInstallSeparate}} {{Languages|UbuntuHelp:UEC/PackageInstallSeparate}} === Overview === This tutorial covers UEC installa…'创建新页面

2010年5月20日 (四) 00:38的最新版本

{{#ifexist: :UEC/PackageInstallSeparate/zh | | {{#ifexist: UEC/PackageInstallSeparate/zh | | {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:UEC/PackageInstallSeparate|1|-1|}} | zh | | }} }} }} {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:UEC/PackageInstallSeparate|1|-1|}} | zh | | }}


This tutorial covers UEC installation by adding the Eucalyptus packages to previously installed Ubuntu 9.10 servers where you want to have separate servers for the following services:

  • 1 Cloud Controller (CLC - eucalyptus-cloud) server
  • 1 Walrus Controller (WS3 - eucalyptus-walrus) server
  • N Cluster Controller (CC - eucalyptus-cc) + Storage Controller (EBS - eucalyptus-sc) servers
  • N Node Controller (NC - eucalyptus-nc) servers on a dedicated network connected to on of the CC+EBS server


From this tutorial, you will learn how to install, configure, register and perform several operations on a advanced UEC setup that results in a cloud as described in the above section. This topology is recommended if you would like to build a generic purpose scalable cloud. Our current testing indicate that a given cluster should limit itself to the management of up to 250 instances.


STEP 1: Prerequisites

To deploy a minimal cloud infrastructure, you’ll need at least 4 dedicated systems:

  • 1 CLC
  • 1 WS3
  • 1 CC + EBS
  • 1 NC


STEP 2a: Install the Cloud Controller Server


  1. Install the eucalyptus-cloud package on the server
sudo apt-get install eucalyptus-cloud

Answer debconf's questions as follow:

  • Configure postfix for internet delivery
  1. Make sure process eucalyptus-cloud is running
ps -ef | grep eucalyptus-cloud

STEP 2b: Install the Cluster Controller Server(s)


  1. Install the eucalyptus-cc and eucalyptus-sc packages on the server
sudo apt-get install eucalyptus-cc eucalyptus-sc

Answer debconf's questions as follow:

  • Configure postfix for internet delivery
  • Name your cluster
  • e.g. cluster1
  • Add a list of available IP addresses on your external (public) network
  • e.g.
  1. Configure the second network interface
sudo apt-get install bridge-utils vtun
sudo sed -i "s/^iface $interface inet \(.*\)$/iface $interface inet manual\n\nauto $bridge\niface $bridge inet \1/" /etc/network/interfaces
sudo tee -a /etc/network/interfaces <<EOF
        bridge_ports $interface
        bridge_fd 9
        bridge_hello 2
        bridge_maxage 12
        bridge_stp off
sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart
  1. Edit /etc/eucalyptus/eucalyptus.conf so that
  • br1 is the internal (private) interface and the bridge interface
  • eth0 the external (public) interface
  • you provide the correct address of the cloud controller (CLC) that you just installed in place of <CLC_ipaddress>

by editing the following 3 variables, the third one (VNET_CLOUDIP) needing to be added manually:

  1. Edit /etc/eucalyptus/eucalyptus-ipaddr.conf so that the following variable are set to the internal (private) ip address of the server
  1. Restart the service with a config reinitialisation
sudo restart eucalyptus-cc CLEAN=1
sudo restart eucalyptus-sc
  1. Make sure processes eucalyptus-cc and eucalyptus-sc are running
ps -ef | grep eucalyptus-

STEP 2c: Install the Walrus Controller Server


  1. Install the eucalyptus-walrus package on the server
sudo apt-get install eucalyptus-walrus

STEP 3: Install and Configure the Node Controller(s)

Installing the Eucalyptus Node Service on a running Ubuntu system consists of doing the following on one or more systems: <<Include(UEC/BaseServerIntall)>> <<Include(UEC/NodeInstallationSeparate)>>

STEP 4: Register the Cluster, Storage, and Walrus Servers

The cloud controller must be aware the storage (SC, WS3) and of the clusters controllers, so you will need to allow password-less authentication between the CLC and the other server and then register them.

SSH Key Authentication Setup



To register the controllers on the CLC:

  1. Register the WS3 server:
sudo euca_conf --no-rsync --register-walrus <WS3_ipaddresss>
  1. Then for each of your CC:
sudo euca_conf --no-rsync --register-cluster <CC_name> <CC_ipaddress>
sudo euca_conf --no-rsync --register-sc <CC_name> <CC_ipaddress>

Note: If you get prompted for passwords, or receive errors from scp, you may need to revisit the key synchronization instructions at SSH Key Authentication Setup

  1. Then edit the /etc/eucalyptus/eucalyptus-ipaddr.conf to fill the 3 following variables appropriately with the ip address of the respective service, replacing the "$addr" value. If you have multiple CC and SC, you can specify multiple IP addresses separating them with a space.
  1. Finally restart the eucalyptus service on the CLC
 sudo service eucalyptus restart
Verify Registration

Verify that the registration process was successful by running the following commands

sudo euca_conf --list-walruses
sudo euca_conf --list-scs
sudo euca_conf --list-clusters

STEP 5: Register the Node(s)


STEP 6: Obtain Credentials


STEP 7: Install an image from the store


STEP 8: Run an Image


More Information


