
“Ardour4 初学者教程 05 导出会话”的版本间的差异


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如果您需要访问高级导出选项,点击”''Time span 时间跨度''”和“''Channels 声道''”标签页即可。
如果您需要访问高级导出选项,点击”''Time span 时间跨度''”和“''Channels 声道''”标签页即可。
You may wish to Export only a Region of your Session, perhaps to use as a sample in another application, or to Edit it in a different editor program. This chapter shows you how.
[http://brunoruviaro.github.io/ardour4-tutorial/exporting-a-region/ (原文)]

2016年2月26日 (五) 10:07的版本



Exporting 导出是把一个区域、音轨,或者整个会话保存为您的计算机上的一个文件的进程,这样您就能听到它,把它刻录为CD-R光盘,或者把它转换为 MP3 共享到互联网上。




从这一点来说,在导出之前 Zoom Out 缩小(推远)并且看一看您的整个会话,是个好主意。

  • 从“Number of visible tracks 可见音轨的数量”菜单中选择“All 所有”。


  • 点击“Zoom to Session 缩放至整个会话”按钮(缩放选项里的第三个按钮)(注:即“+”右边的那个“[ ]”按钮,快捷键是“shift” + “_”):


  • 现在您应该对您的整个会话有一个很好的概览,就像这样:





Ardour4_Export_Session_Start.png Ardour4_Export_Session_End.png





要导出一个会话,可使用顶部的菜单:Session 会话 > Export 导出 > Export to Audio File(s)…. 导出为音频文件… 这将打开一个对话窗,其中带有几个选项。


  • Preset 预设:这里不是您写入文件名的地方。现在不必关心这个地方。
  • Format 格式:这里允许您选择文件格式(WAV,MP3,OGG,FLAC,等等)。默认是 CD (Red Book)(注:一种专业规范的音频 CD 格式), 这将给您生成一个 WAV 文件。
  • Add another format 添加另一个格式:如果您打算同时导出不止一个格式,点击这个标签页。
  • Location 位置: 这是保存完成后,您能找到文件的地方。默认地,它保存在您的主会话文件夹中的“export”文件夹里,您也可以点击“Browse 浏览”并选择诸如“Desktop 桌面”这样的文件夹。
  • Label 标签:您可以在这里为文件创建一个唯一的专有名称。Ardour将自动地挂靠会话名称到导出的文件上,因此,如果您在这里不写入任何东西的话,文件名一般会以类似“my-session.wav”这样来结尾。建议使用这个字段为您的文件起一个唯一的专用名称。

您的各个选项选择完成后,点击 Export 导出。操作完成后,您可以使用您的文件浏览器找到导出的文件。

  • 提示:Export导出是通过Master Bus主控总线来处理的,所以最终的文件将包括所有从音轨和总线路由到主控总线的声音。这将包括您所创建的任何 Normalizing 规范化,Fading 淡化,Panning 声相偏移,以及 Automation 自动化,同样连同对区域所做的独立编辑一起。如果有任何音轨被Mute静音或Solo独奏按钮限定着,这也将影响那条音轨在导出的文件中是否可以被听见。


如果您需要访问高级导出选项,点击”Time span 时间跨度”和“Channels 声道”标签页即可。





To Export a Region, select it (so it becomes blue), and then right-click into the sub-menu Export, or use the top menu: Region > Export.


This will open up the same Export dialog box explained in the Exporting a Session chapter. Choose your options, and click “Export”. Only the selected Region will be exported.

Please note that when exporting a Region, not all parameters and edits are exported. Trimmed, split, stretched and reversed regions can be exported, but edits such as and Panning, and Automation are not exported. Also, the volume of the audio Track itself or the Master Bus will not affect the exported file. To export these edits, please see the chapters on Exporting a Range and Exporting a Session.


If you are building a collection of samples to use later in another software, and your samples are basically trimmed and edited Regions, at the end of the process you will need to export all of them. If the number is large, exporting them manually can be tedious. Here’s one way of exporting several Regions at once.

   In Grab Mode (shortcut “G”), select all the Regions you want to Export. They do not need to be on the same Track.


   Go to menu Region > Ranges and choose Add Range Marker Per Region.


   Ardour has now just created Range Markers that fit exactly the beginning and ending of your selected Regions (see the green rectangles in the Range Markers ruler):


   Go to menu Session > Export and choose Export to Audio File(s) (shortcut “Alt” + “E”).
   In the Export dialog box, click on the “Time span” tab. You will see all the newly created Ranges listed there. There is also a default Range that stands for the entire Session.
   Under “Time Span”, click “Select All”, and de-select the very first Range (the “session” Range). The reason is because we want to export the shorter Ranges, not the whole Session.


   Go back to the main tab (“File format”).
   Click “Export”.

You Regions have now been exported to single audio files.

IMPORTANT: this method exports everything that falls under each defined time range. In other words, if you have other regions in other tracks sounding simultaneously with the region(s) you want to export, they will be mixed together. Another way of looking at it is this: the export operation will export everything that plays under the defined time ranges. If that is not what you want, you can use solo or mute buttons on select tracks to ensure you export only what you want.


Learn how to export a selected portion (Range) of your Session.

Exporting is the process of saving a Region, Track or Session to a file on your computer. As we learned previously, exporting an isolated Region does not export all of the changes you might have made to that Region. To export edits such as Panning, Fader Automation, and Plugin effects, you must Export either a Range or the entire Session.


To export a range, follow these steps:

   CLick on the Range Mode button (shortcut “R”)


   Make a Range selection:


   Right click on the Range and choose “Export Range” from the menu:


This will open the familiar Export dialog explained in the Exporting a Session chapter. Choose your options, if any, and click Export. The Range will be exported and saved as an audio file.

What exactly is a Range?

To define a Range is simply to specify a beginning and ending point in time. The Selection display to the right of the secondary clock shows the start and end times of the selected range, as well as its duration. The Range created through the method above will disappear as soon as you click outside of it.

The Export Range command will export everything that plays through the Master Bus, exactly as it plays back in your Session. If any of the Tracks have the Mute or Solo buttons engaged, this will also affect which Tracks are heard in the Exported file.

What is a Range Marker?

Range Markers are essentially two location markers the are grouped together to mark the beginning and end of a section in the timeline. You can user Range Markers to “bookmark” (so to speak) one or more Ranges that you need to remember or use again later. Range Markers look like this on the timeline:

range markers

There are a few ways to create Range Markers:

   From a Range selection, right click on it and choose “Add Range Marker”.
   From the timeline, right click on the “Range Markers” horizontal space and choose “New Range”.
   From one or more selected Regions, right click on the Region and choose “Add Single Range Marker” (if a single Region is selected), or “Add Range Marker Per Region” (if multiple Regions are selected).
   TIP: You can clear all existing Range Markers by right-clicking on the Range Markers area of the timeline and choosing “Clear All Ranges”.

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