
UbuntuHelp:TASCAM US-122


Wikibot讨论 | 贡献2008年10月20日 (一) 00:47的版本

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The TASCAM US-122 is a USB audio/MIDI interface that will form a bridge between your music and your computer. Please visit http://www.tascam.com/Products/US-122.html for more information on the device. This is simply a rewrite of a Hoary tutorial to be used in getting the TASCAM US-122 to work in Ubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake). Very little has changed except for versions of packages being installed. NOTE: The Ubuntu Studio should be setup before continuing on with this tutorial. If you actually have use for a US-122, you probably have use for many of the other functions and applications in the Ubuntu Studio. It should add that the Ubuntu Studio was setup prior to doing the steps in this tutorial. If you actually have use for a US-122, you probably have use for many of the other pieces of Ubuntu Studio. More information on the Ubuntu Studio Project can be viewed at http://ubuntustudio.com


This tutorial is written to be worked and used from the Command Line (CLI). There is also a need for Universe and Multiverse repositories, so refer to the Repositories wiki page for further information.

Step 1: Install Dependencies

NOTE: The following is to be typed in on one line

# sudo apt-get install fxload alsa-base alsa-firmware-loaders alsa-tools alsa-tools-gui alsa-utils alsamixergui alien

Step 2: Download ALSA Firmware

Yes, you will be downloading a RPM file, the next step will convert it into a Debian (.deb) file.

# wget ftp://chuck.ucs.indiana.edu/pub/array2/linux/opensuse/distribution/SL-10.0-OSS/inst-source/suse/noarch/alsa-firmware-1.0.9-4.noarch.rpm

Step 3: Convert ALSA Firmware

Goto the location that you downloaded alsa-firmware-1.0.9-4.noarch.rpm. You will use Alien in this step to convert the alsa-firmware-1.0.9-4.noarch.rpm into alsa-firmware_1.0.9-5_all.deb. Yes, that is not a typo, it is in fact 1.0.9-5, and not -4. Alien will create the .deb with this version, do not worry.

# sudo alien --to-deb alsa-firmware-1.0.9-4.noarch.rpm

Step 4: Install ALSA Firmware

# sudo dpkg -i alsa-firmware_1.0.9-5_all.deb

Step 5: Download TASCAM US-122 Firmware

# wget http://langerland.de/linux/usx2y/usx2y-fw-0.1b.tar.bz2

Step 6: Extract TASCAM US-122 Firmware

Goto the location you downloaded the TASCAM US-122 firmware, usx2y-fw-0.1b.tar.bz2.

# tar -xvjf usx2y-fw-0.1b.tar.bz2

Step 7: Retrieve USB Information

NOTE: Make note of the bus and device for the TASCAM US-122 that is outputted from the following command:

# lsusb

EXAMPLE: Note that it may not be the same output as you receive. Bus 002 Device 003: ID 1604:8006 Tascam US-122 Audio/Midi Interface

Step 8: Load the TASCAM US-122 Firmware

NOTE: /path/to/ represents the location of your ld2-ezusb.hex file that was in the usx2y-f2-0.1b.tar.bz2 archive downloaded from Landerland.de. The /002/003 represents the information outputted from the lsusb for Bus (002) and Device (003).

# sudo fxload -s /path/to/ld2-ezusb.hex -I /usr/share/alsa/firmware/usx2yloader/us122fw.ihx -D /proc/bus/usb/002/003

or, if you are using a more recent version of Ubuntu:

# sudo fxload -s /path/to/ld2-ezusb.hex -I /usr/share/alsa/firmware/usx2yloader/us122fw.ihx -D /dev/bus/usb/002/003

Step 9: TASCAM US-122 Initialization

The following command should initialize the TASCAM US-122, causing the lights on the unit to come on.

# sudo usx2yloader

Post Installation

To take a look at your new/current audio arrangement, issue the following command:

# cat /proc/asound/cards

You should get an output similar to the following:

0 [Live ]: EMU10K1 - Sound Blaster Live!
Sound Blaster Live! (rev.10) at 0xd000, irq 18
TASCAM US-X2Y (1604:8007 if 0 at 001/006)

NOTE: Your output may not be the same depending on your setup. To set a default card for asound, use:

# asoundconf list
[asoundconf will list the card names]
# asoundconf set-default-card [card name]

Where [card name] is the name of the card, as displayed after the first command.


Should you reboot or disconnect the device, you will need to initialize the TASCAM US-122. To initialize, issue the following command:

# sudo usx2yloader

You could even have usx2yloader run on startup, if the card was attached all the time.

Better udev Integration

This allows "plug and play" usage of the device. Check that you have all the needed firmware files and software mentioned above. To trigger the loader software through the udev system, you need a special config file in the /etc/udev/rules.d/ directory. You can call it 55-tascam.rules for example. It should have the following content for the TASCAM US-122 (check your paths and files):

BUS=="usb", ACTION=="add", SYSFS{idProduct}=="8006", SYSFS{idVendor}=="1604", RUN+="/bin/sh -c '/sbin/fxload -D %N -s /usr/share/alsa/firmware/usx2yloader/tascam_loader.ihx -I /usr/share/alsa/firmware/usx2yloader/us122fw.ihx'"

BUS=="usb", ACTION=="add", SYSFS{idProduct}=="8007", SYSFS{idVendor}=="1604", RUN+="/bin/sh -c '/usr/bin/usx2yloader'"

This page was created with the written consent of the "Original Author". <
> Original Author: SFN <
> Original Thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=194490 <