


Wikibot讨论 | 贡献2008年10月19日 (日) 23:01的版本

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Glipper is a good clipboard manager for Gnome. It has some of the advantages of KDE's popular Klipper but runs natively on Gnome desktop. Glipper keeps your selections history for you and lets you choose from a list of recent selections. By default there is no clipboard manager in Gutsy Gibbon Ubuntu 7.10. It just uses xclipboard instead which unfortunately looses your selection when you close the application it was in and does not provide a convenient list of your recent selections to choose from. Glipper solves those problems nicely.

Download Glipper

Install Glipper with Synaptic package manager or with

sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install glipper

Use Glipper


glipper is now a panel applet. Right click on the panel and click "Add to Panel". Then select "Clipboard Manager" (Icon has G in it). If you've used glipper in gutsy, run this command to prevent this bug.

rm -r ~/.glipper


To start Glipper choose Applications > Accessories > Glipper Glipper's clipboard icon will then appear in the Panel. Click it to select what you want to be the current paste item. Or right click it and choose Preferences to set how many items to keep on the clipboard and of what length.