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2009年11月17日 (二) 21:00的版本

{{#ifexist: :UEC/Topologies/zh | | {{#ifexist: UEC/Topologies/zh | | {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:UEC/Topologies|1|-1|}} | zh | | }} }} }} {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:UEC/Topologies|1|-1|}} | zh | | }}

An Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud may consist of as few as two physical systems, up to potentially hundreds or perhaps thousands. This page provides some basic suggested topology recommendations, based on the number and type of physical systems you have available for use in your cloud. Note: You may add as many nodes (NCs) to any of these topologies as you wish. Note: Please refer to UEC/Glossary for explanation of terms used in this page.

At least 2 Physical Systems

The basic topology puts all of the user facing components (CLC/Walrus) and back-end control components (CC/SC) on a single system, and uses the second for VM hosting.

  1. machine A: CLC/Walrus/CC/SC
  2. machine B: NC


At least 3 Physical Systems

This configuration puts user facing components (CLC/Walrus) on one machine, back-end control components on another (CC/SC), and uses the third for VM hosting (NC).

  1. machine A: CLC/Walrus
  2. machine B: CC/SC
  3. machine C: NC


At least 4 Physical Systems

This configuration puts user facing components on their own machines, one for user/VM control (CLC) and one for storage (Walrus). The third machine is for back-end control (CC/SC) and the fourth for VM hosting (NC)

  1. machine A: CLC
  2. machine B: Walrus
  3. machine C: CC/SC
  4. machine D: NC
