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(新页面: {{From|https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuLTSP/iTalc}} {{Languages|UbuntuHelp:UbuntuLTSP/iTalc}} == Installation and Operation of iTALC in the Ubuntu LTSP environment == This documen...)

2008年12月16日 (二) 20:23的版本

Installation and Operation of iTALC in the Ubuntu LTSP environment

This document is for Ubuntu 8.04.1. iTalc is a helpful utility allowing for viewing and remote-control of computers. In this instance we will cover installation in a thin-client environment. There are two methods of installation - Server-side and in the thin-client chroot. Server-side has the advantage of being simpler to setup and uses less RAM on the thin client. Installation in the thin-client chroot allows for control of clients prior to login; server-side does not. Read more about iTALC: http://italc.sourceforge.net/home.php

Installation on the server

$ sudo aptitude install libitalc italc-client italc-master

Thin clients must log in post-installation to be seen (re-login any existing clients). Start iTalc with

Applications->System Tools->iTalc

When running the iTalc master while logged in as a user on a thin client, iTalc will overwrite your settings and automatically add any LTSP clients it finds to a classroom called 'LTSP'. You may temporarily add thin-clients to your setup by selecting 'Classroom Manager' from the left-most tabs, then right-clicking and selecting 'Add Computer'. The IP/Hostname field should be entered as $SERVERIP:10???, where $SERVERIP is your server's IP (When dealing with servers with multiple NICs you should enter the IP of the NIC serving the subnet of the client you wish to add), and ??? is the last-three digits of the thin client's IP. For example, for server and thin client, you should enter the address as:

If you would like persistent settings, see the section below titled 'Keep iTALC settings persistent'

Installation in the client chroot

Add new source for iTALC and update chroot

In this document we use Edubuntu iTalc devel team's personal package archive. Add these lines to the /etc/apt/sources.list file and then first update server side usual way.

deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/edubuntu-italc-devel/ubuntu hardy main
deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/edubuntu-italc-devel/ubuntu hardy main
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade

After that update chroot environment.

sudo mount --bind /dev /opt/ltsp/i386/dev
sudo mount -t proc none /opt/ltsp/i386/proc
sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/apt/sources.list
sudo cp /etc/resolv.conf /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/resolv.conf
sudo chroot /opt/ltsp/i386
apt-get update
apt-get dselect-upgrade

Add iTALC client in the chroot

Add only italc-client package, not italc-master in the chroot.

sudo chroot /opt/ltsp/i386
apt-get install italc-client
Creating teacher keypair
Creating admin keypair
Creating supporter keypair
Installing ldm rc script

Add iTALC master in the server

Add italc-master usual way in the server.

sudo apt-get install italc-master
Creating teacher keypair
Creating admin keypair
Creating supporter keypair

Before using iTALC your final step is update image for your thin clients. If you don't use i386 thin clients, replace 'i386' below with your architecture

sudo ltsp-update-image --arch i386

After these steps it is good idea remove Vinagre, it uses VNC, too. You can add Vinagre back when you first are sure that iTALC works well.


Keep iTALC settings persistent

iTALC looses it's configuration (classrooms and clients) every time you start it. So you have to make permanent configuration for your classroom. Read this first: http://italc.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php?title=Customizing_paths_to_keys_and_config-files Create new directory under /etc/italc.

cd /etc/italc
sudo mkdir configfiles

Copy your final and full globalconfig.xml file in that directory.

sudo cp ~/.italc/globalconfig.xml /etc/italc/configfiles

Modify italc.conf file, add these lines in the italc.conf.

sudo nano /etc/xdg/iTALC Solutions/iTALC.conf

Make globalconfig.xml file read-only to the world.

sudo chmod 755 /etc/italc/configfiles/globalconfig.xml

Multiple servers

For multiple LTSP servers, you will need to have identical SSH keys on each of the servers. Recursively copy the /etc/italc/keys tree to each server of thin clients you wish to access:

scp -r /etc/italc/keys USER@server2:/etc/italc/

Use fixed ip numbers for iTALC

If you have trouble finding the client you wish, you may want to use static IPs. You can set static IPs in your dhcpd.conf file.

Screenshots about using ITALC

1. Send text message

02.png 10.png 2. Direct support

03.png 04.png 3. Viewing

05.png 4. Run commands

06.png 07.png 5. Lock/Unlock desktops

09.png 5. Fullscreen Demo


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